I like Nick cauz he is more "human" than other character like Luke for instance (I don't really like him he's...flat) Nick want to become more than Luke to be able to move on but c'mon it's more interesting to see someone who had thoses feelings. My point Nick is far FAR away more trustfull than Luke ! That's why I like Nick.
So save him or kill him but in a good way ! not like Ben pleazzz
I will never admit! Never!
Not sure how to feel about this one...I mean it's nicely drawn...but...
edit: Just remove the "http://" for the link to work. You don't have to add other stuff.
By the way, congratulations, that comment you made was the 300th on this thread... So congrats.
So save him or kill him but in a good way ! not like Ben pleazzz
Remove the ()
Well, I think I made Nick into Jesus