Walking Fan Art of the DEAD... (New and Improved)



  • You sure know how to work a crowd eh @JonGon?

  • lol! Sup @dfh15 i think this is the first time I see you in the Fan Art thread. I apologize in advance if i forgot.

    dfh15 posted: »

    You sure know how to work a crowd eh @JonGon?

  • edited April 2014

    Well, with Episode 3 came shirtless Bigby. Imagine what wonders Episode 4 will hold. 8)

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    JonGon posted: »


  • It is! I don't think my Photoshop stuff belongs here so I just lurk this thread.

    JonGon posted: »

    lol! Sup @dfh15 i think this is the first time I see you in the Fan Art thread. I apologize in advance if i forgot.

  • I see Photoshop as a form of art aswell, it does depend on the subject matter though. But your Who Will Survive posters look awesome and i doubt people would mind to see some of that here.

    dfh15 posted: »

    It is! I don't think my Photoshop stuff belongs here so I just lurk this thread.

  • @dfh15

    I agree with JonGon, I'm sure you can come up with some artistic photoshops, you seriously have some good skills with that, man.

    dfh15 posted: »

    It is! I don't think my Photoshop stuff belongs here so I just lurk this thread.

  • Fuck yeah, feel free to post your work here.

    @dfh15 I agree with JonGon, I'm sure you can come up with some artistic photoshops, you seriously have some good skills with that, man.

  • @CoolStoryBro

    You know what's weird, I actually draw very similar to your style haha, but I'm to lazy when it comes to drawing. IF I ever make something though I'll be sure to post it here, maybe "Soon". One question though, where would I upload the pic first so then I could put it here? I've heard of photobucket and deviant art but I don't have accounts for those.

    Fuck yeah, feel free to post your work here.

  • Imgur works the best for me. No bandwidth limits or whatever, and it's very easy to use.

    @CoolStoryBro You know what's weird, I actually draw very similar to your style haha, but I'm to lazy when it comes to drawing. IF I ever

  • Ah, OK. That seems like it could work better for me. Thanks, man!

    dfh15 posted: »

    Imgur works the best for me. No bandwidth limits or whatever, and it's very easy to use.

  • @LeeTheProfessional

    Great minds draw alike, I guess?

    And yeah, as @dfh15 had said - Imgur's a good place to post em' up. But I like to use deviantart as my way.

    So whichever way suits you.

    @CoolStoryBro You know what's weird, I actually draw very similar to your style haha, but I'm to lazy when it comes to drawing. IF I ever

  • does anyone have twitter? :P

  • edited April 2014

    (oops forget this post)

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    It's pretty rough and not very detailed at all, but I drew a quick little silhouette pencil sketch of a poignant moment that wasn't shown in the game. (Apologies that it's on notebook paper. It was really just something that I kinda did on a whim.)

  • No, why? I liked what you said about my fan art. :)

    xValkyx posted: »

    (oops forget this post)

  • I think because he expected his reply to go under your art but this thread is weird like that.

    DomeWing333 posted: »

    No, why? I liked what you said about my fan art.

  • One of many I've made. Alt text

  • All of my TWD fan art found here ------> https://twitter.com/SalemDeluxe

  • https://twitter.com/SalemDeluxe Follow me for fan art on TWD please :)

    ItsGabee posted: »

    does anyone have twitter? :P

  • I'll follow you if you follow me :) @SalemDeluxe

    @LeeTheProfessional Great minds draw alike, I guess? And yeah, as @dfh15 had said - Imgur's a good place to post em' up. But I like to use deviantart as my way. So whichever way suits you.

  • @Salem_Deluxe

    Nice! I like it. :)

    One of many I've made.

  • Follow me on twitter :P @Its_Gabee3

  • @Salem_Deluxe Nice gallery you got! Seems like we are both obsessed lol.

    One of many I've made.

  • @JonGon haha i'm a girl :) and yeah, i forgot that my reply wouldn't go under the picture and it looked weird and out of place where it was ^^; sorry. I do like all of the artwork though, maybe i'll contribute one day.

    JonGon posted: »

    I think because he expected his reply to go under your art but this thread is weird like that.

  • I'm working on an Omid drawing at the moment, not sure when it will be posted though :3 :p

  • Can't wait! I hope it isn't "soon" if you know what I mean.

    I'm working on an Omid drawing at the moment, not sure when it will be posted though

  • Clem... Is gonna fuck some bitches up...

    One of many I've made.

  • @JonGon yeah haha

    JonGon posted: »

    Can't wait! I hope it isn't "soon" if you know what I mean.

  • edited April 2014

    So, here's my kind of Omid practice drawing. I thought maybe if I practice drawing him, It would be easier to draw my 'official' drawing of him.
    I saw a picture of him like this, and it looked like he was saying 'If you know what I mean' so I added that in. XD

    Alt text

  • edited April 2014

    Alt text

    Not bad, not bad at all, Nice ValerieVanilla!

    So, here's my kind of Omid practice drawing. I thought maybe if I practice drawing him, It would be easier to draw my 'official' drawing of

  • @LeeTheProfessional Lol, thanks!

    Not bad, not bad at all, Nice ValerieVanilla!

  • edited April 2014
  • Oh almighty Telltale, hear our cries.

  • If Lilly came back and actually looked like that, I might freak out and squeal like a little girl.

    Kurusu posted: »

    Tumblr Tumblr

  • Alt text

    Not as good as the art I've seen on this feed... but i couldn't help but join in too! So i drew Clem holding an axe :)

  • i didn't mean to post another image.. i though the upload didn't work..

    Mokonage posted: »

    Not as good as the art I've seen on this feed... but i couldn't help but join in too! So i drew Clem holding an axe

  • @ValerieVanilla spot on the his expression lol nice work.
    @Mokonage awesome job, seems like it could be in a comic.

    So, here's my kind of Omid practice drawing. I thought maybe if I practice drawing him, It would be easier to draw my 'official' drawing of

  • Dude! @Mokonage. That is badass, here, you have earned my thumb! rips off thumb and throws it at screen Well, now I gotta go get my thumbs replaced.

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