Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • cuz shes myne
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    y naut ?

  • wii cud shar.

    (We could share)

    cuz shes myne

  • You guys dont have to fight over me,this duck can hand simultaneous lovin.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    wii cud shar. (We could share)

  • i dun shar.
    shez myne, onli myne.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    wii cud shar. (We could share)

  • thers 10 hols in da human body

    i dun shar. shez myne, onli myne.

  • I thought there were 9.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    thers 10 hols in da human body

  • Oh yeah, my mistake.

    So, right now we have space for 6 more people

    I thought there were 9.

  • edited May 2014

    (!) Try turning the car's engine on and leave in my car to fight another day.

    As WTD shot the rifle. I noticed the man holding a Magnum to AWESOMEO's head, get shot and he fell back hitting the ground. "Yes! Nice shot, WTD!" I thought to myself.

    His partner turned and realized what just happened."WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUCK?!" He yelled out to WTD.

    AWESOMEO took the opportunity and elbowed him in the crotch, and tried to run towards me and PowerfulStache.

    "Come on, AWESOMEO! Hurry!" Stache yelled out to him.

    "Get AWESOMEO into the house, I'll take care of the next one!" WTD told us.

    "Got it!" I told him.

    I turned to look at AWESOMEO and he was about halfway towards us. I saw him get shot in the shoulder, and he fell on the ground. The barrage of bullets flew all over the place and then PowerfulStache, who was standing right next to me got hit in the head.

    I turned to see his lifeless body laying on the ground."PowerfulStache!"

    "No!" WTD yelled out. We both saw the man wearing a trench coat laughing on the ground."Fucking bastard!" WTD yelled out as he got ready to shoot again.

    I ran over to AWESOMEO and helped him up. I put one of his arms around my shoulder and we started to make our way towards the house."Come on, let's go!"

    "They fucking killed Betsy and Stache!" He yelled at me.

    "I know but we have to get you inside!" I told him as we got closer to the door.

    I heard another shot from WTD and I turned to see that the trench coat guy was hiding behind his car. We made our way inside the house and quickly headed towards the back, to make sure Mokonage and SweetPeaClem were okay. Once I opened the back door I looked around for them, but I didn't see them.

    "Try the barn..." AWESOMEO struggled to tell me.

    "Alright, let's--" *BOOM* We heard an explosion. I turned and saw the front door was blown off."Holy shit!" I said out loud.

    I turned back and saw Mokonage coming out of the barn."Over here! Hurry guys!"

    We made our way over and Mokonage helped me get AWESOMEO into the barn."Shit! Where's Stache? We need him so he can help us with his wound." He asked me while looking at AWESOMEO's bullet wound.

    "He's... " I couldn't finish my sentence.

    SweetPea came up to me."No... Is he dead?!"

    I looked down."Yeah..."

    "No!" She yelled out and knelt down.

    "Mokonage take care of them. I'm going back to get WTD." I told him.

    "Okay, be careful!" He said to me.

    I took a pitchfork and ran back into the house and as I was about to make my way up the stairs, I saw the trench coat guy's car leaving, and he was shooting upward towards WTD's window. WTD shot back and was able to catch one of the back tires, but the man still got away.

    WTD came running down the stairs."Son a bitch!" I heard him say as he made his way down.

    "WTD where are you going?!"

    "He fucking killed Stache! I'm going after that bastard!" He yelled back at me.

    "Did you forget about AWESOMEO?! He needs your help! He's been shot in the shoulder, and they're waiting in the barn. Come on!"

    WTD put his head down and shook it."Ugh, FINE! Let's go." He said as he turned around and we headed to the barn.

    After a while. WTD was able to patch up AWESOMEO's shoulder. The sun was rising and we were all inside the house, SweetPea had stopped crying and she was laying on the floor. Mokonage was in the back, saying his final goodbye to Stache, who we helped bury alongside Betsy. I was watching the front, making sure the psychopath didn't come back. I was looking around and realized this place wasn't safe anymore.

    "We need to leave." I spoke up.

    "I agree. We should leave right now." WTD told AWESOMEO and SweetPea.

    SweetPea was quiet. AWESOMEO then said."I have to agree with you guys. I led them back here without knowing. It's my fault this even happened. We need to move away from here and find a safer area."

    "We pack our things and leave immediately. We can't sit here and wait around for another attack, from that muthahumpa. That trench coat guy might come back and bring more people with him." WTD told us.

    I sighed."Yeah. Let's get out of here, while we still have the chance."

    SweetPea finally spoke up."Where will we go? Those monsters are everywhere, apparently."

    "There are more of them in the city. We should head farther down into the countryside." AWESOMEO told her.

    "That sounds like a good idea. I just came from the city so I know what it's like out there." I told them.

    "Same here. Mokonage as well. Farther down, into the countryside seems like the way to go." WTD told us.

    Mokonage entered the house through the back door."Alright guys. I'm done."

    "We're leaving. Everyone pack your things. We leave today." SweetPea surprised us with what she said.

    "What?! What do you mean?" Mokonage asked.

    WTD stood up from the couch."You heard her. We're leaving, we can't stay here anymore after what happened today. We'll be heading deeper into the countryside. Or do I have to whip out my penis to convince you?"

    "Uh.. no. That's okay. I have to agree with what you guys are saying." Mokonage told us.

    "Then it's settled. Let's pack our things and go." I said to all of them.

    After we were done packing. WTD was waiting outside with the rifle. We walked out and we noticed the Magnum guy's dead corpse still laying on the ground.

    AWESOMEO walked over to it, and picked up his Magnum. He checked how much ammo it had left."Two bullets..." He then kicked his corpse and stood next to WTD.

    SweetPea stared at the man's corpse, and then spit on it."I hope you burn in hell." She said. She then walked over to WTD and AWESOMEO.

    Mokonage put his hand on my shoulder."It's time to go." He told me.

    I turned around and saw the farm house for one last time. Even though I had only been there for one day, it felt like I had lived there my whole life. I was going to miss PowerfulStache. I still remembered what he told me."You remind me of myself a bit." He didn't deserve to die, he was just trying to help his friend out.

    I turned back around and said."Alright, guys. Let's get moving."

    We headed down the road, farther away from the city and deeper into the countryside. We had no idea where we were going to go, but It was better than staying back at the farmhouse and waiting to get attacked, again...


    (!) Okay. I'm taking eking and Jewf with me as well.

    We were all waiting for Rich to say something."Okay. I'm taking eking and Jewf with me as well." He finally said.

    "Good. Let's get in there." I said with a smirk.

    I saw Puncake taking out a knife and handing it over to Firedog."Here, take this with you. Just in case you guys run into trouble in there."

    I hopped out of the pickup and eking did the same. Belan turned to look at us."Be careful in there guys."

    "Don't worry, man. We'll be back before you know it." eking told him with a smile.

    I made an angry face at Belan and then walked away. ATR got out of the car and gave me a hug."Please, be careful in there. Make sure you guys come back safely."

    I smiled at her."Will do."

    "Good luck, people. Find me a lighter if you can." Clayton said while smiling.

    Firedog emptied his backpack and told Belan to keep an icepack on Paul's ankle in the meantime."Thank you. Hurry back safely." He told us.

    Noncy spoke up."Hurry up guys, we don't want to stay out here with those things all day."

    Jon spoke up."She's right. Go on and get in there. The faster you guys finish the faster we can leave."

    Noncy spoke again."I am always right. Especially when I am clearly wrong."

    Rich turned to the group."Heh, alright then. We'll be back soon." He then turned to me, eking and Firedog."Okay team. Let's go."

    Jon made his way into the front of the pickup while me, Rich, Firedog and eking headed towards the pharmacy. When we got closer, a few of the zombies seemed to take notice.

    "I'll get their attention. You guys head inside. I'll go around and wait for one of you to open the backdoor." eking told us.

    "Okay sounds good. Be careful eking." Rich told him. He turned to me and Firedog."Which one of us should go to the back door?"

    I spoke up."I'll do it. You need to protect Firedog until you get what we came here to get. I'll pick up some stuff on my way to the back as well. When we're ready to leave, we can all meet up in the front, which should be clear by then."

    "Okay, it's a plan then. Get ready, here they come." Rich said as he turned to look at the zombies walking towards us.

    eking stood up and started waving his hands and shouting random things to get their attention. A whole bunch of them noticed and started making their way to him. He then turned to us."Okay, guys go! Get in there!" He yelled at us.

    As eking ran towards the back. We got up and headed towards the front door of the pharmacy. Luckily for us the doors opened and soon we rushed to get what we needed.

    Rich was running in one direction with Firedog and then he turned to me as I was grabbing some supplies."Hurry to the back and help eking!" he told me.

    "Yeah, yeah. I'm on it." I said to him as I closed my backpack and ran to the back.

    I noticed there were quite a few zombies in the pharmacy and then they started following me."Shit!" I said as I looked back at them.

    As I was running, I noticed a vending machine that had been smashed and there were a few candy bars left."How convenient." I said to my self while smiling.

    I took off my book bag and quickly opened it. I started grabbing what ever was left and putting them in. I heard loud knocks coming from a black door in the back of the pharmacy. I looked back and saw the zombies getting closer to me. I finished picking up the candy bars and zipped up my backpack. I got up and ran to the back door.

    Once I opened it, I saw eking trying to run around a few of those things. "Hurry up!" I yelled to him.

    eking noticed and started making his way towards me. I was holding the door open and then I realized one of those monsters was right next to me."Oh shit!" I said out loud and fell back. The door closed on the monster and it fell down and grabbed my foot. It was trying to bite me, but I kept kicking it in the head. After three hard kicks to it's face, it let go and I crawled back to try to stand up. I watched as the zombies that were following me before were standing in front of me. One of them fell down and tried to grab me, but I rolled out of the way. I stood up and saw the back door opening. It was eking, he hopped over the zombie and tried to run towards me.

    The zombie grabbed him by the foot and was trying to drag him closer."Jewf, help!" He yelled to me as the zombie was getting closer to bite him.

    I looked around and saw the other zombies getting closer to him. I turned my head and saw some stairs. I looked back at eking struggling to get free. I decided to run back and head up the stairs.

    "JEWF!!!" eking yelled.

    I turned back to see, and I saw eking getting torn apart by those monsters. I ran up the stairs and into a security room . I went to check the monitors and saw Rich and Firedog, holding the crutches in his hand and making their way out the front door. I checked another monitor that showed me eking getting eaten by the monsters. I took a look around and saw a door that read "Roof." I made my way over to it and kicked it open. I saw Jon and the others, driving the pickup towards Rich and Firedog.

    I started yelling out to them and waving my hands."HEY! OVER HERE!" I shouted out.

    The pickup flashed it's headlights and headed my way. I turned to my right and noticed a ladder. I ran to it and started to climb down. I Slid down and Jon brought the pickup next to me.

    "Where's eking?!" Rich asked me.

    "He didn't make it. Let's get outta here." I said as I climbed the back of the pickup.

    "What?!" Belan shouted.

    "He's dead. I couldn't help him." I said to the group.

    "Goddamn, no!" Paul yelled out.

    Everyone's face looked shocked. We turned and saw the crowd of zombies turning the corner and making there way to us.

    "Shit! Let's get out of here!" Puncake told Jon.

    "Hold on everyone!" Jon told us.

    We drove out of the parking lot and onto the road.

    "Fuck, man. How did he die?" Belan asked me.

    "He sacrificed himself to save me. He told me to leave while I had the chance. I was going to help him, but he insisted that I leave him behind." I told the group.

    "Fuck..." Paul said while looking down.

    Belan shook his head in disbelief."Damn it..."

    "eking sacrificed himself to help his friends. We can't feel sad about his death. At least he died doing something good." Rich told us.

    "He will be missed." Firedog said as he was helping Paul.

    ATR was crying in the front seat, while Noncy held her. Belan covered his face and started to cry a bit. He had lost his best friend, and it was my fault. I didn't know whether lying to them was a good idea, but I needed to make sure I was able to make it out of there...
  • Good place to avoid the trolls right here!
  • trolololol
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Good place to avoid the trolls right here!

  • Hey, I was actually right about my prediction that WTD would shoot his tires...or did you just last minute edit? :P

    Was there a way to keep all the farm characters alive? Also, poor eking :/

    Raging_Blades (!) Try turning the car's engine on and leave in my car to fight another day. As WTD shot the rifle. I noticed the m

  • Praise Duck Jesus!!!

    Raging_Blades (!) Try turning the car's engine on and leave in my car to fight another day. As WTD shot the rifle. I noticed the m

  • FUCKING JEWF..... he just went full Shane. T_T

    R.I.P eking and Stache.

    Raging_Blades (!) Try turning the car's engine on and leave in my car to fight another day. As WTD shot the rifle. I noticed the m

  • edited May 2014
    Heh, nah. You were right about the tires.


    Going to type Guilty/tntlee part right now, and it'll be the end for Ch.1
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Hey, I was actually right about my prediction that WTD would shoot his tires...or did you just last minute edit? :P Was there a way to keep all the farm characters alive? Also, poor eking :/

  • Dammit, that means yes, lol.. Okay, LeeTheBro. Take your time.

    Heh, nah. You were right about the tires. Maybe... Going to type Guilty/tntlee part right now, and it'll be the end for Ch.1

  • I fucking knew it

    Raging_Blades (!) Try turning the car's engine on and leave in my car to fight another day. As WTD shot the rifle. I noticed the m


    FUCKING JEWF..... he just went full Shane. T_T R.I.P eking and Stache.

  • Once again I feel like shit.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »


  • Woooo still not dead and the write is using my quotes.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »


  • Oh sorry,i was just kidding uhh no decisions are bad,yah. *pats on head*


  • "I am always right. Especially when I am clearly wrong." - NoncyFlippledorp

    Woooo still not dead and the write is using my quotes.

  • *c r i e s*
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Oh sorry,i was just kidding uhh no decisions are bad,yah. *pats on head*

  • edited May 2014
    damn I went full shane right there letting someone die so I could get away and telling everyone that he sacrificed himself for me well I guess thats payback for not coming to get me at the school hahaha just kidding rip eking I'm actually surprised I'm still alive this is going to come back and bite me on the ass I bet

    Looking forward to chapter 2

    Raging_Blades (!) Try turning the car's engine on and leave in my car to fight another day. As WTD shot the rifle. I noticed the m

  • Sorry :(
    Jewfreeus posted: »

    damn I went full shane right there letting someone die so I could get away and telling everyone that he sacrificed himself for me well I gue

  • RIP Stache :(

    OMG Jewf grabbed the candy bars and I was so happy but then he WENT FULL SHANE AND YOU NEVER GO FULL SHANE! Poor eking #AllThatFreeusIsOver

    Raging_Blades (!) Try turning the car's engine on and leave in my car to fight another day. As WTD shot the rifle. I noticed the m

  • I guess the Jewf+ATR=CandyBarRomance is over now?

    RIP Stache :( OMG Jewf grabbed the candy bars and I was so happy but then he WENT FULL SHANE AND YOU NEVER GO FULL SHANE! Poor eking #AllThatFreeusIsOver

  • No, the candy bar + ATR romance stays c:

    I guess the Jewf+ATR=CandyBarRomance is over now?

  • Once Chapter One is done could you do another post where you explain what would happen in each situation if we chose differently? Pretty please?
  • Im a classy ho like that.

    "I am always right. Especially when I am clearly wrong." - NoncyFlippledorp

  • nooooooo it was supposed to over shadow cluke hahaha

    RIP Stache :( OMG Jewf grabbed the candy bars and I was so happy but then he WENT FULL SHANE AND YOU NEVER GO FULL SHANE! Poor eking #AllThatFreeusIsOver

  • I second this.

    Once Chapter One is done could you do another post where you explain what would happen in each situation if we chose differently? Pretty please?

  • I pee on the side of the toilet to pretend like i'm a ninja
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Oh sorry,i was just kidding uhh no decisions are bad,yah. *pats on head*

  • From thirsty to classy like *snaps* that.

    Im a classy ho like that.

  • You know me.

    From thirsty to classy like *snaps* that.

  • You're my hero, Woodbury. ;_;

    From thirsty to classy like *snaps* that.

  • edited May 2014

    We were all still in the woods. We had been walking all night, It was finally morning and my feet were tired. I didn't know where this Tobi-Is-A-Good-Boy character was taking us, but I had a feeling I wasn't going to like it. He was taking me and tntlee to his "Community" by force. If that didn't ring any alarms that this guy was dangerous, then I don't know what did.

    "So tell me about yourselves." Tobi told us while looking forward and walking.

    Me and tntlee both stayed quiet.

    He then turned around and lowered his eyebrows to make an angry face at us."I said. Tell me about yourselves." He told us again and his men behind us poked us in the back with their guns.

    I looked up and said."It doesn't matter who we are. We're just survivors like everyone else."

    Tobi laughed."Haha! Goddamn, kid. You know exactly what to say." He smiled as he told me that. He turned to look at tntlee."What about you?"

    tntlee sighed."I'm just a friend of his. Like he said, it doesn't matter who we are."

    "I see." Tobi said with a raised eyebrow, and then turned his head and kept walking.

    Once we finally got out of the woods, I saw the back of a warehouse and a parking lot with a few cars parked in front of the warehouse, all lined up perfectly next to each other.

    "Welcome to your new home." Tobi said as he turned to us.

    "What the hell are you talking about?!" I snarled at him.

    "Hehe, you'll be staying here with us, working hard and making your way up the ranks. If you prove to me that you are loyal and hard working, I might let you come out with me when we go hunting for new people or scavenge around for supplies and gas. This warehouse used to be a canned food place, but after the apocalypse, they obviously stopped making them. We're stocked up on food, so that's not a problem for us right now. I used to work here before I became a teacher." He said with a smile.

    tntlee spoke up."So, we are basically going to be slave workers for you?"

    Tobi chuckled."Hehe, don't think of it that way. Together, we can build something good here. You help me and I help you."

    "And if we resist?" I asked him.

    He put his hand on his holstered gun."Well then. I'll just have to kill you." He smiled while saying that, but somehow seemed serious at the same time.

    Me and tntlee both looked at each other. We needed to think of a way to get away from them, but running off would be stupid. They would shoot us and we would most likely get hit and die.

    We made our way down the hill and we started walking towards the front of the warehouse. We saw guards on all doors, on the roof and even outside in the parking lot, they all had machine guns in their hands. I turned to look at Tobi and asked."Where did you guys get all the guns?"

    "When the apocalypse hit, I was in my school with a bunch of my students. All of a sudden the announcements came on and told us that zombies were walking around killing everyone. There was a huge panic, and everybody ran out of their classrooms and tried to escape. I was able to leave before they put the school on lockdown, and I ran over to my SUV. I told a couple of students and teachers that I knew of a place where they would have canned food stocked up, but we needed to get some weapons. We headed into the city first and made our way to every gun shop we could find. We looted every single one and we even had to kill a few people on our way to them, just to make sure we would get them first. Soon enough, they looked up to me as their leader. I told them that we needed to do whatever possible in order to survive this new world."

    "Yeah, I remember you now. I saw you once or twice in the halls, back at the school. We saw a dead body on the road three weeks ago. That wasn't your doing by any chance, was it?" I asked.

    "Hehe. Yes that was me. This kid kept whining that he wanted to go see his parents, I told him that they were most likely dead and that we needed to go to the warehouse as quickly as possible. He didn't like the idea, and wanted to head back. I stopped my car and told him to get out. Once he did, I shot him in the back of the head as he was walking away. I grabbed a knife and cut the fucker open. It's survival of the fittest, kid. It's the way this new world works now." He smirked as he finished his sentence.

    When we finally reached the front of the warehouse, Tobi went to the door and knocked."We have to leave. This man is crazy" tntlee whispered to me.

    "I know, but we have to think of something first." I said.

    Tobi was making his way back to us."By the way. What's in that guitar case?" He asked tntlee.

    "It's nothing. Just some personal items of mine." He said to him.

    Tobi raised his eyebrow and then turned his head to the two guys behind us."Get it off of him and open it up." He told them.

    One of the guys hit him in the back of the head with the butt of his gun and the other started to take the guitar case off of tntlee's body."Get off of him!" I yelled, but the man with a green bandana held me back.

    When they got the guitar case off of him, one of the men opened it."Shit. This guy was walking around with some guns and ammo."

    Tobi walked over to tntlee who was laying on the floor holding the back of his head."Your personal items, are now mine." He told him.

    "Why are you doing this?!" I yelled at him.

    Before he could answer, the warehouse door opened and I saw a young lady coming out with an Ak47 in her hand.

    My eyes widened as I realized that I was looking at my girlfriend xValkyx."What the hell?!" I said out loud.

    She was shocked when she saw me."Guilty?!"

    Tobi turned to look at her."Well, what do you know. Seems like you two know each other."

    "She's my girlfriend. We got separated three weeks ago, when some random guys started shooting at us in the woods."

    "Ohhhh! So that was you two, haha."

    "What do you mean? That was you and your men?!" I was getting pissed off.

    "Yeah that was us." He grinned."We were recruiting more people, I was with some students and told them we needed to find more people for the community. I didn't expect them to go around shooting like a bunch of idiots, so you guys ran off. We only saw where the girl headed so we followed her. Once we caught up to her, in the morning. We took her with us to the warehouse. She watched as we killed everyone who worked inside the warehouse and we took it over."

    I turned to Valky."Why are you holding a weapon? Why are you helping this man?!"

    She put her head down."It's not like I have a choice, Guilty. If I don't... then he will kill me."

    "They didn't hurt you did they?"

    "No. I worked my way up, and I was giving a weapon. I guard the other workers to make sure they don't screw up." She said with a sad face.

    Tobi turned to me."Don't worry, kid. As long as you don't fuck up, you get to live."

    I was about ready to tear this guy's head off."If you ever hurt her. I promise, you will regret it."

    "That's it, Guilty. Let that anger out." He told me with a smile."By the way get rid of your friend here. I don't like him." He told me while looking down at tntlee.

    "What?! What are you talking about?" I asked Tobi and saw Valky behind him as her eyes widened.

    Tobi made a serious face."Get. Rid. Of. Him."

    I looked down at tntlee still holding his head and laying on the ground.

    "I can't kill my friend..." I said.

    Tobi took out his handgun from it's holster."It's survival of the fittest, kid. If you don't want anything to happen to your little girlfriend here. Then I suggest you do what I say." He told me while handing me his gun.

    "Don't do it, Guilty. He's lying to you." tntlee told me.

    "Shut the fuck up!" Tobi screamed at him."Kill him now, or I'll have my men shoot Valky." As he said that the two guys that were behind me aimed their guns at her.

    "Put the fucking gun down, if you want to live." The man with the green bandana told her.

    Valky put it down on the ground and spoke up."Guilty. Please don't do it."

    "Guilty, you are better than this. Please don't do it." tntlee said to me.

    "Do it now!" Tobi snarled at me.

    I had the gun in my hand and I kept looking at tntlee. I turned to look at Valky and she seemed scared out of her mind. I turned to look at the two guys aiming their guns at her.

    tntlee spoke up again."Guilty, you don't have to do this."

    I gripped the gun, and slowly aimed towards his abdomen."You're wrong, tntlee... I have to do this." I said to him as I took the shot.*BANG*

    Valky gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.

    (?) xValkyx will remember that.

    "Good. Now finish him!" Tobi yelled out.

    I walked over to tntlee who was holding his stomach and bleeding out."...Ugh...Guilty..." He managed to say as blood was coming out of his mouth.

    I aimed the gun at his head."Forgive me..." *BANG*

    I took the final shot that ended his life...


  • Stop stealin my jokes you FUCK!!
    CornPopper posted: »

    I pee on the side of the toilet to pretend like i'm a ninja

  • Lol I read your bio and that shit cracked me up.
    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Stop stealin my jokes you FUCK!!

  • CHEESE! Cheese for everyone!!

    GuiltyKingOumaShu We were all still in the woods. We had been walking all night, It was finally morning and my feet were tired. I didn'

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