Walking Fan Art of the DEAD... (New and Improved)



  • Don't worry, I understood.

    JonGon posted: »

    Many threads and comments about season 2 endings. Wish I could give credit but I would have to dig up old threads to find it. Edit: lol t

  • edited April 2014

    On a more serious touch, all these artists should think about working for Telltale, they are amazing.

    ItsGabee posted: »

    You can draw, either it's a stick figure or what! As long as it represents someone or something.

  • I doubt Telltale would accept anime. ;P

    On a more serious touch, all these artists should think about working for Telltale, they are amazing.

  • When you you guys draw, do you listen to some music? or draw in a quiet room?

    I usually draw when listening to One Direction,Psy,Lady Gaga,Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.

  • I draw to music depending on the mood, usually for TWD I listen to depressing songs or the soundtrack.
    If it's an action scene some rock. Most of the time I listen to old school hip hop like Nujabes.

    ItsGabee posted: »

    When you you guys draw, do you listen to some music? or draw in a quiet room? I usually draw when listening to One Direction,Psy,Lady Gaga,Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.

  • I listen to music all the time when I draw. Anime music when working on anime. And horror themed music when doing zombie stuff. I have about over 1200 mp3 files of music.

    ItsGabee posted: »

    When you you guys draw, do you listen to some music? or draw in a quiet room? I usually draw when listening to One Direction,Psy,Lady Gaga,Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.

  • @JonGon cool sketch! can't wait to see the finished work!


    i usually listen to some tv shows or lets plays when i draw ^^

  • Thanks! @Boats

    Boats posted: »

    @JonGon cool sketch! can't wait to see the finished work! @ItsGabee i usually listen to some tv shows or lets plays when i draw ^^

  • You should try to draw while listening to music from movies, games, OST, classical... Or at least, instrumental versions of your favorite songs.
    I am more of writer by the way, but I think that it can be very useful when they draw.

    ItsGabee posted: »

    When you you guys draw, do you listen to some music? or draw in a quiet room? I usually draw when listening to One Direction,Psy,Lady Gaga,Katy Perry and Taylor Swift.

  • Guys, between the two options, who should I draw? Omid or Christa? :P

  • Guys, between the two options, who should I draw? Omid or Christa? :P

  • @LeeTheProfessional I was going to do both, but I don't know which one I should do first. xD


  • Ah, I see. Heh, well I was suggesting you tried drawing both in one page, but if you want to do them one at a time then probably BrOmid first and then Christa, but then again it's up to you so whatever you want, go ahead and do whichever first. B]

    @LeeTheProfessional I was going to do both, but I don't know which one I should do first. xD

  • Yeah, I'm probably going to do BrOmid first.

    A bit out of the subject, but do you know where the idea for the name 'brOmid' came from? xP

    Ah, I see. Heh, well I was suggesting you tried drawing both in one page, but if you want to do them one at a time then probably BrOmid first and then Christa, but then again it's up to you so whatever you want, go ahead and do whichever first. B]

  • Nice! Haha, actually I have no idea. My guess is just that he was a total bro from the beginning. He was the comedy relief of the game and just had a positive attitude. That's why people liked him so much. Good ol' BrOmid.

    Yeah, I'm probably going to do BrOmid first. A bit out of the subject, but do you know where the idea for the name 'brOmid' came from? xP

  • Yeah, probably haha. Those are some reasons why he's one of my favourite characters :P

    Nice! Haha, actually I have no idea. My guess is just that he was a total bro from the beginning. He was the comedy relief of the game and just had a positive attitude. That's why people liked him so much. Good ol' BrOmid.

  • Oh... Ben's a unicorn now.

  • Lol, yeah he was awesome!

    Yeah, probably haha. Those are some reasons why he's one of my favourite characters :P

  • Finished the sketch I posted the other day. Hope ya like it!

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  • @JonGon.

    First! Jokes aside, I fuckin' love it. The Wellington sign, the snow atmosphere, Clem's hoodie, the walkers in the back- looks great man!

    JonGon posted: »

    Finished the sketch I posted the other day. Hope ya like it!

  • @JonGon

    Hell yeah! Turned out nice!

    JonGon posted: »

    Finished the sketch I posted the other day. Hope ya like it!

  • kewl.

  • edited April 2014

    @JonGon Great work! You really catched the atmosphere!

  • @JonGon I actually saw this finished picture on DeviantArt today and immediately recognized your name. Great work!

  • This may be not related to TWD, but i just wanna show everyone on how much i improved throughout the years of drawing. I hope you guys don't mind.
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  • Wow that is amazing! Really love the setting and that background there. Great job.

    JonGon posted: »

    Finished the sketch I posted the other day. Hope ya like it!

  • edited April 2014

    Nice job @ItsGabee, thats a real huge improvement there. Whats your deviantart ID?

    ItsGabee posted: »

    This may be not related to TWD, but i just wanna show everyone on how much i improved throughout the years of drawing. I hope you guys don't mind.

  • Thanks everyone!

    @ItsGabee Awesome improvement!

  • @JonGon Shit that's awesome.

  • @Krisentine Thanks bro!

    Krisentine posted: »

    @JonGon Shit that's awesome.

  • @Arvalis It's PokemonBrendan :3

  • edited April 2014

    I saw this on deviantART and thought it was pretty cool. I thought I'd share it with the forum. The artist profile name is Tsukiano.
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  • Oh hey! a forum member called @Arvalis drew that and he already posted it. Good drawing though!

    eRock92 posted: »

    I saw this on deviantART and thought it was pretty cool. I thought I'd share it with the forum. The artist profile name is Tsukiano.

  • edited April 2014

    Man, I can't wait until that third episode drops.

    More fan art for this thread will ensue upon its release. :D

  • Moar you say?! I will spam you with art until you vomit.

    Man, I can't wait until that third episode drops. More fan art for this thread will ensue upon its release.

  • edited April 2014

    Whoah, whoah, whoah - Now hold on a sec.

    No spamming.

    Alt text

    JonGon posted: »

    Moar you say?! I will spam you with art until you vomit.

  • lol

    Whoah, whoah, whoah - Now hold on a sec. No spamming.

  • Alright, I've got some art I'm working on, but it's TWAU.

    JonGon posted: »


  • edited April 2014

    It better be topless Snow. We will be legends if we provide fan service.

    Alright, I've got some art I'm working on, but it's TWAU.

  • edited April 2014

    Well, with Episode 3 came shirtless Bigby.

    Imagine what wonders Episode 4 will hold.


    JonGon posted: »

    It better be topless Snow. We will be legends if we provide fan service.

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