I think you are right. I wish the shadows were not Christa and omid. I wish they could have been new characters. I wish season 2 opens right after season 1' s post credit scene
Silly Green, every thread in TWD section ends up becoming a Season 2 critique thread. Actually, "critique" is the wrong word, the more appropriate word is "bashing." It's a shame really, it prevents people like us from having actual discussions when every thread is derailed and turned into a complete mocking of Season 2, it's why I mainly stick to the Tales section now.
Silly Green, every thread in TWD section ends up becoming a Season 2 critique thread. Actually, "critique" is the wrong word, the more appro… morepriate word is "bashing." It's a shame really, it prevents people like us from having actual discussions when every thread is derailed and turned into a complete mocking of Season 2, it's why I mainly stick to the Tales section now.
Maybe Wellington was supposed to be an empty city? Like nothing, no human life, no walkers. Just an abandoned city. It definitely would've made the situation a lot more sadder. I feel like Clem was supposed to be alone for the majority of the episode (since she is alone in the slide). Maybe this was just an early concept but when they wrote the actual episodes it got scrapped.
I think the city in the slide was Atlanta and the title no going back meant no coming back to the past. She lived near Atlanta. And there is no going back to season 1.
Maybe Wellington was supposed to be an empty city? Like nothing, no human life, no walkers. Just an abandoned city. It definitely would've m… moreade the situation a lot more sadder. I feel like Clem was supposed to be alone for the majority of the episode (since she is alone in the slide). Maybe this was just an early concept but when they wrote the actual episodes it got scrapped.
I think the city in the slide was Atlanta and the title no going back meant no coming back to the past. She lived near Atlanta. And there is no going back to season 1.
No Going Back was one of my favourite episodes coming close to A House Divided, overall i really enjoyed season 2 and i am really looking forwards to the Michonne mini series and season 3.
That's assuming that the stuff that was rewritten and/or cut was even that good in the first place, and if the rewrites are anywhere near as extensive as people seem to believe that they are
Despite common belief, things being rewritten or cut are usually cut or rewritten for a reason. That reason being that either the concept flat-out didn't work, or concept no longer meshed with the rest of the planned content. As a rule of thumb, the cutting of content tends to be done out of necessity (not to say it's always the case, but it 9 times out of 10, it is)
Also, it's more likely for concepts and ideas to get re-purposed into other things rather than fully getting cut and/or written out. For example, I'm betting that the tiger was eventually trimmed down and turned into Sam (and in all honesty, it's probably for the better anyways), the Amid The Ruins slide was the escape through the herd from the end of episode 3, and the power plant could have easily been turned into any one of the key locations of the season; it could have been turned into Howe's, it could have been turned into what became the ski lodge, or it could have even been held off and eventually trimmed down and turned into the power station in NGB. Lots of possibilities like that.
Season 2 had many rewrites. The main problem with s2 was the stuff they cut out. Examples. A tiger,power plant,concept art shows clementine in the rain with an adult. The shadows for amid the ruins and much more.
That is an old version of the episode 5 slide. Originally the episode was named 'Better To Sleep' and had different artwork for the slide
… more Episodes 2 and 3 also had different names. Episode 3 was In Cold Blood and episode 2 was something else I can't remember.
You should've tried being in the Devil May Cry fandom when the reboot business was around. This forum has bad days sometimes, but it is nothing compared to the shitstorm that went down there
That's assuming that the stuff that was rewritten and/or cut was even that good in the first place, and if the rewrites are anywhere near as… more extensive as people seem to believe that they are
Despite common belief, things being rewritten or cut are usually cut or rewritten for a reason. That reason being that either the concept flat-out didn't work, or concept no longer meshed with the rest of the planned content. As a rule of thumb, the cutting of content tends to be done out of necessity (not to say it's always the case, but it 9 times out of 10, it is)
Also, it's more likely for concepts and ideas to get re-purposed into other things rather than fully getting cut and/or written out. For example, I'm betting that the tiger was eventually trimmed down and turned into Sam (and in all honesty, it's probably for the better anyways), the Amid The Ruins slide was the escape through the herd from the end of episode 3, and the power plant coul… [view original content]
Maybe they'll use this one for an episode in season 3? I hope so because it's too good for it to just go to waste. My favorite was the track that used to play for the "Amid The Ruins" episode slide. enter link description here
While we're busy getting all nostalgic, let's not forget this little musical number that never got used
enter link description here
In… more fact, let's not forget about any of those old tunes that used to play on the episode slides, because they were all cool and/or creepy
No Going Back was one of my favourite finale Telltale episodes, up there with The City That Dares Not Sleep and No Going Back.
Generally the final episode of every Telltale game is my favourite one with the exceptions being Cry Wolf (sorry, hate to admit it but I wasn't too fond of the final episode) and The Bogey Man from Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures.
No Going Back was one of my favourite finale Telltale episodes, up there with The City That Dares Not Sleep and No Going Back.
Generally … morethe final episode of every Telltale game is my favourite one with the exceptions being Cry Wolf (sorry, hate to admit it but I wasn't too fond of the final episode) and The Bogey Man from Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures.
with the exceptions being Cry Wolf (sorry, hate to admit it but I wasn't too fond of the final episode)
Even though it was short, I actually thought Cry Wolf was one of Telltale's stronger finales. I loved the trial scene, city chase, Bloody Mary fight, and just about everything else. However, I could see valid complaints from people wanting more screen time if that was where you were coming from.
No Going Back was one of my favourite finale Telltale episodes, up there with The City That Dares Not Sleep and No Going Back.
Generally … morethe final episode of every Telltale game is my favourite one with the exceptions being Cry Wolf (sorry, hate to admit it but I wasn't too fond of the final episode) and The Bogey Man from Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures.
My complaint is actually the pacing of the episode. I know this is more opinionated than anything else but I just found the pacing a bit off. It was action the first third and the remainder of it was the trial. Which was actually a very well done scene (regardless if you killed the Crooked Man or not) but something about the final choice didn't feel too difficult to me for some reason (I actually spared him) it was still a fun episode though and I loved the showdown against Mary especially. But I personally preferred most of the previous episodes.
Heck another controversial opinion, In Sheep's Clothing was one of my favourite episodes. :P
with the exceptions being Cry Wolf (sorry, hate to admit it but I wasn't too fond of the final episode)
Even though it was short, I … moreactually thought Cry Wolf was one of Telltale's stronger finales. I loved the trial scene, city chase, Bloody Mary fight, and just about everything else. However, I could see valid complaints from people wanting more screen time if that was where you were coming from.
I liked the campfire scene too; the banter with the characters was really nice. Kenny's ending was a good one too, the thing of staying at Wellington or leaving was an interesting decision to have and probably a tough one to make for players, although I wouldn't know, because letting Kenny get away with murder in order to get that ending is something I wasn't capable of myself allowing. Sort of the same as having to allow Athena to attempt killing the Atlas employee in order to gain extra time with Vaughn in Episode 4, which I was a little annoyed wasn't mandatory, since that bro scene between him and Rhys really added something to those two and the episode. It's the 'hey, well done you murdered somebody, here, have a muffin' thing, I really dislike that sort of decision.
But I really liked Lee's scene with him returning in a flashback, that kinda played out in a type of 'ghost Lee speaking to Clem' way if that makes sense. There were a few other little moments, but everything else just, you know how I feel.
In my opinion you need to have high points and low points when writing a story. If you write a story that is depressing 100 percent of the time, it will not have the desired effect on your target audience. Season two didn't have that, it felt like it was just one bad date, getting worse as the night progresses. The campfire scene for me was a small glimmer of what S2 should/could have been. They needed to have a lot more good points in the episode, so the bad points would be more, impactual.
The whole Jane vs Kenny was annoying at the least, they didn't act like adults they acted like children. You would think one person would i don't know grow up, and try to work with the OTHER, but no, not even if your life depends on it, because we have to kill ourselves in the zombie apocalypse. It is just so stupid to me, how does anyone expect me to take this seriously. The car ride, it sounded like i was dropping my nephew and his friend off a kindergarten. Jesus Pete, almighty.
I could sit and nitpick about things i like/dislike, but it definitely changed how i felt about the characters. I went into the series being protective of Clementine, then at the end of the game, i didn't care what happened to her. How does that happen? I felt closer to Sarah than Clementine.
I liked the campfire scene too; the banter with the characters was really nice. Kenny's ending was a good one too, the thing of staying at W… moreellington or leaving was an interesting decision to have and probably a tough one to make for players, although I wouldn't know, because letting Kenny get away with murder in order to get that ending is something I wasn't capable of myself allowing. Sort of the same as having to allow Athena to attempt killing the Atlas employee in order to gain extra time with Vaughn in Episode 4, which I was a little annoyed wasn't mandatory, since that bro scene between him and Rhys really added something to those two and the episode. It's the 'hey, well done you murdered somebody, here, have a muffin' thing, I really dislike that sort of decision.
But I really liked Lee's scene with him returning in a flashback, that kinda played out in a type of 'ghost Lee speaking to Clem' way if that makes sense. There were a few other little moments, but everything else just, you know how I feel.
@MetallicaRules@No_username You guys are being kind of immature about it yourselves. If you like the season, then talk about why you like the season. No one's stopping you from doing that. If people disagree with you, then who cares. Those people aren't stopping you from talking about why you liked it. It's not like there's mods going around closing threads made by people who liked the season. Just continue the conversation with people who agree with you instead. And don't forget you can try to stop people from derailing your threads like that, if you ask.
People voicing their opinions that differ from yours is not "bashing." People can be vehement yeah, but that doesn't mean they don't have the right to express their displeasure at what they believe could've been a season as good as season 1. If you want to start a thread about the good things you liked from season 2, then try that. "What did you like in season 2." There. I came up with the title and everything.
Those people aren't stopping you from talking about why you liked it.
People voicing their opinions that differ from yours is not "bashing."
Who even said anyone was bashing though? You really can't deny that people who dislike season 2 when they talk about it they just keep talking and talking and never know when to shut it, I've been here long enough to know that I've seen the exact same people voice the exact same opinion over and over again. There are even people who make fun of others for liking season 2. I understand that people should be free to voice their opinion, but come the fuck on, it's been longer than a year now and people still don't know when it's time to stop. It's gotten old since then, and hasn't stopped being old.
@MetallicaRules @No_username You guys are being kind of immature about it yourselves. If you like the season, then talk about why you like t… morehe season. No one's stopping you from doing that. If people disagree with you, then who cares. Those people aren't stopping you from talking about why you liked it. It's not like there's mods going around closing threads made by people who liked the season. Just continue the conversation with people who agree with you instead. And don't forget you can try to stop people from derailing your threads like that, if you ask.
People voicing their opinions that differ from yours is not "bashing." People can be vehement yeah, but that doesn't mean they don't have the right to express their displeasure at what they believe could've been a season as good as season 1. If you want to start a thread about the good things you liked from season 2, then try that. "What did you like in season 2." There. I came up with the title and everything.
People should be allowed to say what they want about a game, so long as it doesn't involve insulting fellow fans or the developers.
No-Username mentioned this place being a shithole, it's not. It's actually the nicest forum I've been on in years and why I like coming on here to talk to other fans. People making fun of others for liking something is wrong [I've been on the receiving end of that and it is horrible] but telling people to 'shut it' because they're being too negative? Would you say that to somebody being overly positive in their opinion after a year?
As for the answer about who mentioned bashing, Metallica did when he said this to you:
"Silly Green, every thread in TWD section ends up becoming a Season 2 critique thread. Actually, "critique" is the wrong word, the more appropriate word is "bashing."
I don't support bullying of others, but for the rest, if you consider fans voicing their honest opinion about a game a problem like @Telltalerocks did, or anybody else who aren't causing any trouble or being abusive in whatever thread it might be, then I'm sorry, you're just going to have to learn to deal with it.
Those people aren't stopping you from talking about why you liked it.
People voicing their opinions that differ from yours is not "ba… moreshing."
Who even said anyone was bashing though? You really can't deny that people who dislike season 2 when they talk about it they just keep talking and talking and never know when to shut it, I've been here long enough to know that I've seen the exact same people voice the exact same opinion over and over again. There are even people who make fun of others for liking season 2. I understand that people should be free to voice their opinion, but come the fuck on, it's been longer than a year now and people still don't know when it's time to stop. It's gotten old since then, and hasn't stopped being old.
but telling people to 'shut it' because they're being too negative? Would you say that to somebody being overly positive in their opinion after a year?
No, because no one is doing that. Again, I really don't have a problem with people voicing their opinion, but some of the people here take it way too far. Most of the people here just shit on the game with brain dead arguments with no back up to anything they say except "bad writing", that is what gets annoying, just a constant stream of negativity and basically none of it is backed up well at all. There are people here who are great at talking about how they didn't like the game, the difference being they actually know how to talk about it and back up their shit logically, a great user example of this is Richwalk, his posts are a GREAT example of critiquing the right way.
And I don't really visit this section as much anymore since I really don't like it (maybe that's why it's so easy to focus on the negativity here) but can you really blame me? People have said things like "people who like season 2 more than season 1 haven't played season 1", that isn't a good way to spread your opinion. And things like that haven't only been said once, as I said it's been over a year, it's happened more than you would think. Not to mention arguing comes up about everyday in this section. So forgive me if I say it's terrible here and there.
People should be allowed to say what they want about a game, so long as it doesn't involve insulting fellow fans or the developers.
No-Us… moreername mentioned this place being a shithole, it's not. It's actually the nicest forum I've been on in years and why I like coming on here to talk to other fans. People making fun of others for liking something is wrong [I've been on the receiving end of that and it is horrible] but telling people to 'shut it' because they're being too negative? Would you say that to somebody being overly positive in their opinion after a year?
As for the answer about who mentioned bashing, Metallica did when he said this to you:
"Silly Green, every thread in TWD section ends up becoming a Season 2 critique thread. Actually, "critique" is the wrong word, the more appropriate word is "bashing."
I don't support bullying of others, but for the rest, if you consider fans voicing their honest opinion about a game a pr… [view original content]
Is the person next to clementine look like christa or even a women!!!!? That looked like someone like mike, or Kenny, but that was not female
If you're thinking of the person wearing the hoodie, at the opposite end of the seat to Clem, in the rain, that's definitely Christa.
Dammmmmm. That's ice cold bruh.
I think you are right. I wish the shadows were not Christa and omid. I wish they could have been new characters. I wish season 2 opens right after season 1' s post credit scene
Silly Green, every thread in TWD section ends up becoming a Season 2 critique thread. Actually, "critique" is the wrong word, the more appropriate word is "bashing." It's a shame really, it prevents people like us from having actual discussions when every thread is derailed and turned into a complete mocking of Season 2, it's why I mainly stick to the Tales section now.
sad to say this forum is pretty much an anti season 2 circle jerk at this point. Also same, Tales section is pretty dank B]
It's Sad But True
enter link description here
Sorry, any reason to post Metallica is a good enough reason for me.
Any ideas?
Maybe Wellington was supposed to be an empty city? Like nothing, no human life, no walkers. Just an abandoned city. It definitely would've made the situation a lot more sadder. I feel like Clem was supposed to be alone for the majority of the episode (since she is alone in the slide). Maybe this was just an early concept but when they wrote the actual episodes it got scrapped.
I think the city in the slide was Atlanta and the title no going back meant no coming back to the past. She lived near Atlanta. And there is no going back to season 1.
Ah precious memories. This episode in particular will be remembered as my favorite.... so far.
Good point. But I feel like it meant something else. Since she is walking towards it in the slide.
Pls high resolution,there is one!
This year has gone fast :P
No Going Back was one of my favourite episodes coming close to A House Divided, overall i really enjoyed season 2 and i am really looking forwards to the Michonne mini series and season 3.
That's assuming that the stuff that was rewritten and/or cut was even that good in the first place, and if the rewrites are anywhere near as extensive as people seem to believe that they are
Despite common belief, things being rewritten or cut are usually cut or rewritten for a reason. That reason being that either the concept flat-out didn't work, or concept no longer meshed with the rest of the planned content. As a rule of thumb, the cutting of content tends to be done out of necessity (not to say it's always the case, but it 9 times out of 10, it is)
Also, it's more likely for concepts and ideas to get re-purposed into other things rather than fully getting cut and/or written out. For example, I'm betting that the tiger was eventually trimmed down and turned into Sam (and in all honesty, it's probably for the better anyways), the Amid The Ruins slide was the escape through the herd from the end of episode 3, and the power plant could have easily been turned into any one of the key locations of the season; it could have been turned into Howe's, it could have been turned into what became the ski lodge, or it could have even been held off and eventually trimmed down and turned into the power station in NGB. Lots of possibilities like that.
Why is your episode called better to sleep? My slide shows a dead walker and Atlanta?
Have a great day and let me know what you think
One year?
I swear it was only a couple day ago that I was disappointed in Luke's death...
That is an old version of the episode 5 slide. Originally the episode was named 'Better To Sleep' and had different artwork for the slide
Episodes 2 and 3 also had different names. Episode 3 was In Cold Blood and episode 2 was something else I can't remember.
Episode 2 was called "Don't Look Back".
You should've tried being in the Devil May Cry fandom when the reboot business was around. This forum has bad days sometimes, but it is nothing compared to the shitstorm that went down there
Your right. People claim that there is this "original story" but even if there was, it got rewritten for a reason.
While we're busy getting all nostalgic, let's not forget this little musical number that never got used
enter link description here
In fact, let's not forget about any of those old tunes that used to play on the episode slides, because they were all cool and/or creepy
Maybe they'll use this one for an episode in season 3? I hope so because it's too good for it to just go to waste. My favorite was the track that used to play for the "Amid The Ruins" episode slide. enter link description here
Sucks that they changed it to this crap:
enter link description here
No Going Back was one of my favourite finale Telltale episodes, up there with The City That Dares Not Sleep and No Going Back.
Generally the final episode of every Telltale game is my favourite one with the exceptions being Cry Wolf (sorry, hate to admit it but I wasn't too fond of the final episode) and The Bogey Man from Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures.
I agree
No Going Back was good, but No Going Back definitely blew it out of the water
(and yeah, I'm just joking, don't take it personally)
Even though it was short, I actually thought Cry Wolf was one of Telltale's stronger finales. I loved the trial scene, city chase, Bloody Mary fight, and just about everything else. However, I could see valid complaints from people wanting more screen time if that was where you were coming from.
My complaint is actually the pacing of the episode. I know this is more opinionated than anything else but I just found the pacing a bit off. It was action the first third and the remainder of it was the trial. Which was actually a very well done scene (regardless if you killed the Crooked Man or not) but something about the final choice didn't feel too difficult to me for some reason (I actually spared him) it was still a fun episode though and I loved the showdown against Mary especially. But I personally preferred most of the previous episodes.
Heck another controversial opinion, In Sheep's Clothing was one of my favourite episodes. :P
BUT Kenny is so cool because he got that Beard, therefore he is much more of a better person than Jane.
I liked the campfire scene, other than that it felt like babysitting.
I liked the campfire scene too; the banter with the characters was really nice. Kenny's ending was a good one too, the thing of staying at Wellington or leaving was an interesting decision to have and probably a tough one to make for players, although I wouldn't know, because letting Kenny get away with murder in order to get that ending is something I wasn't capable of myself allowing. Sort of the same as having to allow Athena to attempt killing the Atlas employee in order to gain extra time with Vaughn in Episode 4, which I was a little annoyed wasn't mandatory, since that bro scene between him and Rhys really added something to those two and the episode. It's the 'hey, well done you murdered somebody, here, have a muffin' thing, I really dislike that sort of decision.
But I really liked Lee's scene with him returning in a flashback, that kinda played out in a type of 'ghost Lee speaking to Clem' way if that makes sense. There were a few other little moments, but everything else just, you know how I feel.
One year anniversary of disappointment.
In my opinion you need to have high points and low points when writing a story. If you write a story that is depressing 100 percent of the time, it will not have the desired effect on your target audience. Season two didn't have that, it felt like it was just one bad date, getting worse as the night progresses. The campfire scene for me was a small glimmer of what S2 should/could have been. They needed to have a lot more good points in the episode, so the bad points would be more, impactual.
The whole Jane vs Kenny was annoying at the least, they didn't act like adults they acted like children. You would think one person would i don't know grow up, and try to work with the OTHER, but no, not even if your life depends on it, because we have to kill ourselves in the zombie apocalypse. It is just so stupid to me, how does anyone expect me to take this seriously. The car ride, it sounded like i was dropping my nephew and his friend off a kindergarten. Jesus Pete, almighty.
I could sit and nitpick about things i like/dislike, but it definitely changed how i felt about the characters. I went into the series being protective of Clementine, then at the end of the game, i didn't care what happened to her. How does that happen? I felt closer to Sarah than Clementine.
Yes, this forum is a complete and utter shithole now, and unfortunately it looks like the Game of Thrones forum is starting to become like this.
One year already?!?! shit time flies when your coursing on boats with you best pals clem and kenny
@MetallicaRules @No_username You guys are being kind of immature about it yourselves. If you like the season, then talk about why you like the season. No one's stopping you from doing that. If people disagree with you, then who cares. Those people aren't stopping you from talking about why you liked it. It's not like there's mods going around closing threads made by people who liked the season. Just continue the conversation with people who agree with you instead. And don't forget you can try to stop people from derailing your threads like that, if you ask.
People voicing their opinions that differ from yours is not "bashing." People can be vehement yeah, but that doesn't mean they don't have the right to express their displeasure at what they believe could've been a season as good as season 1. If you want to start a thread about the good things you liked from season 2, then try that. "What did you like in season 2." There. I came up with the title and everything.
Who even said anyone was bashing though? You really can't deny that people who dislike season 2 when they talk about it they just keep talking and talking and never know when to shut it, I've been here long enough to know that I've seen the exact same people voice the exact same opinion over and over again. There are even people who make fun of others for liking season 2. I understand that people should be free to voice their opinion, but come the fuck on, it's been longer than a year now and people still don't know when it's time to stop. It's gotten old since then, and hasn't stopped being old.
Well I enjoyed season 2 more than season 1 (yes really) so happy birthday!!
People should be allowed to say what they want about a game, so long as it doesn't involve insulting fellow fans or the developers.
No-Username mentioned this place being a shithole, it's not. It's actually the nicest forum I've been on in years and why I like coming on here to talk to other fans. People making fun of others for liking something is wrong [I've been on the receiving end of that and it is horrible] but telling people to 'shut it' because they're being too negative? Would you say that to somebody being overly positive in their opinion after a year?
As for the answer about who mentioned bashing, Metallica did when he said this to you:
"Silly Green, every thread in TWD section ends up becoming a Season 2 critique thread. Actually, "critique" is the wrong word, the more appropriate word is "bashing."
I don't support bullying of others, but for the rest, if you consider fans voicing their honest opinion about a game a problem like @Telltalerocks did, or anybody else who aren't causing any trouble or being abusive in whatever thread it might be, then I'm sorry, you're just going to have to learn to deal with it.
No, because no one is doing that. Again, I really don't have a problem with people voicing their opinion, but some of the people here take it way too far. Most of the people here just shit on the game with brain dead arguments with no back up to anything they say except "bad writing", that is what gets annoying, just a constant stream of negativity and basically none of it is backed up well at all. There are people here who are great at talking about how they didn't like the game, the difference being they actually know how to talk about it and back up their shit logically, a great user example of this is Richwalk, his posts are a GREAT example of critiquing the right way.
And I don't really visit this section as much anymore since I really don't like it (maybe that's why it's so easy to focus on the negativity here) but can you really blame me? People have said things like "people who like season 2 more than season 1 haven't played season 1", that isn't a good way to spread your opinion. And things like that haven't only been said once, as I said it's been over a year, it's happened more than you would think. Not to mention arguing comes up about everyday in this section. So forgive me if I say it's terrible here and there.