'The Dog' Episode Discussion
So it's back after too weeks. Comment while you watch, yada yada yada. Spoilers beware.
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So it's back after too weeks. Comment while you watch, yada yada yada. Spoilers beware.
That on scene of La shutting down..........awesome
Well shit that was unexpected.
Great episode, but f*** them for killing the dog.
Seems like Daniel, Nick, and Madison are the only ones that got shit figured out.
Well madison.........not that much
I thought it was really good, the best of the three so far.
Jesus christ I keep missing every fucking episode I should put a reminder every damn Sunday....
I thought it was the best episode so far. Except Travis is a fucking idiot.
Just like Telltale's Travis amirite?
I can never stand animals deaths on TV. This wasn't an exception ;((
Great Episode altogether, but while the dog's death kind of makes sense in a real scenario, I feel like they only did that to stir up a little controversy and make people talk about it.
What the show does very good is create suspenseful moments with only one or two walkers, something the main show has completly lost and will never get back. I actually didn't think I could ever look at single walkers as threats anymore, but since these people didn't have to kill yet, it makes sense that they want to avoid killing them at all cost.
I also like their reactions to their neighbours/friends dying. It's not just like 'Oh no, he's dead!', but they actually feel bad for them dying.
My favourite scene was the LA shutdown. So eerie, with great music and a sense of hopelessness...very nice.
Also, did some catch the reference with the plane? I'm sure it's either a hint at the zombies on a plane special or a nod to World War Z, probably a bit of both.
All in all, my second favourite Episode after the first one.
WTH, you became a mod? Why do i never know what's happening in this forum?
Well the guy isn't gonna just kill the people cause he just think's they're sick
Chris looking out the window and seeing a walker staring back was cool
For me 'the dog scene' was one of the saddest moments in TWD universe... I felt the same way when Buttons died... and Sam
Wait..... wait....... wait......... So your more upset about the dog that was already bitten and not about the guy who got his face blew off or the mans wife who got shot in the head?
Blind Sniper mentioned it in the Whatever's on your Mind Megathread earlier.
I believe this comment was made before that.
Eh, too lazy to check what times they were posted.
Bites only affect humans, not animals. Also, both the guy with his head shot off (Pete) and the man's wife (Susan) were already walkers. We also never saw Susan alive, and all we saw of Pete before he turned was a wave and a cough. I certainly cared more about the dog.
Why are the zombies so damn slow?
Also they said it wasn't the dogs blood on him. So I don't believe he was bitten
With that being said the dog had a lot in common with the people that you care less about if you want to put that into perspective. You didn't know the dog it didn't have a personality its not like it helped in anyway shape or form you seen the dog about as much time as you did Pete. Both sides ended up the same way but some reason the human counter part (even if dead) doesn't pull at you're heart strings more than a animal does. That is what confuses me.
Main thing reason for me was the fact that the dog could have survived. We had never even heard of Susan before we saw her as a walker. With Pete, we knew he was screwed a couple seconds after we saw him in episode 2, when he coughed. Neither Pete nor Susan ever gave us a reason to care about them, just because we knew they were dead (dying in Pete's case) in the first couple seconds of meeting them, while the dog would have had a chance had Pete not wandered in/had Nick, Madison, or Alicia closed the door.
That's like saying Pete and Susan would have survived and had a chance to live if they didn't die. Which is pretty much just stating the obvious in every corner and doesn't really support you're reason. Where i'm coming at is that with everything that is put into play in that certain circumstance i don't see how a dog (a species that is a completely different in every way possible from a human) can make you feel more in its death than having to kill a person (Dead or alive) especially when there was no emotional connection to any character in the show with that animal. all that there was, 3 mins of screen time of the dog barking in that instant i don't how or where you can fully have overwhelming feelings to care more about it. With Pete and Susan they were neighbor people they knew someone they created a bond with Madison, Travis, Nick, and Alicia. I don't get how both variables can end up the same the way (dead) and people care more about the animal and say "f*** them for killing the dog" when it should be the same all around which is a double slandered and doesn't make a whole lot sense.
I liked the episode alright, but there are some issues.
One of the problems the series keeps having is the inconsistency with what the characters assume or know and don't know. Travis is the worst with this. When Alicia's boyfriend died, Travis just kind of assumed, "oh, the bites do it". He knows this not because it's realistic to make that assumption, but because the audience already knows that. Then, last episode, he stated to his family that the dead don't stay dead, even though he has very little to go on. Yeah, he saw Cal get run over twice and survive, but he didn't see Cal die at any point. And yeah, Nick told him that he killed him, but then his body wasn't there when they looked, and they just saw a weirdly behaving Cal walking around. Realistically, in a world without Romero zombie media, it shouldn't immediately click that, "everyone who dies comes back." They only know this because we do.
I suppose there was also the report of the guy on the highway, and while it's still a bit of a stretch, let's go ahead and assume it's enough for him to figure it out. Oh wait, apparently not, because Travis tries talking to a dude he knew, and then tells Madison that maybe Susan is just sick after nearly dying because of it... despite saying the dead come back previously. It's a pretty big step back, don't you think? It's either bad writing or his character flip-flopped, and while it's not impossible for him to flip-flop, there's no good reason why he would. Make up your mind, you pansy. Either you're figuring stuff out quickly, or you're still naive. Can't have it both ways.
I know it's more difficult to handle this stuff than the original show because everyone already knows how the infection works and you can't play up the naive angle for too long, but they need to be consistent with it.
I dont really like any of the episodes so far. I just dont care about the characters (except for the daughter) but i have the feeling i have to watch it cause it supposedly ties into the original walking dead show..
Honestly this show is not interesting, but mostly because I am told that Kirkman doesn't plan on curing the walker parasite. If this all led up to actual info that could help humanity get out of the zombie mess, then I would be more interested.
And tbh, I don't like any of the actors. I liked Nick in the first episode, but everyone seems so boring now, and not creative (even Nick, the most interesting of the group turned boring after episode 1)
But then again, this is just my opinion