Why His Death Sucks



  • There totally needs to be a Hug Nick option.

    Or if not, another Watch Luke and Nick Hug option.
  • #SaveNick. I want everyone to survive.
  • Take my PUNCAKE!!!!!
  • Nick shall live so his mullet can grow and bring hope to the forsaken world.

    He's not going to die, not on my watch
  • #MisterIAintAKid #FuckIfIKnow

    Now we've compiled all of my favourite Nick quotes.
    CatySky posted: »

    #SaveNick #HugNick #VanillaIce #LukeHeIsBecomingADangerToTheGroup #ILoveThatStupidKid #HeKnowsWhereTheFuckingRiverIs #WhatAmIDoingWithMyLife #PraiseNick #IBelieve

  • He's gonna die soon. I guarantee it.
  • #HugALLthePeople #HugNick #HeMustLive
  • #YouCominToTuckMeIn

    #MisterIAintAKid #FuckIfIKnow Now we've compiled all of my favourite Nick quotes.

    tauer posted: »

    He's gonna die soon. I guarantee it.

  • How about everyone hugs Nick instead.

    #HugALLthePeople #HugNick #HeMustLive

  • How could I forget :') #ILoveThatStupidKid


  • Then there would be no point in having the 2nd guy be a choice, everyone would pick Nick.
    Cazabubu posted: »

    NO! >:C Jane Must Survive....But so does Nick need to survive..... I replayed all 3 episodes and i really grew fond of Nick :S,What if we get a 2nd determinant choice between Nick and someone else?


    But that was the whole point of the joke. Ben and Nick share similarities. Sorry to the 'hardcore, diehard' Nick fans, that can't take a joke. Tops to those guys.

  • If Nick doesn't take off his hat and show his mullet before season 2 ends, we riot again.
    MrSolomon posted: »

    Nick shall live so his mullet can grow and bring hope to the forsaken world.

  • #SaveNick #HugNick
    I am so pissed at the fact that he is "Determinant". Like no, fuck you, if I almost shat my pants telling Walter the truth and saving Nick's skin back in ep2, then he ain't gonna die on me in ep4 or 5... If that happens, then Telltale better secure their building cause I may or may not set it on fire. :3
  • edited May 2014
    We commit to a beautiful pyrotechnics display if he doesnt make it.

    #SaveNick #HugNick I am so pissed at the fact that he is "Determinant". Like no, fuck you, if I almost shat my pants telling Walter the tr

  • Because Nick is love.
    skoothz posted: »

    I like how Nick was barely in episode 3 but the forum's been talking about him non-stop for the past few days.

  • He's a symbol of good health.

    Because Nick is love.

  • Nick is love, Nick is life.

    Because Nick is love.

  • Nick bless you.

    All hail Nick, our lord and saviour

  • edited May 2014
    I'll bring popcorn.
    BenUseful posted: »

    We commit to a beautiful pyrotechnics display if he doesnt make it.

  • I'll bring the matches.
    TheMPerson posted: »

    I'll bring popcorn.

  • I'll bring the camera.
    BenUseful posted: »

    I'll bring the matches.

  • I'll bring Nick.
    TheMPerson posted: »

    I'll bring the camera.

  • edited May 2014
    I greatly misinterpreted your comment. I thought you were referring to Luke and Clem as the brothers and Nick as the little sister. Now I can't get rid of images of Nick prancing around in Clem's outfit. Thanks. |'D
    TheMPerson posted: »

    Like that fat kid (can't remember his name) in Game of Thrones at the end of Season 3? Nah. I don't think Nick would've manage to live

  • edited May 2014
    [Meanwhile at Telltale headquarters...]

    "Look at them, look at them all, such pitiful mortals, thinking hashtags will save a determined character. Your acts of bravery to a beloved man's life are nothing but futile dreams. Give up and admit defeat fandom, you can not conquer this battle! THE NICK SHALL DIE AT OUR GODLY HANDS AND NO HUMAN WILL STOP US! BWAHAHA!!!"
  • ~8 weeks later........~

    *everyone shows up with pitchforks and blowtorches at the TTG HQs entrance* - We warned you...
    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    [Meanwhile at Telltale headquarters...] "Look at them, look at them all, such pitiful mortals, thinking hashtags will save a determined

  • Telltale, if you're reading this:
    your mum
    That is all.
    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    [Meanwhile at Telltale headquarters...] "Look at them, look at them all, such pitiful mortals, thinking hashtags will save a determined

  • I won't bring Clem. She's seen some shit...
    BenUseful posted: »

    I'll bring Nick.

  • We put the blowtorches in our back pockets right
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    ~8 weeks later........~ *everyone shows up with pitchforks and blowtorches at the TTG HQs entrance* - We warned you...

  • She crazy
    TheMPerson posted: »

    I won't bring Clem. She's seen some shit...

  • I'll bring whiskey.

    So we can light ourselves on fire with it of course.
    BenUseful posted: »

    I'll bring the matches.

  • Aww, I thought we would use to fight TTG shitfaced. Like Kenny, I fight better shitfaced.

    I'll bring whiskey. So we can light ourselves on fire with it of course.

  • As long as it fits, which wouldn't probably be a problem.
    BenUseful posted: »

    We put the blowtorches in our back pockets right

  • Well, no reason we can't be shitfaced and on fire.
    BenUseful posted: »

    Aww, I thought we would use to fight TTG shitfaced. Like Kenny, I fight better shitfaced.

  • If they have already done the story line which I am pretty sure they have, then no matter how many people try save him it just won't happen. But +1 save poor nick.
  • My penis fits well.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    As long as it fits, which wouldn't probably be a problem.

  • We'll be on fire from the blowtorches we carried in our back pockets right.

    Well, no reason we can't be shitfaced and on fire.

This discussion has been closed.