Kenny is actually the only one who sticks around, and the only real friend I feel like you can get. Actually, I plan to do a playthrough later where I actually side against him all the time. I kind of hate doing that since I really love Kenny. Still, I have tried sometimes to pick the other people's sides instead of Kenny. Not all the way, tough. The people who's having troubles with Kenny for example. Larry and Lilly. I actually was nice to Lilly, and I defended Larry when talking to Mark. Witch Mark then told Larry. I think I actually started seeing the good side of Larry. Too bad I only got to see it right before I helped Kenny smash his brain out... I mean, people assumed Larry for instance is the bad guy... and of course some with Lilly. Still, I think that if I actually made some effort to actually see the good side of those people, then I could probably get a deeper look on other characters.
For an instance, I actually do like Nick... even tough I like Luke more. Nick seems like a good guy, even tough he make some bad choices. I think I make a lot of bad choices myself. Still, even now matter how much I seem to like Nick and Luke, I would still pick Kenny. He's a good man deep down even tough he has trouble. And the fact that we go way back. He's an old friend. Nick and Luke are sort of the same way with Omid and Kristha when we started to get to meet them. It's like, I really loved Omid. He was such a great guy, but I would still have picked Kenny because of all that we've been trough. Regarding Ben, I don't hate him. I kind of feel sorry for him. Still, Kenny is valuable help. Even tough he always picks family first. Even tough he might have a well chance of saving more than just his family. For instance at Hearshell's farm. I tried once to save Shawn instead of Duck since I knew Kenny would save Duck. Kenny could've helped save both. When his son was lose, he could have put him down and helped me save Shawn. Instead he ran of. The people who choose to save Duck will never see this side of Kenny. The way he abandoned Shawn... that was horrible. And on the other side, I wonder how Kenny will react seeing Clementine again and what to talk about if Lee never supported Kenny at all.
I even told Nick the truth about why I ran over to him. The choice seemed at least right then. I did choose to go to Nick because Pete was bitten. Not because I trusted Nick more or anything. Being bitten will never turn out well.
I can't speak for any other Kenny fans, but the reason I like him? He never gave up, despite everything, and he's a good guy deep down. He wasn't the most pleasant person to be around, and he did do some things that are pretty much unjustifiable in Season 1, but he persisted through everything the group was going through even when he had every reason to lie down and die. He lost every reason he had to survive, but it didn't stop him. He could be a massive prick, but once he finally came around he was willing to (even if he actually didn't) die for either Christa or Ben, both of whom he hated, because he knew he could help them.
Matthew would have shot Nick and Nick thought that Clem and Luke gave him a clear shot when they ducked. he also thought that Matthew was ho… morelding them up. and it is shown later than Nick was really really sorry, he even risked his life just to apologize
Kenny is one of the best developed characters of this game, that's a fact.
Now talking about his actions. You can say whatever you want about his attitude, but if it weren't for him, Lee's history would have ended in episode 1.
"I'm not letting anybody else be eaten today, especially a good friend."
Just saying, he probably saved the life of Lee, Clem and Lily by killing Larry. Let's say there was a 50 % chance of Larry surviving the hea… morert attack. Would you have risked the life of 3 people (including a child) to save one man, who was already old and sick on top of everything? I would have probably done the same thing as Kenny, if I had the balls to smash a man's head in.
Some people only want idolized heroes in their stories. If they aren't "perfect" they are to be looked down on. Kenny's a flawed character... he's designed to be that way, which is why a lot of people like him, and some hate him vigorously.
I think it's a bit funny honestly. Truth is we can all play Lee as a defender of civil society values and culture... never the less the character murdered a man who he caught sleeping with his wife, so no matter what some thing we start with the fact that Lee isn't perfect. But so many people played him as such a "good guy" in their own eyes, few remember the he is himself a flawed character. I like Lee because of that, but some people make the mistake to think that because they choose how their Lee acted the he was almost Christ like in his "goodness", instead of simply being a man who was trying to do what he thought was right.
Kenny is the perfect combination of nice and hate, that's why a lot of people like him, he has a realistic personality. Honestly would you trust in the apocalypse who's TOO nice or TOO mean?
Your reasons for hating kenny aren't practical. Ben and Nick fuck up way too much and make bone-headed decisions, thus why they receive hate. I don't like Kenny either but that's because he acts like the world owes him something and is your best friend when you agree with him but say one thing even remotely against him and he loses his shit and talks down on you. I don't hate kenny because people like him or he gets praise while other characters don't, that's kind of shallow.
"Kenny sucks" is a bit much (not so much the points as the SN). Actually a lot much. I think he's a good character and shows a lot of develo… morepment, and turmoil and certainly adds a good deal of suspense. I can see why people might get annoyed in Season 1 (sort of the 'you agree with me or I won't like you' mentality) but season 2, even if you don't like him he still adds psychological complexity, and he is a wild card (a lot less predictable than season 1) so it'll be interesting to see where he goes.
That said, I also don't understand Kenny fanboys/girls... My favorite character was (surprise) Carley, and for the people who say 'oh, Kenny lost his family, of course he's in emotional pain and a shattered state' - what about Lily? Her character was sympathetic (up unto we all know what...)
Of course, this is the middle of the ground approach that comes back on me as much in the forums as in the game...
Well I like Kenny because he never gave up even when his whole family was killed and he always backed up Lee in my playthrough also he has a good mix of nice and hate attitude towards people not sure how to explain it really oh and he did not get most of the group kill unlike a shithead named ben
If you side with Lilly, Kenny doesn't help you at some point in episode 2 in the fights or something iirc. Maybe you have to not side with … morehim at all before that point or something though, I'm not sure.
If you don't side with him much then at the beginning of episode 3 when you're searching a house with Kenny and zombies knock down a door on Lee, Kenny won't help. Though if you do side with him a lot, Kenny will help Lee lift the door, iirc.
To me, he pretty much feels like the male version of Lily in that he loses his mind every time someone disagrees with him. Don't kill Larry? "HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE MY BACK?" Don't kill Ben? "HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE MY BACK?" To top it all off, he ditched Lee in his biggest time of need in my playthrough. As far as I'm concerned he's a selfish dude who's out for number one. He's not a the best guy to include in a team. He's short sighted and petty.
That said, he's not as bad as Lily because he never killed a team mate, even when he had every reason in the world to. He saved Lee's skin on multiple occasions, and his view on situations made the most sense most of the time. Though he's a liability in some ways, he is also tough and doesn't make too many rash decisions. He is the type of person that will make your group survive, as much as you hate him.
Long story short, Kenny is just plain human. He is not perfect. That's what makes him such an interesting and memorable character. I think he's alright. It was nice seeing him again. I just love to hate him.
Look I think most can agree that Nick and Luke are bad fucking ass but for those few, very few, who do not agree. I respect you. here is a tribute to Kenny's poor 'Stache. as a peace offering. from us to you.
First of all, we don't know what happened to Luke or what kind of weaponry he had on him at the time. So it's premature to make any assumptions about how he could have helped.
But even assuming he was hiding somewhere nearby with a gun, staying put was still the right move. The first priority in a hostage situation like that has to be keeping everyone alive. Even if Luke and Kenny worked together and each of them took out one of Carver's people, there's still only two of them versus four gunmen. Which means they could only take out two people before the bad guys know where they are, and that's assuming they both hit their targets, which isn't exactly easy. The two that are left then take cover and are very likely to respond by killing hostages.
Now on the other hand, if they had stayed hidden, it's very likely that Carver would have just taken the prisoners he had back to his community, since he had no way of knowing for sure that Luke and Kenny were even there to begin with. So then everyone in the group is still alive to be rescued. Luke, Kenny, and Clementine could then follow them to their base and find a way to rescue them under more opportune circumstances. Preferably when they don't all have guns aimed at them. That would have been the smart thing to do.
Heck, Kenny wasn't even smart enough to do things the way you suggest. He's the one who told Luke to "take a hike," whatever that's supposed to mean. And it's not like he bothered to wait for Clem to find Luke before he started firing into a room full of hostages. That's not "acting like a survivor." That's acting like a macho idiot who cares more about showing everyone how he's in charge than he does about people's well-being. And Walter got killed and Clementine captured as a direct result of Kenny's idiocy.
So no offense, but I'd rather be with a group that actually acts like survivors and takes the plan that makes sense, and doesn't get his people killed by being needlessly reckless.
Had Luke joined Kenny and taken a different position he could have fired upon Carver from a different angle well he ducked behind the log an… mored Kenny laid down suppressive fire. From such an angle Carver would have been open and an easy kill would have occurred. Then well Bonnie and the other guy got over the sudden shock of the lost of their cult leader the hostages could have departed as Luke and Kenny concentrated on taking out the final two people.
The reason of course that this didn't happen is because the story dictates that we must be prisoners of war in the next episode. Nether the less if I was with a real survival group the last kind of person I would want is someone who would sit ideally by well our people are being rounded up. Kenny and Luke had the cover and defensive position to go on the offensive if they had worked together. And Carver's plan of strutting around an open area were he could be attacked from different angles wou… [view original content]
He actually did kill a team mate. Remember Larry? I mean, you could argue that it was a justifiable killing given the circumstances, but it's hard to deny that he killed him.
To me, he pretty much feels like the male version of Lily in that he loses his mind every time someone disagrees with him. Don't kill Larry?… more "HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE MY BACK?" Don't kill Ben? "HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE MY BACK?" To top it all off, he ditched Lee in his biggest time of need in my playthrough. As far as I'm concerned he's a selfish dude who's out for number one. He's not a the best guy to include in a team. He's short sighted and petty.
That said, he's not as bad as Lily because he never killed a team mate, even when he had every reason in the world to. He saved Lee's skin on multiple occasions, and his view on situations made the most sense most of the time. Though he's a liability in some ways, he is also tough and doesn't make too many rash decisions. He is the type of person that will make your group survive, as much as you hate him.
Long story short, Kenny is just plain human. He is not perfect. That's what makes him suc… [view original content]
Look at it from his point of view in ep 1 his son is in danger of being killed so he steps up to defend him. In ep 2 he's trapped in a meat locker with a close to if not already dead guy while his family has been taken hostage by cannibals. In ep 3 he loses all he had close and dear in the space of a few seconds. Ep 4 he finds out why his family died and who was behind it, he knows that sooner or later Lee, his one and only true friend left in the world is going to die and Clem is gone possibly to never be seen again and in ep 5 he finally sees a way to redeem himself to Ben but also the player in some way and finally see his family again. (Yes I know he survives but that's in the moment)
I've never liked him that much too.. He can be a total dick sometimes. You have to side him like 97% of the time otherwise you're fucked.
But whatever, I don't care.
And I don't care about the downvotes too, just so you know. ^^
Im with you in that I think people cut Kenny way too much slack when they vilify everyone else. Ben for instance, 17 year old scared kid. He did a lot of dumb things but none of it was malicious. Kenny on the other hand is what, 40's, and everything he does is deliberate. So many things he said and did made me mad and I dont understand why people think he is such a great guy. Im not saying that he is the worst person in the world but he has proven himself, IMO, to be not this saint people make him out to be.
The difference is that if you're there for Kenny he has your back. Ben NEVER had Lee's back. He was a flake. I know Kenny is not perfect but he's a good guy and I trust him, I know Clementine is safe with him.
Im with you in that I think people cut Kenny way too much slack when they vilify everyone else. Ben for instance, 17 year old scared kid. He… more did a lot of dumb things but none of it was malicious. Kenny on the other hand is what, 40's, and everything he does is deliberate. So many things he said and did made me mad and I dont understand why people think he is such a great guy. Im not saying that he is the worst person in the world but he has proven himself, IMO, to be not this saint people make him out to be.
I was there for Kenny and he still didnt have my back. That is my point about him. As for Ben, his big problem is his newness to the group and his insecurity caused him to make mistakes. It wasnt about him demanding loyalty from Lee or anyone else in exchange for his loyalty. In the end, he was willing to sacrifice himself for the others. Contrast that with Kenny and his horrible "You never helped me out" speech when Lee was dying and Clementine was kidnapped. I dont trust him anymore now than I did then, especially now that he's starting to act a little strange.
The difference is that if you're there for Kenny he has your back. Ben NEVER had Lee's back. He was a flake. I know Kenny is not perfect but he's a good guy and I trust him, I know Clementine is safe with him.
Ben literally sold out the group. You shouldn't feel anything good about Ben. He just makes bad mistake after bad mistake risking everyone else. Nick doesn't seem hated, but he's OBVIOUSLY in the wrong with Matthew. Nothing more to discuss.
Yeah, I suppose if you don't support Kenny on vital decisions he can be pretty unforgiving. My husband didn't like him very much for that reason. I'm just saying that many people DO like Kenny because in their playthroughs they had his back and he had their's. That's why I like him. Also, he has had more character development than anyone else in the game presently besides Clementine. He's familiar and you can trust him with Clem. It's hard to know who we can trust right now, but I think it's safe to say that we can trust Kenny not to harm Clem.
I was there for Kenny and he still didnt have my back. That is my point about him. As for Ben, his big problem is his newness to the group a… morend his insecurity caused him to make mistakes. It wasnt about him demanding loyalty from Lee or anyone else in exchange for his loyalty. In the end, he was willing to sacrifice himself for the others. Contrast that with Kenny and his horrible "You never helped me out" speech when Lee was dying and Clementine was kidnapped. I dont trust him anymore now than I did then, especially now that he's starting to act a little strange.
All right, why I think Kenny has as many fans as he does is for a few reasons
1. (the big one) The whole Lilly vs Kenny debate during those long waits between Ep.1, 2 and 3, really tempered people's alliances. People who sided with Kenny fought for him them and it made them think that they were in it together against a common foe. After Lilly's departure, they were now confident it was the "correct" decision and thus continued to support him because it seems like they were victorious.
2. Sort of the same as 1, but a grudge against Lilly for either her first scene or her last scene. For her first scene, she disagreed with letting the group inside and some people just carried that with them, for her last scene, well she killed someone and so people turned to Kenny, as he was her greatest opponent.
3. His family died, his boorish behavior beforehand was excused by his supporters because he opposed Lilly, afterwards, it equally was excused because his family had just died
Saying Lilly was not at all sympathetic seems a bit unfair to me... I mean, she's a crazy bitch, sure, but it's not like that's all she was. She had plenty of sympathetic scenes like when she saves the group from the bandits, can save Lee twice from the St. Johns, cares for Clem more than almost anyone else in the group, can reassure Lee that killing the senator doesn't make him a bad man...
Of course, killing Doug/Carley pretty much overrules those redeeming points, but I still don't think it's fair to say she was not AT ALL sympathetic, just like how saying Kenny sucks is a bit much.
Nick was different. I thought Walter meant is he the kind of guy to raid like bandits. Dropping Ben before he can redeem himself is horrible, make him leave if he isn't wanted but murder isn't right in that situation
Kennysucks has a valid argument for Nick fanboyism, that said he also has a pretty weak case for Kenny hate. I told Walter that Nick was jus… moret like everyone else, because that's how I (Clem) felt about it. He died because of that. He was a loss canon, and him losing his family doesn't make him any different from anyone else. I don't think he was good guy. Of course I didn't accept his apology either, which doesn't make me a very nice person either. I even lied for Walt after he killed him. "Walkers got him."
I'm not supporting Kenny fanboyism either. He's a bit of a lose canon, and a big mouth as well but I respect that in him. He may not always do the right thing, and he may be ignorant to other points of views but he's never been directly "Wrong" as in he's never made a logically unsound decision. I didn't help him kill Larry, but in retrospect it was probably the right call. I let Ben drop on Kenny's advice because as Clem put it herself… [view original content]
that's because most of the things he does are right! sure some of us disagree with his choices but they are mostly the right choices like sa… moreving everyone in the meat locker by killing larry, that was the right choice. leaving that girl on the street to buy time for them to get the stuff they needed, right choice! and leaving ben because he was a danger to the group, yup right choice, see a pattern here? these things most of us wouldn't agree with but they are the choice between life or death in a situation, you gotta think about this stuff before you start getting mad because "everyone thinks he is right" thats cause he is!
Kenny has le SWAG,in the form of a godlike stache and,limited edition,a fabulous beard.So yeah.Your invalid is argument.
But i just wanna… more point out the fact that i don't hate Nick or Ben,i actually have a crush on Nick.And Kenny instantly assuming Nick and Luke were a thing was a great touch,humorous and absolutely AWESOME.I ship them.Even Kenny ships them.Heck,even Satan ships them.THEY ARE PERFECT.Deal with it.
And Nick,Ben,Luke...They are my fave characters besides Clem,Lee and Kenny,so yeah.I like Kenny,and i also like that "fucking shitbird Ben" AND the other adorable screw-ups and douche-bags and cutsie-pies and amazing characters Telltale throws my way.Well,everyone except Walter,i fucking hate Walter.
I don't hate Kenny but I don't love him either, his whole boat plan is stupid from the start but try telling him that. Kenny is only nice to you if you agree with him on those stupid ideas. Hes also quit self centered, the way he took the food from station wagon with no regret, how he talked about ditching people from the boat, like Molly who saved his ass. Hes definitely not a nice guy, he is a realistic person and in that sense a great character.
MATTHEW was the nicest guy ever.The thing with the peanut-butter...It got me,an unquestioned Nick lover,yelling at Nick,i mean,GODDAMN YOU,NICK,AND YOUR ITCHY-TRIGGER-FINGER!!!!I still love you...
I kicked Kenny's ass on the train in season 1. He's still a dick though I really wanted to save Walter but he just shoots someone out of no where in a hostage situation. Might have to kick his ass again as Clem this season if he keeps being a dick.
Kenny is actually the only one who sticks around, and the only real friend I feel like you can get. Actually, I plan to do a playthrough later where I actually side against him all the time. I kind of hate doing that since I really love Kenny. Still, I have tried sometimes to pick the other people's sides instead of Kenny. Not all the way, tough. The people who's having troubles with Kenny for example. Larry and Lilly. I actually was nice to Lilly, and I defended Larry when talking to Mark. Witch Mark then told Larry. I think I actually started seeing the good side of Larry. Too bad I only got to see it right before I helped Kenny smash his brain out... I mean, people assumed Larry for instance is the bad guy... and of course some with Lilly. Still, I think that if I actually made some effort to actually see the good side of those people, then I could probably get a deeper look on other characters.
For an instance, I actually do like Nick... even tough I like Luke more. Nick seems like a good guy, even tough he make some bad choices. I think I make a lot of bad choices myself. Still, even now matter how much I seem to like Nick and Luke, I would still pick Kenny. He's a good man deep down even tough he has trouble. And the fact that we go way back. He's an old friend. Nick and Luke are sort of the same way with Omid and Kristha when we started to get to meet them. It's like, I really loved Omid. He was such a great guy, but I would still have picked Kenny because of all that we've been trough. Regarding Ben, I don't hate him. I kind of feel sorry for him. Still, Kenny is valuable help. Even tough he always picks family first. Even tough he might have a well chance of saving more than just his family. For instance at Hearshell's farm. I tried once to save Shawn instead of Duck since I knew Kenny would save Duck. Kenny could've helped save both. When his son was lose, he could have put him down and helped me save Shawn. Instead he ran of. The people who choose to save Duck will never see this side of Kenny. The way he abandoned Shawn... that was horrible. And on the other side, I wonder how Kenny will react seeing Clementine again and what to talk about if Lee never supported Kenny at all.
I even told Nick the truth about why I ran over to him. The choice seemed at least right then. I did choose to go to Nick because Pete was bitten. Not because I trusted Nick more or anything. Being bitten will never turn out well.
I can't speak for any other Kenny fans, but the reason I like him? He never gave up, despite everything, and he's a good guy deep down. He wasn't the most pleasant person to be around, and he did do some things that are pretty much unjustifiable in Season 1, but he persisted through everything the group was going through even when he had every reason to lie down and die. He lost every reason he had to survive, but it didn't stop him. He could be a massive prick, but once he finally came around he was willing to (even if he actually didn't) die for either Christa or Ben, both of whom he hated, because he knew he could help them.
Finnaly someone gets some scene
Kenny is one of the best developed characters of this game, that's a fact.
Now talking about his actions. You can say whatever you want about his attitude, but if it weren't for him, Lee's history would have ended in episode 1.
"I'm not letting anybody else be eaten today, especially a good friend."
Fuck you! I WAS STILL ALIVE,u could even see me breath if do it fast enough. ASSHOLE
Some people only want idolized heroes in their stories. If they aren't "perfect" they are to be looked down on. Kenny's a flawed character... he's designed to be that way, which is why a lot of people like him, and some hate him vigorously.
I think it's a bit funny honestly. Truth is we can all play Lee as a defender of civil society values and culture... never the less the character murdered a man who he caught sleeping with his wife, so no matter what some thing we start with the fact that Lee isn't perfect. But so many people played him as such a "good guy" in their own eyes, few remember the he is himself a flawed character. I like Lee because of that, but some people make the mistake to think that because they choose how their Lee acted the he was almost Christ like in his "goodness", instead of simply being a man who was trying to do what he thought was right.
Your reasons for hating kenny aren't practical. Ben and Nick fuck up way too much and make bone-headed decisions, thus why they receive hate. I don't like Kenny either but that's because he acts like the world owes him something and is your best friend when you agree with him but say one thing even remotely against him and he loses his shit and talks down on you. I don't hate kenny because people like him or he gets praise while other characters don't, that's kind of shallow.
Damn right.
Lilly was not at all sympathetic("We can't help every struggling survivor we come across!"), but besides that, I agree with you.
Well I like Kenny because he never gave up even when his whole family was killed and he always backed up Lee in my playthrough also he has a good mix of nice and hate attitude towards people not sure how to explain it really oh and he did not get most of the group kill unlike a shithead named ben
Oh yea Kenny didn't help me there, but I sided with him in the drugstore, but not with killing Larry. I'd forgotten about that.
To me, he pretty much feels like the male version of Lily in that he loses his mind every time someone disagrees with him. Don't kill Larry? "HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE MY BACK?" Don't kill Ben? "HOW COULD YOU NOT HAVE MY BACK?" To top it all off, he ditched Lee in his biggest time of need in my playthrough. As far as I'm concerned he's a selfish dude who's out for number one. He's not a the best guy to include in a team. He's short sighted and petty.
That said, he's not as bad as Lily because he never killed a team mate, even when he had every reason in the world to. He saved Lee's skin on multiple occasions, and his view on situations made the most sense most of the time. Though he's a liability in some ways, he is also tough and doesn't make too many rash decisions. He is the type of person that will make your group survive, as much as you hate him.
Long story short, Kenny is just plain human. He is not perfect. That's what makes him such an interesting and memorable character. I think he's alright. It was nice seeing him again. I just love to hate him.
Look I think most can agree that Nick and Luke are bad fucking ass but for those few, very few, who do not agree. I respect you. here is a tribute to Kenny's poor 'Stache. as a peace offering. from us to you.
People love an alpha male. Haha
Yeah he can be a real douche. But he's also driven and get things done. He feels real somehow in all the chaos.
First of all, we don't know what happened to Luke or what kind of weaponry he had on him at the time. So it's premature to make any assumptions about how he could have helped.
But even assuming he was hiding somewhere nearby with a gun, staying put was still the right move. The first priority in a hostage situation like that has to be keeping everyone alive. Even if Luke and Kenny worked together and each of them took out one of Carver's people, there's still only two of them versus four gunmen. Which means they could only take out two people before the bad guys know where they are, and that's assuming they both hit their targets, which isn't exactly easy. The two that are left then take cover and are very likely to respond by killing hostages.
Now on the other hand, if they had stayed hidden, it's very likely that Carver would have just taken the prisoners he had back to his community, since he had no way of knowing for sure that Luke and Kenny were even there to begin with. So then everyone in the group is still alive to be rescued. Luke, Kenny, and Clementine could then follow them to their base and find a way to rescue them under more opportune circumstances. Preferably when they don't all have guns aimed at them. That would have been the smart thing to do.
Heck, Kenny wasn't even smart enough to do things the way you suggest. He's the one who told Luke to "take a hike," whatever that's supposed to mean. And it's not like he bothered to wait for Clem to find Luke before he started firing into a room full of hostages. That's not "acting like a survivor." That's acting like a macho idiot who cares more about showing everyone how he's in charge than he does about people's well-being. And Walter got killed and Clementine captured as a direct result of Kenny's idiocy.
So no offense, but I'd rather be with a group that actually acts like survivors and takes the plan that makes sense, and doesn't get his people killed by being needlessly reckless.
He actually did kill a team mate. Remember Larry? I mean, you could argue that it was a justifiable killing given the circumstances, but it's hard to deny that he killed him.
Join the club. ._.
Look at it from his point of view in ep 1 his son is in danger of being killed so he steps up to defend him. In ep 2 he's trapped in a meat locker with a close to if not already dead guy while his family has been taken hostage by cannibals. In ep 3 he loses all he had close and dear in the space of a few seconds. Ep 4 he finds out why his family died and who was behind it, he knows that sooner or later Lee, his one and only true friend left in the world is going to die and Clem is gone possibly to never be seen again and in ep 5 he finally sees a way to redeem himself to Ben but also the player in some way and finally see his family again. (Yes I know he survives but that's in the moment)
So what?
I've never liked him that much too.. He can be a total dick sometimes. You have to side him like 97% of the time otherwise you're fucked.
But whatever, I don't care.
And I don't care about the downvotes too, just so you know. ^^
Kennysucks? Did you seriously just make this account for the sole purpose of making a Kenny hate thread?

Because he's Kenny
I'm loving the beard. It looks very soft and luxuriant.
I guess he kinda is the closest person Clem know now who can be a father figure.
Im with you in that I think people cut Kenny way too much slack when they vilify everyone else. Ben for instance, 17 year old scared kid. He did a lot of dumb things but none of it was malicious. Kenny on the other hand is what, 40's, and everything he does is deliberate. So many things he said and did made me mad and I dont understand why people think he is such a great guy. Im not saying that he is the worst person in the world but he has proven himself, IMO, to be not this saint people make him out to be.
The difference is that if you're there for Kenny he has your back. Ben NEVER had Lee's back. He was a flake. I know Kenny is not perfect but he's a good guy and I trust him, I know Clementine is safe with him.
I was there for Kenny and he still didnt have my back. That is my point about him. As for Ben, his big problem is his newness to the group and his insecurity caused him to make mistakes. It wasnt about him demanding loyalty from Lee or anyone else in exchange for his loyalty. In the end, he was willing to sacrifice himself for the others. Contrast that with Kenny and his horrible "You never helped me out" speech when Lee was dying and Clementine was kidnapped. I dont trust him anymore now than I did then, especially now that he's starting to act a little strange.
I'm not a fan of his. He is just way bitchy if you don't things his way or he didn't get his way. I will admit I felt bad when I thought he was dead.
Ben literally sold out the group. You shouldn't feel anything good about Ben. He just makes bad mistake after bad mistake risking everyone else. Nick doesn't seem hated, but he's OBVIOUSLY in the wrong with Matthew. Nothing more to discuss.
Yeah, I suppose if you don't support Kenny on vital decisions he can be pretty unforgiving. My husband didn't like him very much for that reason. I'm just saying that many people DO like Kenny because in their playthroughs they had his back and he had their's. That's why I like him. Also, he has had more character development than anyone else in the game presently besides Clementine. He's familiar and you can trust him with Clem. It's hard to know who we can trust right now, but I think it's safe to say that we can trust Kenny not to harm Clem.
Nah i just didn't have a better username I could think of so i picked that
All right, why I think Kenny has as many fans as he does is for a few reasons
1. (the big one) The whole Lilly vs Kenny debate during those long waits between Ep.1, 2 and 3, really tempered people's alliances. People who sided with Kenny fought for him them and it made them think that they were in it together against a common foe. After Lilly's departure, they were now confident it was the "correct" decision and thus continued to support him because it seems like they were victorious.
2. Sort of the same as 1, but a grudge against Lilly for either her first scene or her last scene. For her first scene, she disagreed with letting the group inside and some people just carried that with them, for her last scene, well she killed someone and so people turned to Kenny, as he was her greatest opponent.
3. His family died, his boorish behavior beforehand was excused by his supporters because he opposed Lilly, afterwards, it equally was excused because his family had just died
Saying Lilly was not at all sympathetic seems a bit unfair to me... I mean, she's a crazy bitch, sure, but it's not like that's all she was. She had plenty of sympathetic scenes like when she saves the group from the bandits, can save Lee twice from the St. Johns, cares for Clem more than almost anyone else in the group, can reassure Lee that killing the senator doesn't make him a bad man...
Of course, killing Doug/Carley pretty much overrules those redeeming points, but I still don't think it's fair to say she was not AT ALL sympathetic, just like how saying Kenny sucks is a bit much.
Nick was different. I thought Walter meant is he the kind of guy to raid like bandits. Dropping Ben before he can redeem himself is horrible, make him leave if he isn't wanted but murder isn't right in that situation
Letting the girl be killed was wrong. Dropping Ben also, could just kick him out
This is why being friends with Kenny is a chore. You either agree with him 100% or he gets all bitchy and leaves you to die a couple times.
Same. And the bruise that you keep for two whole episodes looks great.
Walter, the most kind guy we've met in S2 so far?
I don't hate Kenny but I don't love him either, his whole boat plan is stupid from the start but try telling him that. Kenny is only nice to you if you agree with him on those stupid ideas. Hes also quit self centered, the way he took the food from station wagon with no regret, how he talked about ditching people from the boat, like Molly who saved his ass. Hes definitely not a nice guy, he is a realistic person and in that sense a great character.
MATTHEW was the nicest guy ever.The thing with the peanut-butter...It got me,an unquestioned Nick lover,yelling at Nick,i mean,GODDAMN YOU,NICK,AND YOUR ITCHY-TRIGGER-FINGER!!!!I still love you...
I kicked Kenny's ass on the train in season 1. He's still a dick though I really wanted to save Walter but he just shoots someone out of no where in a hostage situation. Might have to kick his ass again as Clem this season if he keeps being a dick.