Can someone explain why people like Kenny?

Everyone hates on characters like Ben or Nick even though they just do their best and have a lot of emotional problems going on and everyone seems to love Kenny even though hes a total douche bag. I mean his so obviously ignorant and such, I mean he just instantly assumes that Nick and Luke are a same sex couple and he also instantly assumes that Lee can pick locks just because hes an African American...
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man u are very ignorant. he lost all his familly man, nick and ben only caused deaths
Probably because he's the closest example of the ideal survivor archetype in a zombie apocalypse that most players wants to be, and thus why they want to identify with him.
Ben lost his whole family and nobody cut him any slack. Nick had to shoot his own mother and he has a terrible father and he even recently lost his Uncle who was extremely important to him and everyone just yells at him for protecting his friends
Well, I think you should explain first why Kenny doesn't sit right with you. I mean, surely it's much more than making that little assumption about Nick and Luke, and calling Lee urban,right?
You're the oddball here, if anything, you should explain to us why you hate him so much.
Kenny's an all around nice guy, to me. Of course, he has his flaws, but so does everyone.
nick almost killed clem and killed matthew for no reason at all
Matthew would have shot Nick and Nick thought that Clem and Luke gave him a clear shot when they ducked. he also thought that Matthew was holding them up. and it is shown later than Nick was really really sorry, he even risked his life just to apologize
It's hard to say exactly. I'm inclined to think it's just a perfect alignment of the planets; between the way he was written, and Gavin Hammon's amazingly versatile performance behind the mike, he became the one character most identified with Telltale's WALKING DEAD universe, second only to Lee and Clem.
More so than anything George Romero or Robert Kirkman ever conceived in their stories, we can actually buy Kenny as an "everyman" trapped in a fantastic and nightmarish scenario. Kenny's controversial relationship with the fanbase (depending on how you play the game, he's either the most likeable or the most hateful guy you've ever met) also helped to cement his lasting status in the franchise.
stfu, Matthew was a nice guy, a friendly guy, it was all nick's fault. if u like stupid people, u like ben and nick i guess
I dislike him because he thinks everything he does is right, he shows this when he kills Lilly's Dad when nobody else agreed. He also says that FOR SURE clem will stay with him even if she doesn't want to showing that he only cares about himself. he also makes fun of Nick and Luke for NO reason and totally disregards your advice and shoots one of Carvers men anyways. hes a total Douchebag
i liked kenny when i first met him in season 1, he seemed like a good guy and always had his back in situations, i thought it was funny in episode 3 at begining when lee and kenny are talking killing lillys dad and they both kind smile and say "we did kill her dad" they both kind of had a smile on there face XD
wow, way to be a dick. just because he's presenting a perfectly legitimate argument doesn't mean you can tell him to "shut the fuck up".
Nick is a really nice guy to and you cannot blame him for trying to save a little girl and his best friend when he thought they were being held up.
Just saying, he probably saved the life of Lee, Clem and Lily by killing Larry. Let's say there was a 50 % chance of Larry surviving the heart attack. Would you have risked the life of 3 people (including a child) to save one man, who was already old and sick on top of everything? I would have probably done the same thing as Kenny, if I had the balls to smash a man's head in.
If you attempt to save Larry and you button mash hard enough he does revive, he opens his eyes and takes in a deep breath while attempting to sit up however about half a second after he was conscious his whole head was crushed by Kenny
I actually know that, but nobody of the people inside the storage room could have predicted that it was gonna happen. he might have as well turned into a Walker. Like I said, it was about a fifty-fifty situation. I do get your point, however. I personally really like Kenny, but I'm not one of those guys who bash on everyone opposing him. Btw, I like your profile pic, Nick's awesome!
that's because most of the things he does are right! sure some of us disagree with his choices but they are mostly the right choices like saving everyone in the meat locker by killing larry, that was the right choice. leaving that girl on the street to buy time for them to get the stuff they needed, right choice! and leaving ben because he was a danger to the group, yup right choice, see a pattern here? these things most of us wouldn't agree with but they are the choice between life or death in a situation, you gotta think about this stuff before you start getting mad because "everyone thinks he is right" thats cause he is!
yeah....... no. I played that part with the help Lilly option. he never opens his eyes, and none of his breathing appeared to be manual.
Me and Ken sure had our differences, but when his son... Well, I made sure he did the right thing, and he thanked me for that.
To be honest, I only like Kenny in season 2 because he has an amazing beard and it feels good to have a familiar character to rely on if the cabin group turns out to not be as trustworthy as I hoped in the first episodes.
Well yeah i guess that's true but i mean walkers usually don't just jump up right away and just maul everyone. when they turn they usually open their eyes and start to breathe again (as shown in the TV show in the first season) so in my opinion even if he did become a walker there was plenty of time to kill him and Thank you lol you don't find many people who don't get all butt hurt if you don't like Kenny for any reason at all :P
Like i said its only if you button mash hard enough
Then you didn't ''Q'' hard enough, he DOES open his eyes if you button mash as hard as possible.
I enjoyed beating him up on the train, in fact i replay that part every day... jk lol but im going to right now
or that beard.
i thought fighting him made a better scene then trying to convince him.
"Kenny sucks" is a bit much (not so much the points as the SN). Actually a lot much. I think he's a good character and shows a lot of development, and turmoil and certainly adds a good deal of suspense. I can see why people might get annoyed in Season 1 (sort of the 'you agree with me or I won't like you' mentality) but season 2, even if you don't like him he still adds psychological complexity, and he is a wild card (a lot less predictable than season 1) so it'll be interesting to see where he goes.
That said, I also don't understand Kenny fanboys/girls... My favorite character was (surprise) Carley, and for the people who say 'oh, Kenny lost his family, of course he's in emotional pain and a shattered state' - what about Lily? Her character was sympathetic (up unto we all know what...)
Of course, this is the middle of the ground approach that comes back on me as much in the forums as in the game...
Not everything that Kenny does is always right though. His decision to steal from the car causes the stranger to come after them later and kidnap Clementine, leading to Lee and Ben's death. His decision to kill Larry indirectly caused Lilly's breakdown and causing her to kill Carley/Doug's out of paranoia.
did i say everything? this i why is avoided that word in my post
I was playing on IOS, perhaps that affected it somehow.
Edit: I just replayed and I think he was reanimating. He started to move his mouth, but his eyes never opened.
Bit of a bait thread, but I feel that there's grounds to both like or hate him depending on how you played.
He can be your loyal companion if you see eye to eye, or he can be the spiteful survivalist who attempts to leave you for dead. Either way, I think there is in-depth characterization involved.
You have a point with that walker thing. I guess he could have waited a bit longer with smashing Larry's head in. Then again, he wasn't gonna take any chances when so many people's lifes depended on it. But still, I guess you've made good points. I stand by my opinion but I also respect yours.
Kenny is based on a stereotype but even so he has that charm I suppose and many like him regardless. That is why Kenny says ignorant things sometimes because he is playing off a stereotype. Isn't there some sort of joke/stereotype about the people from Florida anyway?
I personally think Kenny's ignorance is funny. How surprised I was when he told Lee he should know how to pick a lock because he's urban. Loved Lee's reaction. I miss him : (
I like Kenny and Nick, and I hated Ben. Nick messes up trying to do what he thinks is best for the group. Ben got everyone killed without letting them know. Ben and Nick are very different, Nick is far more honest and brave than Ben. Kenny on the other hand, if you side with him, is your best friend. He saves you, and he helps you find Clem. He becomes family, a really fucked up post apocalyptic family with high blood pressure from to much salt. Maybe that last bit only counts for Larry.
I agree, Nick is a good guy who just tries his best
But Ben is totally different.
While Nick at least has the guts to apoligize (without being forced to) to Clem and Walter, Ben would have waited until it was too late.
Also, Nick is way braver than that 'fucking shitbird Ben' (I love this quote), he distracts seven or eight walkers so Clem can get away and survives.
Ben is just an all around coward and a lying little bitch, and I hated him so much when he finally admitted he gave the bandits supplies.
Ben fucked everything up for everyone.
Kenny just always have a plan. He's a smart guy. Just look at how easily he took control of the situation in season: one when they were stuck in that store. Kenny is a born leader, he may not be the most level headed. But the guy always have something up his sleeve.
Fandom's love for Kenny is actually a mistery to me. He's actually a well written character and I like him,but I can understand poeple who doesn't like him because of his attitude and the "Best friends until you disagree with me" thing. I'm one of the few guys who actually shympatized more for Ben than Kenny in the game,and I chosed Luke at the tables choice.
he has that leader mentality
Not much to say.

Same, I admit i did hug kenny when i saw him just because he was familiar but I sat with Luke and i even told them that i never really liked Kenny because hes kinda a jerk and when he came over and made fun of Nick i told him to shut up because Nick is my friend
Kennysucks has a valid argument for Nick fanboyism, that said he also has a pretty weak case for Kenny hate. I told Walter that Nick was just like everyone else, because that's how I (Clem) felt about it. He died because of that. He was a loss canon, and him losing his family doesn't make him any different from anyone else. I don't think he was good guy. Of course I didn't accept his apology either, which doesn't make me a very nice person either. I even lied for Walt after he killed him. "Walkers got him."
I'm not supporting Kenny fanboyism either. He's a bit of a lose canon, and a big mouth as well but I respect that in him. He may not always do the right thing, and he may be ignorant to other points of views but he's never been directly "Wrong" as in he's never made a logically unsound decision. I didn't help him kill Larry, but in retrospect it was probably the right call. I let Ben drop on Kenny's advice because as Clem put it herself "He was always screwing up." Ben is indirectly responsible for the fall of the motor in because he made a VERY logically unsound decision. He provides supplies to people we didn't know, and didn't tell any of the others about it. He got Carley, Duck, and Katjaa killed, and while I did defend him with Carley after he confessed to it I turned on him. I don't particularly LIKE Kenny, however I do respect him I can't say the same for Nick.