
  • I need to watch Guilty Crown as well but i keep putting it off :S

    I've seen Deadman Wonderland though, it's great.

    Currently on my list is Deadman Wonderland and Guilty Crown. :)

  • My friends recommended reading it as well since I'm always too busy watch anything anymore. :3
  • good thing i have a ton of skittles :D
  • Well when September comes i'll think about sending you a picture of my cosplay :P

    i don't really like my appearance much (i don't even wear make up xD) but if i think i look decent then okay xD
  • It happens. I'm currently like that with Deadman Wonderland. XD
    xValkyx posted: »

    I need to watch Guilty Crown as well but i keep putting it off :S I've seen Deadman Wonderland though, it's great.

  • I don't even know how long it took me o.O

    Tommy? yeah. I just liked the DLC because of the dorky moments xD
    also because you got to read the note Ellie's mother wrote to her.

    We are indeed :3 i actually thought that in our previous long conversation.
  • I'm not against it exactly, it's more of a personal thing if anything. Since i'm in cosplay i probably wouldn't mind as much :3
  • Taste the rainbow bitches! XD
  • Lol! the problems of being an anime fan eh? ;3

    It happens. I'm currently like that with Deadman Wonderland. XD

  • Never heard of it. What's it about?
  • Definitely. It's just too much fun to draw anime than to watch it sometimes. X3
    xValkyx posted: »

    Lol! the problems of being an anime fan eh? ;3

  • edited May 2014
    Yeah! it was also the most prettiest battle i've ever seen xD
    *getting the shit beat out of me* "Damn i'm sorry but these flowers are beautiful :O"

    lol :3

    i would post a gif celebrating this moment of our (best) friendship but unfortunately i can't so you will have to use your imagination xD;
  • Feels.

    i love how after the moment of awkwardness it just goes "SHARE THE RAINBOW"
  • I know right? :3

    i mean watching it is great but the art is where it's at!

    Definitely. It's just too much fun to draw anime than to watch it sometimes. X3

  • I'm jealous on how good they are at making the anime so realistic. It's mindblowing. I mean I'm good, but I'm not THAT GOOD.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I know right? :3 i mean watching it is great but the art is where it's at!

  • HUG.
    Rafoli posted: »


  • Oh pish, you would probably look better than i do :P

    besides if you saw HALF the people that cosplay at these conventions....well XD
  • I know D:

    but on the bright side the people who create the anime most likely had to go through college and stuff, so they have more education and experience than us ^^ we will be that good eventually my friend :3

    I'm jealous on how good they are at making the anime so realistic. It's mindblowing. I mean I'm good, but I'm not THAT GOOD.

  • Hey Rafoli! why don't ya join us? :3
    Rafoli posted: »


  • Join the Skittles gang? I'm already part of it, lol.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Hey Rafoli! why don't ya join us? :3

  • I mean our conversations we have going on :3 it's about anime but we can talk about whatever x3
    Rafoli posted: »

    Join the Skittles gang? I'm already part of it, lol.

  • edited May 2014
    DAMN RIGHT! Like, I got an anime and 2 huge manga series being made! I've been working on it since Grade 8/9, still am! And one of them is a zombie series. But let's just leave at that. I cant tell anymore or someone would take all my ideas before I even get started on it. :3

    PS: This excludes my comic of course.
    xValkyx posted: »

    I know D: but on the bright side the people who create the anime most likely had to go through college and stuff, so they have more education and experience than us ^^ we will be that good eventually my friend :3

  • Thanks man. I miss the images and gifs :'(

    This forum feels so empty. That gives me strong feels.


  • We can just pretend we hugged ;3

    *hugs laptop screen whilst cat gives me weird looks*
  • I hope so too !

    We'll probably get something on Playing Dead.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Hey! how are you today? :) I hope we get more info today on The Walking Dead.

  • Woah O_O go you! i have a ton of ideas in my head but i suck at putting them on paper xD
    can i read your manga when it's done though? i'll wait as many years as need be :3

    Of course :)
    have you ever thought of making a web comic? it would be great for getting your name out there.

    DAMN RIGHT! Like, I got an anime and 2 huge manga series being made! I've been working on it since Grade 8/9, still am! And one of them is a

  • edited May 2014
    Don't worry, like the bat and bunny we are, we'll soar through the darkness and into the light where a brighter future is among us.

    ehehe I'm feeling nostalgic, I'm starting to act like my old self when I was realistic (in a serious manner) and a bit of a philosopher.
    Rafoli posted: »

    Thanks man. I miss the images and gifs :'( This forum feels so empty. That gives me strong feels.

  • I'm in. What's up y'all?
    xValkyx posted: »

    I FUCKING DIED X''D i love how after the moment of awkwardness it just goes "SHARE THE RAINBOW"

  • Hey SaltLick! come to join the party? xD

    Yeah, i'm really excited! :D
    whatever it is we get i bet we will end up with yet another huge speculation thread xD
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I hope so too ! We'll probably get something on Playing Dead.

  • Missed me ?

    Wait, is there a party going on ? Didn't know lol.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Hey SaltLick! come to join the party? xD Yeah, i'm really excited! :D whatever it is we get i bet we will end up with yet another huge speculation thread xD

  • Same here, that's why i don't Skype

    Yeah it's not bad :) you get a lot of guests every year, like last year we had Vic Mignogna and some Star Wars people xD and a few years before we had Mark Hamil :D there are also a lot of stalls and an artist alley. It's pretty fun.
  • I'm gonna work on those 3 projects for my career. So it wont be until I get my job. And keep trying, never give up and you'll definitely have your imagination come to reality. And I do have a web comic series. Go to the TWD Forum Comic Series thread, I run the show there. And my DeviantArt Name is UzumakiIchigoY2K if you want to look at my comic and other things I've done. ;)
    xValkyx posted: »

    Woah O_O go you! i have a ton of ideas in my head but i suck at putting them on paper xD can i read your manga when it's done though? i'll

  • The sky ;P

    GOUSTTTT sent me a banned skittles commercial xD
    Rafoli posted: »

    I'm in. What's up y'all?

  • Yes i did *hugs and hands skittles*

    lol there are like 3 convos going on at the same time xD
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Missed me ? Wait, is there a party going on ? Didn't know lol.

  • Thanks :) don't worry i won't. I'm just practicing my artwork and writing for now and then i'm gonna start planning :D

    Oh really? :O i'll go check it out then!

    I'm gonna work on those 3 projects for my career. So it wont be until I get my job. And keep trying, never give up and you'll definitely hav

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited May 2014
    You're basically cheating on me right in front of my face. Handing out skittles to everybody and giving them hugs. I can't leave you alone for two seconds.
    xValkyx posted: »

    Yes i did *hugs and hands skittles* lol there are like 3 convos going on at the same time xD

  • Philosophy is good. Put some in your comics. Also, I'm the Dark Knight, so I need the darkness in my future.

    Don't worry, like the bat and bunny we are, we'll soar through the darkness and into the light where a brighter future is among us.

  • Woah. Why was it banned?
    xValkyx posted: »

    The sky ;P GOUSTTTT sent me a banned skittles commercial xD

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