Less interactive? Yes, certainly - and I wish that hub areas from Season 1 would return.
Worse in general? Absolutely not. The writing in this episode was pretty fantastic towards the end, and was good overall throughout the entire episode. All they need is some more interactivity (more instances of direct character control), and they should be good to go.
All episodes since Episode 1 season 1, were fun and that's all they have to be for me. It's an episodic game. Each episode cost around $5.00, and the Devs are strapped on time as it is. Dealing with two episodic series, while planing more for the future. So I can understand why episodes might seem short or may have a lack of content. As long as season 2 story don't stray far from Clem as the main focus, and the episodes are interesting. I won't complain.
I think that the hole season 2 is not as good as season 1 untill now. I dont think that season 2 is bad its just much less than i could be.
1.Almost EVERY choice you made in 201 is pointless e.g. Pete dies no matter what you do
2. Kenny is back, I mean WTF i gave him in 105 a second bullet so he can kill himself and ben and i heard two shots nothing more nothing less.
I thought if they gonna let kenny return they would do a good explanaition or so but nope he got out somehow. Are you fucking kidding me He was in a closed street surrunded by around 50 walkers and he only got 1 bullet left that i gave him so he dont has to become a walker.
Dont understand me wrong i liked kenny even when he behaves like a dumbass and i was glad to see a face i know, but without explaination i cant accept that.
3.How stupid is Walter ,i mean his best friend is out there not coming even if he said he would come, a storm is rising and he isnt even worried or wastes a second to only think about finding out whats going on ?
4.Lukes's behavior. I mean clementine finds out that a person she hasnt seen 18! months and she thought was dead. Is alive and he becomes sulky because she spends a dinner with that person. What an asshole.
And am i the only one who think that the pregnant women is going to die during the birth and christa will have to raise the child ? I mean she wasnt a total asshole to us in episode 2 so we now care about her and stuff.
Sorry for that rant but that was in since i finished episode 2 a few days ago.
p.s. i am no native english speaker so my grammar isnt perfect, deal with it.
All That Remains was a poor start, but a House Divided was an excellent episode. Hopefully they'll all be up to that standard from now on. Apparently Pierre Shorette is writing Episode 3, so it'll be pretty good as he wrote TWAU Ep1.
My only complaint is the amount of cutscenes. Lee had much more mobility in Season 1. You could explore and engage in conversations a lot more. I loved you-know-who's return and I love playing as Clementine. I just want more freedom. It's starting to feel more and more like a movie than a game. I really enjoyed when Carver showed up. There were a lot of dialogue options during that scene. I also liked once we got to the lodge. There were just times when I would get a bit frustrated with another cutscene. I still love the game though. It's just not perfect, like anything else. I don't know why some people get all hot and bothered by ANY criticism directed at the game. I'm a huge fan of TWDG, but I also am realistic. Criticism is healthy and I really don't have much when it comes to this game, just the lack of mobility/freedom/exploration lately.
What? Why should it be closed? Are you saying people are trolls for discussing/criticizing the game? If you don't like it, don't read it. I think criticism can be healthy and good. The forums are for both praise AND criticism. It would be pretty boring if all people did was praise the game. We need a healthy mix of both praise and criticism.
edit: Lol. No responses? Just downvotes? Criticism is a good thing. Any artist worth his/her salt wants constructive criticism. Also, a troll is a person who just tries to bait and provoke. Merely discussing the episode and its faults (which it DOES have, nothing is perfect) is NOT trolling. I would love someone who downvoted to present their argument. I have no problem being downvoted, but I would like to know why. Thanks.
Lol,the only glitch I had was when I got of the cabinet in train where Kenny is,the camera angle kinda was through the floor ...Has anybody else experienced it?
Less interactive? Yes, certainly - and I wish that hub areas from Season 1 would return.
Worse in general? Absolutely not. The writing in… more this episode was pretty fantastic towards the end, and was good overall throughout the entire episode. All they need is some more interactivity (more instances of direct character control), and they should be good to go.
The writing in this episode was pretty fantastic towards the end, and was good overall throughout the entire episode
...with the one… more exception of this priceless exchange between Clem and Carlos:
"There's a little house by the bridge."
"How big is it?"
That's fair. I enjoyed its length: it made it feel more slow and depressing, which fitted the episode perfectly, whereas No Time Left was quite short, which demonstrated the urgency well.
The fact that you are putting words in my mouth that I didn't say doesn't speak highly of you, You have to be pretty ignorant to think I called the people having a normal discussion Trolls what I meant by that was the guys downvoting everything which has caused reactions from more than a couple of people thus causing the thread to derail and step away from from what It initially was. There's a difference between a healthy discussion about the quality of the game and THIS. (Not to mention the majority of the people already expessed their disagreement witht the subject)
What? Why should it be closed? Are you saying people are trolls for discussing/criticizing the game? If you don't like it, don't read it. I … morethink criticism can be healthy and good. The forums are for both praise AND criticism. It would be pretty boring if all people did was praise the game. We need a healthy mix of both praise and criticism.
edit: Lol. No responses? Just downvotes? Criticism is a good thing. Any artist worth his/her salt wants constructive criticism. Also, a troll is a person who just tries to bait and provoke. Merely discussing the episode and its faults (which it DOES have, nothing is perfect) is NOT trolling. I would love someone who downvoted to present their argument. I have no problem being downvoted, but I would like to know why. Thanks.
All That Remains was a poor start, but a House Divided was an excellent episode. Hopefully they'll all be up to that standard from now on. Apparently Pierre Shorette is writing Episode 3, so it'll be pretty good as he wrote TWAU Ep1.
Putting words in your mouth? I asked you a question. I've only seen healthy discussion. I don't what you're talking about. Please point out all this trolling that you're seeing because I'm not seeing it. Also, why do you have to get personal? Calling me ignorant? You know nothing about me. Ridiculous. Nothing I said has warranted your level of hostility. There's no need to get angry. It's a forum for a game, not religion or politics. lol. Keep it civil. Thanks.
The fact that you are putting words in my mouth that I didn't say doesn't speak highly of you, You have to be pretty ignorant to think I cal… moreled the people having a normal discussion Trolls what I meant by that was the guys downvoting everything which has caused reactions from more than a couple of people thus causing the thread to derail and step away from from what It initially was. There's a difference between a healthy discussion about the quality of the game and THIS. (Not to mention the majority of the people already expessed their disagreement witht the subject)
You just contradicted yourself right there , I said " You have to be pretty ignorant" I was refering to no one specifically yet you took it personal because you identify yourself yourself with that word. Im not gonna get into a fruitless argument with you so please keep your nonsense to yourself
Putting words in your mouth? I asked you a question. I've only seen healthy discussion. I don't what you're talking about. Please point out … moreall this trolling that you're seeing because I'm not seeing it. Also, why do you have to get personal? Calling me ignorant? You know nothing about me. Ridiculous. Nothing I said has warranted your level of hostility. There's no need to get angry. It's a forum for a game, not religion or politics. lol. Keep it civil. Thanks.
What? I'm not trying to argue. But, okay. I honestly don't understand your hostility and I'm not going to lower myself to fight with you. Cheers. Hope you can grow up one day and realize this is just a game and there's no need to be nasty.
You just contradicted yourself right there , I said " You have to be pretty ignorant" I was refering to no one specifically yet you took it … morepersonal because you identify yourself yourself with that word. Im not gonna get into a fruitless argument with you so please keep your nonsense to yourself
Felt like it was pushing the player from area to area too quickly, and you basically did one thing then moved on. Episode 2 was a lot better towards the end as we spent a lot of time doing lots of different things in the ski lodge.
I could keep going all day calling you out on your mistakes but like I said im not gonna put myself at that level This argument will not end well anyway so please downvote my comment for one last time and go on with yout life, You have a real good day now !
What? I'm not trying to argue. But, okay. I honestly don't understand your hostility and I'm not going to lower myself to fight with you. Cheers. Hope you can grow up one day and realize this is just a game and there's no need to be nasty.
I could keep going all day calling you out on your mistakes but like I said im not gonna put myself at that level This argument will not end… more well anyway so please downvote my comment for one last time and go on with yout life, You have a real good day now !
And she thinks IM the one who needs to chill when she was the first one to attack with nothing but unrealistic facts and a mere thought, But lets just leave it here Im not really pumped up to contiue this meaningless argument with her.
And she thinks IM the one who needs to chill when she was the first one to attack with nothing but unrealistic facts and a mere thought, But lets just leave it here Im not really pumped up to contiue this meaningless argument with her.
criticism is always good, i also hope we get more ''gameplay'' to episode 3, gameplay meaning more puzzles, more action scenes but most of all, more freedom to explore stuff on our own as clementine.
From the preview for ep. 3 i got the feeling we might get some stealth mode-action going on next time, considering how clem was sneaking around at that one part. Man, a good stealth mode with some action maybe added would be amazing..
I hope telltale reads all this & can maybe work something out for the future episodes.
My only complaint is the amount of cutscenes. Lee had much more mobility in Season 1. You could explore and engage in conversations a lot mo… morere. I loved you-know-who's return and I love playing as Clementine. I just want more freedom. It's starting to feel more and more like a movie than a game. I really enjoyed when Carver showed up. There were a lot of dialogue options during that scene. I also liked once we got to the lodge. There were just times when I would get a bit frustrated with another cutscene. I still love the game though. It's just not perfect, like anything else. I don't know why some people get all hot and bothered by ANY criticism directed at the game. I'm a huge fan of TWDG, but I also am realistic. Criticism is healthy and I really don't have much when it comes to this game, just the lack of mobility/freedom/exploration lately.
Personally, I don't think the episodes are getting worse perse, but I do think that telltale ought to take some of the comments in this thread onboard.
For example, the hub situation. I for one enjoy taxing my brain and working out what to do next. We had that in season one, but hardly at all (yet) in season two.
Then there is the bizarre reactions from some members of the group. Someone in this thread already pointed out one where Clementine, if you prefer sits next to Kenny. That just doesn't make sense and is unrealistic.
As I have said before, I do think season two is getting better. I just wish telltale would work out the dialogue, characters and pacing a bit more. If they keep adding these ridiculous situations where characters are upset over minor details, then the game will suffer.
Episode 2 was my favorite episode of TWD so far. It's a shame that there hasn't been any good hub segments yet, but in terms of pacing and the plot itself it was awesome, and in the end that's what I care about the most when playing these games.
The tense as fuck scene with Carver in the house and the confrontation with Walter were absolutely amazing.
Personally, I don't think the episodes are getting worse perse, but I do think that telltale ought to take some of the comments in this thre… moread onboard.
For example, the hub situation. I for one enjoy taxing my brain and working out what to do next. We had that in season one, but hardly at all (yet) in season two.
Then there is the bizarre reactions from some members of the group. Someone in this thread already pointed out one where Clementine, if you prefer sits next to Kenny. That just doesn't make sense and is unrealistic.
As I have said before, I do think season two is getting better. I just wish telltale would work out the dialogue, characters and pacing a bit more. If they keep adding these ridiculous situations where characters are upset over minor details, then the game will suffer.
Less interactive? Yes, certainly - and I wish that hub areas from Season 1 would return.
Worse in general? Absolutely not. The writing in this episode was pretty fantastic towards the end, and was good overall throughout the entire episode. All they need is some more interactivity (more instances of direct character control), and they should be good to go.
All episodes since Episode 1 season 1, were fun and that's all they have to be for me. It's an episodic game. Each episode cost around $5.00, and the Devs are strapped on time as it is. Dealing with two episodic series, while planing more for the future. So I can understand why episodes might seem short or may have a lack of content. As long as season 2 story don't stray far from Clem as the main focus, and the episodes are interesting. I won't complain.
I think that the hole season 2 is not as good as season 1 untill now. I dont think that season 2 is bad its just much less than i could be.
1.Almost EVERY choice you made in 201 is pointless e.g. Pete dies no matter what you do
2. Kenny is back, I mean WTF i gave him in 105 a second bullet so he can kill himself and ben and i heard two shots nothing more nothing less.
I thought if they gonna let kenny return they would do a good explanaition or so but nope he got out somehow. Are you fucking kidding me He was in a closed street surrunded by around 50 walkers and he only got 1 bullet left that i gave him so he dont has to become a walker.
Dont understand me wrong i liked kenny even when he behaves like a dumbass and i was glad to see a face i know, but without explaination i cant accept that.
3.How stupid is Walter ,i mean his best friend is out there not coming even if he said he would come, a storm is rising and he isnt even worried or wastes a second to only think about finding out whats going on ?
4.Lukes's behavior. I mean clementine finds out that a person she hasnt seen 18! months and she thought was dead. Is alive and he becomes sulky because she spends a dinner with that person. What an asshole.
And am i the only one who think that the pregnant women is going to die during the birth and christa will have to raise the child ? I mean she wasnt a total asshole to us in episode 2 so we now care about her and stuff.
Sorry for that rant but that was in since i finished episode 2 a few days ago.
p.s. i am no native english speaker so my grammar isnt perfect, deal with it.
All That Remains was a poor start, but a House Divided was an excellent episode. Hopefully they'll all be up to that standard from now on. Apparently Pierre Shorette is writing Episode 3, so it'll be pretty good as he wrote TWAU Ep1.
They weren't hard at all,just a little use of the brain and boom!You solve the puzzle.
Thats not what i meant. I couldn't progress in the game past those points because of a glitch. Lots of people had it.
No. If there was NO action then the episodes will be getting worse
What did you think of them, though?
The glitches? They made me want to throw my controller through the fuckin screen.
Nah, the puzzles themselves.
My only complaint is the amount of cutscenes. Lee had much more mobility in Season 1. You could explore and engage in conversations a lot more. I loved you-know-who's return and I love playing as Clementine. I just want more freedom. It's starting to feel more and more like a movie than a game. I really enjoyed when Carver showed up. There were a lot of dialogue options during that scene. I also liked once we got to the lodge. There were just times when I would get a bit frustrated with another cutscene. I still love the game though. It's just not perfect, like anything else. I don't know why some people get all hot and bothered by ANY criticism directed at the game. I'm a huge fan of TWDG, but I also am realistic. Criticism is healthy and I really don't have much when it comes to this game, just the lack of mobility/freedom/exploration lately.
What? Why should it be closed? Are you saying people are trolls for discussing/criticizing the game? If you don't like it, don't read it. I think criticism can be healthy and good. The forums are for both praise AND criticism. It would be pretty boring if all people did was praise the game. We need a healthy mix of both praise and criticism.
edit: Lol. No responses? Just downvotes? Criticism is a good thing. Any artist worth his/her salt wants constructive criticism. Also, a troll is a person who just tries to bait and provoke. Merely discussing the episode and its faults (which it DOES have, nothing is perfect) is NOT trolling. I would love someone who downvoted to present their argument. I have no problem being downvoted, but I would like to know why. Thanks.
I gave you an upvote just for that GIF. Lol. That is too funny.
Lol,the only glitch I had was when I got of the cabinet in train where Kenny is,the camera angle kinda was through the floor
...Has anybody else experienced it?
...with the one exception of this priceless exchange between Clem and Carlos:
"There's a little house by the bridge."
"How big is it?"
They were fairly obvious, but I enjoyed them. Its a nice change of pace from the violence and character conflicts of the game.
"It’s fucking gigantic, Carlos. That’s how big the little house by the bridge is."- The Annotated Dead
You "enjoyed its length"?

Ba Dum Tsss.
The fact that you are putting words in my mouth that I didn't say doesn't speak highly of you, You have to be pretty ignorant to think I called the people having a normal discussion Trolls what I meant by that was the guys downvoting everything which has caused reactions from more than a couple of people thus causing the thread to derail and step away from from what It initially was. There's a difference between a healthy discussion about the quality of the game and THIS. (Not to mention the majority of the people already expessed their disagreement witht the subject)
how all that remains is poor exactly?
Putting words in your mouth? I asked you a question. I've only seen healthy discussion. I don't what you're talking about. Please point out all this trolling that you're seeing because I'm not seeing it. Also, why do you have to get personal? Calling me ignorant? You know nothing about me. Ridiculous. Nothing I said has warranted your level of hostility. There's no need to get angry. It's a forum for a game, not religion or politics. lol. Keep it civil. Thanks.
You just contradicted yourself right there , I said " You have to be pretty ignorant" I was refering to no one specifically yet you took it personal because you identify yourself yourself with that word. Im not gonna get into a fruitless argument with you so please keep your nonsense to yourself
What? I'm not trying to argue. But, okay. I honestly don't understand your hostility and I'm not going to lower myself to fight with you. Cheers. Hope you can grow up one day and realize this is just a game and there's no need to be nasty.
Felt like it was pushing the player from area to area too quickly, and you basically did one thing then moved on. Episode 2 was a lot better towards the end as we spent a lot of time doing lots of different things in the ski lodge.
I could keep going all day calling you out on your mistakes but like I said im not gonna put myself at that level This argument will not end well anyway so please downvote my comment for one last time and go on with yout life, You have a real good day now !
Sure thing.
chill out
And she thinks IM the one who needs to chill when she was the first one to attack with nothing but unrealistic facts and a mere thought, But lets just leave it here Im not really pumped up to contiue this meaningless argument with her.
" ... "
criticism is always good, i also hope we get more ''gameplay'' to episode 3, gameplay meaning more puzzles, more action scenes but most of all, more freedom to explore stuff on our own as clementine.
From the preview for ep. 3 i got the feeling we might get some stealth mode-action going on next time, considering how clem was sneaking around at that one part. Man, a good stealth mode with some action maybe added would be amazing..
I hope telltale reads all this & can maybe work something out for the future episodes.
Personally, I don't think the episodes are getting worse perse, but I do think that telltale ought to take some of the comments in this thread onboard.
For example, the hub situation. I for one enjoy taxing my brain and working out what to do next. We had that in season one, but hardly at all (yet) in season two.
Then there is the bizarre reactions from some members of the group. Someone in this thread already pointed out one where Clementine, if you prefer sits next to Kenny. That just doesn't make sense and is unrealistic.
As I have said before, I do think season two is getting better. I just wish telltale would work out the dialogue, characters and pacing a bit more. If they keep adding these ridiculous situations where characters are upset over minor details, then the game will suffer.
No engaging convos?
Episode 2 was my favorite episode of TWD so far. It's a shame that there hasn't been any good hub segments yet, but in terms of pacing and the plot itself it was awesome, and in the end that's what I care about the most when playing these games.
The tense as fuck scene with Carver in the house and the confrontation with Walter were absolutely amazing.
They were talking about him in the lodge, they were moving. Walkers aren't incapable of following
Not getting worse but they're slowly getting away from what made season 1 so great.
The watch in Ep1 helps in Ep2, Walt was probably trying not to show any nervousness, Luke was disappointed for a second, hardly sulking
Thanks for asking that question... I was too chicken to ask it!
Why sitting with kenny doesn't make sense?
The walking Dead was never a "game" more an interactive movie where it depends on the story.
which is pretty damn good
personal opinion