Lily will be back for season two here's why...
In season 1 when she asks Lee if him and Clem wanted to go with her you have a decision to say yes. If you do then it will say Lily will remember that. This only happens if you agree to not leave her on the road.
Plus in season 2 you get a chance to mention Lily to Alvin. Could Lily be at the camp with the 400 day's characters or Carver's group?
Maybe you will run into Lily and depending on what you did in season 1 she will remember what you did. She will be shocked Lee isn't with her/she will talk bad on Lee if you chose to kill Larry with Kenny. Clem will be upset and question her why she killed Carly. Lily will try to explain it to her.
Maybe when the Van's gas ran out she ran into Tavia's group and helped the group.
I don't know I just think we will see her again. Lily is tough and not that stupid to get bitten by a walker. Lily is a trained military personal so she has the skills to survive. She has no beef with Clem because she was young, but now that Clem's grew up they might have beef knowing that she killed Carly/Dough.
Wow dislikes already? I just made this wow
ya I don't know why your getting dislikes I actually agree we will probably see her again at least I hope so definitely would be interesting
you got dislikes to for no reason too XD. People on this forum can be harsh sometimes. especially the trolls who downvote everything because they don't understand a thread. Everyone's brain isn't the same which they dnt get. They expect everyone to think the same and be the same.
I think we will definitely see her again at some point this season.
yea she's a cool character i like her even though she killed Carly. She killed Carly because she got offended and is quit sensitive. I hope she comes back. Disclaimer it's not the same lily from the show
Meh, I'm a bit neutral with her. Still can't forgive her for what she did. It'll still be interesting to see her again, though.
Just a little unwritten rule of the forum: if you like Lilly prepare for dislikes.
People on this forum are weird that's why you get downvotes.
If you like Lilly or you talk about you have to hate her otherwise you're being downvote
BTW i totally agree with you ... I mean she had the kills to survive plus the RV.
I admit I am fully team Kenny and I sided with him all the time but that doesn't mean I didn't like lilly. shes not a bad person can you blame for what she did she was depressed and wasn't in the right state of mind. So hate me all you want lilly haters but I would be interested in seeing her again
I'd say Tell-Tale's website should display menu features that should expose all the spineless cowardly down-voter's and that they no longer be held anonymous and be required to select a reason why they down voted and if they down-vote without a reason for any reason then their account gets wiped out and banned from all forums for a year minimum. Second time offense permanently.
I don't think intelligence level really plays into whether or not you get by a walker, first of all. Second, you can tell Carver your name is Carley even if you chose Doug in episode 1, so I'm not sure how much of a sign of her return I'd consider just a mention of her to be. Third, while she had the skills to survive, accidents can happen. Finally, I think it'd be a bit cheap for her to run into Tavia's group. It's possible, I guess, but for all of season 1's cast to end up in the same place would feel very forced to me. I say that because the new rumor is that Molly is in Carver's group.
Bringing everyone back that hasn't died will be like Shepard running into famiar faces no matter where he goes in the Mass Effect universe.
Fun, but totally unbelievable.
In the walking dead I think I prefer believability.
We got a "Carley will remember that" literally less than a minute before she got shot in the face.
We got the conversation about Lilly in Ep2 as a misdirect before we saw Kenny.
Lilly worked an administrative job she hated at an army base and was a weak subhuman animal who freaked out, threw temper tantrums and killed people who were worth a damn.
We'll probably run into Lilly again before we duct tape surgical tubing into her mouth, fill her stomach with gunpowder and gutshoot her with a flaming crossbow bolt, sure...but your argumentation is terrible.
I think she'll be in the camp that the group goes to with Carver. Should be interesting.
LOL at how ppl dislikes OP's post already.
yea lol what idiots XD
You know.. we should make a Lilly confirmed for season 2 thingie, and piss all the Kenny fans off, like they did with us. xD
Shes a season 1 character, pretty sure she will return. There's history there between her and Kenny, im expecting molly to return as well
Cool theory! But it seems like too much if we bump into Lily. I mean yeah its possible but we need the walking dead to be believable and it won't be if we keep seeing people from season 1 who didn't die.
^ This right here
this video is from nicki rapp's (lilly's voice actress) youtube channel
Look for a comment from Takagi Saya she/he asks if lilly will be returning in season 2 and nicki says that there is no word at the moment but she could just be saying that cause of contract or they are trying to surprise us I don't know but I thought I might just share this with you guys at least it is something
Yea the whole argument fall apart when you remember Carley. We might still see Lilly but the argument for it presented weak at best.
Just because the game say's so and so will remember that doesn't necessarily mean that the character be alive soon after.
I think that she has just as much a chance to be alive as Kenny. There might be enough game magic left to bring back Lily too.
Not plausible bitch
Kenny fanboys.
or dislike trolls...
Any mention of Lilly and they go berserk.
A voice actress wouldn't be allowed to confirm a character's arrival unless Telltale tells her otherwise.
You're one to talk.
I don't remember asking for your opinion. Run along now
That wouldn't really work. Firstly the only reason the Kenny gif worked was because we truly didn't know if he was coming back, and when using the gif you really have to sell Kenny to make it work. You got to talk about his god like stache and all that. A Lilly one wouldn't work because he didn't have a distinguished feature that would work for the comedy aspect, unless you want to talk about her bitch face (I'm not saying that because I hate Lilly she just has a bitch face. One of my favorite characters Satsuki Kiryunin has a face like that). Secondly the joke just doesn't work twice so another gif just wouldn't work. Also the other reason the Kenny one worked is becuase his fate was so unclear while we knew exactly what happened to Lilly, she fucked off.
Why would Molly be in Carver's group? Seems like she'd be wary of organized groups like that after Crawford.
How is it unbelievable? It's been two years; by now, Lilly would have found the settlement if Tavia and others are recruiting. It makes sense.
I don't ask for permission when someone is insulting my friends.
He was talking about running in to MULTIPLE old faces. It gets ridiculous after a while. I think one more might work but it can easily get kind of silly, like in the above mentioned Mass Effect (Although I still liked that in Mass Effect. I cut it more slack on these things.)
Well, I doubt we'd run into many...
Mostly because almost all of them are dead, but still.
The voice actress already said she's not coming back, also, Carley will remember that came up and 10 seconds later she got shot.
No, she didn't: She isn't allowed to confirm anything like that.
I was actually going to make a thread on why Lilly will return one way or the other in season 2 by making choices comparisons and how they effected season 2 so far.
I havent thought it all through yet. but Congrats on bringing this up. I agree with you.
I hope we'll see lily in the next episode, i liked this charater despite his point of view ... But i don't think she will appear in the Carver group ... Maybe she will be back with Luke ... And maybe other of the Tavia's group !
If you think about my daughter and the comic you notice one thing... Macon isn't far from Woodbury. just 60 miles away from it. Take her with you, see steals the RV and that RV can go 20 miles because Kenny said that. Go in the forest with that and when you get out you are just 30 miles away from Woodbury.
But if see did go to Wellington maybe you can see her in season 2. And if you left her behind maybe see meet some people.
I ask her wait a minute.
Huh? Carver send my a friend requist.. Like!
I think Tavia's group IS Carver's group dude.
Tavia seemed a realtive noobie to the group at the time herself and was probably sent out to recruit overs to prove herself. This is shown on how the guy on the radio, who I'll assume is this "George" guy, had to tell her that they're a "growing settlement" Which is something she'd of known herself.