Do You Think The Determinant Characters Will Make Any Difference In The Finale?

I hope that the determinant character do make a difference other wise what's the point. Besides the obvious determinant characters that everyone wants to make a huge difference in the story Rodrik\Asher, and by huge difference in the story I mean I don't want any dialogue to be even close to the same depending on who you left behind. I would also like for other determinant characters to make a difference, like Bowen from episode one I'm not 100% sure but I think if you save him than he shows up in Ironrath, Eric would be a cool one to see again in the finale battle if you showed him mercy of course or even if you cut off his fingers, but if you cut off his fingers than he can't fight but he can do something else idk, Finn could be a good one to show up in the finale, if you left him behind at castle black than he probably won't show up again, but I think sense Garred didn't burn Finn when he died that means that Finn will most likely come back as a white, Bloodsong had better be important, like in the finale battle whitehill soldiers are about to kill Talia or Duncan\Royland and if you saved Bloodsong he saves the person before they are killed but if you killed Bloodsong than the persone dies, and finally I hope that the player determinant sentinel makes a difference, he doesn't have to make a huge difference but a few small change here and there would be nice. Those would be mine, feel free to add to it and mention any that I missed.


  • I do not think people like Bowen or Finn will make reapperenced, not just because they are determinant characters, but there are so many things that could've happened to them and they presumably died. The sentinel will make a difference because they are two completely different characters.

  • Probably not Bowen, but I think Finn will be in E6 as a white, if you didn't leave him at castle black.

    I do not think people like Bowen or Finn will make reapperenced, not just because they are determinant characters, but there are so many thi

  • Honestly, I don't think they will make a big difference. I expect Bloodsong and the sentinel to die, Finn to appear as a wight (and if you didn't bring him, a random wight will take his place) and the remaining brother to be presented the same major choices. What I definitely do not want to happen is for the personalities of the two brothers to be left aside for the sake of the plot being the same.

    While I would love to see some bigger changes, there is one big change that I don't want. I know some people would love if the final outcome was different depending on which of the brothers you saved, that depending on who you picked the Forresters could win or lose the war, but I don't want that to happen. I don't want Rodrik or Asher to be the "wrong choice".

  • My cynical side has me thinking that Telltale is hoping that it's been so long that these episodes are coming out that you'll (the random player) forget about all these detrimental characters, since it will require a lot of effort to put them in the game. They were just there to be entertaining in their moment, after that they can fuck off. Not necessarily a bad thing, but it does hurt the illusion of choice. I hope I'm wrong.

  • To be would surprise me if the dialog of Asher/Rodrick changes. But it wont matter anyway how good the episode is gonna be. THEORETICALLY it's impossible for got to win over TftBL for my GotY, because TftBL is on an insane "streak" of Awesome episodes. Not Even LiS could achive this. (Episode 2 was literally a long Rewind tutorial with an conclusion were you're not allowed to rewind, because the plot demands it.) got CAN win over LiS, When EP. 6 is a Masterpiece and EP. 5(LiS) is Bad.

  • I was hoping Erik would make an appearance, hopefully to help out because I spared him.

  • I just want a wish fulfillment ending where no other Forrester will die.

    I really feel sorry for them right now.

  • I really, really, really, REALLY hope so.

  • Are ghosts real?

  • Same.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I was hoping Erik would make an appearance, hopefully to help out because I spared him.

  • Glad I'm not the only one.

    almighty posted: »


  • No.

    Reconn posted: »

    Are ghosts real?

  • There's your answer.

    Killah posted: »


  • I only believe what I see,bro.

    Reconn posted: »

    There's your answer.

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