S3 multiple playable characters and diolouge fixes

One of the biggest problems in telltale's latest games are the lack of optional diolouge choices. I am not talking about the diolouge options when you are talking for story progression. Season 1 was great because you could talk to people about different topics that is not apart of the main story. In s2 and wolf among us if you talked to someone, they engage In a different conversation and so it does not let us have any sort of choice of talking about a topic. I am happy that got and tftb have fixed this. I hope s3 adds a much more quantic dream kind of style video game. Where you can die and the game might move on without you. Speaking of which, I hope s3 has multiple playable characters. Game of thrones added the idea of having multiple playable characters in different scenarios. And in tales from the borderlands, they added the idea of having your choices as one character effect your other playable character. What if they add both. You have five playable characters who meet up with each other and choices effect them. S3 should also have dynamics such as no game over sequences. This is where you have qte's and if you fail one. You will die and possibly not respond.
Have a great day and let me know what you think