If there's room, count me in! Sounds like another good idea
And my name will be Kyle, it's my real name. :P And I would like to be a plane crash survivor.
Trying to make this not sound corny, but nah, we should be thanking you(and harpadarpa) for this great idea that will make the wait for the next episodes less boring.
Trying to make this not sound corny, but nah, we should be thanking you(and harpadarpa) for this great idea that will make the wait for the next episodes less boring.
The name is Byron or Byron Van Klaassen if you want the full one (Can't think anything good so I took it from a book I wrote 2 years ago )
If you can, put him in the Survivors or the Military faction. It's up to you.
Ill join, then i guess i will be a plane survivor or whatever spot is not full, and I shall be called by my characters last name, King. Or something you decide man.
Alright, this sounds fun.
The name is Byron or Byron Van Klaassen if you want the full one (Can't think anything good so I took it from a… more book I wrote 2 years ago )
If you can, put him in the Survivors or the Military faction. It's up to you.
Good luck with the story.
Ill join, then i guess i will be a plane survivor or whatever spot is not full, and I shall be called by my characters last name, King. Or something you decide man.
Plane crash survivor named Kelsey Brannigan, please. (Same Brannigan as TWAU, same job, everything, except she never met Bigby or knew of what happened with the murders or anything like that).
I'm sorry, we just ran out of Plane Hijackers, you can be a Plane Crash Survivor (We only have one spot left open for plane crash survivor) or a Hunter. Sorry.
Plane crash survivor named Kelsey Brannigan, please. (Same Brannigan as TWAU, same job, everything, except she never met Bigby or knew of what happened with the murders or anything like that).
Your in the Military Search & Rescue, Pvt. "King" Shu.
Our last Plane Hijacker. Thank you.
Trying to make this not sound corny, but nah, we should be thanking you(and harpadarpa) for this great idea that will make the wait for the next episodes less boring.
Yes, tell me about it. For some reason the wait for EP3 feels so long, thanks to Harp and Clayton_Boylan this will keep us entertained while we wait.
Especially if he keeps his promise of daily episodes, that would make the wait feel much shorter since I have something to look forward to each day.
I'm sure he can do it and keep us up to date if anything. Yeah, man definitely!
I just need to get forty people, then I can start writing. Thanks for the support, guys.
Do Gray. Awesome name for a badass hunter.
Sorry I went away for a while,how about Colin Sinclair.
Can I join? Name: John Kozlov
Yeah, you can join. What faction do you want to be a part of?
Alright, this sounds fun.
The name is Byron or Byron Van Klaassen if you want the full one (Can't think anything good so I took it from a book I wrote 2 years ago
If you can, put him in the Survivors or the Military faction. It's up to you.
Good luck with the story.
Ill join, then i guess i will be a plane survivor or whatever spot is not full, and I shall be called by my characters last name, King. Or something you decide man.
Search and rescue, or survivor, or hunter, most desired to least desired. Name - Frost.
I'll put you down for Military.
Thank you, your down for plane crash survivor.
I don't know if there's any space left, but I'll be a plane hijacker named Valerie.
Plane crash survivor named Kelsey Brannigan, please. (Same Brannigan as TWAU, same job, everything, except she never met Bigby or knew of what happened with the murders or anything like that).
I'm sorry, we just ran out of Plane Hijackers, you can be a Plane Crash Survivor (We only have one spot left open for plane crash survivor) or a Hunter. Sorry.
1 Spot left for Plane Crash Survivor and 6 left for Hunters.
Seven more to go
I'll take a plane crash survivor masquerading as Dany Heatley.
Cool, thanks.
We are now out of Plane Crash Survivors. We need five more Hunters, then I can start writing.
Sorry, Valerie, I'm going to have to put you down for a Hunter. It's the only part left.
Name is Eazy
Hunter part
Maybe, while we're waiting, we could get a sneak peek?
NAME david sanden
Military or hunter
Ok, thx
awesome. thx.
Decent movie, sequel sucked though.
Can I join? Just call me shade
I'm interested...I guess. Feel free to kill me off anytime. Call me Stark.
Name is Asswipe. Asswipe ain't got any manners. Mom of Asswipe didn't teach him any manners.
Don't worry, the stories will be in here real soon.
Got you down.