The Walking Dead Meme and Fun Thread (Mobile warning)



  • I didn't mean to be sexiest I just don't see many of it, I think she did a great job, sorry for the misunderstanding. :(

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    So? I hate to bring sexism into this, but isn't it a little unfair to say a girl can't dress up as a guy?

  • It's fine, no need to be sorry.

    I didn't mean to be sexiest I just don't see many of it, I think she did a great job, sorry for the misunderstanding.

  • Awesome!

    Giraffehat posted: »

    It's shorter than my other videos, but All That Remains is my least favourite episode.

  • thanks I really appreciate it.:)

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    It's fine, no need to be sorry.

  • OHMYGOD. Take all my likes.

    LokiDoki posted: »

    When Alvin is hungry for beans, its best to not deny him of any.

  • edited April 2014

    "The Walking Juicebox" was a very clever name XD nice video bro.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    It's shorter than my other videos, but All That Remains is my least favourite episode.

  • edited April 2014

    Wait, did I just reply to myself? Hold on

  • edited April 2014

    So very pretty indeed, 10/10 would do stuff to you. Happy things, Sexual things, Brutal things, Psychotic things. I will make you enjoy and hate every minute of it.

  • I saw the screenshot, had to add the caption.

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  • That didn't look like the kind of club that a lesbian would attend.

    u make it sound like shes a lesbian or something lol

  • edited April 2014

  • "Ain't nothin' wrong with a little gay sex :D" ~GOUSTTTT

  • It's a mystery.

    A murder mystery.

    Rigtail posted: »

    How does he do that? Also, notice his face when the rest of him begins to fly up. I think he starts to eat his self or something.

  • edited April 2014

    @Darth Marsden, do you know why vivec got banned?

    yeah thats what i though mostly but i guess my problem with them is the freak me out :P and the 'pole dancing' is funny but kind of disturbing at the same time.

  • At least it's not as bad as when Andrea did the same thing to Shane in the show...

    "Ain't nothin' wrong with a little gay sex " ~GOUSTTTT

  • Dem eyes! I give her a strong 8!

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    Ayrtonius posted: »

    This girl did an awesome Nick cosplay on Tumblr:

  • "Kenny'd probably have me pick the lock, which actually might work now that we have the time..."

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  • edited April 2014

    Ok, so let's say that Ben told the group about the supplies and the bandits, and they kicked him out. This is what would happen.

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    And Ben was never seen again. C'mon, Ben. You have to be smarter than that you fuckin' shitbird!


    Zyphon posted: »

    I don't believe this one has been posted yet.

  • I always wondered how she manages to unlock the door from that high up.

    dfh15 posted: »

    "Kenny'd probably have me pick the lock, which actually might work now that we have the time..."

  • Lol, yeah I never understood that either. Even Lee was surprised in that scene.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I always wondered how she manages to unlock the door from that high up.

  • Well although it's not really common, my closet as a lock on the top of the door for whatever reason.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I always wondered how she manages to unlock the door from that high up.

  • So you have to tippy-toe to reach it? I'd just leave it unlocked all the time :P

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Well although it's not really common, my closet as a lock on the top of the door for whatever reason.

  • She learned from the master. Well, kinda.

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  • Yeah, i'm short, but I just leave it unlocked like you said... I don't see why they'd even put a lock on a closet.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    So you have to tippy-toe to reach it? I'd just leave it unlocked all the time :P

  • To hide all the dead bodies of course! :)

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Yeah, i'm short, but I just leave it unlocked like you said... I don't see why they'd even put a lock on a closet.

  • Wait what?! Clem's favorite game must've been Splinter Cell.

    dfh15 posted: »

    She learned from the master. Well, kinda.

  • edited April 2014

    There is indeed a "lock" at the top, but it's more of a brace. There is:

    1. No mechanism on the door itself and

    2. The door opened towards the outside, so a brace would be completely useless.

    This whole incident's probably more of a silly goof if anything.

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    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Well although it's not really common, my closet as a lock on the top of the door for whatever reason.

  • Lol, Lee in the 3rd to last pic.


    dfh15 posted: »

    She learned from the master. Well, kinda.

  • Nice research

    dfh15 posted: »

    There is indeed a "lock" at the top, but it's more of a brace. There is: * No mechanism on the door itself and * The door opened tow

  • Son of a...

    Well, at least the mystery is solved now, lol. Can't believe I never noticed that.

    dfh15 posted: »

    There is indeed a "lock" at the top, but it's more of a brace. There is: * No mechanism on the door itself and * The door opened tow

  • Wow, how did I miss that...?

    dfh15 posted: »

    There is indeed a "lock" at the top, but it's more of a brace. There is: * No mechanism on the door itself and * The door opened tow

  • Not my usual work, but something while we wait for EP3.

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  • Lmao, look at his arms too.

    Lol, Lee in the 3rd to last pic. "DOI!"

  • My god, his right arm got so fucked up.

    Lmao, look at his arms too.

  • Lol, ouch! The fact that he got up like nothing happened and continued on with his day just proves how badass Lee was.

    My god, his right arm got so fucked up.

  • Man, what a trooper.

    Lol, ouch! The fact that he got up like nothing happened and continued on with his day just proves how badass Lee was.

  • first video made by me after a while It isn't the walking dead and I don't know if there is a meme page for the wolf among us but I assume most people here have played it so for now I will post it here

  • Jewfreeus posted: »

    first video made by me after a while It isn't the walking dead and I don't know if there is a meme page for the wolf among us but I assume most people here have played it so for now I will post it here

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