
  • edited April 2014

    (?) Necrodude does not appreciate that.

    Alt text

    Azlyn posted: »

    Sorry necrodude, this thread is busted to the depths of Hell, in Satan's claws. What you gonna do, pry his claws open and steal it back? That would just make Satan sad.

  • [removed]

  • edited April 2014

    Great another pedophile...

    Alt text

  • [removed]

    Great another pedophile...

  • Maybe because that is the only thing you do right.

  • I'm sure you do that to everyone you know.

  • edited April 2014

    Yeah, and I wanna lick Ellen Page everywhere but ya don't hear me yappin' on about it, ya freak.

  • I'll NEVER leave, and you know that :v

    Azlyn posted: »

    One question: Do people actually come to this thread anymore? And if so, why? This thread is dead, dudes. Sorry, but that's how it is.


    Alt text

  • edited April 2014

    Already had one last week. Feels kinda stupid to need a new one for this one...

    oh and: FOR THE HOR-ahem I mean...FOR THE DOMINION!

    Rafoli posted: »


  • edited May 2014

    Oh wait, didn't get it -.-

    I forgot there were factions in the game .

    Already had one last week. Feels kinda stupid to need a new one for this one... oh and: FOR THE HOR-ahem I mean...FOR THE DOMINION!

  • Lmao, yeah when she started running i was like, the fuck?! I know, but too bad it might not happen, yet.

  • For a fan made project, it's not bad!

    THIS IS... BEAUTIFUL. Love the camera style switching. Great work.

  • tsk tsk. Az, Az, Az. This thread won't die anytime soon.

    Alt text

    Azlyn posted: »

    One question: Do people actually come to this thread anymore? And if so, why? This thread is dead, dudes. Sorry, but that's how it is.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Don’t offer your finger to the geese. All parts of the hand are tasty to them.

    This happened to me once, it didn't make me bleed but it did hurt :P

    Giraffehat posted: »


  • This.

    Alt text

    Who's afraid of the Big Bad Goose? :P

    Anyways, i got 2 geese and some ducklings, too, but they are really sweet. That must be the cover to fool everyone. Still, i AM NOT AFRAID OF YOU FEATHERY BASTARDS! DUCKS FTW!

    Giraffehat posted: »


  • Hey Giraffehat, do you plan on making more response videos from TWD Season 2?

    Giraffehat posted: »


  • Like i give a fuck.

    (?) Necrodude does not appreciate that.

  • Okay, just wanted to say goodbye to 'yall! I'll be back on Sunday! I'll miss ya!

  • If I find inspiration, then why not?

    Hey Giraffehat, do you plan on making more response videos from TWD Season 2?

  • Cool!

    Giraffehat posted: »

    If I find inspiration, then why not?

  • edited April 2014

    Hello everyone, i came to join the party! :3 realizes no one is active

    I shall just leave these here then.. -leaves party bag full of skittles-

  • xValkyx posted: »

    Hello everyone, i came to join the party! realizes no one is active I shall just leave these here then.. -leaves party bag full of skittles-

  • Ergh skittles. They the sour ones?

    xValkyx posted: »

    Hello everyone, i came to join the party! realizes no one is active I shall just leave these here then.. -leaves party bag full of skittles-

  • edited April 2014

    They're magical, they can be any flavour you want them to be :P

    i'm personally a fan of the unicorn blood flavoured ones >:}

    Talimancer posted: »

    Ergh skittles. They the sour ones?

  • Soon

    tsk tsk. Az, Az, Az. This thread won't die anytime soon.

  • edited April 2014


  • @Ohyoupokedme (continuing our conversation from the previous thread)
    my hobbies are drawing/painting, baking, collecting anime/video game stuff and i also love browsing artwork for fun :3 (i have a ton of folders of artwork i saved)

  • What kind of stuff do you draw?

    xValkyx posted: »

    @Ohyoupokedme (continuing our conversation from the previous thread) my hobbies are drawing/painting, baking, collecting anime/video game stuff and i also love browsing artwork for fun (i have a ton of folders of artwork i saved)

  • Wat.


  • edited April 2014

    Manga and Anime mainly, but i'm also into still life and landscape art :)

    edit:/ apologies if i take a while to reply, my internet appears to be going slow today ._.

    What kind of stuff do you draw?

  • Don't question. Just ignore.

    Rafoli posted: »


  • Cool! I wish I could draw as an art, but my forte is writing. I've tried drawing before, and it never really worked out.

    What kind of music are you into?

    xValkyx posted: »

    Manga and Anime mainly, but i'm also into still life and landscape art edit:/ apologies if i take a while to reply, my internet appears to be going slow today ._.

  • edited April 2014

    All you need is practice :) btw i'm only guessing by your profile picture but are you a furry? :o

    i like Rock music :3 mainly from the 70's,80's and early 90's xD
    but i like a bit of everything i guess (Except Rap) i love listening to classical/folk music when i draw. What kind of music do you like?

    i also like J-rock and k-pop :D

    Cool! I wish I could draw as an art, but my forte is writing. I've tried drawing before, and it never really worked out. What kind of music are you into?

  • I am doubtful of your sanity, Pokedme.

    Don't question. Just ignore.

  • edited April 2014

    Yes, I am a furry. The stories I am writing contain anthromorphic beings.

    I like Classic Rock as well! I'm not picky when it comes to music; anything that has a good beat and lyrics can catch my attention, be it rap, rock, classical, or whatever. One of the bands that have the best lyrics IMO has to be Twenty One Pilots. Their lyrics are meaningful to me and speak to me.


    I'm also like listening to game OST's, Amnesia and Overgrowth in particular.


    xValkyx posted: »

    All you need is practice btw i'm only guessing by your profile picture but are you a furry? i like Rock music mainly from the 70's,80'

  • Yes, I am a furry. The stories I am writing contain anthromorphic beings. I like Classic Rock as well! I'm not picky when it comes to m

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