Why Game of Thrones is not very good
Don't compare GoT to their Walking Dead effort, okay here's one thing that's different, EMOTIONAL TIES TO THE CHARACTERS, I cared so much about Clem and Lee, Kenny and his family, and almost every character in TWD was relatable and interesting, sure choices don't matter so much, but that's fine if those choices carry heavy emotional repercussions. Game of Thrones had no emotional repercussions and I personally can't relate or be attached to any of these characters, maybe Asher. The choices are so bland and uninspired that it makes me cringe. The whole sentinel setup was laughable and so predictable in the worst kind of way. The final battle in episode 5 was uninspired, they try way to hard to mimic the TV show and it suffers under the weight of the ambition of living up to the show. Overall, it's a shame this series did not live up to my expectations, perhaps they can win me back with the grand final, but idk, OH btw I LOVE Tales From the Borderlands!!! And I love Telltale!
So much this. i wonder what kind of plot holes episode 6 will offer.
There's a criticism thread for that .-.
Wow... just wow... -.-
that's a strange way to conceal other people's opinions
Lmao, way to add salt into the wound.
Sorry about that, I'm new to the community and I had something to say, so I said it lol
lol sorry if you did not like what I said
Oh no. I love TFTBL.
It's just pointless to put it for what you said about GoT.
It's ok, that's what this forums are for to express your opinion, but there's A LOT of threads that talk about the same matter. A moderator probably will merge your thread so no probs ;D
I love Telltale and all their work is of exceptional quality, just not GoT lol I have played everything they had to offer, even Jurrasic Park and Back to the Future, I love Telltale so much it hurt to say the things I did about GoT, but I had to say it
Stop with these threads, just... keep it into the one dedicated thread.
Almost everybody loves Tales more than Thrones...
I just get annoyed when a select few are all 'Tales is SOOO much better!' Most Tales fans are fine, but the few that do that annoy me...
Can you blame them?
Well, I think both of them are just as great.
That's totally fine, we're all entitled to our own opinions
That's because TFTB had free reign on it's storytelling, it did not have to adjust it's story structure around an already established book and tv show, yeah Borderlands had background and lore, but that's a strength, not a weakness. Somehow in GoT it's a weakness to be constricted, like Ramsey's invulnerability, it got annoying
I like both but I'm just sick of seeing people talk about it in this section. We are here to talk about the great things and the not so great things about Thrones, we are not here to say how we love Tales more than Thrones. If that makes sense.
I guess TFTBL has more freedom because it's a game based off a game. I kind of like how Ramsay can fuck us over, and we can't touch him? I don't know, just makes it seem realistic. Nice to see how a small House suffers among all the bigger ones. Guess I'm in the minority. xD
^ My thoughts exactly.
It's not TFTBL and GoT section. It's only the GoT section if they want to talk about how much they love Tales more than Thrones, they should say that in the Tales section or in the Telltale talk section and not here.
Ramsey's plot armour is not a bad thing. It might be stronger than diamond but that doesn't make every scene with him bad. Just because we can't touch a single hair on his head doesn't mean he can't touch us, kill us, flay us. He could easily do all three without blinking an eye but he doesn't and that's what makes the story good, they don't use Ramsey to screw us over completely they just use him to knock us down.
Yes, Tales has more freedom but just like how you don't think GoT is good I don't think Tales is good. On the night of playing a Tales episode I still just want to talk about Thrones. But I guess everyone is different.
See everyone? This guy gets it, this guy really gets it!
They even give you an option to kill him, entirely superficial, I was like "no way.." so i choose that option and got knocked back, like...what? lol
Was there any threads about the whole game being bad before episode 5 was released?
Nah, I think it's more because it's a sort of sequel to the games it's based off, not because it's based off the games. It also seems like they have a lot of free reign to do whatever they want in the universe, especially with what happened in episode 4.
I think there were a few, but just not as negative as they are now.
Yes exactly:)
I figured, because it seemed everybody was in love with the game before episode 5 was released.
I guess that's a better way of putting it. I feel like TFTBL is definitely the game that bridges between the next main Borderlands game, and being Telltale and great storytellers, I think they've done a great job of that so far. I was surprised with Episode 4, and how big of a choice I was given at the end. I remember Gearbox saying that they can use TFTBL to significantly change what happens later in the Borderlands Universe, and they've definitely stayed true to that.
Wow you must have a really shitty taste. No offense
Eh... I've been mixed on GOT since its first episode.
The series is not terrible at all, just by comparison to their other projects, it's not as ambitious, that 5th episode really was a bummer, the build up was actually good and strong, it was just a let down when we got episode 5, personally
Well, to be fair, Ramsay did have the upper hand in strength. Besides, if Rodrik killed Ramsay, that would be a sure end to Ironrath and a painful death to all of them.
I got it since I joined the website. xD
I meant the majority of people.
I think it's probably their most ambitious having several point of views. But that's not the problem.
I think it's better than The Walking Dead Season 2.
Sir 20 of House Goodman?
It had ambition that's for sure, but in the end it was not quite as gripping as I had hoped
I agree with your edit. Episode 5 was the main let down.