Way too easy for fans of the genre



  • edited November 2006
    numble wrote: »
    Just a shot in the dark--did one of those recently played games happen to be The Dig?

    Uh, yeah... How did you guess? Also, I tried to play MM and Z McKracken. They are pretty discouraging games.
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Well done for buying the game konkku. I agree about the difficulty.. I hope the future episodes are a lot more challenging.. I know Telltale does respond to customer feedback. They made a heap of changes in their bone games after peoples response and it improved immensely.. So i'm sure they are listening...

    I can´t see how they could afford not to listen to customer feedback. I really hope that it will be more difficult in the future, but on the other hand I think the games should also be solvable for those that haven´t been blessed with a brain capacity of Einstein. Making puzzles harder and giving OPTIONAL hints that would maybe eventually spell out the solution (if the player asks for it) would solve the issue, IMO.

    One thing I liked especially about this game was the dialog thing. You know, you could choose something like "let´s go run over some innocent motorists" from the dialog tree and Sam would say aloud "Hey, let´s go bust some lawbreakers". I like how the dialog altered after you selected a line, it made things interesting surprising and funny. Now that I think of it, it would have been a bit dull to repeat the same line that you chose.
  • edited November 2006
    Making puzzles harder and giving OPTIONAL hints that would maybe eventually spell out the solution (if the player asks for it) would solve the issue, IMO.

    In Bone they had a hints system which worked perfectly if you needed it.. You would get a vague kind of hint then if you needed more help you would get another..there were like 4 levels of hints.. They should implement that for future episodes I think it works a lot better than just talking to max.
  • edited November 2006
    Hero1 wrote: »
    In Bone they had a hints system which worked perfectly if you needed it.. You would get a vague kind of hint then if you needed more help you would get another..there were like 4 levels of hints.. They should implement that for future episodes I think it works a lot better than just talking to max.

    That´s just what I have been after. However, in my opinion it could be done via Max. I think the guy/lagomorph/something is funny so the suggestions could be flavoured with his humour. But the principle would be the same.

    Harder puzzles and that hint system and no one would bitch.
  • edited November 2006
    Yeah but sometimes I just wanna talk to Max..and I dont want him to tell me what to do..
  • edited November 2006
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Yeah but sometimes I just wanna talk to Max..and I dont want him to tell me what to do..

    Me neither. Of course the tip thing should be clearly indicated so you wouldn´t click it accidentally.

    This way though the tip-function would be "integrated into the game" rather an external information box.
  • edited November 2006
    Me neither. Of course the tip thing should be clearly indicated so you wouldn´t click it accidentally.

    Or disabled in the game options.
  • edited November 2006
    jp-30 wrote: »
    Or disabled in the game options.

    bingo!! :D
  • edited December 2006
    UnConeD wrote: »
    Another example: the anti-hypnotizing helmet. This would be a perfect occasion for letting the player do some creative thinking, for example by having to look at the diagram and having to substitute the prescribed parts for equivalents from the game environment. For example, if the diagram showed a regular antenna, we could logically deduce that the coathanger-antenna from the TV would work as well (especially if we see Sam 'adjusting the reception' earlier in the game). And if a metal helmet is needed, we could realize that a collander could work too..

    Actually as a side thought I'm pretty sure that was the original design at some stage in the game. Reason I say so? I managed to glance at the design during the ingame animation and immediately spotted the coathanger on that design. Once that flashes past you're left with verbal hints (fairly obvious ones), but you never get to look back at that design again.

    Anyway Im a fan of the genre, but Im also often bored quickly. Some of the simple things baffle me, some of the less obvious things I get in one go. I liked this game just fine.

    If I wanted to pay for being bored I'd buy world of warcraft. "Kill X foozles to get Y foozledrops and bring those to your questgiver. Get reward. Sell your wost stuff. With money, buy new ('cool') item that is 3% more powerful than your previous item. Find next questgiver. Repeat ad nauseam". Same goes for applying all inventory items to all world objects. Boooring.

    Id agree with the 'Max being a hintgiver' idea by the way. Perhaps you can add a 'Smartness slider' that will have Max make smarter and more insightful remarks if you slide that up to 'easy level'.
  • edited December 2006
    I was expecting a lot more. I mean it took less than 3 hours to beat it. The "puzzles" were so simple. I played sam and max hit the road, and I thought it would have been comparable to that, but I guess not. Don't get me wrong I thought the game was really fun, but I wish there was more lenght and difficulty to it.
  • edited December 2006
    That´s just what I have been after. However, in my opinion it could be done via Max. I think the guy/lagomorph/something is funny so the suggestions could be flavoured with his humour. But the principle would be the same.

    Harder puzzles and that hint system and no one would bitch.

    Actually, I would bitch, because:

    1. I don't like hint systems, because I hate myself after I use them. Also, using a hint system would diminish my feeling of accomplishment for finishing the game.

    2. If there would be a hint system integrated, every time I'll get stuck for a few minutes I'll be tempted to start using it. After I can't hold it and use it once, I'll keep using it more and more and before I know it - I'm just following hints and not playing the game.

    3. I don't mind the puzzles being a -bit- tougher, but personally I think they are of almost perfect difficulty as it is. The game is very short and the world is small, but stop mixing small with easy! The only way to make such a small game harder is to either:

    a) add some pixel-hunting
    b) make the game bigger
    c) add some illogical frustrating puzzles

    b isn't going to happen, and a&c would be pretty bad.
  • edited December 2006
    I agree with matan.

    Note: I posted this sort of in response to a now-deleted post that suggested that matan's ideas were bad.
  • edited December 2006
    Yepp! Me too, don't like hint systems...
  • edited December 2006
    i haven't played this yet, but i probably will very soon to look into all this "game easiness." CMI was easy now that i come to think of it. me, i love adventure games, almost more than any other genre. shoot the crap out stuff games with no plot don't hold my interest long. and i admit to getting help if i'm SUPER stuck in an adventure game. but CMI was the first game i ever played where i didn't have to get help. in mega monkey i only got stuck on that stupid part where you had to blow the gold tooth up in a bubble gum balloon with the helium and all that...what crap. haha

    but my sister and i are huge fans of HTR. I would spend an insane amount of times just on the Snucky games. Even now when I see certain cars, you can hear me randomly blurt out something like, "You creamed my camper!"

    Good times. But Lucasarts didn't pick this game up? I guess they haven't made many adventure games lately. What a pity too. We need to petition to Lucasarts to make more, and they need to make updates for newer computers on those amazing super samplers. my mom broke my copy of the dig way back in the old days when i got in trouble and i've missed it ever since.
  • edited December 2006
    kangofu wrote: »
    We need to petition to Lucasarts to make more, and they need to make updates for newer computers on those amazing super samplers.

    If you ask me, Lucasarts can suck ass and die.
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