I checked it out for my self to see what all the fuss was about. It was blown way out of proportion, it was quite a let down. I was expecting some way more fucked up material.
Note when I say let down, I don't mean I wanted it to be more graphic or wanted it to be there in the first place, just that I'm not impressed with their trolling. They aren't impressive at all, in the slightest, they don't even deserve to be talked about.
I checked it out for my self to see what all the fuss was about. It was blown way out of proportion, it was quite a let down. I was expect… moreing some way more fucked up material.
Note when I say let down, I don't mean I wanted it to be more graphic or wanted it to be there in the first place, just that I'm not impressed with their trolling. They aren't impressive at all, in the slightest, they don't even deserve to be talked about.
Episode 1: Turbulence Remember, your character may not be in this story just yet, but keep an eye out in the later episodes.
Raul coughed into his elbow as he nodded towards a short female flight attendant, who calmly nodded back. He then mumbled under his breath, “Let’s put this in the water.”
Sheep, being the man sitting next to Raul in the small, commercial aircraft, shook his head in agreement and made eye contact with Randomz and Eeuss who were sitting across the aisle. Eeuss, when seeing this stood up and walked towards one of the two lavatories on the plane, and locked the door. The three others waited patiently for him to exit, and when he did, it was Sheep’s turn to go to the lavatory, and then Randomz. Finally, when Randomz was done, Raul stood up, and treaded towards the in-flight bathroom facility. Once he walked in to the lavatory, he quickly shut the door and pulled the sliding lock to its locked position.
Raul looked at the small counter surrounding the sink, and ran his hands over it until he found a latch that acted as the door to a 25 centimeter compartment. He then pulled the latch, revealing the small compartment where the flight attendant stored the smuggled weapons. Raul frowned as he gazed upon the last weapon left, which was just a yellow and black box cutter. As he held it within his hands, he remembered that this mission was based on speed, and if he didn’t bring this plane down right, he wouldn’t get paid. He quickly closed the compartment and walked out the lavatory, in such haste that he bumped into a man waiting outside the door.
“Hey, watch it.” Said a tall, man with a military standard issue hair cut named Jon, tiredly, as if he had been up the night before the flight.
“Sorry.” Raul said to the man, before passing by him to get back to his seat.
Raul then motioned for his female, flight attendant accomplice to come over to his seat. When she did, he whispered in her ear, “90 seconds.”
The flight attendant then played it cool, by answering him as if he had ordered a cola, “Right, I’ll get one for you.”
“Thank you.”
The flight was from Sacramento, United States to Sydney, Australia, and was supposed to arrive at 1935 or 7:35 PM Eastern Standard Time. The commercial flight was rather small, compared to many others; the flight only had a population of a hundred and eight, including the pilot and copilot, three flight attendants and an Air Marshal.
The flight attendant walked to the back of the plane, quickly, and as she passed Air Marshal Parker’s seat, he started to get suspicious. So, he stood up, took out his headphones and followed the flight attendant to the back of the plane. As he pulled back the dark blue and black patterned curtains, Parker saw the flight attendant scrambling to tighten her safety belt.
He then said, with a deep monotone voice, “Is there a problem?”
In the cockpit, Sheep and Randomz fumbled with the bodies of the pilot and the copilot, while Eeuss sat behind the plane’s controls.
Raul walked through the cockpit door and saw the two bodies with clean cuts through their throats, he clapped and said, “Well done.” He then quickly looked at Eeuss and asked, “How far until targeted destination?”
Eeuss answered almost instantly, “T-minus ten minutes, sir.”
“Right on schedule. Sheep, get the plane’s recorder.”
“Yes, sir!” Sheep said as he sat up from where he crouched near the bodies.
Each one of the hijackers were military trained, Eeuss and Sheep came from the United States Armed Forces (Eeuss from the United States Airforce, Sheep from the Marine Corps), Randomz came from Canadian Special Operations Regiment, and Raul came from the Colombian Naval Infantry, meaning that they were all extremely obedient to the person who was in charge, which was Raul. Raul had done missions for the people that hired him, but most of them were just as security, this was something new to him, but he didn’t mind anything new, as long as he had competent people around him willing to follow his orders. He called out, “Randomz, get in that copilot’s seat, assist Eeuss anyway possible. You,” he said while pointing at Sheep, “You’re with me. Gentlemen, lock the door behind us.”
When Sheep and Raul left the cockpit, Randomz stood up and locked the door that stood between the pilot’s seats and the rest of the plane.
Eeuss, asked, while keeping concentration on flying the plane, “Have you given much thought to the plan?”
“Enough thought,” Randomz said while sitting down, “we crash into the shallows, ditch the plane, get our money.”
“Think about it though, two countries will be sending all sorts or reconnaissance vehicles to check out the island, hell, we probably won’t even get to our boats before we get caught by the military. And who’s to say, we’ll even survive the crash?!”
“The people that hired us know what they’re doing, and they’ll cover our escape. Calm down, man. We’ll survive the crash, that’s why he hired you.”
“Why do they even want us to crash the plane?! It doesn’t make any fucking sense.” Eeuss exclaimed as he held his hands wrapped tightly on the plane’s yoke.
Randomz looked at him and said, “That is for them to know and us, not to. Don’t think about it. Think about the pool and the mansion you’ll be relaxing in for the rest of your life and the sports car you’ll be driving to the clubs in.”
Eeuss took a deep breath and sighed, “The only thing I can think of, is if I’m going to be alive in eight minutes.”
Air Marshal Parker had his hands behind his back and awaited the flight attendants answer. She then peeped out, “The pilot said we were going to have turbulence. Sir, could you please go back to your seat?” She knew that Parker was going to be a problem, so as she said this she slowly brought out a smuggled pocket knife from her back pocket, without him noticing. When he started to turn around, she lunged at him. He quickly evaded her blade and kneed her in the stomach, then pushed the combatant against the wall with his forearm against her neck while the other arm kept the flight attendant’s knife hand at her side.
It seemed to him he had won, the attacker was detained and the smuggled weapon wasn’t going anywhere, when a sudden altitude decrease had Parker floating in the air.
All the passengers screamed as the plane started to dive. Jon yelled out, “Holy shit!” As he flew up and hit the roof of the lavatory with his head, rendering him unconscious.
In the cockpit, Randomz started yelling, “Time to pull up! Pull up!” Eeuss pulled harshly on the plane’s yoke, trying his best to have the back end of the plane hit the water first, which would give himself and his comrades more of a chance of surviving the crash. Randomz saw how close they were to plunging the green-blue water and yelled, “Brace!”
I only got Hunters left, but thanks!
You're in.
Cool, you're in.
Asswipe? Seriously? Okay.
No more open parts! (Cracks knuckles) Time to type.
Will you post the Episode in this thread?
Or create a new one?
I'll be posting them in this thread.
What are the other factions?
They are full now but they were Plane Crash Survivors,Plane Hijackers and Hunters.
Main Characters
Team 1: Gray, Duck, Randell, Eazy, David Sanden, Asswipe.
Team 2: Swaggy, Perfect, Brennan, Valerie, Shade, Stark.
Plane Crash Survivors:
Puncake, Tomi, Harp, Rafael, Hershel, Claude, Mutt, Awesomeo, Air Marshall Parker, Jon, Kyle, Byron, King, Brannigan, Dany Heatley.
Military Search and Rescue:
Alpha 1: Pilot Lt. Mark, First Sgt. Sinclair, Pvt. Lennart, Pvt. Shu.
Alpha 2: Pilot Lt. Lee, L.Cpl. Jayden, Pvt. Kozlov, PFC Frost.
Plane Hijackers:
Raul, Eeuss, Randomz, Sheep.
Yaay, you noticed me. I seemed to be the only one not replied to so I was worried I upset you or wasn't noticed or something. ;~;
Just going to say Urban Kenny is back if you haven't seen it remain calm but be careful.
Thanks for the warning.
Sorry for not replying to you.
I checked it out for my self to see what all the fuss was about. It was blown way out of proportion, it was quite a let down. I was expecting some way more fucked up material.
Note when I say let down, I don't mean I wanted it to be more graphic or wanted it to be there in the first place, just that I'm not impressed with their trolling. They aren't impressive at all, in the slightest, they don't even deserve to be talked about.
It's completely fine, there were a lot of people for you to reply to, I'm just glad you noticed me.
Sure, that's cool.
Lets go plane hijackers!
Let's prove we are the best of the best!!!
(Official plane hijacker comment.)
We have the least people, but we still will come on top!
Yeah! Lets tear it up! Even though apparently the plane will crash...
You guys are not very nice,buy your own plane,I mean if all the plane hijackers saved up then you would have enough for at least one.
Pfffft, why buy when you can steal?
Hey, why don't we kill these people, and take all their stuff.
Stealing is free
. Unless you get caught but don't worry were prepared.
Great idea.
Well it doesn't seem you did a very good job of stealing it since you crashed it,I say you drop the person who was flying.
Aw shit
It's still gross. I mean, when I look at her it makes me remember... shudders
Oh yes.
I'm in thanks Clayton
Not to be rude or anything but when will the story begin?
Oh no you did not.
He's working on it right now, don't worry we will get it soon. B]
That we will my professional friend... That we will...
Haha, Yes! Can't wait.
Episode 1: Turbulence Remember, your character may not be in this story just yet, but keep an eye out in the later episodes.
The flight was from Sacramento, United States to Sydney, Australia, and was supposed to arrive at 1935 or 7:35 PM Eastern Standard Time. The commercial flight was rather small, compared to many others; the flight only had a population of a hundred and eight, including the pilot and copilot, three flight attendants and an Air Marshal.
In the cockpit, Sheep and Randomz fumbled with the bodies of the pilot and the copilot, while Eeuss sat behind the plane’s controls.