Official Bonnie HATE Thread.

This is the place to discuss and talk about how much you despise that inferior lesser being we all know as Bonnie.
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This is the place to discuss and talk about how much you despise that inferior lesser being we all know as Bonnie.
Well it was surprising, but she did seem like the type to be easily influenced. Hell maybe there is more to it than her just taking the dark path who knows.
Now that i think about it. Maybe she's just easily manipulated. I don't think it's safe to hate on her just yet. We'll see what happens next and maybe she can get her shit together.
I'll murder her either way
Bonnie strikes me as the type to save her own skin. If Carver's group and the 400 days group are indeed the same, Bonnie might have had a chance to get out if she had gone with Luke and the group, but didn't for whatever reason. She doesn't seem to approve of Carver's way of doing things. but she doesn't have a backbone to stand up or try to escape. I'm don't think I'm gonna let my Clem trust her next chapter.
That fucking bitch must burn.
Its a little harsh to start a hate thread just yet, we don't know the circumstances which led her to take orders from Carver after all. For all we know the people we're with right now could be the bad guys, Alvin apparently killed somebody.
She's a liar.
She claimed she needed help for her and her family and Kenny and Walter tried to be civil and nice and how doe she repay them? By Walter being killed and Alvin (depending on your choice).
Yeah, that surprised me. For someone as mild-mannered as Alvin, and one of the only people willing to help Clementine, I can't imagine him just straight up killing someone in cold blood, though. I imagine there's more to the story than what Carver said.
True, but its hard to imagine a good reason to just kill a guy in cold blood.
Well, yeah of course. But when you're straight up crazy and disturbed like Lilly or Carver, I believe the character would do something like that. With Alvin I'm not so sure.
i will now play her story in 400 days and keep letting dee kill her or let a walker eat her alive. seems fair enough considering what she did
Is the community in the trailer the one Tavia was talking about ?
Yeah.... if Telltale gives us the choice, then she's going down in my game for sure.
Bonnie is weak and has always been weak. Shes been dependent ever since they introduced her into TWDG and wouldnt make it a day if she were to be alone out there in a world full of zombies and horror.
She is an idiot! in 400 days i was like, ok she had a rough time, seems she had adiction but well people can change and she proved it! she is nice, but now god i hate her and im gonna get her killed for what she did >:c
SERIOUSLY you just don't do things like that! I seriously don't understand how you can help someone then stab them so deep in the back...
How many of you wanna bet that it turns out that Carver's group are the good guys and the cabin group are the bad guys? After all, the preview for E3 had Bonnie and Clementine working and smiling together so maybe things aren't as black and white as they seem.
yeah im really pissed, i mean god she was supposed to be a good girl, so maybe that means she betrayed tavia and the others... kenny should have shoot her, really
i kinda thought that, but i dont know what to think, gosh the whole ep made me feel like i did the wrong thing even when i knew i was doing the right thing, i think clem will escape, and keny now we can be sure thats ken in amid the ruins slide, theory is, they escape, they find tavias group and they will have a big war against carver
Something that i learned from this episode is that i dont give any shits about the cabin group anymore. Screw everyone else but Luke even if he did bail out. I'm only siding with Kenny through the rest of the season from now on.
Ill treat her as clementine would, an unknown, someone who hasnt played her as a character in 400 days. She is a threat and will be killed without hesitation.
I know right like I seriously dont care and after playing this episode now I know I cant trust no one! thanks tell tale im going to be a total dick for now on.
Bonnie is the first person I'm going to give a stern talking to. I'll be all "I'm just a little tell me ALL YOUR SECRETS AND DIE FOR ME! Mwahahahaha!"
im with you, cabin group means trouble, i felt bad for luke though i really hope he can joins us, but c'mon, it wasn't fair, i will make a second playtrough tomorrow, ken, he is awesome, im surprised he is happy and im glad he is, at least ken will be with us hopefully till the end, Bonnie she is going down and carver, at this point i dont care if he is the good or bad guy he is going down >->
I can't believe I am in support of Dee now. As Dee rightfully said about Bonnie before she died, "You fucking junkie" FUCK YOU BONNIE, I WILL KILL YOU IN THE MOST UNIMAGINABLE WAY POSSIBLE THE FIRST FUCKING CHANCE I GET !!!11!!
Oh and Rest in Peace, Dee. You knew she was a bitch all a long. Damn I feel sorry for thinking Dee was bad.
I don't care how much she redeems herself in the next episode. If I get a chance, I'll fucking shoot her.
We can officially declare that Bonnie is a fucking lying bitch. Period.
I've only come to leave one message...
Waaaaaalter Whyyyyyyy -Sob- ;~;
When I first saw her I was just happy to see another familiar face, but then when she started talking bullsh*t to Clementine and the others I just couldn't trust her anymore. Couldn't they introduce somebody else from 400 days... I mean, they picked the worse.
Going to put a bullet in her the first chance I get. Hated her in 400 days, hate her now even more.
She's gonna get a bullet between the eyes the next time Clem gets her hands on a gun. Unless she can prove that she doesn't deserve to die that is, but she has a lot to do in order to reach that stage. She scouted out the lodge for Carver. Walter is dead, possibly Alvin and Carlos too, because she led that maniac there.
Never trust a crack head
I never did like her in 400days I mean seriously didn't even check before you hit someone with a pole and hitting on a married man sighs I was happy to see her at first because finally someone from 400days but then she was with Carver =__= fricken Bonnie >___> but I hope she redeems herself later on
I don't hate her yet. She didn't seem too happy with taking the group hostage, I think Carver is manipulating her. She seemed to be convinced rather easily in 400 days, and when I played 400 days (the choices I made as her) she didn't seem like the kind of person that would willingly work with a psychopath like Carver
Don't get me wrong, what she did was extremely messed up but I think Carver is holding something over her head to make her loyal
"I knew you were going to be a fucking problem." -Me, seeing Bonnie with Carver.
Wow, this thread is... dumb. We don't know why she's doing it. Maybe Carver has lobster claws. Bonnie still may be good person. She's talking with Clem and smiling - ep3 preview. Don't judge yet.
Actually, I like her new role. In dlc she wasn't that interesting. Kenny was not a surprise, "evil" Bonnie was.
It was a very interesting development. I was glad that a '400 days' character finally appeared, but I feared the worse when she mentioned a family etc... I am looking forward to seeing how well she and Clem will get on. Hopefully, she will bring out the better side in Bonnie.
After everything Walt did for her-a COMPLETE stranger...... Utter scumbag...
I already have a target painted on her head as soon as the chance is given.