Can someone explain why people like Kenny?



  • edited March 2014

    A bad post.

    • He took care of his family, was all he needed to do in the moment. If Hershel wanted his kid alive he should've had that shotgun handy. Kenny even feels guilt about it later because he's a panhandle saint.
    • General whining about Kenny's abrasiveness and not true, he does boss shit all the time.
    • Killing Larry is a plus. Sorry that Kenny didn't read the comic book or wiki entry on TWD, but nobody in that freezer knows how long it takes someone to turn and someone who's stopped breathing from a heart attack is pretty much dead.
    • More whining about Kenny's alpha musk.
    • Sorry you made the wrong decision in the meat locker.
    • Sorry you made the wrong decision in the meat locker.
    • Lee left her with Ben. Kenny got her back to Ben. Ben didn't do his job, because he's Ben.
    • "For no other reason!" lol, there are a lot of reasons to let Ben die. Reason #1: It's Ben.
    • It was a dumb idea, frankly. Good thing some of us made the right decision and let Ben die in Crawford.
    • He's teasing them, sorry it rustled your jimmies.
    • Maybe if it wasn't a cabin that stunk of pussy and full of people who surrendered all their guns to four geniuses who walked out of the cover of the treeline then they could've fought back. Alvin just stood there when I made Kenny take the shot and incapacitate Carver. Thank the Lord that big dumb bitch is dead in my playthough.
    • Oh no off-color humor someone quick call the SJW Rainbow Brigade.

    All in all this just confirms Kenny-hatred is based on swollen babby issues. They couldn't handle the pendulous swing of Kenny's balls before and now that he's gone from gentlemanly mustache to supermanly wolverine beard their assholes have puckered tighter than a choir boy at a NAMBLA convention. Honestly I hope I help Kenny kill 1/3rd of the cast before we pile their bodies and set them on fire, this new group makes Ben look like Vladimir Putin.

    magodesky posted: »

    Sure. Where to begin? * When you're trying to save Shawn and Duck on Hershel's farm, Kenny runs off as soon as Duck is safe, leaving S

  • edited March 2014

    That joke just made my day...but srsly though, Kenny would do anything for his family!

    Carver might have a godlike Stache himself, but Kennys godlike Stache evolved a long time ago...he doesn't stand a chance!

    Let me ask you something, what's the most important thing is this world? What's the one thing a guy would walk hundreds of miles just to get back? A moustache/beard, it's a tough world out there without facial hair you can trust.

  • That's what I'm here for

    That joke just made my day...but srsly though, Kenny would do anything for his family! Carver might have a godlike Stache himself, but Kennys godlike Stache evolved a long time ago...he doesn't stand a chance!

  • i highly disagree with the last part. kenny was pissed cause lee was the only one he could trust and like in ep 3 when he says "like you've ever listened to a thing i say" (depending on your choice) he thinks your taking lily's side cause he thought lily was putting the whole group in danger by staying at the motel and u did what lily said. kenny didnt think about clementine cause he thought he just lost everything and that the there was no hope in getting out of savanna so basically thought that the group was gonna die

    magodesky posted: »

    Well, the question was why people don't like Kenny. Ben and Molly are another topic. Yeah, I was pretty fed up with Ben too at that moment

  • You sir...just made my day!

    But honestly though, you made alot of good points here!

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    A bad post. * He took care of his family, was all he needed to do in the moment. If Hershel wanted his kid alive he should've had that

  • Well, at least you warned us ahead of time that your response was going to be a bad post. Thanks for that. Seriously though, I can't find a single valid, logical response in anything you posted here, and it's actually bordering on being outright offensive. But on the other hand, I feel like being completely illogical and unnecessarily offensive is how Kenny himself would respond. So I do at least have to give you points for being meta.

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    A bad post. * He took care of his family, was all he needed to do in the moment. If Hershel wanted his kid alive he should've had that

  • I think part of, if not the main reason people dislike him is because we know that it's a game and that there are certain specific events that determines whether he helps us at the end. For those of us who do like him, well in our playthroughs we were on the same page and he was a good mate to us. Others hate him because he abandoned them at the end. Unfortunately having finished it we then know that he only backs you if you side with him 9 times out of 10 and then people use that statistic as ammunition against him, even though it's a design choice and therefore out of "his" hands.

    It's the one thing about the statistics that sits a little bit oddly with me, I RP the game but then knowing the different variables can change how I feel about characters.

  • The fact that Ben convinces Kenny to pull his head out of his ass if he's alive in Episode 5, and that Lee can convince Kenny that Duck is dying in Episode 3, both contradict this.

    Apples posted: »

    You cant convince him of anything, ever. If you ever disagree with him, he will immediately berate you, its never a discussion. Its impossib

  • Your post was the bad post.

    All of your posts are the bad post.

    This is because, as they're grown from the seed of Kenny-hatred, they could be nothing but bad.

    Goodness springs eternal from Kenny and Kenny alone, a true family man and warrior-monk of the eastern seaboard.

    A man who is the envy of other men. A rugged individualist with a steely gaze and an iron liver. A man who's facial hair and bodily scent will draw women of any nationality, from the Kingdom of Belgium to the Indus Valley, toward his lithe and wiry embrace.

    A man of action and adventure, of survival and impossible odds defied. A man of justice and equality who holds all before him to the same standard, be they man, woman or urban.

    In the face of certain death, he laughs! In the throws of grief and loss, he overcomes.

    Not only a master of feats terrestrial, but a master of the sea as well! A commensurate student of the Earth and its bounty.

    He is the alpha and the omega, the judge and the jury, the salt and the lick.

    Anyone who denies this, denies goodness, truth, and eternal salvation.

    magodesky posted: »

    Well, at least you warned us ahead of time that your response was going to be a bad post. Thanks for that. Seriously though, I can't find

  • They are good points but are the opposite most of the time if you side with Kenny on everything

    magodesky posted: »

    Sure. Where to begin? * When you're trying to save Shawn and Duck on Hershel's farm, Kenny runs off as soon as Duck is safe, leaving S

  • How can you not like that God like mustache?!?

  • Well, the boat the Kenny got wasn't that.

    He doesn't handle situations ideally most of the time, yes. A boat CAN be a place to live, it just has to be a big enough boat to easily ho

  • Good points you got there. Kenny is NOT a perfect person, he has flaws, everyone has.

    Well, Kenny isn't perfect, he's far from it. If you are up his ass the whole game though, he is VERY loyal to Lee. If you don't side with

  • Kenny is bad and he should feel bad.

  • edited March 2014

    Okay @magodesky:

    When you're trying to save Shawn and Duck on Hershel's farm, Kenny runs off as soon as Duck is safe, leaving Shawn to die. He could have handed Duck off to Katjaa once he was safe and helped Lee save Shawn, but he didn't. Once his kid was safe, he was done helping.

    Okay, maybe I do agree with this, Kenny should've let Duck run off after saving him. But then again it was a panic moment, people don't tend to think straight and rather fend for themselves when danger/panic arises.

    He's always whining about who's going to be "in charge" instead of just getting things done like Lee.

    He wasn't whining, he was just being too aggressive based on Lilly's idea of leadership. Believe me, a lot of people are like this.

    Killing Larry. Yes, I know people will try to make the argument that this was justified because Larry was about to turn. But even if that was the case, he could have given Lee and Lilly a couple of minutes to at least try reviving him before dropping the salt lick. Heck, at least take a minute to check for a pulse. We have yet to see anyone in the series turn that quickly. The fact that he didn't even do that much really hurts his case that killing Larry was a necessity.

    Honestly, what you said there, that's what I would've done if given the option, but no it just wasn't there. On the other hand, Larry left us to die in the drugstore even after saving his ass and heck even if we side with him.

    At the end of Episode 2, he doesn't even acknowledge that Lee risked his life to save Kenny's family. He just goes, "No, I saved them!" When all he did was bash in a team mate's head, run off on his own, and get shot. While Lee was the one who saved Katjaa and Duck from Brenda and Andy.

    In case you haven't noticed, if Kenny didn't get shot, Lee would never had the time to tackle Andy St. John and beat his ass. He only acts like "No, I saved them!" attitude if you didn't kill Larry.

    He then spends the next few episodes complaining about how "you don't have my back" just because Lee decided not to help him murder a man.

    Once again, this is only if you don't help him kill Larry.

    When Lee gets trapped under a door with a bunch of walkers on top of it, Kenny leaves him to die. And it wasn't even a moment of panic either. He looked back, stopped for a second to consider the situation, and made a conscious decision to let Lee die. Because of a disagreement.

    Once again, this is only if you don't help him kill Larry.

    The one time Lee left Clementine with him, he let her just wander outside without supervision. What was he doing instead that was more important than watching Clementine to make sure she didn't get eaten by zombies? He was sitting around the house getting drunk.

    He just lost his family, and his only goal. Drinking (for some) is a way for people (or at least they think) to get away/ drift away from heavy problems they are experiencing. And of course Ben was there.

    He tries to get Lee to drop Ben to his death. Again, for no other reason than simply that he personally doesn't like the guy.

    Ben was the reason why his family got killed.Think about it, if you knew someone was the cause of the death of your whole family, are you just gonna let it slide?

    When we meet him again in 202, he talks like he regrets trying to save Ben in Episode 5. And that was the one time in the whole series he actually did something good for someone else. It was the one thing that redeemed the character for all the other terrible things he had done, and he's trying to back away from it now.

    I found that intriguing actually, I wonder why he called Ben a shitbird again? But then again, Kenny seems very different right now (not just the beard) he could've been through heavy shit being alone which changed him and probably regret (trying to) saving Ben.

    He immediately starts trying to pick a fight with Luke and Nick for no reason.

    Well its not really "picking" a fight, he's just being a bit too hostile with people who disagree with him. And Nick started it, he said Kenny's idea was bullshit.

    He endangers the lives of everyone in the ski lodge by firing into a room full of hostages. And as a direct result of that decision, Walter is killed, and Clementine is taken prisoner by Carver.

    Kenny didn't know Carver was gonna kill Walter in retaliation. Either way at least some of the hostages were gonna die anyway.

    He's kind of ignorant. He thinks Lee can pick locks because he's "urban" and starts calling Luke and Nick gay as soon as he meets them.

    He deeply regrets calling Lee "urban". Although when hhe calls Luke and Nick "a perfect match" is something I won't understand.

    There are probably other reasons not to like Kenny that I forgot, but those are just off the top of my head. While any one of those incidents by itself might be something I could look over, when taken together, they paint a picture of someone who is belligerent, untrustworthy, and doesn't care about anyone but himself.

    Well, based on that sentence, I think your judgement on Kenny is biased. Sure he can be belligerent as you say but untrustworthy and selfish? You can't really say all of that until you've tried to do another playthrough with "different decisions".

    magodesky posted: »

    Sure. Where to begin? * When you're trying to save Shawn and Duck on Hershel's farm, Kenny runs off as soon as Duck is safe, leaving S

  • I agree. Love or hate, he is an amazing character. The fact that so many people are passionate about him proves this.

    It's hard to say exactly. I'm inclined to think it's just a perfect alignment of the planets; between the way he was written, and Gavin Hamm

  • edited March 2014

    Never did like Kenny and never will like Kenny. He's nothing more than an ignorant liability. In real life, you wouldn't want a person like that in your group. He has issues with leadership, anger and is one finger away from completely snapping. Imagine him snapping at the WORST possible time. He's already made poor decisions in the heat of the moment and if I remember correctly, he like Nick, could've gotten Clem killed.

  • Prove me wrong?

  • 6 dislikes and no one to prove me wrong. Thank you. :) I hope for your sakes, that a real zombie apocalypse never happens, because if you think that you can trust a man like that, you won't be alive for too long, if long at all.

    Never did like Kenny and never will like Kenny. He's nothing more than an ignorant liability. In real life, you wouldn't want a person like

  • His decision to steal from the car causes the stranger to come after them later and kidnap Clementine

    The strangers choices that led up to that caused him to leave his car unattended and overall he wasn't in a good mental state. Leaving a car full of food like that is trouble waiting to be caused, not Kenny's fault.

    His decision to kill Larry indirectly caused Lilly's breakdown and causing her to kill Carley/Doug's out of paranoia.

    His decision was correct, the risk wasn't worth it and never would have been. Lilly breaking down isn't his fault, it's her fault for not being able to keep her emotions under control.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Not everything that Kenny does is always right though. His decision to steal from the car causes the stranger to come after them later and k

  • The amount of dislikes already proved you wrong ;)

    6 dislikes and no one to prove me wrong. Thank you. I hope for your sakes, that a real zombie apocalypse never happens, because if you think that you can trust a man like that, you won't be alive for too long, if long at all.

  • I really liked Kenny's character in season one. He was a bit harsh sometimes, but a good man. In Season two he kind of acts like a dumbass sometimes which felt a bit unauthentic and "unkenny like".... but I dunno, he lost his family. Whatever.

  • edited March 2014

    The problem I had with Kenny was THIS simple fact: Alt text
    srsly I AM a Kenny fan. But I hate his attitude. I know that I cant save everyone in my group, but at least i tryed it! I would never take a fucking saltlick and smashed someones head and than hate my bro because he doesnt agreed with me. This is shit! Srsly Walts death was exactly that kind of shit that makes me fight with Ken in season 1. In this point i fully understand carvers reaction. I would shot someone of his man too if he kills one of my friendsJust THINK before you fucking shoot some one Kenny! And dont get mad at everyone like a moron if your plan doesnt work.
    again i wanted to say i love kenny. I liked his badass attitude and he is damn useful in a apocalypse because he get balls like a Taurus in the end. I except him as Lees best bro when he apologized in se1ep5 and I felt really bad when he sacrificed him self for Ben(that shitbird that i saved like million times -.-). So dont be mad at me :)

    Sanders12 posted: »

    shrug I probably played it different than you, and was thus presented with a different Nick than you. I went to him last episode, but when h

  • Your a dumbass if you just think dislikes prove a point, he made a valid point and you clearly had no response because you know that if a zombie apocalypse did happen and you did trust a dude like that you would die so instead of trying to use logic you just hit a dislike button

    Kartal5 posted: »

    The amount of dislikes already proved you wrong

  • I couldn't stand Kenny in my playthrough because he, like Lilly, did not understand how to receive and incorporate ideas different from his. Lilly and Kenny were both right in many senses even when they were arguing with each other, and simply could not find agreement because they were so headstrong. This made group cohesion impossible, and his stubbornness post-Lilly made me get into constant arguments with him.

    I can see how people would get along with him if they took his side a lot and agreed with him, but I didn't.

  • Why did you take that seriously didn't you see that was a joke

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Your a dumbass if you just think dislikes prove a point, he made a valid point and you clearly had no response because you know that if a zo

  • We're not bothering to prove you wrong because its all in peoples opinions and what they saw in kenny

    Prove me wrong?

  • I supose Kenny and Nick are very similar characters... I ended liking Kenny because he was the only one (strength wise) who could help Lee to keep Clem alive and also because his redneck comments made me laugh. But who knows? We are in episode 2, so Nick could grew on me.

  • Id say siding with nick is much more useful in the next episodes, first off hes just as powerful as Kenny since he is young and he is more mentally stable than Kenny (if you cheer him up at least) and he has got a majority of the group on his side and on the other hand Kenny is emotionally unstable, old, and has few to no good allies, actually the only ally(ies) he has are Sarita and Clem, well only if you chose to side with him, but if not all he has is Sarita who lets be honest is not a great help at all strength wise.

    I supose Kenny and Nick are very similar characters... I ended liking Kenny because he was the only one (strength wise) who could help Lee t

  • Sorry i'm late to the party, i found and looked through this thread just now (days later, again sorry) but i just have to take a stand against you here, because what you're saying is on some areas plain wrong. Kenny does not think everything he does is right, more like the opposite. He does want the group to agree with him so he can't take the blame for anything. But for example when you try to talk to him on the train he almost starts crying because he felt like shit believing he could've done more for Shawn and that Kenny himself was the only cause of Shawn's death. In the meatlocker he feels guilty for being a murder, yet a protective one. The reason why he's so depressed and broken is not only because he lost his family (speaking from season 1) but because he feels guilty. He thinks it's his fault for everything that had happened and that he could've done things differently, just like with Shawn. However when he hears Ben's confession he realizes that it wasn't just him, there was a more valid cause in the midst while he was feeling all the guilt and therefor aims all his inner rage against Ben.

    On your other points, he was more likely just joking around when he said that they were a match, as you noticed in his "broken man trying to look healthy sudden hysterical laughters". And ofcourse you'd assume that someone who he has known for such a long time would rather stay with him than to follow a group she's known for less than a week up the mountains. He sees Clementine as family and hopes she does the same.

    The final situation is a matter of quick thinking and making choice. Sure you can take the advice from your friend, but you can also disregard it and try to save all your other friends inside. I'd say it was a choice that could go both ways, even he'd hit the second shot on Carver it'd be much better than just surrendering, don't you think?

    And to add, yes i'm very fond of Kenny, but i can't make the choice of choosing a side between him or the new group. He's broken but has always been my bro, but the new group is more reliable and both Nick and Luke are 2 amazing characters that i can't just leave behind for a broken man.

    Kennysucks posted: »

    I dislike him because he thinks everything he does is right, he shows this when he kills Lilly's Dad when nobody else agreed. He also says t

  • I don´t know about mental stability, both seem pretty unstable to me. It took me a few episodes to actually like Kenny (I think Lilly helped a lot in that matter... she was such a bitch!) that when he died I really cried (even though he killed Larry like a psycho)

    Alt text

    I think Kenny could emotionally manipulate me

    Kennysucks posted: »

    Id say siding with nick is much more useful in the next episodes, first off hes just as powerful as Kenny since he is young and he is more m

  • edited March 2014

    It's ok, Kenny-haters act spergy and butt-hurt over everything.

    Their hatred of the character is most likely borne out of being terrified of aggressive males who probably took all their lunch money in high school, hence their inability to recognize or tolerate teasing or trolling and to react to everything with "you are being illogical and irrational my reasoning and debate skills are superior good sir" while adjusting their pocket calculator and pushing up their horn-rimmed glasses.

    For instance, one of them will have the strong impulse to say "ad hominem" in response to this post.

    Why did you take that seriously didn't you see that was a joke

  • Not really, man. The reason I don't like him is because he gets butthurt every time Lee doesn't do what he wants him to, which is usually killing someone because he doesn't want to do it himself. Really, that just shows me that he's a coward. He'll yell all day to kill someone, but he doesn't want to get his hands dirty himself. His "alpha male" attitude is really just posturing.

    It's also pretty funny how scared you are of intelligence. Are you tired of being schooled by your betters? How cute.

    Lemoncakes posted: »

    It's ok, Kenny-haters act spergy and butt-hurt over everything. Their hatred of the character is most likely borne out of being terrified

  • lol see? Look how salty this one got. Bet he couldn't even lift a saltlick.

    Thematt9001 posted: »

    Not really, man. The reason I don't like him is because he gets butthurt every time Lee doesn't do what he wants him to, which is usually ki

  • Ok i dont see whats so offensive in assuming that people are gay for each other....It could embarass them yeah, but offend...i just dont get it
  • That depends on your tone and purpose. If you mistakenly think someone is gay based on his behavior or appearance, nobody would blame you. But it's obvious that Kenny said those things just to make fun of them.

    Ok i dont see whats so offensive in assuming that people are gay for each other....It could embarass them yeah, but offend...i just dont get it

  • I like Kenny because:

    - He risked his life a lot when saving Ben or Christa, he just entered the herd of walkers just to save another's life.
    - He's a man with great heart, he forgave Ben for causing death of his family, and he even risked his life to save him.
    - He's life-experienced and he'll do everything to protect people he loves.
    - He's brave and hardened - he get through all this beating, and was first to lead the group to escape.

    And that's why I can forgive him his rudeness and bad jokes. I think he's the best character in S2, after Clem of course.
  • I like Kenny because:

    - He risked his life a lot when saving Ben or Christa, he just entered the herd of walkers just to save another's life.
    - He's a man with great heart, he forgave Ben for causing death of his family, and he even risked his life to save him.
    - He's life-experienced and he'll do everything to protect people he loves.
    - He's brave and hardened - he get through all this beating, and was first to lead the group to escape.

    And that's why I can forgive him his rudeness and bad jokes. I think he's the best character in S2, after Clem of course.
  • I care about him because we've been with him so long but I still dont like him very much. He's just the same loudmouth impulsive blowhard he was in season 1.
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