Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • If you guys voted for Pro and TWDFan to go to the back. They both would have died. If you guys voted for Pro to fight the walkers. TWDFan would have gone to the back and died when the train crashes. Pro would have gotten injured when it did. If TWDFan went off by himself, he would have ran into someone else in the forest.

    If you guys voted for Corn to make a run for it, Markd would have gone after him to try and hunt him down. If Corn shot at Mark, he would have caught him in the shoulder and then have an option to kill him and take his stuff, or knock him out and leave him.

    If you guys voted for Bananas to use the tear gas on the three prisoners in the beginning, him and Cameron would have escaped a lot earlier, and he would have still been alive. They would have avoided the three prisoners outside with the car. If they surrendered to them, they both would have died.

    If Raging would have tried to steal the horse, He would have gotten kicked and knocked out. Duck, Stache, SweetPea and Mokonage would have held him hostage and he would have to explain himself.

    If Noncy told the class to leave immediately, They would have gone to the school library, and you would get an option to send someone back and see who was shooting. That person would have died. Rich would have been trapped in the the classroom that they left, but he would have shot the window and jumped out. He would have taken a car by himself. They would eventually escape, and they would have to decide where to go on foot.

    Puncake could have died if Clayton told Jon to shoot him. Firedog would have shot back and taken cover. They would be shooting at each other until the walkers break through and Jon and Clayton would have ran to the back exit leaving Firedog trapped, and he would have died. If Puncake shot the gun he would have killed Clayton and injured Jon by accident. Jon would have been pissed and not trust Pun and firedog. Pun and dog would have to leave by themselves. If Jon went for the car, he would have drove back for them but one of the characters would have died. If Clayton went, He would get the car, drive back and then tell them to leave as he held the walkers back and sacrificed himself by blowing up the pumps. If firedog went he would have tripped and the walkers would have killed him, Jon and the rest would have to run into the woods. If Pun went for the car he would get to it, and look back as the walkers would be surrounding the other three. He would get an option to leave them or try to help.

    Welcome_to_Woodbury would have died if AWESOMEO didn't intervene.

    If tntlee stayed in the back, He would have locked it and Guilty would have died.

    So only one person has died so far. cameroncr95. You guys have been doing pretty good with the votes.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Depending if our votes went another way how many more characters would be dead?

  • You're already in the story. The reserved list is just for people to have a place in it, for any up coming chapter as well. They can still die.

    I don't see my name on the reserved list. Does that mean I'm zombie kibble? O_O

  • Okay thank you

    You're already in the story. The reserved list is just for people to have a place in it, for any up coming chapter as well. They can still die.

  • edited May 2014
    OMG thank you for posting this.Cameron didn't have to die. ;_;

    If you guys voted for Pro and TWDFan to go to the back. They both would have died. If you guys voted for Pro to fight the walkers. TWDFan wo

  • Poor cameron. But I'm glad me and you are still alive and well!

    If you guys voted for Pro and TWDFan to go to the back. They both would have died. If you guys voted for Pro to fight the walkers. TWDFan wo

  • Ikr there were so many chances for you and Lee to die. :P
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Poor cameron. But I'm glad me and you are still alive and well!

  • If voting goes as planned, I have some special parts for us. B]
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Poor cameron. But I'm glad me and you are still alive and well!

  • O_o Wow.

    If you guys voted for Pro and TWDFan to go to the back. They both would have died. If you guys voted for Pro to fight the walkers. TWDFan wo

  • Another question, lol. I have skimmed through the stories since I wanted to get to the newest one, but are people randomly aged? I know there are some students, and some adults, but do we know how old each character is? I imagine that each character might be 20+ years old. If that's the case then I'm going to be the youngest one in the story.
  • Nice! I can't wait!

    Also, I'm glad that the people who voted for tntlee to ask who the person is got the most votes because I voted for tntlee to stay in the back..

    If voting goes as planned, I have some special parts for us. B]

  • Yep, but some people put what age they wanted to be. Lol, yeah I guess you will be, haha. That should make things interesting.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Another question, lol. I have skimmed through the stories since I wanted to get to the newest one, but are people randomly aged? I know ther

  • don't worry man you are forgiven :)
    Belan posted: »

    2) Follow classmates Sorry Jewfreeus, I did not want to leave you but my hand was forced by the other voters >_>

  • epic just epic and awesomeo is screwed now

    2)Follow my classmates.

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited May 2014
    Holy Shit.

    If you guys voted for Pro and TWDFan to go to the back. They both would have died. If you guys voted for Pro to fight the walkers. TWDFan wo

  • 2) Cameron... what the fuck?... I have to shoot you... I need to get that tear gas grenade and knife.

    AllThatRemains (!) Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find. I was still arguing with Rich. Telling him that I wanted

  • Follow my classmates.

    time to get revenge, Jewfreeus. Hopefully.

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • "SweetPea would always talk about having pizza parties back in the day" Yep, that's me. :3 Lol
    But, they're in my farm now... ç.ç

    2) Follow my classmates.

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • I'm the peacemaker. :p

    Lol, SweetPea stopped him though, It was mostly just arguing really. But he did forgive you, and thanked you for saving AWESOMEO.

  • "HA-HA-HA. And I thought my jokes were bad." EFJDKJVFBNKJDBVIEBWS YES.
    2) Follow my classmates.

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • edited May 2014
    Hey, here is my character info:

    Personality: Calm, optimistic, witty, friendly and kind (but not to a fault, i'm not naive), clever, introvert and quick thinker. Some flaws of mine are that i can be rather indecisive, i sometimes am afraid to take risks, and that though i am mostly rational i do tend to act based more so on my own emotions (which can be reckless given situations).

    Are you willing to sacrifice yourself in order to protect your family/friends?: I really don't know..if it was the only way and i knew for sure that i could save them by sacrificing myself then i probably would.

    If you had to do something evil to keep yourself alive, (killing a friend, stealing something, torturing someone) would you?: I would only ever kill a friend if they were a danger to the group (lol that make me think of Nick's Carlos impression) and by danger, i don't mean a burden, but if they were nuts and trying to kill us or killed another member in cold blood, then yes i probably would (though i would try to avoid it as much as possible). I would steal, and depending on the circumstances i may possibly torture someone if there is no other way around the situation.

    What did you want to be when you were growing up?: an Artist.

    Do you think it's safer to be alone or with a group?: I prefer to be alone, but i feel that strength lies more in numbers and that i'd be better off with a group than be alone. I don't really like being a leader. I'm more the kind of person who sits in the background and occasionally advices the group on what's more wise or what's the better option. I guess i'm just the trustworthy and loyal one who tries not to do anything dumb.

    For now I'm looking for 20 people to be in the story, first come, first serve. I will use your username so it can be easier for others to id

  • It's so hard to wait.
  • Can i be a trash orgy aswell?

    Trash orgy? :o lmfao

  • edited May 2014
    This is awesome, please do another one later, as the story progresses. it's damn interesting to see how things could have gone!

    I still can't believe I voted to kill me off, good thing that didn't happen. Holy shit would I have been mad. xD

    If you guys voted for Pro and TWDFan to go to the back. They both would have died. If you guys voted for Pro to fight the walkers. TWDFan wo

  • 1) I'm sorry, Cameron. I don't know what happened. But I have to leave you here.

    What did ATR seee?! And why am I so excited about the turns this story is taking?!

    AllThatRemains (!) Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find. I was still arguing with Rich. Telling him that I wanted

  • I'll probably reveal more, when the chapter ends. Lol, you would have been killed off so early.

    This is awesome, please do another one later, as the story progresses. it's damn interesting to see how things could have gone! I still can't believe I voted to kill me off, good thing that didn't happen. Holy shit would I have been mad. xD

  • Maybe.
    firedog122 posted: »

    Can i be a trash orgy aswell?

  • 2) Follow my classmates.

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • edited May 2014
    Wow, great story. Hit me up if more characters are needed!
  • Thanks a lot! I'll need you for chapter 2. I'm almost done with the first chapter. B]

    Wow, great story. Hit me up if more characters are needed!



    AllThatRemains (!) Rich, lets go down the road and see what we can find. I was still arguing with Rich. Telling him that I wanted



    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • Don't forget to bring a towel! When your killing walkers you could get blood splattered on your face which might cause an infection, that why towelie says don't forget to bring a towel!
  • edited May 2014
    Are you guys ready to LOVE ME FOREVER?!!
  • (h)ttp://
    delete the ()
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Are you guys ready to LOVE ME FOREVER?!!

  • I already love most people here....'cept you.

    Nahhhh, I'm kidding! Sure! :)
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Are you guys ready to LOVE ME FOREVER?!!

  • Just read where I left off. Starting the next part.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I already love most people here....'cept you. Nahhhh, I'm kidding! Sure! :)

  • If you guys want to love me forever copy this link!!! http:/(/) *Delete the parenthesis.*
  • Just realized something... They'll eat my pizza. :c

    Jewfreeus While my classmates were distracted trying to get the SWAT guy's attention. I ran in the opposite direction and turned the co

  • Reply back to me of what youguys think!! YOU MUTHAHUMPAS
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    If you guys want to love me forever copy this link!!! http:/(/) *Delete the parenthesis.*

  • I like it but Kenny needs a different picture.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Reply back to me of what youguys think!! YOU MUTHAHUMPAS

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