People and their illogical reasons for saving *****...



  • I actually though Rodrik was going stay and there wouldn't be a choice to choose then the choice came and I was all: :O shit what do I do?!

    Not at all. When Rodrik says that one of them has to stay, he looks as though he decides that he will be the one that holds the gate

  • Boom that is what telltale is about right there. its not that the story literally changes but we change according to how our story plays out.

    Jovoltrot posted: »


  • I can't split up Asher and Beskha

    Perfectly valid reason as well. Why is it illogical to save a person for the sake of another?

    You won't split up Asher and Beskha, but you will split up Rodrik and Eleana,

    I couldn't even split up Rodrik and Elaena because they were no lovers in the first place. "My brother has just been flayed, please hold me"-sex was too creepy for my Rodrik.

  • What?! That makes not sense they clearly have history and have been in love for quite some time but because of their families have never actually gotten to be together until the alliance through a marriage. They had sex because they love eachother and are soon to be married unless in your play though you failed to secure the alliance.

    rousseau posted: »

    I can't split up Asher and Beskha Perfectly valid reason as well. Why is it illogical to save a person for the sake of another?

  • I saved Rodrik because:

    • He just got healed up to finally fight the Whitehills
    • He promised Elaena that he will marry her, she just lost her brother
    • He didn't get stabbed or shot to become a liability, Asher did get shot in the leg
    • He was thought to be dead during the Red Wedding attack, I just couldn't let him be dead for real
    • He and Gryff were fighting each other for weeks, I couldn't let Gryff to finally win

    This are my reasons.

  • edited August 2015

    Some people's Rodriks might not want to love Elaena. It's the player's choice and reasons, don't try and invent a canon for everyone by saying that they love each other and "oh my gersh they want to liv heppily evr efter wit eachuther!"

    What?! That makes not sense they clearly have history and have been in love for quite some time but because of their families have never act

  • Yes, I'm talking about my playthrough. I think there was absolutely nothing romantic about their relationship. They might have been childhood friends, but this was worth a straw in the end. She rejected the alliance with Rodrik, because of selfish reasons. Later on she begged for Rodrik's help, because me no want marry Gryff. I laughed. Because, of course, this is a worse fate than the soon-to-be extinction of House Forrester. I refused to help, got called a coward, and was forced to imprison Gryff nevertheless. Then shit hits the fan and suddenly Rodrik is in the position to be sorry about what happened. Wtf? Besides... Elaena is just boring.

    What?! That makes not sense they clearly have history and have been in love for quite some time but because of their families have never act

  • edited August 2015

    I'm 54.7% sure they had Asher shot in the leg/foot/whatever so that if he survives they can use the cripple animations on him like they will with Rodrik, since I have another gut feeling they will go back to them and have Rodrik say something along the lines of "I've used up all my energy in that battle, I'm in need of another cane to walk and do all the epic shit I'm somehow about to do..."

    It's also very likely I'm reading into it too much and I'm completely, entirely wrong. Only time will tell.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I saved Rodrik because: * He just got healed up to finally fight the Whitehills * He promised Elaena that he will marry her, she just

  • it was ililogical

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I saved him for all these reasons, including the illogical ones. So, was it logical or illogical that I saved him? I'm not sure.

  • I really really wanted to save Rodrik, but I found that it was much too difficult for me to do so.

    • Asher has connections with Daenerys that (unfortunately) Rodrik does not have. She could be a vital key to winning this war.
    • Asher noticed the soldier first when they were being attacked. He has very good battle instincts and if this war is going to happen, you need someone who can catch things like that.
    • Asher is the one who inspired the criminals to come to Ironrath and fight. Even though Asher believes that Rodrick would be able to gain their trust and confidence, I think it's too risky. If they don't like Rodrik, who knows if they'll fight for us or even turn against us?
    • Rodrik and Elaena are a beautiful couple in my game, but Elaena needs to be free from all of this. The second her family becomes uninvolved with this war, the better. Her father didn't want them involved to begin with and he certainly wants out of it now, so as painful as separating them might be, I felt that it was the right thing to do. (Although, the Whitehills have approached her family and that may get ugly if Rodrik is dead now). I'm also partially okay with it because my Rodrik responded to her with "We spend as much time as we have together and go day by day" instead of giving a definite answer to how long their relationship would last.)
    • Asher also has a connection to Gwyn Whitehill, and if he's alive to talk to her again, the war may go a lot differently.

    • In the moment, it felt like the right thing to do. My gut told me to go with Asher, so I did.

  • I doubt the connection will be meaningful for Asher after all that happen. Right now if you left Asher alive, my guess is that (assuming Telltale don't fuck up again) a war between Whitehills and Forresters will end up very bloody (most likely Asher brings Gryff's head back to Ludd and righ after splits Ludd's skull in front of Gwyn for all the bs caused) which will destroy any relation between those 2 (unless Asher forces Gwyn to marry him).

    choircorgis posted: »

    I really really wanted to save Rodrik, but I found that it was much too difficult for me to do so. * Asher has connections with Daenery

  • edited August 2015

    i did saved asher because my big sister instincts came in and also the "illogical" reason that this was an ultimate sacrifice to his house and proved his bravery to take on the whitehills alone and save his brother

    ps: this thread just annoys me in general because as many people have said before, we all have our reasons for choosing who we chose and it was a hard decision either way, we shouldn't have to justify if our choices are okay or not with some random person who feel self-entitled to dictate his decision making to the rest of the community

  • I saved Rodrik for a number of reasons:

    • I felt Rodrik still had to prove himself as a worthy Lord of Ironrath
    • Asher's story seemed to have come to a natural conclusion. He proved himself as a Forrester by providing his family with the army they needed and had grown a lot as a person since the beginning of the game
    • I felt Asher's death felt subtly foreshadowed on his trip home. Also, I unwittingly foreshadowed that Rodrik would have to lead the army
    • Three lords of Ironrath dying this season seemed too excessive
    • Rodrik had just returned to full strength, him dying felt too soon

    Now, I won't completely write off Asher. His ascent to Lord of Ironrath could be interesting, as well as his reunion with his family and Gwyn.

  • I actually saved both of them (different save files) for these reasons:

    Why I saved Asher:

    1. I couldn't handle Asher and Beskha to say goodbye, after what they went through.
    2. Asher just arrived at Westeros. I mean, to die when he just arrived?!
    3. I really liked him as a character.
    4. I would like to see Asher as the new lord of Ironrath.

    Why I saved Rodrik:

    1. He was there when this fight started, so why not him finish it?
    2. I couldn't see Elaena sad, since she is in love with Rodrik.

    Yeah, some of them are illogical but that's just my opinion. :P

    I couldn't say goodbye to neither of them ;_;

  • edited August 2015

    If you're going to play dirty like this, I feel like I should get the chance to call out some of your decisions, then. (:

    Rodrik dying just as he recovers and gets with Eleana, and is about to fight the Whitehills, is just as abrupt a demise as Asher's

    Nope, don't think so. Asher's momentum of returning to Westeros has been building up the entire season. The OPTIONAL choice of "getting with" Eleana was not chosen by all players, and his recovery really isn't anything special. It even builds more momentum when Rodrik dies, because the eldest brother is paving the way for the return of his exiled brother to come back and save their house.

    You won't split up Asher and Beskha

    If someone does not want to split up Asher and Beskha, they don't have to split up Asher and Beskha. Just like if they didn't want to split up Eleana and Rodrik, they don't have to. Emotions CAN play into a Telltale game. Not everyone wants to play strategically. Even though... you kind of hint... at the fact that you didn't want to split Eleana and Rodrik up...? I... Next..

    Rodrik makes no screams when he's getting stabbed by the Whitehills, unlike Asher

    Really? You're going to base your argument off of that? I... don't even know how to defend my point against this. Not because I have no valid reasons to back it up, but because it's just a.... stupid point. Rodrik and Asher are both skilled fighters, and you as the player controls them, so if you're thinking from a strategical stand point it's not like they're actually fighting. You're the one fighting, and their skills normally don't have anything to do with it... Did Clementine die when she was getting attacked by hordes of zombies, even though she's only an eleven year old? Nope, not unless you messed up! Asher/Rodrik will die if the plot demands it, and only when the plot demands it.


    Fair enough, but it is the older brother's duty.

    I'm sorry if I sound like an ass, but I'm reading through this thread for about the tenth time and I can't stand how cocky and superior you make yourself out to be. Like, you seem to have this pride that you're above everyone else for making all of "the right choices," and then go and call other people's reasons stupid, which makes no sense. And before you say I'm calling YOUR REASONS stupid, I'm not. I'm calling your argument stupid.

    And just for a side reference, Rodrik is my favorite character. So favoritism has nothing to do with my choice. See you around the forums!

  • edited August 2015

    Calling a choice people disagree with you on 'illogical' is a trend on this forum since No Going Back, and not one I'm fond of. it implies anyone who disagrees with you is either stupid or deluding themselves.

  • Wow they force you to do it anyway? Well I kinda know that, telltale and their plots (I remember playing TWD season 1, and not wanting to go to the St. John's farm. Only to be forced there anyway)

    rousseau posted: »

    Yes, I'm talking about my playthrough. I think there was absolutely nothing romantic about their relationship. They might have been childhoo

  • We can all agree that that last scene of episode 5 could've been better

    But it was still a great scene nonetheless. It made our decision that much harder, and here we are talking about it day and night. Whoever you left to hold the gate would be proud that we cared enough to make a thread in there honor.

  • Duhh cuz his beard> Rodrik's

  • Asher is just too awesome to die like that in a scene that was obviously meant for Rodrick

  • And Ashers connection to Daenarys is determinant. If the slave master died and you didnt told Dany about Beskhas past she is really disappointed and quite angry. The real connection between the Forresters and Dany is Malcolm not Asher. But even that wont help the Forresters to win the war, Dany made it clear that she needs every sellsword for herself.

    KronusX posted: »

    I doubt the connection will be meaningful for Asher after all that happen. Right now if you left Asher alive, my guess is that (assuming Tel

  • edited August 2015

    and his recovery really isn't anything special. It even builds more momentum when Rodrik dies, because the eldest brother is paving the way for the return of his exiled brother to come back and save their house.

    Thats up to each player to decide. When Rodrik dies he had some good last words, but Asher on the other hand could chose his last words which makes this moment even more exciting.

    Fair enough, but it is the older brother's duty.

    I would agree with you if Ryon was there instead of Asher. But Asher isnt much younger than Rodrik, they are both grown up and are "almost" the same age (21 and 24 I think). "To save the younger brother" sounds like Asher is a young boy who needs a big brother to save him because he cant take care of himself. Again this situation has 2 sides: Asher has to serve his lord and must protect him no matter what. Rodrik is the elder brother and has to protect his younger brothers and sisters. Its no use to argue about it, its just up to each player to decide, both sides have good arguments.

    But I want to add: I really like both of them and the fact that the game forced me to chose one of them was so brutal. And now I have to think about which brother is the best one to die and to live is really sad. People look like Asher/Rodrik haters if they chose to save the other brother...

    If you're going to play dirty like this, I feel like I should get the chance to call out some of your decisions, then. (: Rodrik dying

  • Glad to see that some other people thought the same thing as me.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I actually though Rodrik was going stay and there wouldn't be a choice to choose then the choice came and I was all: :O shit what do I do?!

  • Fair enough, and I respect these points, especially since you presented yourself in a way that didn't come off as arrogant and rude. My post, as I previously mentioned, was more or less just calling out his argument rather than the actual points themselves. Like, I get that Rodrik has just as many valid points and reasons that he could be saved, I was just defending some of the reasons for Asher, since this thread seemed so against him, is all.

    N8eule posted: »

    and his recovery really isn't anything special. It even builds more momentum when Rodrik dies, because the eldest brother is paving the way

  • It definitely seems like the scene is intended for Rodrik

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I actually though Rodrik was going stay and there wouldn't be a choice to choose then the choice came and I was all: :O shit what do I do?!

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