Both Men Make Bad Sentinels

People seem to think that Duncan is better because he's wise, and negotiates (I picked Duncan). And some think Royland is better because he knows how to act and is ready to put up a fight. So which one really is better? neither, because each of them have only one side to them: Duncan is always negotiable and wise, but sometimes you need to be ready to fight. Royland is always ready to fight and knows how to act, which sometimes can get you killed. So if Royland and Duncan were combined they would make a great sentinel.

Tell me who you picked as sentinel and why, and if you disagree, tell me why.


  • Royland, because he was completely right when he said Duncan undermined the lord's authority by sending Gared off to the wall without Ethan's knowledge. I actually suspected him as the traitor before it was revealed in the way that it was, for the very reason that he had form in doing stuff behind his lord's back. In my view it makes more sense to have Duncan as the traitor to be honest...

  • I think they were both good characters both very loyal in their own way, they really built both up as two men who were loyal in every way and would never turn on their house. Plus there really wasnt anyone else to be sentinal but them, no one is perfect

  • I look at is as one is way too diplomatic and the other is way to war hungry.

  • edited August 2015

    True, but Just because Royland doesn't undermine the lord's authority doesn't necessarily mean he gives good advice.

    Royland, because he was completely right when he said Duncan undermined the lord's authority by sending Gared off to the wall without Ethan'

  • They're complete opposites. In a perfect world, we'd need a good mix of the both.

  • Yeah, that's exactly my point in this thread.

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    They're complete opposites. In a perfect world, we'd need a good mix of the both.

  • Yeah, it's just a shame, I guess.

    Brodester08 posted: »

    Yeah, that's exactly my point in this thread.

  • You should have said: Both men make bad sentinels because they are both ready to betray you if things dont go how they wish...

  • Only reason I picked Duncan was to make sure someone in the council was educated about the North Grove. I also feel like Royland is a lil too quick to violence, which at this point would kill us.

    and Royland talked shit about Ethan

  • Picked Duncan myself too and had 0 regrets, I picked him for the same reasons where he can be be diplomatic and not jump to the immediate thought of, 'attack'. Duncan seemed to have a better understanding of the situation, while I did understand Royland's point of view every time a choice between the two came up, it always felt like the better option to not spit in our enemy's face when we didn't have a leg to stand on.

  • edited August 2015

    Picked Royland for a couple reasons.

    1) We were pretty much at war from the beginning. Ethan has no experience there, and Duncan seemed to be absolutely against that notion. Royland was the only one who could be trusted in a battle. I thought I needed a war time consiglieri more then another guy who would preach peace at me, especially since my enemies had no intention of peace without me pretty much becoming their slave. Duncan would've had me surrender piece after piece of our ironwood forest until we were petty lords sworn to the Whitehills. No way would I allow that. Duncan's idea of "saving" our house is to make us into the Whitehills' supplicants, I'd rather go down fighting.

    2) Royland seemed like the hothead. He would've been pissed not to be chosen as Sentinel, and I thought it was a "let the baby have his bottle" scenario. Duncan seemed like the more mature one overall and I had hoped I could count on him to not be an ass and be ok with remaining my castellan. Evidently I couldn't, and Duncan, just like Royland is a whiny baby who needs a shiny glove to not fucking sell me out, but I had hoped he was a little more mature.

    3) Duncan undermined my authority by sending Gared away without asking me first. I can't have my right hand making decisions without involving me. That's a recipe for disaster. Royland may have been against some of my decisions, but he always let me make them before complaining, and he never did something without informing me, and he always did what I wanted, even when he obviously disagreed with me.

    4) I always suspected Duncan as a traitor. He just seemed way too committed to me making concession after concession, like he was trying to help the Boltons/Whitehills get the most out of me before I finally decided to fight. And as the game went on it seemed more and more likely. I was convinced he had told the Whitehills about the North Grove and that's why Britt ended up at the Wall. I thought it was him so much so that the traitor reveal made perfect sense to me (except the fact that he apparently kept the North Grove secret.) IMO Duncan should be the traitor (and should've revealed the North Grove to the Whitehills) even if you pick him as Sentinel, it just makes sense.

  • That's hilarious because I think Royland is the traitor for the opposite reasons. That he wants us to keep defying the white hills and pushing us to war, just cause he knows we will be decimated. It's funny that we think this way

    Picked Royland for a couple reasons. 1) We were pretty much at war from the beginning. Ethan has no experience there, and Duncan seemed t

  • edited August 2015

    This thought crossed my mind too.

    But it just seemed to me that Royland had a lot of opportunities to do this and didn't. Our castle was filled with Whitehill soldiers he could've antagonized, but he never actually did it, he just complained a lot about it. If he was trying to incite war all he really had to do was kill a couple nameless Whitehill soldiers and driven Gryff to anger (it wouldn't have taken much, as evidenced by the Maester beating.) Also, quite frankly, I came to the conclusion that Royland just isn't sneaky enough for this, he seems like a guy who lets all of his emotions bubble to the surface, for better or worse.

    Duncan seems like the one who would excel at subterfuge, after all he's the one who has all of Lord Gregor's secrets.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    That's hilarious because I think Royland is the traitor for the opposite reasons. That he wants us to keep defying the white hills and pushing us to war, just cause he knows we will be decimated. It's funny that we think this way

  • Ha I think it's crazy how different we see our characters just based on who we are.

    This thought crossed my mind too. But it just seemed to me that Royland had a lot of opportunities to do this and didn't. Our castle was

  • edited August 2015

    Royland because;

    1.) Duncan sent Gared to the wall without speaking with Ethan first

    2.) Didn't feel as if a character like Ethan needed a passive sentinel like Duncan

    3.) Wanted to project strength even though the house was obviously weak with such a young lord and virtually no soldiers

    4.) Malcolms advice

    At first I was going to make Duncan sentinel. Duncan is more of a tactful adviser which is what the sentinel position is, but given the scenario I chose Royland. No matter which sentinel you choose, it isn't like you have to go with their every suggestion. There is still a small council and still only one lord.

  • Yeah, they both need to be balanced and they would be perfect.

    Wigams posted: »

    I look at is as one is way too diplomatic and the other is way to war hungry.

  • That too.

    You should have said: Both men make bad sentinels because they are both ready to betray you if things dont go how they wish...

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