I respect Kenny, I don't necessarily like everything he does, but for the most part they've been logically sound, and he served to be the right asshole when I couldn't be. In retrospect, despite me not helping him to do it, killing Larry was probably the right thing to do.
I respect Kenny, I don't necessarily like everything he does, but for the most part they've been logically sound, and he served to be the ri… moreght asshole when I couldn't be. In retrospect, despite me not helping him to do it, killing Larry was probably the right thing to do.
Well who isn't ignorant? Kenny simply vocalizes his ignorance. He thought Lee was "urban" so what? He sorta was in that "I moved out the hood a long time ago" sorta way. xD I don't think he thought Luke and Nick were gay, he just said they were a "match" that could mean a lot of things. The twist he put on "match" makes it seem he was joking. Nick's the one who started being a dick, and took it the wrong way. What should Kenny have added "no homo" at the end of his sentence?
Sarita says it used to be more... I can't even imagine what she witnessed. Maybe that's why he seems different to her. She saw the beast, she fell in love with the beast, and now it just isn't the same.
Kenny could have just said "you guys sure seem like buds" or something like that but instead he used "Match" which was emphasizing a couple. and Kenny was the one being a douchebag. Nick just said "Michigan?" as a way to ask why he would go there and instead of Kenny just telling him exactly why he decided to imply that he thinks Nick is a dumbass before explaining
Well who isn't ignorant? Kenny simply vocalizes his ignorance. He thought Lee was "urban" so what? He sorta was in that "I moved out the hoo… mored a long time ago" sorta way. xD I don't think he thought Luke and Nick were gay, he just said they were a "match" that could mean a lot of things. The twist he put on "match" makes it seem he was joking. Nick's the one who started being a dick, and took it the wrong way. What should Kenny have added "no homo" at the end of his sentence?
Kenny has le SWAG,in the form of a godlike stache and,limited edition,a fabulous beard.So yeah.Your invalid is argument.
But i just wanna point out the fact that i don't hate Nick or Ben,i actually have a crush on Nick.And Kenny instantly assuming Nick and Luke were a thing was a great touch,humorous and absolutely AWESOME.I ship them.Even Kenny ships them.Heck,even Satan ships them.THEY ARE PERFECT.Deal with it.
And Nick,Ben,Luke...They are my fave characters besides Clem,Lee and Kenny,so yeah.I like Kenny,and i also like that "fucking shitbird Ben" AND the other adorable screw-ups and douche-bags and cutsie-pies and amazing characters Telltale throws my way.Well,everyone except Walter,i fucking hate Walter.
Kenny has le SWAG,in the form of a godlike stache and,limited edition,a fabulous beard.So yeah.Your invalid is argument.
But i just wanna… more point out the fact that i don't hate Nick or Ben,i actually have a crush on Nick.And Kenny instantly assuming Nick and Luke were a thing was a great touch,humorous and absolutely AWESOME.I ship them.Even Kenny ships them.Heck,even Satan ships them.THEY ARE PERFECT.Deal with it.
And Nick,Ben,Luke...They are my fave characters besides Clem,Lee and Kenny,so yeah.I like Kenny,and i also like that "fucking shitbird Ben" AND the other adorable screw-ups and douche-bags and cutsie-pies and amazing characters Telltale throws my way.Well,everyone except Walter,i fucking hate Walter.
True. Kenny shouldn't have put it like that, but when you think about it Nick and Kenny were a lot alike. I mean they even had the same mullet... I mean EXACTLY the same. It was the same situation that arises every time two hot headed ass holes sit across the table from one another. They were both dicks.
Kenny could have just said "you guys sure seem like buds" or something like that but instead he used "Match" which was emphasizing a couple.… more and Kenny was the one being a douchebag. Nick just said "Michigan?" as a way to ask why he would go there and instead of Kenny just telling him exactly why he decided to imply that he thinks Nick is a dumbass before explaining
I don't see how Nicks an asshole, he just lost his uncle 5 days ago and was just about to kill himself 5 days ago so of coarse hes a bit more upset but Kenny purposely antagonized him for no reason at all
True. Kenny shouldn't have put it like that, but when you think about it Nick and Kenny were a lot alike. I mean they even had the same mull… moreet... I mean EXACTLY the same. It was the same situation that arises every time two hot headed ass holes sit across the table from one another. They were both dicks.
shrug I probably played it different than you, and was thus presented with a different Nick than you. I went to him last episode, but when he was drunk and being stupid I left him in the shed. He sort of annoyed me, I didn't accept his apology for almost killing me. To me he was a moody idiot, and a detriment to the group. Maybe it comes from the fact that I have a much stronger condition than Nick did. If my family died then sure I'd be sad, but something in me would want to keep going. It's just the way I think. Nick's attitude to me came off as the kind of guy who gets overly dramatic about everything, and I wasn't proven wrong. He shot Mathew based on a whim, and an inaccurate whim at that.
I don't see how Nicks an asshole, he just lost his uncle 5 days ago and was just about to kill himself 5 days ago so of coarse hes a bit more upset but Kenny purposely antagonized him for no reason at all
Well, Kenny isn't perfect, he's far from it. If you are up his ass the whole game though, he is VERY loyal to Lee. If you don't side with him much....he can do some fucked up things, but so can everyone. (Side with Lilly or Kenny in s1e2 in the meat locker, the other one will leave you to die, for example).
I guess the most appealing thing about Kenny's character is if you are a loyal friend to him the whole game, he's a loyal friend to you the whole game, moreso than anyone else, and he gives up his life(well he probably didn't think he was going to get out of either situation alive....) for someone else. If you save Ben in episode 4, he tries to save Ben, knowing he was nearly guaranteed to die and Ben got his family killed.
So a lot of people like Kenny because of his ups. I like his character because he was and still is interesting in my opinion and I like his selflessness at the end of season 1.
BUT I understand why some people dislike him too. If you don't side with him most of the time, he leaves Lee to die more than once, iirc. He is also very idealistic and doesn't take criticism to his ideas very well. Examples - arguments with Lilly over leaving the motor inn instead of staying, acting hostile towards people who disagree with his plan to find a boat, being an asshole to Luke and Nick for questioning him and disagreeing with him about his plan to head north.
I hope I have enlightened you and anyone else who does not understand why a lot of people like Kenny.
Well, Kenny isn't perfect, he's far from it. If you are up his ass the whole game though, he is VERY loyal to Lee. If you don't side with … morehim much....he can do some fucked up things, but so can everyone. (Side with Lilly or Kenny in s1e2 in the meat locker, the other one will leave you to die, for example).
I guess the most appealing thing about Kenny's character is if you are a loyal friend to him the whole game, he's a loyal friend to you the whole game, moreso than anyone else, and he gives up his life(well he probably didn't think he was going to get out of either situation alive....) for someone else. If you save Ben in episode 4, he tries to save Ben, knowing he was nearly guaranteed to die and Ben got his family killed.
So a lot of people like Kenny because of his ups. I like his character because he was and still is interesting in my opinion and I like his selflessness at the end of season 1.
BUT I understand why some pe… [view original content]
If you side with Lilly, Kenny doesn't help you at some point in episode 2 in the fights or something iirc. Maybe you have to not side with him at all before that point or something though, I'm not sure.
If you don't side with him much then at the beginning of episode 3 when you're searching a house with Kenny and zombies knock down a door on Lee, Kenny won't help. Though if you do side with him a lot, Kenny will help Lee lift the door, iirc.
Who cares about Kenny. Telltale brought him back so they could kill him. All of they Kenny fans are so stoked now but when they actually kill him off in the coming episodes, there is going to be an even bigger reaction!
Well, I for one don't understand why people love Kenny so much either. So I don't think this is a troll thread, and I'm curious to know what the answer is myself. As others have noted, Kennysucks raises a lot of valid points.
To me, Kenny is a perfect example of the type of character you see in every post-apocalypse story who's just unbelievably, unrealistically aggressive about every single thing. His kneejerk reaction is always immediately just to kill people or leave them behind without even trying a more rational solution first. And I have yet to see what I consider to be a reasonable defense for how Kenny's actions are not those of a monster.
The best argument I've seen people make for why they like Kenny is that if you support him 100% of the time, he'll have Lee's back. And I certainly understand the appeal of the bromance. Hey, Kenny was my bro too for most of the first two episodes. Right up until he decided to murder a man in cold blood. But the fact that he'll only have your back if you always agree with him I think says something pretty terrible about Kenny. If you disagree with him even once, he's perfectly willing to leave Lee behind to be eaten by walkers. That's not loyalty. That's Kenny basically saying, "Do what I say, or you'll regret it."
I personally don't understand why anybody trust Luke. We still don't know much about him. We know plenty about Kenny. Granted for those who are rping strictly as "Clem" wouldn't know everything about him like we do. Kenny started as a sterotypical redneck beta male, and now he is upgraded a bit more to being the alpha male that he always tried acting like before. It's obvious that he has gained some skills since we last saw him, and that he no longer wants to feel like a victim of the situation or other people.
Kenny teasing Luke and Nick had more to do with him showing that he was dominate over them their instead of actually believing themselves to be together. It's clear from the way he acts that he is setting a tone with them, and hinting that they are both for a lack of a better term "sissies" shows that he is setting up himself as being dominate over them. Which is Kenny's entire MO, and always has been. Straight guys talk to each other like that all the time giving each other crap, at least my generation did (I'm 28). The difference this time is Kenny meet a little Kenny in Nick who took it seriously so they started yipping at each other. Acting that way Kenny is showing signs that they are in his world now, and setting up that if Clem wants to stay with him their is nothing they are going to do about it. Further it's obvious that Clem showing up in Kenny's life again is forcing him to face the past. It's obvious he cares about her, and sees her as his family which is why he mistakenly called her Duck... she brings him back to those days, but this time he doesn't want to be a victim again.
That's his character, he's a guy who looks out for his own and who attempts to take charge so he is in command of a situation. That attitude pisses off a lot of people, but it is his character and if anything has been expanded more now, since he has the attitude that he will not be a victim again like he was before.
Luke on the other hand... well... besides the fact that he doesn't like to kill dogs even if they are attacking you... and it was seemingly his idea to leave Carvers group... and the fact that he is currently no where around we don't know a lot about him. He seems like a decent guy, but really the only background we have on him is that he got Nick involved in some business venture that went belly up, and that he always likes to "keep moving forward".
I think it's telling that well Kenny choose to attempt to fight back, Luke decided to hide. That is a big hint of their personality differences. Kenny's attitude is to strike first, Luke is either watching from a distance and doing nothing or he is somehow lost or dead. I'm guessing he watched everything happen and choose to do nothing, possibly out of a sense of weakness. Kenny isn't going to act like that which will probably lead to his death eventually.
People like Kenny because at heart, he is a good man who just has his flaws. He's also a good balance between a pragmatist and someone who makes moral decisions. He can be impulsive, a bit selfish, and angry, but at the same time, he can be trustworthy, loyal, and a good friend. As a survivors, he's smart, and seems to have good instincts.
Also, I'm not sure that he really assumed that Nick and Luke were a couple, didn't seem that way to me at least.
People hate on Ben and Nick because even though they have good intentions, they tend to... you know, ruin everything.
For as many people hate Ben/Nick and like Kenny, there are people who, like you, like Ben/Nick and hate Kenny. Or, there are people like me who like all of those characters.
Well, leaving the Motor Inn was actually a good idea and he brought up some good points, it was Lilly being a bit irrational in that situation, but yeah, he does not take well to criticism of his plans.
Well, Kenny isn't perfect, he's far from it. If you are up his ass the whole game though, he is VERY loyal to Lee. If you don't side with … morehim much....he can do some fucked up things, but so can everyone. (Side with Lilly or Kenny in s1e2 in the meat locker, the other one will leave you to die, for example).
I guess the most appealing thing about Kenny's character is if you are a loyal friend to him the whole game, he's a loyal friend to you the whole game, moreso than anyone else, and he gives up his life(well he probably didn't think he was going to get out of either situation alive....) for someone else. If you save Ben in episode 4, he tries to save Ben, knowing he was nearly guaranteed to die and Ben got his family killed.
So a lot of people like Kenny because of his ups. I like his character because he was and still is interesting in my opinion and I like his selflessness at the end of season 1.
BUT I understand why some pe… [view original content]
Larry's eyes never open, pretty much the highest number of presses you can get is 5. After five his mouth moves, but Telltale specifically said they put that in because it could go both ways. So saying his mouth opens because he's alive has no real weight. Granted, neither does the opposing side. The choice was so important because you had a risk vs. safety issue.
Kenny was worried about his family and for his own safety and didn't want to risk everyone's lives to help some guy who hates him and as tried to kill Lee in the past.
Kenny had no idea that Nick was that volatile otherwise he probably would've backed off.
Remember Kenny was in one of those moods in episode 4 yet everyone seemed to give him shit for it when he lost his entire family in the course of one day.
I don't see how Nicks an asshole, he just lost his uncle 5 days ago and was just about to kill himself 5 days ago so of coarse hes a bit more upset but Kenny purposely antagonized him for no reason at all
No offense, but Kenny's strike first is what got Walter and possibly Alvin killed. That shows that Kenny is reckless and uses his gun before his brain. This is more of a vice than a virtue. If he would've followed Luke's lead instead of being stubborn and telling him to "take a hike." No one would've died. Then Luke would've had an extra gunner when he decides to liberate the group. I rather have a friend who uses his brain before his gun.
I personally don't understand why anybody trust Luke. We still don't know much about him. We know plenty about Kenny. Granted for those who … moreare rping strictly as "Clem" wouldn't know everything about him like we do. Kenny started as a sterotypical redneck beta male, and now he is upgraded a bit more to being the alpha male that he always tried acting like before. It's obvious that he has gained some skills since we last saw him, and that he no longer wants to feel like a victim of the situation or other people.
Kenny teasing Luke and Nick had more to do with him showing that he was dominate over them their instead of actually believing themselves to be together. It's clear from the way he acts that he is setting a tone with them, and hinting that they are both for a lack of a better term "sissies" shows that he is setting up himself as being dominate over them. Which is Kenny's entire MO, and always has been. Straight guys talk to each oth… [view original content]
Kenny is the perfect combination of nice and hate, that's why a lot of people like him, he has a realistic personality. Honestly would you trust in the apocalypse who's TOO nice or TOO mean?
Had Luke joined Kenny and taken a different position he could have fired upon Carver from a different angle well he ducked behind the log and Kenny laid down suppressive fire. From such an angle Carver would have been open and an easy kill would have occurred. Then well Bonnie and the other guy got over the sudden shock of the lost of their cult leader the hostages could have departed as Luke and Kenny concentrated on taking out the final two people.
The reason of course that this didn't happen is because the story dictates that we must be prisoners of war in the next episode. Nether the less if I was with a real survival group the last kind of person I would want is someone who would sit ideally by well our people are being rounded up. Kenny and Luke had the cover and defensive position to go on the offensive if they had worked together. And Carver's plan of strutting around an open area were he could be attacked from different angles would have made him an easy target in the real world.
But Luke decided to hide. So no offense to you boyo, but I'd rather be with a group that actually acts like survivors and takes the offensive with a plan, and doesn't abandon his people.
No offense, but Kenny's strike first is what got Walter and possibly Alvin killed. That shows that Kenny is reckless and uses his gun before… more his brain. This is more of a vice than a virtue. If he would've followed Luke's lead instead of being stubborn and telling him to "take a hike." No one would've died. Then Luke would've had an extra gunner when he decides to liberate the group. I rather have a friend who uses his brain before his gun.
Kennysucks has a valid argument for Nick fanboyism, that said he also has a pretty weak case for Kenny hate. I told Walter that Nick was jus… moret like everyone else, because that's how I (Clem) felt about it. He died because of that. He was a loss canon, and him losing his family doesn't make him any different from anyone else. I don't think he was good guy. Of course I didn't accept his apology either, which doesn't make me a very nice person either. I even lied for Walt after he killed him. "Walkers got him."
I'm not supporting Kenny fanboyism either. He's a bit of a lose canon, and a big mouth as well but I respect that in him. He may not always do the right thing, and he may be ignorant to other points of views but he's never been directly "Wrong" as in he's never made a logically unsound decision. I didn't help him kill Larry, but in retrospect it was probably the right call. I let Ben drop on Kenny's advice because as Clem put it herself… [view original content]
I respect Kenny, I don't necessarily like everything he does, but for the most part they've been logically sound, and he served to be the right asshole when I couldn't be. In retrospect, despite me not helping him to do it, killing Larry was probably the right thing to do.
True words brah. Kenny is a badass thats true. But he's still ignorant and so unforgiving
Well who isn't ignorant? Kenny simply vocalizes his ignorance. He thought Lee was "urban" so what? He sorta was in that "I moved out the hood a long time ago" sorta way. xD I don't think he thought Luke and Nick were gay, he just said they were a "match" that could mean a lot of things. The twist he put on "match" makes it seem he was joking. Nick's the one who started being a dick, and took it the wrong way. What should Kenny have added "no homo" at the end of his sentence?
Sarita says it used to be more... I can't even imagine what she witnessed. Maybe that's why he seems different to her. She saw the beast, she fell in love with the beast, and now it just isn't the same.
I like Ben, Kenny and Nick fuck me right?
Kenny could have just said "you guys sure seem like buds" or something like that but instead he used "Match" which was emphasizing a couple. and Kenny was the one being a douchebag. Nick just said "Michigan?" as a way to ask why he would go there and instead of Kenny just telling him exactly why he decided to imply that he thinks Nick is a dumbass before explaining
Kenny has le SWAG,in the form of a godlike stache and,limited edition,a fabulous beard.So yeah.Your invalid is argument.
But i just wanna point out the fact that i don't hate Nick or Ben,i actually have a crush on Nick.And Kenny instantly assuming Nick and Luke were a thing was a great touch,humorous and absolutely AWESOME.I ship them.Even Kenny ships them.Heck,even Satan ships them.THEY ARE PERFECT.Deal with it.
And Nick,Ben,Luke...They are my fave characters besides Clem,Lee and Kenny,so yeah.I like Kenny,and i also like that "fucking shitbird Ben" AND the other adorable screw-ups and douche-bags and cutsie-pies and amazing characters Telltale throws my way.Well,everyone except Walter,i fucking hate Walter.
Walter is a cunt-nugget
True. Kenny shouldn't have put it like that, but when you think about it Nick and Kenny were a lot alike. I mean they even had the same mullet... I mean EXACTLY the same.
It was the same situation that arises every time two hot headed ass holes sit across the table from one another. They were both dicks.
I don't see how Nicks an asshole, he just lost his uncle 5 days ago and was just about to kill himself 5 days ago so of coarse hes a bit more upset but Kenny purposely antagonized him for no reason at all
Kennysucks is just a pathetic troll, somebody should just close dis thread
lol so your not actually a troll? holy shit
oh, and im not a troll lol
Just because you disagree with his opinion, doesn't make him a troll. Get over it.
shrug I probably played it different than you, and was thus presented with a different Nick than you. I went to him last episode, but when he was drunk and being stupid I left him in the shed. He sort of annoyed me, I didn't accept his apology for almost killing me. To me he was a moody idiot, and a detriment to the group. Maybe it comes from the fact that I have a much stronger condition than Nick did. If my family died then sure I'd be sad, but something in me would want to keep going. It's just the way I think. Nick's attitude to me came off as the kind of guy who gets overly dramatic about everything, and I wasn't proven wrong. He shot Mathew based on a whim, and an inaccurate whim at that.
someone wit username "Kennysucks" is here only to spread hate
Nice wording it,brah.
and someone with the name Jizad, and who types in all bold to proclaim someone a troll is clearly here to spread love.
my name jizad is a normal name, not like Kennysucks.
Eh. Judging a book based on a cover. He's having at least semi-intelligent conversation, and is a joy to carry a debate with.
This is literally the best comment ever.
u know wat, fuck u and fuck him
Well, Kenny isn't perfect, he's far from it. If you are up his ass the whole game though, he is VERY loyal to Lee. If you don't side with him much....he can do some fucked up things, but so can everyone. (Side with Lilly or Kenny in s1e2 in the meat locker, the other one will leave you to die, for example).
I guess the most appealing thing about Kenny's character is if you are a loyal friend to him the whole game, he's a loyal friend to you the whole game, moreso than anyone else, and he gives up his life(well he probably didn't think he was going to get out of either situation alive....) for someone else. If you save Ben in episode 4, he tries to save Ben, knowing he was nearly guaranteed to die and Ben got his family killed.
So a lot of people like Kenny because of his ups. I like his character because he was and still is interesting in my opinion and I like his selflessness at the end of season 1.
BUT I understand why some people dislike him too. If you don't side with him most of the time, he leaves Lee to die more than once, iirc. He is also very idealistic and doesn't take criticism to his ideas very well. Examples - arguments with Lilly over leaving the motor inn instead of staying, acting hostile towards people who disagree with his plan to find a boat, being an asshole to Luke and Nick for questioning him and disagreeing with him about his plan to head north.
I hope I have enlightened you and anyone else who does not understand why a lot of people like Kenny.
maturity is not to be found in your comments.
u dont know me so dont talk about me boy, im done wit dis thread
If these people don't like it well i guess
Me and Ken ended up on alright terms at the end of the season despite me not killing Larry. I don't remember him leaving me for dead...?
If you side with Lilly, Kenny doesn't help you at some point in episode 2 in the fights or something iirc. Maybe you have to not side with him at all before that point or something though, I'm not sure.
If you don't side with him much then at the beginning of episode 3 when you're searching a house with Kenny and zombies knock down a door on Lee, Kenny won't help. Though if you do side with him a lot, Kenny will help Lee lift the door, iirc.
Who cares about Kenny. Telltale brought him back so they could kill him. All of they Kenny fans are so stoked now but when they actually kill him off in the coming episodes, there is going to be an even bigger reaction!
Well, I for one don't understand why people love Kenny so much either. So I don't think this is a troll thread, and I'm curious to know what the answer is myself. As others have noted, Kennysucks raises a lot of valid points.
To me, Kenny is a perfect example of the type of character you see in every post-apocalypse story who's just unbelievably, unrealistically aggressive about every single thing. His kneejerk reaction is always immediately just to kill people or leave them behind without even trying a more rational solution first. And I have yet to see what I consider to be a reasonable defense for how Kenny's actions are not those of a monster.
The best argument I've seen people make for why they like Kenny is that if you support him 100% of the time, he'll have Lee's back. And I certainly understand the appeal of the bromance. Hey, Kenny was my bro too for most of the first two episodes. Right up until he decided to murder a man in cold blood. But the fact that he'll only have your back if you always agree with him I think says something pretty terrible about Kenny. If you disagree with him even once, he's perfectly willing to leave Lee behind to be eaten by walkers. That's not loyalty. That's Kenny basically saying, "Do what I say, or you'll regret it."
I personally don't understand why anybody trust Luke. We still don't know much about him. We know plenty about Kenny. Granted for those who are rping strictly as "Clem" wouldn't know everything about him like we do. Kenny started as a sterotypical redneck beta male, and now he is upgraded a bit more to being the alpha male that he always tried acting like before. It's obvious that he has gained some skills since we last saw him, and that he no longer wants to feel like a victim of the situation or other people.
Kenny teasing Luke and Nick had more to do with him showing that he was dominate over them their instead of actually believing themselves to be together. It's clear from the way he acts that he is setting a tone with them, and hinting that they are both for a lack of a better term "sissies" shows that he is setting up himself as being dominate over them. Which is Kenny's entire MO, and always has been. Straight guys talk to each other like that all the time giving each other crap, at least my generation did (I'm 28). The difference this time is Kenny meet a little Kenny in Nick who took it seriously so they started yipping at each other. Acting that way Kenny is showing signs that they are in his world now, and setting up that if Clem wants to stay with him their is nothing they are going to do about it. Further it's obvious that Clem showing up in Kenny's life again is forcing him to face the past. It's obvious he cares about her, and sees her as his family which is why he mistakenly called her Duck... she brings him back to those days, but this time he doesn't want to be a victim again.
That's his character, he's a guy who looks out for his own and who attempts to take charge so he is in command of a situation. That attitude pisses off a lot of people, but it is his character and if anything has been expanded more now, since he has the attitude that he will not be a victim again like he was before.
Luke on the other hand... well... besides the fact that he doesn't like to kill dogs even if they are attacking you... and it was seemingly his idea to leave Carvers group... and the fact that he is currently no where around we don't know a lot about him. He seems like a decent guy, but really the only background we have on him is that he got Nick involved in some business venture that went belly up, and that he always likes to "keep moving forward".
I think it's telling that well Kenny choose to attempt to fight back, Luke decided to hide. That is a big hint of their personality differences. Kenny's attitude is to strike first, Luke is either watching from a distance and doing nothing or he is somehow lost or dead. I'm guessing he watched everything happen and choose to do nothing, possibly out of a sense of weakness. Kenny isn't going to act like that which will probably lead to his death eventually.
People like Kenny because at heart, he is a good man who just has his flaws. He's also a good balance between a pragmatist and someone who makes moral decisions. He can be impulsive, a bit selfish, and angry, but at the same time, he can be trustworthy, loyal, and a good friend. As a survivors, he's smart, and seems to have good instincts.
Also, I'm not sure that he really assumed that Nick and Luke were a couple, didn't seem that way to me at least.
People hate on Ben and Nick because even though they have good intentions, they tend to... you know, ruin everything.
For as many people hate Ben/Nick and like Kenny, there are people who, like you, like Ben/Nick and hate Kenny. Or, there are people like me who like all of those characters.
Well, leaving the Motor Inn was actually a good idea and he brought up some good points, it was Lilly being a bit irrational in that situation, but yeah, he does not take well to criticism of his plans.
Larry's eyes never open, pretty much the highest number of presses you can get is 5. After five his mouth moves, but Telltale specifically said they put that in because it could go both ways. So saying his mouth opens because he's alive has no real weight. Granted, neither does the opposing side. The choice was so important because you had a risk vs. safety issue.
Kenny was worried about his family and for his own safety and didn't want to risk everyone's lives to help some guy who hates him and as tried to kill Lee in the past.
Kenny had no idea that Nick was that volatile otherwise he probably would've backed off.
Remember Kenny was in one of those moods in episode 4 yet everyone seemed to give him shit for it when he lost his entire family in the course of one day.
Well if you love Kenny so much then why don't you MARRY HIM?!!!!!!
No offense, but Kenny's strike first is what got Walter and possibly Alvin killed. That shows that Kenny is reckless and uses his gun before his brain. This is more of a vice than a virtue. If he would've followed Luke's lead instead of being stubborn and telling him to "take a hike." No one would've died. Then Luke would've had an extra gunner when he decides to liberate the group. I rather have a friend who uses his brain before his gun.
Kenny is the perfect combination of nice and hate, that's why a lot of people like him, he has a realistic personality. Honestly would you trust in the apocalypse who's TOO nice or TOO mean?
Had Luke joined Kenny and taken a different position he could have fired upon Carver from a different angle well he ducked behind the log and Kenny laid down suppressive fire. From such an angle Carver would have been open and an easy kill would have occurred. Then well Bonnie and the other guy got over the sudden shock of the lost of their cult leader the hostages could have departed as Luke and Kenny concentrated on taking out the final two people.
The reason of course that this didn't happen is because the story dictates that we must be prisoners of war in the next episode. Nether the less if I was with a real survival group the last kind of person I would want is someone who would sit ideally by well our people are being rounded up. Kenny and Luke had the cover and defensive position to go on the offensive if they had worked together. And Carver's plan of strutting around an open area were he could be attacked from different angles would have made him an easy target in the real world.
But Luke decided to hide. So no offense to you boyo, but I'd rather be with a group that actually acts like survivors and takes the offensive with a plan, and doesn't abandon his people.
I don't think Matthew was going to shoot Nick but it wasn't Nick's fault.
Nick is like a clone of Kenny.