How did you feel while playing the walking dead
The walking dead is a one of most popular game in this world, I would like to discuss to how you felt while playing the walking dead.
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The walking dead is a one of most popular game in this world, I would like to discuss to how you felt while playing the walking dead.
Your grammar is Walking Dead
Your posts and terrible grammar give me headaches
This comment seems a bit rude, people from all over the world use this forum and might not be fluent in English.
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The Walking Dead was a really emotional game for me especially the ending for season 1. I really enjoyed both Season 1&2, there where times where i laughed (the raccoon scene) and other times where i felt sad (like the scene with Duck).
I am really looking forward to seeing how Telltale make me feel in both the Michonne Mini series and in Season 3.
You kind of sound like your using google translate
Telltale Games the walking dead is an emotional game and love every part of the game even the good and the bad i loved every bit of it it showed me what Telltale games can do so went out and bought the season passes for The wolf among us and Tales from the borderlands and i love them both
but the walking dead is the best one yet!
cant wait for michonne ( sorry cant spell ) 
Maybe he/she is, would that be a problem? :P
Not everyone is able to speak/write in English and still wants to discuss their favourite games/movies etc, and there aren't many TTG boards around, I only know of two, both entirely in English.
I'm not the only one
Season One, it was fear. Fear of the unexpected. The early episodes I was more afraid of jump-scares and Walkers coming out of nowhere and getting the jump on me. As the series progressed I was less afraid of that (gotten used to it you could even say) and I was more afraid of characters I like dying. Because it only takes one lil' Walker nibble on a not-able-to-amputate body part and it could all end for you in an instant. And that made me want to make sure no character came close to Walkers. I guess you could say I'm afraid most of the time, but in two separate ways.
@clemmy196 I hope you don't mind but i made some small edits to your post to make it slightly easier for people to understand what you are asking.
I'm going to throw up if I play one more episode. Its been a year since TT came out with anything Walking Dead. Luke's dead, Arvo shoots Clem, Walt might be gay. blah,blah,blah
You know, I don't think that's a big concern right now
The bigger concern is the giant bullet hole currently in his head
Unease, is probably the best word for the Walking Dead. No matter what's going on, there's always an undercurrent of tension, either due to the circumstances or interpersonal conflicts. Then, once or twice per episode, there's moments of pure emotion (good or bad) that add a lot to the story and act as a safety valve for all the tension.
What am i going to see that is going to make me just shake my head next.