Walking Fan Art of the DEAD... (New and Improved)



  • I wish that would happen D:
    Mokonage posted: »

    A comic I drew. its something that's been on my mind for awhile..... if only it were true...

  • I am looking forward to episode 3, I'm checking out the new pics and videos on this site can't wait to see more of Clementine and continuing her story.
  • edited May 2014
    Well, since I can't post the pic: link! Sort of... worldstealth57.deviantart.com/art/A-Crooked-Mile-452108674?ga_submit_new=10%253A1399252624

    Fuck. How do I do this?

    Edit: Whatever.
  • That drawing is sweet! Looks like it took forever with all that detail.

    Well, since I can't post the pic: link! Sort of... worldstealth57.deviantart.com/art/A-Crooked-Mile-452108674?ga_submit_new=10%253A1399252624 Fuck. How do I do this? Edit: Whatever.

  • edited May 2014

    Bit of a before and after of an unknown character from my brain... Not sure why I drew this but what's done is done.
  • Amazing man!

    Well, since I can't post the pic: link! Sort of... worldstealth57.deviantart.com/art/A-Crooked-Mile-452108674?ga_submit_new=10%253A1399252624 Fuck. How do I do this? Edit: Whatever.

  • Haha, I wish :P
    JonGon posted: »

    Is that a self portrait?

  • Is that a self portrait?
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l576/parper32/FullRandomSketch_zpsbef5488f.jpg Bit of a before and after of an unknown character from my brain... Not sure why I drew this but what's done is done.

  • Looks really good if it's from your imagination. If I try to do faces they come out weird.
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Haha, I wish :P

  • _Juice_Box_


    Thanks guys, hopefully my second one'll be done 'soon'. ;)
  • Thanks man and your probably not bad at drawing random faces! Your other drawings have shown a lot of talent :)
    JonGon posted: »

    Looks really good if it's from your imagination. If I try to do faces they come out weird.

  • edited May 2014

    Mmmm, man. Dat's good. When I try before's and after's, I'm left with a blank paper and shit-tons of eraser shavings. :)
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    i1124.photobucket.com/albums/l576/parper32/FullRandomSketch_zpsbef5488f.jpg Bit of a before and after of an unknown character from my brain... Not sure why I drew this but what's done is done.

  • I made some great fan art.

    tell me if you want anymore :)
    (joke, obviously)
  • I'm sure they look great :) For my drawings especially though... I have to have a lot of willpower to finish them... because they start out looking really shit and makes me want to just throw it away immediately :P

    _Juice_Box_ Mmmm, man. Dat's good. When I try before's and after's, I'm left with a blank paper and shit-tons of eraser shavings. :)

  • That's because I have drawn Clem's face so many times lol. Anyone else and I make them look derpy.
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Thanks man and your probably not bad at drawing random faces! Your other drawings have shown a lot of talent :)

  • Nah, i'm sure they're good... and if not it only gets better! :D
    JonGon posted: »

    That's because I have drawn Clem's face so many times lol. Anyone else and I make them look derpy.

  • I know that feel :(
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I'm sure they look great :) For my drawings especially though... I have to have a lot of willpower to finish them... because they start out looking really shit and makes me want to just throw it away immediately :P

  • Beautiful!

    I made some great fan art. Clem: :) Sarah: :D Kenny: :)> Walter: (:-) Luke: L:) Carver: >:( Matthew: DX tell me if you want anymore :) (joke, obviously)

  • I made some stuff based on the preview pictures for 203:

  • Those are amazing xD
    Melsempi posted: »

    I made some stuff based on the preview pictures for 203: melsempi.tumblr.com/post/84536297624/what-i-imagine-episode-3-to-be-like melsempi.tumblr.com/post/84449619674/clem-got-a-new-jacket-for-episode-3-d

  • Thank you! Here's another one of Carley for the heck of it.

  • Melsempi that's so adorable lol! Amazing art.
    Melsempi posted: »

    I made some stuff based on the preview pictures for 203: melsempi.tumblr.com/post/84536297624/what-i-imagine-episode-3-to-be-like melsempi.tumblr.com/post/84449619674/clem-got-a-new-jacket-for-episode-3-d

  • Thanks :) its nerve wracking posting my stuff here since you guys are pretty amazing
    JonGon posted: »

    Melsempi that's so adorable lol! Amazing art.

  • @Melsempi

    i love those pictures !good work! :-)
  • How do I show a drawing of mine? I made one but I don't know where or how I should upload it to show it to you guys...
  • Upload it to DeviantArt, or Imgur and send us the link but without the https:

    How do I show a drawing of mine? I made one but I don't know where or how I should upload it to show it to you guys...

  • Thanks :) Gonna upload it tomorrow probably.
    JonGon posted: »

    Upload it to DeviantArt, or Imgur and send us the link but without the https:

  • This thread has been dead for a week! Damn, I've just finished my outline and a good amount of details for my new drawing so I'll get that up ASAP. :)
  • Thank god! You found the thread... Can't wait for it man!

    This thread has been dead for a week! Damn, I've just finished my outline and a good amount of details for my new drawing so I'll get that up ASAP. :)

  • Can't wait to show it! :)

    Also, I got your hat today, man. It truly is THE best gift I've EVER received before.

    You're a real bro, Jon! :D
    JonGon posted: »

    Thank god! You found the thread... Can't wait for it man!

  • Yay! and no problem man. :D


    Can't wait to show it! :) Also, I got your hat today, man. It truly is THE best gift I've EVER received before. You're a real bro, Jon! :D

  • *cries in joy
    JonGon posted: »

    Yay! and no problem man. :D *Brohug*

  • worldstealth57.deviantart.com/art/Kenny-Half-way-done-453728207?ga_submit_new=10%253A1399935849

  • Kenny going beast mode!

    This was my reaction to the drawing... stream1.gifsoup.com/view8/4875732/ohhhh-o.gif Nice work man!

    worldstealth57.deviantart.com/art/Kenny-Half-way-done-453728207?ga_submit_new=10%253A1399935849 Derp.

  • Lol, thanks man. And after seeing that pic of you irl, that guy in the gif kinda' looks like you. You know, except he's... urban?
    JonGon posted: »

    Kenny going beast mode! This was my reaction to the drawing... stream1.gifsoup.com/view8/4875732/ohhhh-o.gif Nice work man!

  • Lol! Must be the glasses and my big nose.

    Lol, thanks man. And after seeing that pic of you irl, that guy in the gif kinda' looks like you. You know, except he's... urban?

  • Nice drawing man, Kenny looks pretty badass in that position.
  • @CoolStoryBro

    That one is great! Geez- i love that scene in the game.
  • i am quite the saddest potato because I/we can't post pictures anymore... :(
    i thinking if i should make a deviant art account...
  • Make a DA account and shoot us some links of your art... Sadly that's the best we got ;-;

    I'm going to try and finish a piece i'm working on, and start a new one.
    Mokonage posted: »

    i am quite the saddest potato because I/we can't post pictures anymore... :( i thinking if i should make a deviant art account...

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