Can someone explain why people like Kenny?



  • I hated Kenny in Season 1. He was only worried about himself and his family and didn't give two shits about anyone else, including Lee and Clem.
    Lilly was always the best in terms of decision making. She was focused on keeping her Dad and her group alive, while Kenny only worried about his family and made crazy ass decisions. Lilly only screwed up ONCE by killing Doug/Carley. Kenny lost his temper more times than you can imagine.
    It baffles me that people like Kenny more than Lilly.
  • Yeah, she "screws up" once, by MURDERING an innocent, productive member of the group IN COLD BLOOD. That's more than a simple screw up. It was just a really fucking stupid, rash decision that makes Kenny's boldness pale in comparison. Why not wait until they were someplace safe, and actually PROVE what she was saying? How in the world could it be SO important that she dies right there? With nothing, absolutely NOTHING to base her claims on?

    Oh yeah, Kenny only cares about himself. That's why he risked/"sacrificed" himself for Christa/Ben when they were screwed? Why he came back for Lee in the first episode after Lily's complete douchebag of a father left him for dead? Why, after losing everything he loved, still stood by Lee and would risk his life trying to save Clementine? Why he took a beating and lost his eye for Clementine? I could go on, but you catch my drift..

    I realize some of this is determinant.. but that doesn't change the fact that if you are his friend, he's as loyal as they come. Lily though, no matter how much you kissed her or her fucktard dad's asses, she still up and fucking shoots your friend in cold blood. No decisions will change this outcome. Yes, Kenny "killed" Larry but that was different, and everybody knows it. Anyone who says otherwise are just in denial. He had a fucking heart attack. In a freezer. With no medicine. No defibrilator. Oh yeah, CPR will bring him right back. He'll be fine. Most def. No, he was already dead.
    That said, I did try to help Lily, because I felt that's what Lee would do in that situation.

    I like both characters, but there's just no comparison between the two. Lily had to go after what she did. I do hope she'll be back though. She was an interesting character, and I'd like to see the drama between her and Kenny if she returns.
    cameroncr95 posted: »

    I hated Kenny in Season 1. He was only worried about himself and his family and didn't give two shits about anyone else, including Lee and C

  • edited May 2014
    ***Sorry, double post.
    cameroncr95 posted: »

    I hated Kenny in Season 1. He was only worried about himself and his family and didn't give two shits about anyone else, including Lee and C

  • You may think Ben was a stupid kid but he actually helped them by delay the thugs he wasn't a traitor or anything and he was a 17 while Kenny is about 40 don't blame him for everything he didn't even asked the group to help him find his family
    JIZAD posted: »

    stfu, Matthew was a nice guy, a friendly guy, it was all nick's fault. if u like stupid people, u like ben and nick i guess

  • I'll say one thing, Kenny defenders defend him hard.
    tauer posted: »

    ***Sorry, double post.

  • Boat, beard, and stache.

    I honestly am not a die hard Kenny fan and I don't know why I like him at all... but I just do. I think I like him more in season two because of his care and sacrifice for Clementine. Any friend of Clem is a friend of mine.
  • Don't get me wrong, I'm not into the whole Lily/Kenny flame war at all. I like both characters. But yeah, I think Kenny deserves more defending than Lily.
    While Kenny has done alot of shit, I don't think he's done anything quite as unforgivable as Lily when she shot Carley/Doug.
    KCohere posted: »

    I'll say one thing, Kenny defenders defend him hard.

  • edited May 2014
    I made this poll out of boredom.

    Vote if you want.
  • Because BOAT.
  • edited May 2014
    No seriously, I cried when he got up after his incident.
  • Also the fact that, after everything he had done, he dared give Lee attitude when being scolded for not watching after an 8 year old girl.

    Utterly useless.

    I agree, Nick is a good guy who just tries his best But Ben is totally different. While Nick at least has the guts to apoligize (witho

  • Why hate on Kenny? Sure he has his flaws, and nobody is perfect, even Luke! But that man almost sacrificed himself back in season 1 just so bitten Lee can find Clem. He also lost an eye for Clem, which to me was a very inspirational thing to do. And about Kenny automatically assuming that Lee could pick locks because of the color of his skin doesn't mean he is a bad guy. He may be a little ignorant when it comes to that sort of stuff, but that's probably just how he was raised. I would definitely trust him over anybody else we have met so far even though sometimes he can be a hothead.
  • What's even more baffling is that people actually agree with your nonsense.
    cameroncr95 posted: »

    I hated Kenny in Season 1. He was only worried about himself and his family and didn't give two shits about anyone else, including Lee and C

  • Quit hating on Kenny he's awesome and I'm pretty sure if he was real he wouldn't like you either
    Charlieh65 posted: »

    Because BOAT.

  • This.
    That's why Kenny is such an awesome character, he feels extremely human because of all his flaws. Some of them are pretty big ones even. But beneath it you can see that he's not a bad guy, but rather bad things has happened to him.
    The whole racist thing is not because he's a bad guy, as you said he's just ignorant. He doesn't think less of Lee because of it, he just assumes that he knows how to lock pick because he's black. As he said, he's from Florida. And it's just a really funny scene x)

    Why hate on Kenny? Sure he has his flaws, and nobody is perfect, even Luke! But that man almost sacrificed himself back in season 1 just so

  • edited May 2014
    I don't hate Kenny by any means, but I'm really pissed at him right now. Mostly because the entirety of ep.3's ending could have been easily avoided if not for him.

    Why didn't the group just follow Rebecca's initial suggestion of simply putting a bullet in Carver's head and leave, instead of wasting tons of valuable time so Kenny could kill him in the most dramatic, drawn-out, and unnecessarily brutal fashion imaginable?

    I mean for crying out loud, the group wastes like 5 minutes trying to convince Kenny not to be a complete psychopath about putting down Carver, then ANOTHER several minutes giving up on changing his mind and waiting for him to finish. And then they're held up for another couple minutes because waiting for Kenny to finish his tantrum is what allowed the group to be caught by Troy.

    Look, I understand that Kenny absolutely hates him, but his personal problems are no reason to put everyone else at risk.

    The end result is almost 10 minutes wasted, during which the group could have quickly and easily escaped the compound and gotten through the herd before Tavia and co. appeared. Carlos wouldn't have died, Sarah wouldn't have suffered a breakdown, Sarita would've been perfectly fine, and the group wouldn't have been separated.

    I think Kenny deserves the title of "Season Two's Ben" more than Nick does by this point. He's gotten just as many people "indirectly" killed by now (Walter, Alvin, Carlos, Sarita) and put the group at risk. Kenny's done some things I really admire, like sticking up for Clem with the radio, but by this point he's doing more harm to the group than good.
  • I'm not really a Kenny fan, but you gotta respect his expertise in smashing peoples face. Saltlicks, pipes, it doesn't matter lol
  • Honestly, I'm a Kenny fan, but damn. I love Ben and Nick (Ben 2.0) too. They both screw up, and I love that. But that's Kenny's character. And in-case you were retarded enough not to realize, HE'S A REDNECK.
  • Nick is Kenny's illegitimate son conceived at a drunken boats fan club meeting, no one can convince me otherwise.
    FlyKittyFly posted: »

    Nick is like a clone of Kenny.

  • Most people like him because he's a redneck, douche and a godlike boat master.
  • I'm glad you're not a TTG writer because that sounds like the most boring episode ever.

    I don't hate Kenny by any means, but I'm really pissed at him right now. Mostly because the entirety of ep.3's ending could have been easily

  • BOAT.


  • There are two sides to Kenny depending on how you play. Kenny him self agrees that some of the shit he says is just plain crazy. The way i played he was always reliable and loyal you could count on him. But thats because i agreed with him.
    That_1_Guy posted: »


  • Because TTG writers are flawless, right? :P

    How could we forget such unforgettable moments as "little girl fixing a wind turbine", or "completely forgetting the 'Alvin killed George' subplot", or "not telling anyone about the suspicious flashlights"?

    Hey, still love the games and (most of) the writing, just pointing out there are flaws and that you don't have to resort to stupidity to create drama and excitement.

    I'm glad you're not a TTG writer because that sounds like the most boring episode ever.

  • Because Kenny is fucking GOD!!!
  • Bitch, Nick is Ben 2.0
    Tinni posted: »

    Nick is Kenny's illegitimate son conceived at a drunken boats fan club meeting, no one can convince me otherwise.

  • Ben and Nick mentioned, I love you ♥
  • because he has charm coming out his ass
  • Because of the quotables.

    "I'm gonna punch the first son of bitch I see, then I'm gonna grab his gun and shoot the next son of a bitch I see"
  • crowbar*

    I'm not really a Kenny fan, but you gotta respect his expertise in smashing peoples face. Saltlicks, pipes, it doesn't matter lol

  • BOAT
    Charlieh65 posted: »


  • I've said this before, but Kenny is a "chaotic neutral" character. Seeing him as a definite good is not a healthy thing, especially after all the messed up shit he's done.
  • Actually, it's pronounced "sonovabitch."
    Gomu posted: »

    Because of the quotables. "I'm gonna punch the first son of bitch I see, then I'm gonna grab his gun and shoot the next son of a bitch I see"



  • BOAT


  • edited May 2014
    Kenny is definitely not the most morally good character in the game by all means. Personally, I've always been more on Kenny's side because he reminds me a lot of a few of the men in my life and because he's the most stable thing that remains from season one. While Lee's actions dictate how far Kenny is willing to go to help him, he proves over and over again that he'll always have Clementine's back. Out of the entire group, he's probably the one who would be most likely to give his life for Clementine - if Bonnie hadn't have stepped in when she did, Kenny would have died for sure... and if Sarita dies in episode 4, Clem will be the only person he has left. Then again, this reliance on Clem can warp him into an overprotective maniac, but we have yet to see episodes 4 and 5 so not much can be said about that. But I will say that even I, who most people would probably call a Kenny supporter, get REALLY frustrated with Kenny's short temper and his inability to plan ahead and think of the consequences of his actions. This episode did a lot to point out both Kenny's flaws (Rebecca and Carlos point out his rash decision making) and his favorable traits (loyalty and his role as the one that gets shit that others don't want to do done).
  • edited May 2014
    If there was a zombie apocalypse for real, most of this community would like to have a friend like Kenny.
    And also, it depends from what you like in a friend.
    Also, like he explained before, he's from Florida; you know what comes out from his mouth.
  • I would agree that Kenny has Clementine's back, but only when things are going his way. Season 1 when Kenny and Lee discover there are no boats, Kenny goes back to the house and gets drunk with no concern for where Clem is or whether she is safe.

    Kenny is definitely not the most morally good character in the game by all means. Personally, I've always been more on Kenny's side because

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