I don't know why, but I can imagine Kenny saying in a heated moment, "Everybudy betrayd meh. I fed up with this WURLD!"
Do you think Telltale and AMC's The Walking Dead universes should be merged together?
Mod moved it here no idea why on other thread
That looks so friggin badass! I could actually see those characters in that kind of setting! Carver is a mean SOB, Pete is a very nice human being and Kenny a mix of both.
HOSTING 101: if you host something, you probably should not talk about how much you hate all the characters from the thing you are discussing.
Your videos are always popular in this community. Can't wait.
if I am looking at it right they are the wolf among us subtitles
He was late for stuff.... and thangs.
I don't like this new neighborhood. There are threads here I don't know.
Cool, its a great movie.
I'm doing stuff thaaaaaaangs

Hey! It's Jack!
Just made this and figured that this would be the place that it should go.
haha you sir are a genius
could you imagine him being like "Lets go home huh"
bionicle was the bomb
"Did you see that guy’s eyes, man? He is ****ing GORKED."
Since my thread got locked up i might as well post this here
A TWDG AU where everything is the same except everyone's models are replaced with these Clem hybrids.
Yeah, and I'd compare Ben to Denny. Bandits be like: "WHERE'S MY FUCKING DRUGS, BEN? I DON'T HAVE FIVE FUCKING MINUTES!"
lol man, our gif conversation is awesome.
Works for me on the PC :-)
Sarita's made some improvements.
That was an epic thread, telltale has comitted a crime against humanity by locking it.
Now it works for me too somehow
I agree with the statement btw
In a way
that is for sure lol who would you say that would be like mark? Lilly would totally be whats her name, the slutty one who's name I can't remember
My first try on a meme
"He is becoming a danger to the group" x70000000
Well I'd consider the undead pretty paranormal but that's just me.
Movie mockup #3.
This happens when you have way too much time on your hands.
And an alternate with a joke thrown in.
His video was awesome.You don't have to tell him to improve anything
That looks so friggin badass! I could actually see those characters in that kind of setting! Carver is a mean SOB, Pete is a very nice human being and Kenny a mix of both.
Nice haha, I'd totally watch tha- wait... Your photoshop skills are better than mine... YOU SON OF A BITCH, nice work btw
What have i done?