
  • I feel so violated Azlyn.

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  • O_O No shit.

    Azlyn posted: »

    I LOVE FAIRY ODD PARENTS SO MUCH But the birth of Poof is corneea-scaring O.O

  • edited April 2014

    Thanks Azie! I'll try tomorrow.

    Azlyn posted: »

    What?! No! TRY AGAIN! Oh, and, by the way, it was Azlyn, my username is Azlyn. Obvious Azlyn is obvious.

  • Thanks Azie! I'll try tomorrow.

  • Dem Feels. Son of a bitch.


    Azlyn posted: »

    I played it once at a friend's place, but i never had it myself.

  • :?

    Hmm? Why? What happened?

    JonGon posted: »

    I feel so violated Azlyn.

  • :(

    Giraffehat posted: »


  • Goustttt was hitting on me cuz he thought I was a girl. lol

    Azlyn posted: »

    :? Hmm? Why? What happened?



    Well, just so you know, GOUSTTTT flirts with everything that moves. Or doesn't move. He hits on EVERYTHING.

    JonGon posted: »

    Goustttt was hitting on me cuz he thought I was a girl. lol

  • edited April 2014

    Hey, Tobi here's the Bio. Sorry if it's too long.

    Appearance: 6'0 muscular guy, not too big not too small. Looks human, is a genetically altered super soldier/hitman experiment.

    Personality: Likes to make people laugh, usually partying around in the meme and fun thread. Quick thinker, Sarcastic and witty but when it comes down to doing a mission or fighting he takes it very seriously. He helps those who need it and respects those who respect him. Doesn't judge anyone and will be friends with just about anybody. A born leader but usually a Lone-Wolf, doesn't mind working with a team that can communicate and have each others backs though.

    Weapons Has been around for so long has learned every fighting technique there is, An expert at hand-to-hand combat, the best with any weapon or vehicle, keeps most of his weapons silenced, M4 and snipers but prefers to dual-wield his silenced handguns, his favorite weapons are his two knives he keeps hidden in their holsters on his lower back.

    Powers: Can send anyone to the Meme dimension, uses it when an enemy is taking to long too defeat by trapping them there with no escape, also uses it to help his friends by giving them anything or putting them anywhere. When he "focuses" in a fight he slows down time and moves so fast that no one can see him. Healing factor and regeneration, doesn't age.

    I know it's just a cameo but if you decide to add me a fight or anything, then here's what the look could be.

    Alt text

    Alt text

    A mix between the two, just add the shades and hat from the first pic, Black Leather gloves, something like the coat in the second, and have the face covered with a scarf. Again, my apologies if it's too long, Tobi.

    Cameos are okay.

  • Man fuck CoD, that series destroyed the meaning of what taking your time to make a really good game means. I liked CoD4 when it was something new but year after year when they release the same shit over and over and people still buy it, just doesn't make any sense to me. It's just not Crapcom though a lot of other companies are trying to make their games something similar to CoD thinking it's what people want and then they end up destroying a good game series(Halo)

  • lol...I can't help but laugh at that.

    I imagine Goustttt hitting on you and then suddenly realizing you aren't female.

    Alt text

    JonGon posted: »

    Goustttt was hitting on me cuz he thought I was a girl. lol

  • Don't they have a dog now?

    O_O No shit.

  • GOUSTTTT was like

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    Wait are you sure?! Haha, jk GOUSTTTT

    Alt text

    JonGon posted: »

    Goustttt was hitting on me cuz he thought I was a girl. lol

  • I second that Alt text

    JonGon posted: »


  • Yep, that's what happens. Yeah Nintendo actually cares about making quality games and listening to fans. Hopefully Halo 5 isn't too messed up like Halo 4 was, I remember they did a short halo series a while back, it wasn't that bad too.

  • He thought JonGon was a girl? GOUSTTTT isn't very bright, is he? :(

    JonGon posted: »

    Goustttt was hitting on me cuz he thought I was a girl. lol

  • That's what she said.

    Haha, seriously though, yeah we almost have the same taste on everything, bro.

  • Yea lol, he's still my bro though.

    Alt text

    Giraffehat posted: »

    He thought JonGon was a girl? GOUSTTTT isn't very bright, is he?

  • edited April 2014

    I just posted here, in the very middle of this thread where nobody will find this message, my webbrowser is dying and I feel like I'm in the deepest pit of quotes I have ever been in. What i'm talking about? i don't know.

  • Haha, yeah they even had RE4 beta with zombie ghosts and dolls that come to life, since Leon was supposed to be infected with a virus and was hallucinating, he was also supposed to die at the end. Oh yeah, I remember they were going to make RE0 for the N64 but decided to make it for the Gamecube which is understandable. Haha, yeah people really want to play RE1.5, even though RE2 was great I wouldn't mind if we could play RE1.5.

  • Plot twist. Turns out we were long lost brothers, lol.

  • Leon was always my favorite since RE2, haha I didn't mind him RE4, Ashley was annoying as hell in the game though. "Leeeeooon! HEEEEEEEEEEELLLLPPP!"

    Yeah, it was good, I liked how you could switch between characters and give the other items and ammo if the needed. As much as I want a RE2 remake I don't think people nowadays would appreciate it, Crapcom should've remade it a long time ago.

  • Nah Leon is cool, I didn't find him too cocky only in the movie RE degeneration. Hell yeah wtf lol, I liked Chris in REmake but now...Wtf? lol. He got that big to be able to fight Wesker is what they said. Heh, well hopefully man, maybe one day.

  • Almost ran over a goose and her baby on the road. Tell your homies that sidewalks were made for a reason @GiraffeHat

  • You assume I know all other Geese just cuz I'm a Goose? That's fuckin' racist!

    Although, in fairness, I do know all other Geese, but you couldn't know that!

    JonGon posted: »

    Almost ran over a goose and her baby on the road. Tell your homies that sidewalks were made for a reason @GiraffeHat

  • Lmao, oh god I forgot about that. In RE6 I was hoping Leon and Claire would have teamed up and Chris and Jill but it probably would have sucked anyway. Seriously Crapcom go back to making a true survival horror game, damn.

  • I remember you told me once that you are the Goose King. What kind of king doesn't know each and every one of their brethren? So i wasn't assuming... I know!

    Giraffehat posted: »

    You assume I know all other Geese just cuz I'm a Goose? That's fuckin' racist! Although, in fairness, I do know all other Geese, but you couldn't know that!

  • Now this one was very interesting. I spent half of researching it. One time I the whole beta police station with an old PC game called Lego Creator. Anyway there were tons of content here that intrigues me. Too bad though. I'm still happy with the final cut. Actually did anyone hear about a mod for RE2 that's based off of it? It's called Dark Biohazard.

    http://www.relyonhorror.com/in-depth/resident-evil-5-beta-4-5-information-lost-scrapped-concepts/ That's all the info on Resident Evil 4.5, and speaking of betas check out RE1.5, looked awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qAlyZXJm8Y

  • On RE5 Beta Wesker never "transformed", you play as Chris and fight him on top of the Uroboros plane which is sinking into the lava of the volcano. And for Chris.... all can say is that he became THE HULK. XD

  • Nice, yeah even though RE2 was good I still hope one day we are able to play RE1.5. Never heard of Dark Biohazard so I checked it out, it looks pretty cool and interesting! Like a what if story, but looks like the creator abandoned the project?

    Now this one was very interesting. I spent half of researching it. One time I the whole beta police station with an old PC game called Lego

  • Yeah I think they did. And it looked awesome and scary. :(

    Nice, yeah even though RE2 was good I still hope one day we are able to play RE1.5. Never heard of Dark Biohazard so I checked it out, it looks pretty cool and interesting! Like a what if story, but looks like the creator abandoned the project?

  • Damn, that sucks! Oh another one was Resident Evil 1 on the Gameboy Color, lol. Apparently you can play a ROM of it now by using an emulator.

    Yeah I think they did. And it looked awesome and scary.

  • Interesting. Which version of Resident Evil 1 did you like the most. I liked the REmake the most. :)

    Damn, that sucks! Oh another one was Resident Evil 1 on the Gameboy Color, lol. Apparently you can play a ROM of it now by using an emulator.

  • I've played both and I definitely have to go with REmake. Everything in it was just improved and all around better, it's still one of the best remakes to this day and it still looks good for an old game. I just hope if Crapcom ever decides to remake RE2 that they could make it as good or better than REmake.

    Interesting. Which version of Resident Evil 1 did you like the most. I liked the REmake the most.

  • edited April 2014

    Me too. :)

    I've played both and I definitely have to go with REmake. Everything in it was just improved and all around better, it's still one of the be

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