Why His Death Sucks



  • #SaveNick #TheMulletDuoMustSurvive
  • #SaveNick #HugNick
  • Kenny and Nick need a DLC episode dedicated to them comparing mullets.
    PeelzMan posted: »

    #SaveNick #TheMulletDuoMustSurvive

  • If Kenny gets two hugs...

    And Luke gets hug...

    And Clem promising Sarah a unexpected hug...

    I'm pretty sure Clem can give Nick a hug too.
    BenUseful posted: »

    Hug Nick would make everything right in the world. Thats all we need in episode 4. Make it a Nick hugging sim.

  • can you model swap multiple characters so we can see them standing next to clem to se the height difference. mainly lee and molly. i want to see there height next to clementine.
    Kenny1220 posted: »

    Yeah, I mean I model swapped Nick with Omid and just pretended that Omid never died...so I support #SaveNick.

  • #SaveBen2.0
  • #SaveBen


  • edited May 2014
    As much as I want Nick to survive, he's already a Determinant, considering his potential death in episode 2... which seems to indicate he's probably going to be on the chopping block in this next episode, and he probably won't survive to the end of the series (if anyone other than Clem even survives that last episode).
  • No, we have to believe in NICK. BELIEVE
  • Why just one? Why not 10?
    TheMPerson posted: »

    If Kenny gets two hugs... And Luke gets hug... And Clem promising Sarah a unexpected hug... I'm pretty sure Clem can give Nick a hug too.

  • #SaveBensDemonSpawn
    BenUseful posted: »


  • I like how Nick was barely in episode 3 but the forum's been talking about him non-stop for the past few days.
  • but i went before we left....

    We'll be fine -- you just have to go.

  • #SaveBenJr


  • #SaveBensTwin
    BenUseful posted: »


  • Because Nick is Jesus.
    skoothz posted: »

    I like how Nick was barely in episode 3 but the forum's been talking about him non-stop for the past few days.

  • I really liked him from episode 2, and I think after how little he spoke in episode 3 everyone's pretty worried about his future in the series.
    skoothz posted: »

    I like how Nick was barely in episode 3 but the forum's been talking about him non-stop for the past few days.

  • Nick is the only character I care about beside Clem tbh
    BenUseful posted: »

    Because Nick is Jesus.

  • Nick has so much potential, I don't want him to die. What's up with telltale and killing all the interesting characters? #LongLiveNick
  • NO! >:C Jane Must Survive....But so does Nick need to survive.....
    I replayed all 3 episodes and i really grew fond of Nick :S,What if we get a 2nd determinant choice between Nick and someone else?
    BenUseful posted: »


  • #SaveNick
  • Yes. Yes. Do it Telltale, yes.
    BenUseful posted: »

    Kenny and Nick need a DLC episode dedicated to them comparing mullets.

  • edited May 2014
    #SaveNick #HugNick #VanillaIce #LukeHeIsBecomingADangerToTheGroup #ILoveThatStupidKid #HeKnowsWhereTheFuckingRiverIs
    #WhatAmIDoingWithMyLife #PraiseNick #IBelieve
  • kenny kills him after knowing he was the one who shot mathews
  • We should create a religion.
    BenUseful posted: »

    Because Nick is Jesus.

  • #IBelieveInNick
    BenUseful posted: »

    No, we have to believe in NICK. BELIEVE

  • Well, I suddenly got downvotes on all my comments. k.
    BenUseful posted: »


  • Well, calling Nick Ben2 isn't going to give you upvotes

    Well, I suddenly got downvotes on all my comments. k.

  • All hail Nick, our lord and saviour
    CatySky posted: »

    We should create a religion. #PraiseNick

  • But that was the whole point of the joke. Ben and Nick share similarities. Sorry to the 'hardcore, diehard' Nick fans, that can't take a joke. Tops to those guys.

    Well, calling Nick Ben2 isn't going to give you upvotes

  • They should give Nick more screen time, what's the point of making him a Determinant if he's going to appear for few minutes in Episode 3 and 4?

    I want him to be more active in Episode 4 and if you saved him in Episode 2, you get a decision in Episode 4 to save either Nick or X person, if Nick is dead, X person is saved by default. Don't know how it would work but would be interesting.
  • If Nick dies we FUCKING Riot. #NickWillSurviveEpisodeFour
  • when episode 5 comes we need to start #SaveClem
  • but he technically did die....
    poplee posted: »

    If Nick dies we FUCKING Riot. #NickWillSurviveEpisodeFour

  • I hear you .But the current status of Nick is determinant not dead so...

    but he technically did die....

  • You mean before it comes out.

    when episode 5 comes we need to start #SaveClem

  • Clem will survive at least until the end of ep5 so we don't really have to worry about her right now :) Nick though is a determinant character.

    when episode 5 comes we need to start #SaveClem

  • #Save&HugNick
  • #SaveNick #IAmPleasedWithThisCause
    poplee posted: »

    You mean before it comes out.

This discussion has been closed.