Hey! I'm also fourteen! (Most people mistake me for someone older anyways. I'm 6'2)
A lot of people I know say I should get into voice acting or be a radio personality or something. I think it'd be really fun, but I also want to have a career of music or medicine. I'm pushing towards that, cause it's my goal. You should totally go for it if it's your goal! Good, young actors (And voice actors) are hard to come by. A prime example is Brighton Sharbino. She plays Lizzie in The Walking Dead TV Series, and she did a phenomenal job.
I would love to be an animator for Telltale Games, but unfortunately i'm Scottish and live in the UK ._. not quite sure if that limits my chances or not but i'd need to work on my accent.
She's Miley Cyrus' sister whom' shall not be named. But here's a pic (cover your eyes):
God, the fact that I just searched google images for a pic of him makes me want to kill myself.
From what I've seen from your profile you are clearly a troll and not welcome on this forum board.
You won't even make it in life if all you do is sit by your computer and post bull crap 24/7. So simmer down.
I have some advice, my brothers and I used to make videos, and I always wanted to be a voice actor, too, so I came up with a few good tips. See the character before saying his lines, it will give you a better feel of how he/she would speak. While voice acting, imagine as if you are really in the situation. Read the lines over many times before getting into the recording booth, and try it with many different voices. Feel the character. If the character is going through something traumatic, remember the last time you were in a similar situation. If your character is walking down a dark hallway and is scared, remember the last time you were truly scared, and think about that as you read his lines. I always wanted to be a voice actor for TellTale, too. That's the best info I can give you, just imagine you are the character, or vice versa. It doesn't really matter how old you are, hell, I'm sixteen and I have a pretty deep voice, but as long as you become the character and immerse yourself into the script, you can become an amazing voice actor. If you need anything else, let me know.
Just like what almost everyone here is suggesting try to impersonate someone's voice and try to expose yourself through the internet like YouTube. You can find other ways to get yourself noticed but I have no idea how, and that is where you can ask the VA's about this.
All you gotta bring with you is your talent, skill, and dedication. And with hard work, loyalty, resilience and a little bit of luck, you're dream job isn't that far from from reach ;D
Took a look through your feed real quick after your conversation with Ellias... why have you not been banned yet? All you seem to do is insult other people and say whatever will rile people up.
I suppose you should practice, maybe have a friend write a little script for you to voice act. That will help you understand that scripts, good or bad, require effort.
It might not help cuz you're in LA but I know a company that does audio plays. Its based in NC but I've enjoyed some of their work. Shadowdogproductions.com. The owner is Dexter @Shadowdogprod on twitter if you want to give it a try. He has given young actors/actresses roles so maybe this might work for you.
I just remembered another thing, when I read the comics I always voice them out loud to practice my voices, so if you read the comics, (which you absofuckinglutely need to) read the characters out loud in a voice you think would fit, it's great practice.
I wanna get into it as well. I can do most of the male voices of TWD and TWAU. I seem to do Bennett from 400 days the most. "GET IN BETWEEN THEM GODDAMMIT!" It first started as a joke for my friends to see how many i could do, but now, i don't know. I wanna do VO. Like i said: Most.
I want to be a voice actor i have done research and most are over 2o and Im 11 i do practice some lines from games my voice is a bit deep for a girl not that deep though i love twd especially. clems my fav kenny was to but they killed kenny i cant wait for the next season were you hopefully can play as clementine if you have any advise i need to know please tell me.
I want to be a voice actor i have done research and most are over 2o and Im 11 i do practice some lines from games my voice is a bit deep fo… morer a girl not that deep though i love twd especially. clems my fav kenny was to but they killed kenny i cant wait for the next season were you hopefully can play as clementine if you have any advise i need to know please tell me.
This just reminded me of how supportive and nice the people were on this forum back in 2014-2015. If someone posted this now, I'd imagine he/she will be passed sarcastic remarks or outright ridiculed. Ah.. The good old days when people were actually nice. THIS is the type of posts that deserves upvotes and encouragement, not those shitty one liners. Or worse even, people upvote to put someone else down - yes, even if what the person said was ridiculous.
Actually, it's OK to necro bump if you have a reasonable on-topic post to contribute. Sometimes that winds up reviving a thread for those who didn't see it the first time.
At age 11, your voice might not be done changing, so it's a bit early to start creating voice samples and finding an agent. One thing that might help, if you like it, is to sing. If you have a chorus or choir at your church or school, songs can help train your voice to reach the pitches you need, and you learn how to say words in a way that an audience will understand them.
If you really don't like singing (watch out, because a lot of voice actors have to sing!), try reading out loud, emphasizing certain words and trying to make what you're reading sound interesting.
I want to be a voice actor i have done research and most are over 2o and Im 11 i do practice some lines from games my voice is a bit deep fo… morer a girl not that deep though i love twd especially. clems my fav kenny was to but they killed kenny i cant wait for the next season were you hopefully can play as clementine if you have any advise i need to know please tell me.
Read the advices here, I'm sure you can achieve it with hard work!
Hey! I'm also fourteen! (Most people mistake me for someone older anyways. I'm 6'2)
A lot of people I know say I should get into voice acting or be a radio personality or something. I think it'd be really fun, but I also want to have a career of music or medicine. I'm pushing towards that, cause it's my goal. You should totally go for it if it's your goal! Good, young actors (And voice actors) are hard to come by. A prime example is Brighton Sharbino. She plays Lizzie in The Walking Dead TV Series, and she did a phenomenal job.
You don't need an accent for animating stuff, I think..
Yeah. Scottish guys are cool.
And I don't be here posting 24/7 that's actually you, you fatass
Post an impersonation video on youtube! I think it's a great way to expose your talents if you can do some good impersonations.
Yeah but my accent is very thick and people may have a lot of trouble understanding me
we use a lot of slang in our speech which confuses people.
Obvious troll is obvious
That's half true. However, their are some animated movies and TV shows that really do have children voice acting. Some way younger than me.
So take a couple classes, they teach those kinds of things.
I have some advice, my brothers and I used to make videos, and I always wanted to be a voice actor, too, so I came up with a few good tips. See the character before saying his lines, it will give you a better feel of how he/she would speak. While voice acting, imagine as if you are really in the situation. Read the lines over many times before getting into the recording booth, and try it with many different voices. Feel the character. If the character is going through something traumatic, remember the last time you were in a similar situation. If your character is walking down a dark hallway and is scared, remember the last time you were truly scared, and think about that as you read his lines. I always wanted to be a voice actor for TellTale, too. That's the best info I can give you, just imagine you are the character, or vice versa. It doesn't really matter how old you are, hell, I'm sixteen and I have a pretty deep voice, but as long as you become the character and immerse yourself into the script, you can become an amazing voice actor. If you need anything else, let me know.
Just like what almost everyone here is suggesting try to impersonate someone's voice and try to expose yourself through the internet like YouTube. You can find other ways to get yourself noticed but I have no idea how, and that is where you can ask the VA's about this.
All you gotta bring with you is your talent, skill, and dedication. And with hard work, loyalty, resilience and a little bit of luck, you're dream job isn't that far from from reach ;D
Well can you do different voices? That's the main part, if you can do different accents then your in straight away for sure.
Some pretty great advice on here to get into it, just follow most of the steps and you should be on your way to be a voice actor.
But...GOUSTTTT...you're a badass! No need to be shy.
Thanks for supporting
Hey buddy I'm just tellin' da' truth.
Took a look through your feed real quick after your conversation with Ellias... why have you not been banned yet? All you seem to do is insult other people and say whatever will rile people up.
Try voice acting a character in a book you read out loud.
I'm actually looking for voice actors for an abridged series me and my crew are working on. What kind of voice range are able to do?
Lol, speaking of them being banned soon...
Yup. Let's forget about this sour affair.
Move along, nothing to see here. B]
Yep, and GOUSTTTT man, how's it been?!
Don't let you shyness hold you back, bro!
It might not help cuz you're in LA but I know a company that does audio plays. Its based in NC but I've enjoyed some of their work. Shadowdogproductions.com. The owner is Dexter @Shadowdogprod on twitter if you want to give it a try. He has given young actors/actresses roles so maybe this might work for you.
Try refreshing it, maybe the site is too busy at the moment so it might take a bit. Good, man just waiting for EP3, haha.
Hmm, weird. I don't know man, just try later I guess. Yeah, I'm hoping next week on the 29th if not then the 6th of May. About the married part...
Lol, only you, GOUSTTTT!
I just remembered another thing, when I read the comics I always voice them out loud to practice my voices, so if you read the comics, (which you absofuckinglutely need to) read the characters out loud in a voice you think would fit, it's great practice.
Long lost brothers B] Haha, alright if you say so, go ahead man. I don't know if he'll be up for it, but can't hurt trying lol.
I wanna get into it as well. I can do most of the male voices of TWD and TWAU. I seem to do Bennett from 400 days the most. "GET IN BETWEEN THEM GODDAMMIT!" It first started as a joke for my friends to see how many i could do, but now, i don't know. I wanna do VO. Like i said: Most.
Have you proposed to Azlyn first? She seems interested ;D
I want to be a voice actor i have done research and most are over 2o and Im 11 i do practice some lines from games my voice is a bit deep for a girl not that deep though i love twd especially. clems my fav kenny was to but they killed kenny i cant wait for the next season were you hopefully can play as clementine if you have any advise i need to know please tell me.
Don't necro bump.
This just reminded me of how supportive and nice the people were on this forum back in 2014-2015. If someone posted this now, I'd imagine he/she will be passed sarcastic remarks or outright ridiculed. Ah.. The good old days when people were actually nice. THIS is the type of posts that deserves upvotes and encouragement, not those shitty one liners. Or worse even, people upvote to put someone else down - yes, even if what the person said was ridiculous.
Actually, it's OK to necro bump if you have a reasonable on-topic post to contribute. Sometimes that winds up reviving a thread for those who didn't see it the first time.
At age 11, your voice might not be done changing, so it's a bit early to start creating voice samples and finding an agent. One thing that might help, if you like it, is to sing. If you have a chorus or choir at your church or school, songs can help train your voice to reach the pitches you need, and you learn how to say words in a way that an audience will understand them.
If you really don't like singing (watch out, because a lot of voice actors have to sing!), try reading out loud, emphasizing certain words and trying to make what you're reading sound interesting.
Good luck!