Episode 2: Not Alone
“Hey! Hey, I found someone!” Shouted Byron, as he tried to lift the heavy plane debris off the man, but no avail. Ke… morelsey and Harp heard their friend’s shouting, since they were the closest to his position, and helped him lift the large plane part that was lying on top of a man. They lifted it up, and Sheep crawled out before they set it back down. “Thanks.” He said, while looking for the rest of his team. Sheep looked around and saw that the cockpit was intact, meaning that Randomz and Eeuss most likely survived, but where was Raul? Sheep treaded through the beautiful tropical water and noticed that there was an island, less than a kilometer ahead. Harp, Byron and Kelsey continued looking for living people throughout the crashed airplane, they remembered a large amount of people ran off as soon as they could, and a lot of others didn’t make the crash, but they still wanted to help anyone who was lucky enough to survi… [view original content]
Episode 1: Turbulence Remember, your character may not be in this story just yet, but keep an eye out in the later episodes.
Raul coughed… more into his elbow as he nodded towards a short female flight attendant, who calmly nodded back. He then mumbled under his breath, “Let’s put this in the water.” Sheep, being the man sitting next to Raul in the small, commercial aircraft, shook his head in agreement and made eye contact with Randomz and Eeuss who were sitting across the aisle. Eeuss, when seeing this stood up and walked towards one of the two lavatories on the plane, and locked the door. The three others waited patiently for him to exit, and when he did, it was Sheep’s turn to go to the lavatory, and then Randomz. Finally, when Randomz was done, Raul stood up, and treaded towards the in-flight bathroom facility. Once he walked in to the lavatory, he quickly shut the door and pulled the sliding lock to its locked position. Raul looked at th… [view original content]
Episode 2: Not Alone
“Hey! Hey, I found someone!” Shouted Byron, as he tried to lift the heavy plane debris off the man, but no avail. Ke… morelsey and Harp heard their friend’s shouting, since they were the closest to his position, and helped him lift the large plane part that was lying on top of a man. They lifted it up, and Sheep crawled out before they set it back down. “Thanks.” He said, while looking for the rest of his team. Sheep looked around and saw that the cockpit was intact, meaning that Randomz and Eeuss most likely survived, but where was Raul? Sheep treaded through the beautiful tropical water and noticed that there was an island, less than a kilometer ahead. Harp, Byron and Kelsey continued looking for living people throughout the crashed airplane, they remembered a large amount of people ran off as soon as they could, and a lot of others didn’t make the crash, but they still wanted to help anyone who was lucky enough to survi… [view original content]
We can wait,we do it all the time waiting for new episodes of TWD and TWAU don't we? You take your time and when you think it is as good as you can get it you post it.
Thanks guys for your patience. Episode 3: Out of The Frying Pan...
“Lennart! Come on, man, get your ass up!” Private Shu yelled at his knocked out comrade as he lay on the tropical forest floor. Shu and Lennart fell out of their helicopters, luckily, it wasn’t much higher than ten meters when they fell. Shu’s fingers couldn’t hold onto the safety bar any longer and when the helicopter whiplashed, he slipped, crashing into Lennart and pushing them both out of the chopper. Shu luckily landed in a tree, slowing his fall as he broke through its weak branches. Lennart, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky; he fell directly on his National Guard padded back, rendering him unconscious. “Get up, we have to find where the choppers hit!”
Shu heard something that he hadn’t heard since basic, hisses of gunfire, whizzing right past him. “Jesus!” Shu yelled as he held up his gun and open fired in the general direction, giving him a moment of peace. He used it to drag Lennart into more suitable cover, which was a set of thick palm trees to Shu’s right hand side. As he pulled Lennart into the cover a bullet whizzed by and hit him in the arm, making him fall over on top of his comrade as he shouted in pain.
“Gray, come in.” Davidson called out over his radio attached to his black combat vest.
“What is it, soldier?” Gray answered.
“Sir, me and Byrne found a pair of Army troopers that ejected out of one of the helicopters, requesting permission to advance on their position.”
Gray almost cut him off, “Negative. Secure the position. Await our arrival.”
Gray stood up from his seat in the barracks and rallied up his team of Elite Hunters and gave a small pre-battle speech. “Okay, the grunts have located the two teams of separated US Army troopers. That means Duck; you’re with the sniper rifle, giving us covering fire. Randell, Eazy, Asswipe, you’re with the grunts securing the heli crash. Now, don’t fuck up boys, if a single soldier gets away from this island, it would lead to investigations, and we wouldn’t want that, would we? And Sanden, you’re with me, we’re going to eliminate the two squatters sighted by grunt Davidson and Byrne. Now, gentleman, we need to be at our positions ASAP!”
Everyone in Team 1 let out an affirmative, “Yes, sir!” Before getting into their vehicles and departing the small barracks in the middle of the jungle.
“LT!” Private Kozlov yelled at Mark, but for some reason, all Lieutenant Mark could hear was a high pitched ringing followed by pings of bullets against his crashed helicopter. “Sir!” Kozlov shouted once more, but this time, he also helped pulled him out of the downed aircraft.
Mark finally fought over instinct and instead of being afraid, he got angry, angry that this was his first transport mission, and he crashed. “Private, I need a weapon!” Mark called out from cover, over the sounds of gunfire being traded by the Mercenary “Grunts” and the National Guard. Kozlov retrieved his side arm from his holster and tossed it towards Mark. “One clip.” The Lieutenant muttered to himself. There must’ve been a dozen mercs running around in that jungle.
Tomi, King, Kyle and Puncake stopped running once they got to the edge of the forest. They were the first ones out of the plane, and were being tracked by a sniper, designated Swaggy. Kyle looked back, “I think we’re out of his range…fuck man, I can’t believe Alexis just got…” he said as he started hyperventilating at the loss of his business partner.
Puncake stepped in and put his hand on Kyle’s shoulder, “There was nothing we can do. Shit happens that we can’t control. She wouldn’t want you to think on the past.”
Tomi then looked ahead and whispered, “Trucks! Hide in the trees!” And almost instantly all five of them turned silent and slipped into the dark, night cover brush of the jungle.
Randomz couldn’t believe what happened to Sheep, gunned down by his own employers, but he couldn’t think about that right now, he had to think about staying quiet and staying alive. He laid, in a ditch, that was pitch black due to the sun setting casting a dark shadow over his hole. Then, suddenly he heard rapid footsteps, coming from the plane crash. He sat up and got ready to attack the unsuspecting hostile, when the figure crashed into the ditch unwittingly.
Randomz quickly wrapped his forearm around the man’s neck and started to choke him out, and then he noticed what he was wearing. A blue polo, and grey cargo pants, along with a nice pair of sneakers. Randomz then pieced it together that he wasn’t one of the Hunters that shot Sheep, or one of the grunts that they hire for security, and quickly let go.
The man, started coughing loudly, and Randomz told him, “Be quiet. They’re still around here. Who are you?”
The man answered with a raspy breath, “I’m…I’m Jon.”
This is getting better and better. Party because I am in now, too, but that's not the only reason, of course. Now all I have to do is stay alive and keep my fellow squaddie alive as well. Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum.
Also, because I can't resist: "Get to the choppah!"
Thanks guys for your patience. Episode 3: Out of The Frying Pan...
“Lennart! Come on, man, get your ass up!” Private Shu yelled at his kn… moreocked out comrade as he lay on the tropical forest floor. Shu and Lennart fell out of their helicopters, luckily, it wasn’t much higher than ten meters when they fell. Shu’s fingers couldn’t hold onto the safety bar any longer and when the helicopter whiplashed, he slipped, crashing into Lennart and pushing them both out of the chopper. Shu luckily landed in a tree, slowing his fall as he broke through its weak branches. Lennart, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky; he fell directly on his National Guard padded back, rendering him unconscious. “Get up, we have to find where the choppers hit!”
Shu heard something that he hadn’t heard since basic, hisses of gunfire, whizzing right past him. “Jesus!” Shu yelled as he held up his gun and open fired in the general direction, giving him a moment of peace. He … [view original content]
Thanks guys for your patience. Episode 3: Out of The Frying Pan...
“Lennart! Come on, man, get your ass up!” Private Shu yelled at his kn… moreocked out comrade as he lay on the tropical forest floor. Shu and Lennart fell out of their helicopters, luckily, it wasn’t much higher than ten meters when they fell. Shu’s fingers couldn’t hold onto the safety bar any longer and when the helicopter whiplashed, he slipped, crashing into Lennart and pushing them both out of the chopper. Shu luckily landed in a tree, slowing his fall as he broke through its weak branches. Lennart, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky; he fell directly on his National Guard padded back, rendering him unconscious. “Get up, we have to find where the choppers hit!”
Shu heard something that he hadn’t heard since basic, hisses of gunfire, whizzing right past him. “Jesus!” Shu yelled as he held up his gun and open fired in the general direction, giving him a moment of peace. He … [view original content]
Thanks guys for your patience. Episode 3: Out of The Frying Pan...
“Lennart! Come on, man, get your ass up!” Private Shu yelled at his kn… moreocked out comrade as he lay on the tropical forest floor. Shu and Lennart fell out of their helicopters, luckily, it wasn’t much higher than ten meters when they fell. Shu’s fingers couldn’t hold onto the safety bar any longer and when the helicopter whiplashed, he slipped, crashing into Lennart and pushing them both out of the chopper. Shu luckily landed in a tree, slowing his fall as he broke through its weak branches. Lennart, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky; he fell directly on his National Guard padded back, rendering him unconscious. “Get up, we have to find where the choppers hit!”
Shu heard something that he hadn’t heard since basic, hisses of gunfire, whizzing right past him. “Jesus!” Shu yelled as he held up his gun and open fired in the general direction, giving him a moment of peace. He … [view original content]
This is getting better and better. Party because I am in now, too, but that's not the only reason, of course. Now all I have to do is stay a… morelive and keep my fellow squaddie alive as well. Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum.
Also, because I can't resist: "Get to the choppah!"
Thanks guys for your patience. Episode 3: Out of The Frying Pan...
“Lennart! Come on, man, get your ass up!” Private Shu yelled at his kn… moreocked out comrade as he lay on the tropical forest floor. Shu and Lennart fell out of their helicopters, luckily, it wasn’t much higher than ten meters when they fell. Shu’s fingers couldn’t hold onto the safety bar any longer and when the helicopter whiplashed, he slipped, crashing into Lennart and pushing them both out of the chopper. Shu luckily landed in a tree, slowing his fall as he broke through its weak branches. Lennart, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky; he fell directly on his National Guard padded back, rendering him unconscious. “Get up, we have to find where the choppers hit!”
Shu heard something that he hadn’t heard since basic, hisses of gunfire, whizzing right past him. “Jesus!” Shu yelled as he held up his gun and open fired in the general direction, giving him a moment of peace. He … [view original content]
Thanks guys for your patience. Episode 3: Out of The Frying Pan...
“Lennart! Come on, man, get your ass up!” Private Shu yelled at his kn… moreocked out comrade as he lay on the tropical forest floor. Shu and Lennart fell out of their helicopters, luckily, it wasn’t much higher than ten meters when they fell. Shu’s fingers couldn’t hold onto the safety bar any longer and when the helicopter whiplashed, he slipped, crashing into Lennart and pushing them both out of the chopper. Shu luckily landed in a tree, slowing his fall as he broke through its weak branches. Lennart, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky; he fell directly on his National Guard padded back, rendering him unconscious. “Get up, we have to find where the choppers hit!”
Shu heard something that he hadn’t heard since basic, hisses of gunfire, whizzing right past him. “Jesus!” Shu yelled as he held up his gun and open fired in the general direction, giving him a moment of peace. He … [view original content]
Thanks guys for your patience. Episode 3: Out of The Frying Pan...
“Lennart! Come on, man, get your ass up!” Private Shu yelled at his kn… moreocked out comrade as he lay on the tropical forest floor. Shu and Lennart fell out of their helicopters, luckily, it wasn’t much higher than ten meters when they fell. Shu’s fingers couldn’t hold onto the safety bar any longer and when the helicopter whiplashed, he slipped, crashing into Lennart and pushing them both out of the chopper. Shu luckily landed in a tree, slowing his fall as he broke through its weak branches. Lennart, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky; he fell directly on his National Guard padded back, rendering him unconscious. “Get up, we have to find where the choppers hit!”
Shu heard something that he hadn’t heard since basic, hisses of gunfire, whizzing right past him. “Jesus!” Shu yelled as he held up his gun and open fired in the general direction, giving him a moment of peace. He … [view original content]
While waiting for Clayton's next story recommend visit his latest thread with two chapters of his latest story just epic need to see this definitely one of the best I ever read just superb SUPPORTTHEEPICNESS
While waiting for Clayton's next story recommend visit his latest thread with two chapters of his latest story just epic need to see this de… morefinitely one of the best I ever read just superb SUPPORTTHEEPICNESS
This story is awesome. I haven't even made an appearance yet and I am already hooked.
We'll be seeing you soon, Pvt. Shu.
Yay, I was in it
But I only was the guy asking the stupid questions...
Anyway, the chapter was really good and I'm looking forward to the rest of it
Aww yeah. Locked, loaded and ready to kick some ass!
You killed me
Clayton Boylan just finished his story if anyone wants to check it out(Asim story TWD fanfic)
Clayton first story is on the end of page 4
Second story by Clayton is on end of page 8 just finished today by Clay
recommend read them there both brilliant
B U M P. The world needs to see this masterpiece!
Sorry, I've been have a stressful time, lately. I'll try to get the next story up by tomorrow.
Dude, don't worry, take your time.
This is amazing already! I can't wait to see my character but I'm already loving what you've got here.
I could read your stuff all day! I also appeared which is cool! Looking forward to reading the next part.
We can wait,we do it all the time waiting for new episodes of TWD and TWAU don't we? You take your time and when you think it is as good as you can get it you post it.
Take as long as you need. I'm sure it will be well worth the wait!
You were waiting for someone to say that, huh?
Agreed BUMP
Yep. And it was worth the weight.
Thanks guys for your patience. Episode 3: Out of The Frying Pan...
“Lennart! Come on, man, get your ass up!” Private Shu yelled at his knocked out comrade as he lay on the tropical forest floor. Shu and Lennart fell out of their helicopters, luckily, it wasn’t much higher than ten meters when they fell. Shu’s fingers couldn’t hold onto the safety bar any longer and when the helicopter whiplashed, he slipped, crashing into Lennart and pushing them both out of the chopper. Shu luckily landed in a tree, slowing his fall as he broke through its weak branches. Lennart, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky; he fell directly on his National Guard padded back, rendering him unconscious. “Get up, we have to find where the choppers hit!”
Shu heard something that he hadn’t heard since basic, hisses of gunfire, whizzing right past him. “Jesus!” Shu yelled as he held up his gun and open fired in the general direction, giving him a moment of peace. He used it to drag Lennart into more suitable cover, which was a set of thick palm trees to Shu’s right hand side. As he pulled Lennart into the cover a bullet whizzed by and hit him in the arm, making him fall over on top of his comrade as he shouted in pain.
“Gray, come in.” Davidson called out over his radio attached to his black combat vest.
“What is it, soldier?” Gray answered.
“Sir, me and Byrne found a pair of Army troopers that ejected out of one of the helicopters, requesting permission to advance on their position.”
Gray almost cut him off, “Negative. Secure the position. Await our arrival.”
Gray stood up from his seat in the barracks and rallied up his team of Elite Hunters and gave a small pre-battle speech. “Okay, the grunts have located the two teams of separated US Army troopers. That means Duck; you’re with the sniper rifle, giving us covering fire. Randell, Eazy, Asswipe, you’re with the grunts securing the heli crash. Now, don’t fuck up boys, if a single soldier gets away from this island, it would lead to investigations, and we wouldn’t want that, would we? And Sanden, you’re with me, we’re going to eliminate the two squatters sighted by grunt Davidson and Byrne. Now, gentleman, we need to be at our positions ASAP!”
Everyone in Team 1 let out an affirmative, “Yes, sir!” Before getting into their vehicles and departing the small barracks in the middle of the jungle.
“LT!” Private Kozlov yelled at Mark, but for some reason, all Lieutenant Mark could hear was a high pitched ringing followed by pings of bullets against his crashed helicopter. “Sir!” Kozlov shouted once more, but this time, he also helped pulled him out of the downed aircraft.
Mark finally fought over instinct and instead of being afraid, he got angry, angry that this was his first transport mission, and he crashed. “Private, I need a weapon!” Mark called out from cover, over the sounds of gunfire being traded by the Mercenary “Grunts” and the National Guard. Kozlov retrieved his side arm from his holster and tossed it towards Mark. “One clip.” The Lieutenant muttered to himself. There must’ve been a dozen mercs running around in that jungle.
Tomi, King, Kyle and Puncake stopped running once they got to the edge of the forest. They were the first ones out of the plane, and were being tracked by a sniper, designated Swaggy. Kyle looked back, “I think we’re out of his range…fuck man, I can’t believe Alexis just got…” he said as he started hyperventilating at the loss of his business partner.
Puncake stepped in and put his hand on Kyle’s shoulder, “There was nothing we can do. Shit happens that we can’t control. She wouldn’t want you to think on the past.”
Tomi then looked ahead and whispered, “Trucks! Hide in the trees!” And almost instantly all five of them turned silent and slipped into the dark, night cover brush of the jungle.
Randomz couldn’t believe what happened to Sheep, gunned down by his own employers, but he couldn’t think about that right now, he had to think about staying quiet and staying alive. He laid, in a ditch, that was pitch black due to the sun setting casting a dark shadow over his hole. Then, suddenly he heard rapid footsteps, coming from the plane crash. He sat up and got ready to attack the unsuspecting hostile, when the figure crashed into the ditch unwittingly.
Randomz quickly wrapped his forearm around the man’s neck and started to choke him out, and then he noticed what he was wearing. A blue polo, and grey cargo pants, along with a nice pair of sneakers. Randomz then pieced it together that he wasn’t one of the Hunters that shot Sheep, or one of the grunts that they hire for security, and quickly let go.
The man, started coughing loudly, and Randomz told him, “Be quiet. They’re still around here. Who are you?”
The man answered with a raspy breath, “I’m…I’m Jon.”
This is getting better and better. Party because I am in now, too, but that's not the only reason, of course. Now all I have to do is stay alive and keep my fellow squaddie alive as well. Time to kick ass and chew bubble gum.
Also, because I can't resist: "Get to the choppah!"
Still not in the story...
I'm such a moron, why do I pass out and get Shu shot in the arm?
I hate myself...
Sorry Shu
Lol, I was thinking the same!
Great minds think alike.
'tis but a flesh wound, my friend. Don't worry. I will get us to safety.
Amazing as always!
You are a brilliant writer! Wish I could write that well, keep up the good work!
My character sounded kind of dumb. Sounds just like me! Defenitely a interesting read.
Definately worth the wait.
Me after reading the story and realizing there's no more:
Also my character seems like rambo lol
While waiting for Clayton's next story recommend visit his latest thread with two chapters of his latest story just epic need to see this definitely one of the best I ever read just superb SUPPORTTHEEPICNESS
Clayton_Boylan supports this!!!!!!
Okay, again, I'm sorry. It's just really chaotic right now...I'll try to post up the next part tomorrow.
Yes can't wait for this epicness
A climactic episode is coming in just a few hours. Lot's of death, lots of fighting. Everyone keep an eye out for your characters.