Check this out, I just posted it on another thread but it's so epic there's no reason you should miss out
He's saying that like it's a dangerous thing.Like you could impale Ben on that thing,too.(No offense,guys,i cried when Ben died,so don't hate).Anyway,we can fucking see that.CAPTAIN OBVIOUS STRIKES AGAIN!!!I seriously think TTG gives us the option to look at these just to annoy us.I like that.
Larry-Lee bromance! I knew it!
And ofcourse the Hobbit: The Desolation of stuff
This video depresses me, but it's pretty epic.
Two badasses.
He's saying that like it's a dangerous thing.Like you could impale Ben on that thing,too.(No offense,guys,i cried when Ben died,so don't hate).Anyway,we can fucking see that.CAPTAIN OBVIOUS STRIKES AGAIN!!!I seriously think TTG gives us the option to look at these just to annoy us.I like that.
Why she have black eyes?
I know right?
Those fucking onions....
U draw that dude?
Cause it's almost as epic as Kenny's stache :-{)
I bet this is what convinced Clem that they had cookies:
She will only join if it's dark chocolate
I bet she will
Not really, he's actually doing much better. There just wasn't much point in keeping those two around for very long.
I remember laughing a bit when he said that.
Clem as Teenager
Deep shit,man.

Clementine- but were all out of food we need it now!! lol
I like to think this is how they all escaped to the magical land of pink fluffy unicorns...
AHHH... Everyone's favourite homo
It's right up there with Lee's "Hm." "Hm!" when examining the debris outside the pharmacy.
Hahaha! And here we see Clemmy talking to her fans on Facebook
*NOT MADE BY ME. Found this on her facebook page. "Clementine Everett"
Long live the NCR!
Loved that Lee, Clem, and Ellis cameo at the end!
Nice one man! You made this?