the sins of telltale game of thrones

so i've been seeing a lot hate towards telltale game of thrones, some people are even saying it´s the worst telltale game so far, but people aren't saying why it´s the worst, here is why i think it´s the worst

first of all, i want to make this clear, the game isn't bad, it just cannot compete with others big titles from telltale like "the wolf among us" or "the walking dead"

five playable protagonist: this ideia was great in theory, since now you can fear your character death, one thing that you couldn't in TWD or in TWAU, but telltale screw up this one bad, by putting each character in a corner of the world, they are the ones that were running the house, if they would die, that whole region would be forgot since there is no one playable there, they sould've been close to each other like in tales from borderlands were rhys and fiona spend some time together and some time away, that way you know if one of they die, the other can continue the quest, making you fear the death of they.

episodes not long enough: there is not enough time to create lasses with the protagonist's and they friend, since you play for like 30 min each character in each episode

choices doesn't really matter: there is just there is only two choice so far that i reckon that they can have great impact in the game, but just two, the traitor one(wich is also another problem with the game), and the choice between asher and rodrick.

plott doesn't go forward: it feels like like you are watching "tom and jerry" and waiting for the cat to catch the rat, every time it feels that the plott is going forward, it go's back, for example, when you capture griff, he later escapes, when you get help from the glendales, they go back home due ramsay,when you get a contract with tyrion, you fuck shit up, when khaleesi is about to give you army, she doesn't, see a patern, the game is always in the same place

traitor does'nt make sense: that was obviusly a last minute decision, since there is no logiical reason for both of the traitors being traitors.

forresters are dumb: rodrick discovers an ambush, go to stop the ambush, then he get ambushed with them people he was trying to save from the ambush, really rodrick

the game doesn´t feel close to finish, we are going to the last episode, and it doesn't feel like it's close to a end since the game just doesn't go forward.

everyone is a dick: that actually a good thing, since people in westeros are actually dick's, good work on that telltale, also the whitehills are great enemies, you can really hate them easily, but also understand why they are assholes with the forresters bye....


  • great reply by 5 year old lol

    but yeah the sins are big twd is better


  • Choices don't really matter

    They don't really matter in any other telltale games either.

  • I understand everyone has an opinion and can voice it but Jesus Christ why all these hate threads? Just let us fans enjoy the game. I'm fine with maybe a FEW threads about how someone doesn't enjoy the game but there's like 50 new threads a day about how GOT "sucks"

  • I'm so over this, it's a great game easily my favourite Telltale series so far.

  • Oh great, some more negativity, like we haven't read this all over before a 100 times since the episode came out...

    Btw, your point about not fearing the death of the protagonists because they are each in a different corner of the GoT 'verse doesn't make much sense imo, since we actually had, you know, two major character deaths so far, and one straight in the first what are you talking about exactly? I personally live and breathe anxiety everytime I play ^^ and I do get very invested in the characters; I don't think I'm alone in this, so if you can't connect with them it's a personal feeling and not a general problem of the game.

  • Wow, after episode 5, everyone is crticising and hating the game, right? And everyone is saying "This is the worst Telltale game" after that episode. It was only one episode and everyone started hating the game after everyone played episode 5. The game is not weak. Episode 5 was kinda weak. You guys should know THE DIFFERENCE!

  • edited August 2015

    For the people who think it was after episode 5 the 'hate' (Critisim) started to happen, that is wrong. I and others have been critizing the game before that ep5 launched and people are still critizing the whole season.
    I've said before, there is a reason why TWD S2 and GoT gets 'these' types of threads and not Tales or TWAU.
    Oh I think one sin I have about the game, (Minor plot hole) is how after Gared and co run from castle black, they just magically appear on the other side of the wall without any explanation. The gate would not have been open at night, and if the group opened the gate, everyone would know about it. That is my sin ;)

  • ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Don't even waste your time responding to that lol

    great reply by 5 year old lol but yeah the sins are big twd is better

  • Why does everybody keep criticising this episode? The plot does go forward,in the last episode you were stuck with Gryff,now he is free. Asher was in Meereen now he is in Westeros (Alive or dead) and many other things.

  • People are critizing the whole season, not just ep5.

    Why does everybody keep criticising this episode? The plot does go forward,in the last episode you were stuck with Gryff,now he is free. Asher was in Meereen now he is in Westeros (Alive or dead) and many other things.

  • You do know plenty of threads like this have been made already right? For example...

    This Right Here

  • woah a thread that hates on the game

    i'm just so...

    i'm so surprised...

    i've never seen these before


  • edited August 2015

    You know, one thread like this will never be enough. They will never stop, now that they have started.

    You do know plenty of threads like this have been made already right? For example... This Right Here

  • I know, just figured that if we try to make it obvious that plenty of these threads already exist people will post there, wishful thinking right? But the best thing we can probably do is just ignore them now.

    Kateis posted: »

    You know, one thread like this will never be enough. They will never stop, now that they have started.

  • Yeah. I wish that people just stuck to one thread but unfortunately it will never happen, after episode 6 is over these types of threads will rule the forum. And I agree we can just ignore them but only a few will, with these threads being the popular thing at the moment, no one will ignore them.

    I know, just figured that if we try to make it obvious that plenty of these threads already exist people will post there, wishful thinking right? But the best thing we can probably do is just ignore them now.

  • It's not hate everyone. It's Opinion, and Constructive criticizm. Don't be so butthurt. The game isn't perfect, In fact, Game of Thrones is telltales Second most imperfect game. I agree with the Original poster in everyway.

  • People aren't upset over hate. They're upset that nearly every thread right now is the SAME THING. They need a master post thread for this stuff, or something. We come to these forums to DISCUSS THE GAME, not read endless, endless criticism.

    It's not hate everyone. It's Opinion, and Constructive criticizm. Don't be so butthurt. The game isn't perfect, In fact, Game of Thrones is telltales Second most imperfect game. I agree with the Original poster in everyway.

  • It's not the hate that has people groaning so much on this thread, it's the fact that another of these threads has popped up regurgitating everything already said before weeks ago. It's fine that you agree, but you have to realize that this is nothing but beating the pulpy dead horse that is episode 5 criticism.

    It's not hate everyone. It's Opinion, and Constructive criticizm. Don't be so butthurt. The game isn't perfect, In fact, Game of Thrones is telltales Second most imperfect game. I agree with the Original poster in everyway.

  • We as telltale fans are making excuses for this game, but at this point we can't give a pass on episode five, it's not episode 2 or 3 it's the one before the finale. It right now just does not compare to the other telltale games this far. No big deal it's okay but I didn't want my favorite shows game to be "okay" Still waiting on the finale if it has a great ending I will forgive all.

  • beating the pulpy dead horse

    Well! That was a lovely image... D:

    It's not the hate that has people groaning so much on this thread, it's the fact that another of these threads has popped up regurgitating e

  • I think we all can say that it has been a fun ride and the game has been enjoyable to this point, but for there to only be one more episode is what is dissaponting. I feel like they haven't progressed in their story far enough for there to be a finale (besides Mira).

    I think people wanna love this series, but they foresee a bad finale.. Which I do too. Idk how the hell we can save the Forresters, maybe I should've never made that promise to Gregor the Good, cause it will be in vain

  • great reply by 5 year old lol

    Well it feels like I'm talking to mostly 5 year olds on this forum

    great reply by 5 year old lol but yeah the sins are big twd is better

  • lololololololololol

    Clemenem posted: »

    Don't even waste your time responding to that lol

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