[Tobi waves over his henchmen revealing they captured WTW loved ones with guns pointed at their heads]
So what I see in this situation are two things. One if you surrender I will spare you and the others except one must die for your defiance. If you don't surrender everyone you care for will die. So what's it gonna be?
If anything happens to me or my people they will die, no more games.
[Tobi waves over his henchmen revealing they captured WTW loved ones with guns pointed at their heads]
So what I see in this situation ar… moree two things. One if you surrender I will spare you and the others except one must die for your defiance. If you don't surrender everyone you care for will die. So what's it gonna be?
If anything happens to me or my people they will die, no more games.
Oh so you surrender? If that's the case.... hmmmm [Tobi looks at the others to choose who to kill] Ah I know....
[Tobi walks over to AWES… moreOMEO and shoots him in the head] Okay a deal's a deal. Let's all go home. [Tobi's crew takes WTW group with them]
Sure! Go ahead and PM me tomorrow. I wont spoil what I want to do with your character, just yet. It is your character, so what you want to see out of him is up to you. I'll just try to get him down as accurately as I can.
No sweat! Yeah I made him complicated, I wanted him to feel a little 3-dimensional, more than Carver at least. Also I may have some more detail on the backstory and maybe my fate.
Sure! Go ahead and PM me tomorrow. I wont spoil what I want to do with your character, just yet. It is your character, so what you want to see out of him is up to you. I'll just try to get him down as accurately as I can.
What's that supposed to mean? >:(
I'm the moon of her life and she's my sun and stars, and after graduation we're running away to Argentina.
Oh, nothiiiinggg
yeah, sure. Whatever.
I will shoot the dick of Uncle Pete's unless I'm given the deets.
EDIT: Anybody? Eh? Eh? Ohhhh....... [goes back into hole]
Did you guys have some romance before I came along that I don't know about or something?
Sorry sir. Wait, but I have no weave!
The fuck is going on here?
[Tobi waves over his henchmen revealing they captured WTW loved ones with guns pointed at their heads]
So what I see in this situation are two things. One if you surrender I will spare you and the others except one must die for your defiance. If you don't surrender everyone you care for will die. So what's it gonna be?
If anything happens to me or my people they will die, no more games.
You can say that...............
I'm just joking, Rachelle. xD No. In fact, she's probably looking at this right now and be like "oh hell no!".
NO! NOT ANGEL! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
Kill me instead. Just let them go.
Oh, hey!
c r i e s
You made her cry. Now you must die. valar morghulis...
She'll get over it.
No I won't. =(
You're strong, Rache. You...you can do anything.
You're mean...
I was kidding!
Oh so you surrender? If that's the case.... hmmmm [Tobi looks at the others to choose who to kill] Ah I know....
[Tobi walks over to AWESOMEO and shoots him in the head] Okay a deal's a deal. Let's all go home. [Tobi's crew takes WTW group with them]
I'll forgive you if you say that NoncyFlippledorp loves me, and only me.
Cool! Hey when you got a second tomorrow can we talk about my character and his involvement? I got some ideas that could help the story.
"NoncyFlippledorp loves me, and only me."
(Non-Story Tobi: See? I know how to be VERY bad person. I've been playing as a villain in Drama class countless times.
I don't forgive you then.
Okay, okay. Sorry!
Noncy loves you and only you
Okay, I forgive you
Thank you! -opens arms- ?
Wow, that hurts
Sure! Go ahead and PM me tomorrow. I wont spoil what I want to do with your character, just yet. It is your character, so what you want to see out of him is up to you. I'll just try to get him down as accurately as I can.
Dashing through the no, in a one horse open no, over the fields we n-
sigh Fine. -hug-
I knew you'd do it! -huuuuuug-
No sweat! Yeah I made him complicated, I wanted him to feel a little 3-dimensional, more than Carver at least. Also I may have some more detail on the backstory and maybe my fate.
Now let go before someone sees. >.>
Just a few more seconds..............okay! -lets go-
You're just asking for someone to ship us together, dude.