Am I the only one who noticed this?

edited August 2015 in Game Of Thrones

When you choose to leave behind Asher or Rodrik, and after Rodrik/Asher do their last stand. Harys knocks their eyes and lets them fall on the floor. (In this case, I chose Rodrik.)
When Harys destroys Rodrik's eye and lets him fall on the floor defeated, I noticed that Rodrik's head moves slightly. As if he was trying to look at Gryff and his men.

What are your thoughts on this?


  • What are your thoughts on this?

    If he just moved his head slightly I can't imagine that meaning anything important, or even anything trivial for that matter.

  • His head moved. its not a big deal.

  • edited August 2015

    I noticed that a while ago too. But I think it meant something totally different than that what you think. Rodrik survived the red wedding and had some very horrible wounds. Maester Ortengryn said: "Those wounds would have killed any other man". But Rodrik was strong and even managed to walk again, in the end he was even able to fight again. And there are many other scenes where he proves that he is very tough.

    I think in that scene at the end they wanted us to show/remind that Rodrik is tough. Asher was dead at this point, prior he was afraid while he was stabbed in the stomach multiple times (you could definetly hear that). I mean everyone would be afraid, but Rodrik wasnt. And even after he got all that beating he survived a few seconds longer than everyone else would have.

  • Nope. You're not the one.

  • Wow... that was deep... poor Rodrik...

    N8eule posted: »

    I noticed that a while ago too. But I think it meant something totally different than that what you think. Rodrik survived the red wedding a

  • Did anyone notice that when Rodrik has his eye smashed his like whole eye is gone. But Asher just gets a black eye... That seems far more significant then a small head tilt.

  • edited August 2015

    Rodrik has his eye smashed...whole eye is gone. But Asher just gets a black eye...seems far more significant

    I'm throwing a theory out here, but I assume everyone will say it's stupid.

    Remember at the Red Wedding Rodrick gets trapped beneath the horse? Later he's pulled in on a corpse cart, alive despite his wounds. So with the head tilt thing and eye being harmed more than Asher's (P.S. I killed off Asher. I refuse to kill off my favorite character) I think Rodrick actually lives, even though he's been killed twice on screen.

    unseenclass posted: »

    Did anyone notice that when Rodrik has his eye smashed his like whole eye is gone. But Asher just gets a black eye... That seems far more significant then a small head tilt.

  • I just assumed that Harys put a little more "umph" into it because of a personal hatred for Rodrik whereas he has never dealt with Asher before so there's no real personal vendetta there.

    unseenclass posted: »

    Did anyone notice that when Rodrik has his eye smashed his like whole eye is gone. But Asher just gets a black eye... That seems far more significant then a small head tilt.

  • Well, if I recall correctly.

    He had a fucking arrow in this throat and chest and was stabbed multiple times in the guts and had his eye smashed by Harys.
    I think if anyone can move their head after that or if they haven't bled to death that quick then it isn't such a big deal right?

    Reconn posted: »

    His head moved. its not a big deal.

  • How in the Seven hells is that far more significant than a head tilt? have you seen how many times Rodrik was stabbed and shot? I'd be surprised if any human being can move their heads after being slaughtered by a big dude and a bunch of soldiers.

    unseenclass posted: »

    Did anyone notice that when Rodrik has his eye smashed his like whole eye is gone. But Asher just gets a black eye... That seems far more significant then a small head tilt.

  • Ooooh. That would be awesome!!! If somehow Rodrick could not be killed. Like, if he has some slow-acting Wolverine-type healing power.

  • I think Gryff has such a Power... So why not Rodrik?

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Ooooh. That would be awesome!!! If somehow Rodrick could not be killed. Like, if he has some slow-acting Wolverine-type healing power.

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