The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • well guys, we might as well make the best of it. here on the borderlands.

  • edited March 2014

    Who moved this thread to "forum games"?
    this isn't a forum game...

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  • I see...tales from the borderlands was a sign...

    well guys, we might as well make the best of it. here on the borderlands.

  • Mobile is the new age. Many, many sites are changing their layouts to suit mobile devices, and this will continue. Why? Pc is becoming obsolete. Why do I need to sit at home, alone to surf this site when I could be out doing shit, with people and still surf this site? Stop being so silly. Why should you not have to learn how to navigate an intensely simple site vs a large group of avid fans have difficulty using the site, or not being able to use it at all?

    well, that's just too bad. I don't feel like using this section at all...I don't even know how to get here from the main page. The only reas

  • edited March 2014

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    Even Ben's voice actor would drop Ben. Lol.

    Poor guy can't catch a break XD

  • " I don't wanna be an ass" Hell, I can't imagine what your comment would say if you actually wanted to be one. You say mobile users don't make the rules here, Neither do you. Like Viva said, Why Do I need to be sitting in front of my computer all day when I can be outside getting shit done and still come here without any complications ? Statements like " They are messing up the Forum" "They can all die" are hurting the validity of your post. You want mobile users to go to hell ? Im a Mobile user, And Im sure LOTS of people don't want me to go there.

    Who said this place had to adapt to the people who are just posting memes and gifs unrelated to the game instead of a large majority of its users who come in here through their phone ? That's just silly to think about, Gifs are more important than about 30% of the people here ?

    On a little Sidenote : I've never complained about the memes or anything, I just rolled with my Phone Crashing and didn't even think about it because I know people love these threads, But your comments come across in an unpleasant way for us

    well, that's just too bad. I don't feel like using this section at all...I don't even know how to get here from the main page. The only reas

  • Don't let it get to you, man. I applaud you for trying to communicate with this entity, but if it's this butthurt and this devoted to being outraged at something so trivial, it clearly doesn't have much going for itself in the real world.

    I always thought shenanigans referred to the 2b definition, and that was most definitely the way it was intended. Clearly it was the wrong w

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator
    edited March 2014

    He did drop him on the twitch stream :P

    Pride posted: »

    Even Ben's voice actor would drop Ben. Lol. Poor guy can't catch a break XD

  • edited March 2014


    Edit: I scrolled down and saw the guy in the next post has written this alrdy soo sry for repost..xd

    Sorry if the text is a bit hard to read.

  • edited March 2014

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  • edited March 2014

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  • edited March 2014

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  • lol this is very TRUE!!

    gd3232 posted: »

    Who moved this thread to "forum games"? this isn't a forum game...

  • "Why do I need to sit at home..." Great argument...I have one, too "Why must I live with sites created with mobile users in mind, when I have a powerful machine at home that could easily handle more?"

    This apparently turns out to be a thing of preference I guess, with people like me who don't even have phones obviously annoyed by this move vs mobile "addicts" who prefer to go online outside their homes. Still this move is ridiculous in many ways. If gifs and memes are such a big deal to mobile users, they should get an option to simply not load them when visiting the site. My good old PSP can do that when going online, why can't a freaking new age phone do it, too? Instead we have to restructure the forum because of phone users? Why? That's as if residents of a perfectly fine house decide to tear it down and build it anew just because SOME of them didn't like the general structure of it.

    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Mobile is the new age. Many, many sites are changing their layouts to suit mobile devices, and this will continue. Why? Pc is becoming obsol

  • GOD HELP US!!!

    Mixtos posted: »

    From Carlos' brief stint as a surgeon: (Original Surgeon Simulator gif by reddit user alo81, I think).

  • Uhh, yeah. I get it. you are popular. No one wants you in hell. So what? Want ME to go there? Well, apparently I don't have the popularity to back me up, so I guess I can fuck off now, eh? If that's not what you wanted to say, then I don't get why it was so important to mention it.

    And where the hell do you even get your facts from? How do you know phone users in here are "a large majority"? I hardly believe that. If that really turns out to be true then fine, I give up. I won't say anything anymore and guess I will have to live with the changes, but I just can't believe 70-80% of the community are mobile users. It just doesn't sound likely to me.

    And, well, yeah. I admit that I am a rude person. I hardly believe anyone still believe otherwise anyway.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    " I don't wanna be an ass" Hell, I can't imagine what your comment would say if you actually wanted to be one. You say mobile users don't ma

  • The Governor was doing it before it was cool.

  • So your point is... Since you're using your computer Mobile users can go fuck off ? "Where I get my facts from ?" In the Comic thread you said all mobile users had your permission to die Which is something not even a child these days would say, Then you come here and say they can all go to hell and make stupid remarks one after the other. You don't have to like it, But you have to respect it or at least don't generalize. You're basically saying Im not worth Two shits and you want me to stay quiet ? That ain't happening. If you know of a certain someone who you knew complained about the thread or caused it to be moved go ahead and do whatever you want but don't include me in your little problems.

    Uhh, yeah. I get it. you are popular. No one wants you in hell. So what? Want ME to go there? Well, apparently I don't have the popularity t

  • Even if it was only two people they still have the same rights you do. What, You think you're better than them ? Give me a break.

    Uhh, yeah. I get it. you are popular. No one wants you in hell. So what? Want ME to go there? Well, apparently I don't have the popularity t

  • What if I told you that "go to hell" doesn't always mean someone wishes for you to die? to hell

    A common expression of dismissal. See also piss off, fuck off, eat shit and die.

    Quit being so over dramatic and take thing personally that weren't even meant for you. Yeah, I said mobile users should go to hell. What I also said is "IF they mess up the forums". That means "if all we get from them is moaning and bitching that results in changing the forum in a way we (or I, if I happen to be the only one who thinks this) don't like it, THEN they can do that." If you never threw a tantrum because of your crashing phone, then you can safely assume that I wasn't talking about you.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    So your point is... Since you're using your computer Mobile users can go fuck off ? "Where I get my facts from ?" In the Comic thread you s

  • edited March 2014

    I don't think they have no rights. But if they are in the minority, I don't see why everything should be changed according to their wishes? What are they? VIPs? Nuh-uh. In society you adapt to the majority. Not the other way round. That's how it has always been.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Even if it was only two people they still have the same rights you do. What, You think you're better than them ? Give me a break.

  • So saying they should ALL die isn't bad either ? Guess what ? I don't care, the thread got moved here and even if I didn't even know about it Im happy now because of how people like you react to this, Something that wasn't even supposed to be a part of the forum in the first place. The Moderator said it himself how he feels about this but to hell with it keep enjoying your thread I'll keep enjoying the forum. See you around.

    There are better ways to handle things, Don't expect people to just stay quiet when you're harshly insulting them. Have a nice day.

    What if I told you that "go to hell" doesn't always mean someone wishes for you to die?

  • " In society you adapt to the majority". That argument is terrible, You do realize the thread got moved to just a different part of the forum, Right ? It didn't even get closed.

    I don't think they have no rights. But if they are in the minority, I don't see why everything should be changed according to their wishes?

  • When Clementine Dissed carlos...

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    Everyone was like

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  • Come on guys,this argument is useless.This thread is supposed to be funny,not full of boring stuff

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Even if it was only two people they still have the same rights you do. What, You think you're better than them ? Give me a break.

  • I agree. Im just not the type of guy to stand there and watch when someone else is bashing me, If he had talked in a different way, a more respectful one I wouldn't even be here right know.

    Come on guys,this argument is useless.This thread is supposed to be funny,not full of boring stuff

  • I know man,some people on these forum started becoming arrogant.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I agree. Im just not the type of guy to stand there and watch when someone else is bashing me, If he had talked in a different way, a more respectful one I wouldn't even be here right know.

  • edited March 2014

    If telling people to go away (or to fuck off, how my words may actually sound, I will admit) counts as a harsh insult to someone, then they are probably not suited for the internet.

    Besides, I thought I have already said that I didn't want anyone to actually die.

    Great. I am unhappy, you are not. It's so good that we only needed 6 replies to understand that simple fact. I guess now that we finally came to a general understanding of our standpoints, we can start going our ways. It's nice that the moderator thinks fun never was intended for this forum. It's also fantastic if he and the staff manages to keep fun further away from here. It would only mean that I would have to go somewhere else which apparently would make at least you happy.

    I never said I didn't expect to encounter resistance for my post. I actually would have been surprised if I wouldn't have. A forum would actually be very boring if everyone always just agreed with you.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    So saying they should ALL die isn't bad either ? Guess what ? I don't care, the thread got moved here and even if I didn't even know about i

  • Exactly. I don't expect him to like it, Hell, Even I think the people complaining too much are exaggerating since I deal with the same everyday And I don't say anything about it but when you use lines like " Go to hell" or " You have my permission to die" expect me to clash right back if used against me.

    I know man,some people on these forum started becoming arrogant.

  • Fuckin' assholes

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Exactly. I don't expect him to like it, Hell, Even I think the people complaining too much are exaggerating since I deal with the same every

  • Yeah tell me about it. I get on about 2 arguments per day here and I saw you dealing with one too.

    Fuckin' assholes

  • Urgh, who the hell even bashed you? Me? Now you are just being childish. I never attacked you in any way. I still don't know where I said you had my permission to die either. Are you pulling this stuff out of your charming ass? Come on...

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Exactly. I don't expect him to like it, Hell, Even I think the people complaining too much are exaggerating since I deal with the same every

  • At first I was indifferent, Now Im happy. But yes I agree, I have nothing against you not will I ever have Im just not afraid to say how I feel.

    If telling people to go away (or to fuck off, how my words may actually sound, I will admit) counts as a harsh insult to someone, then they

  • Doesn't change the fact that stuff shouldn't change just because the minority wants it.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    " In society you adapt to the majority". That argument is terrible, You do realize the thread got moved to just a different part of the forum, Right ? It didn't even get closed.

  • Let's just drop it, Yeah ? I already told you where you said that above but Im not gonna keep up this fruitless argument. My ass is charmin' indeed.

    Urgh, who the hell even bashed you? Me? Now you are just being childish. I never attacked you in any way. I still don't know where I said you had my permission to die either. Are you pulling this stuff out of your charming ass? Come on...

  • Actuallly,you are the one assaulting him right now

    Urgh, who the hell even bashed you? Me? Now you are just being childish. I never attacked you in any way. I still don't know where I said you had my permission to die either. Are you pulling this stuff out of your charming ass? Come on...

  • That's the thing...I don't even see anything in the comic thread that would suggest that I wanted people to die. I then decided to go and check my recent posts and found a post that I think might be the one you found to be so offensive. The one where I called to arms?

    I was joking there! You seem to be aware of Tobi's comic thread, yes? I am playing a villain there. Seeing as how that "community appreciation thread" isn't a serious one, I decided to come up with a villainous line to say. I was just having fun there...geez.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Let's just drop it, Yeah ? I already told you where you said that above but Im not gonna keep up this fruitless argument. My ass is charmin' indeed.

  • How does moving a thread to the bottom of the forum help the mobile users? I'm not trying to talk in a rude way, it's just a doubt.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    " In society you adapt to the majority". That argument is terrible, You do realize the thread got moved to just a different part of the forum, Right ? It didn't even get closed.

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