Gosh! The hate for this game is real (on Reddit, at least)!



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    Journey95 posted: »

    Why wouldn't it be? This game looks liike garbage. The trailer was cringeworthy

  • Puzzle Agent Sucks ? What kind of sorcery is this. The only games they made that remotely suck are the CSI games, Law and Order and Jurassic Park which I thought was mediocre

    but telltale's older games all suck

  • Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Reddit is hating on something again!

  • Just curious, how is elder scrolls online? I wanna get it but its 70$ where I live. Worth it or nah?

    Abeille posted: »

    The sub-reddits are as good as their moderation. I participate on two actively (Elder Scrolls Online and Steven Universe) and the people there are really friendly. But then again, the mods are really active.

  • edited September 2015

    I've been playing it since beta and I love it very much. It's a good blend of a TES game and a MMO. It received a lot of unwarranted hate during the beta because, apparently, people think bugs on beta tests are something unacceptable, and because people expected "Skyrim Online". I've noticed that people that are Morrowind and Oblivion fans generally have an easier time getting used to ESO than those who we call "Skyrim kids" (people that know next to nothing about the lore and the universe, but played Skyrim). But most important than all, ESO is its own thing. Anyway, the quests are generally interesting (the Aldmeri Dominion having my favourite quests overall), exploration is fun, there are many fun characters and the community, at least on my server and alliance (NA, PC, Aldmeri Dominion), is generally friendly and mature.

    The PvP is pretty fun and the game is releasing DLCs now that the console release is done. I do not recommend buying it on console though. As much as I love the game, I would NEVER buy it for console. No, it is not a case of "PC master race". Console doesn't have text chat or addon support, only voice chat. PC has text chat and addon support, but not voice chat. BUT, ZOS said they have plans to add voice chat to PC.

    If you end up buying it, hit me up if you have any questions.

    Just curious, how is elder scrolls online? I wanna get it but its 70$ where I live. Worth it or nah?

  • Thanks, I was thinking of getting it on ps4, but the price here is outrageous. But how is the immersion? I want to join the Covenant but I don't want to see people like "Xx_BIGDLCk69_Xx" You know what I mean? I LOVED Skyrim and adored Morrowind and Oblivon. I like reading a lot about the history and political situation of the time to better fit in with the world.

    Abeille posted: »

    I've been playing it since beta and I love it very much. It's a good blend of a TES game and a MMO. It received a lot of unwarranted hate du

  • On the console, you will see people's gamer tags instead of their character's names, which is pretty bad for immersion. On PC, you see the character names, and a lot of people give their characters lore-appropriated names or at least names that are not too ridiculous. The Role Playing community is huge too, and role play is generally accepted in the game by people that do not role play (like, if someone tries to make fun of role players in zone chat, most of the people on zone chat will side with the role players even if they don't role play themselves). After LOTR, it is probably the most roleplay-friendly community I ever saw in a MMO. The Covenant doesn't have a lot of people, compared to the other alliances. You will be able to do all the alliances quest lines with one character, if that's what you are worried about, but you will fight on PvP for the alliance you pick only, so choose wisely. On my server, the Covenant is often outnumbered in Cyrodiil (which is the PvP map), but they are well-organized and when one of their PvP guilds enters the map we are doomed, but depending on the campaign, that never happens. The Ebonheart Pact is full of Skyrim kids; it has the numbers and it often dominates the map, but it is generally not nearly as well-organized, is all over the place and is where most of my PvP loot comes from. The Dominion is in between.

    Thanks, I was thinking of getting it on ps4, but the price here is outrageous. But how is the immersion? I want to join the Covenant but I d

  • Oh, ok. What's the best alliance, like I mean the most mature and friendly? And is the combat like the other elder scroll games, where I can be a heavy armored altmer or a orc mage?

    Abeille posted: »

    On the console, you will see people's gamer tags instead of their character's names, which is pretty bad for immersion. On PC, you see the c

  • edited September 2015

    Because your account is not locked to one alliance, all of them are pretty much the same because many people have characters on all three of them. I did end up liking the people on the Dominion better, which made me remake my Covenant and my Pact characters on the Dominion and now all my seven characters are on the Dominion. The combat is a little more complex than on other TES games, as you have access to more skills at once and weapon swapping, but any character of any combination of race and class can use any weapon and any armor. If you are a min/maxer, you won't make an orc that has a build focused on spells that use magicka, but the game is really skill based and therefore forgiving with builds so you can be effective playing the way you like. To have an idea, I have an Argonian Sorcerer that uses summoned daedric creatures, medium armor, a bow and a great sword :P

    There are four classes, which define three of your skill lines. But there are many skill lines that are available to everyone. You have weapon skills, armor skills, Mages Guild skills, Werewolf skills, Vampire skills, Soul Magic skills, Fighters Guild skills, Undaunted guild skills, Alliance War skills, Crafting passives, Racial passives and Legerdemain passives. Legerdemain passives make you better at being a criminal scum; you get better at picking npc's pockets, lock picking, sneaking, this kind of thing.

    Oh, ok. What's the best alliance, like I mean the most mature and friendly? And is the combat like the other elder scroll games, where I can be a heavy armored altmer or a orc mage?

  • enter image description here

    I'm sorry to say this, but telltale's older games all suck (With an exception of back to the future.) the puzzles akways piss me off and i s

  • [removed]


  • edited September 2015

    People tend to bombard me with downvotes (probably trolls) in this one subreddit even if I speak with facts (okay I shouldn't be worried about that honestly), and can be very narrow minded. Mostly seeing negativity than anything positive. I always feel out of place in it. They're always bashing something. Eh, I'll stick the LiS subreddit, I feel more comfortable there and not the odd one out. There's a lot of nice people there.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    To be honest. Fuck Reddit. Many peoples there are just assholes. At least in the Sub-reddits i was lurking. Reddit is a Bad place. Like NeoGAF. Sorry if i'm to harsh or unfriendly.

  • Mhh. I was never in the LiS subreddit but i can imagine that they Are cool there. Maybe i will take a look and i am sure now is the perfect timing to Look it up, i guess.

    People tend to bombard me with downvotes (probably trolls) in this one subreddit even if I speak with facts (okay I shouldn't be worried abo

  • Nice!

    but telltale's older games all suck

  • Yeah,totaly forgot TTG makes Puzzle Agent!!! Soo gona make a new one right? Come on ... you know you want too! :)

    stirpicus posted: »

    And before that, when Walking Dead was announced, everyone thought that all the horrible Walking Dead fans would ruin everything! I was still just a fan on these forums back then and was worried TWD would stop me from getting more Puzzle Agent.

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