This is Card Set 4 - Contains Carol, Lizzie, Tyreese, Carl, Larry and Mark.
Previous Card Sets - Contains Lee, Clem, Kenny, Carver, Luke,… more Lilly, Molly, Omid, Christa, Carley, Nate, Eddie, Rick, Philip, Shane, Daryl, Glenn, Michonne.
Thanks to the users Lee Evereet 333 and Hbh128 for requesting these characters.
Reminder: Feel free to request any characters you would like to see done from the TV Series or the game.
EDIT: Lizzie's card may be difficult to read, so to make it easier, right click on this photo. Then click "Open Image in New Tab". Then click on the image again to zoom in and it should be more clear. Sorry for that, I didn't intend for it to get that way.
Question: Does anybody know why the text in these pictures are always a little pixelated? Like it's readable, but you can easily see it's a little distorted. It isn't like this when I look at the image from my computer, the text is very clear. In case anybody knows, the quality just happens to decrease when I upload it online. Thanks.
This is Card Set 4 - Contains Carol, Lizzie, Tyreese, Carl, Larry and Mark.
Previous Card Sets - Contains Lee, Clem, Kenny, Carver, Luke,… more Lilly, Molly, Omid, Christa, Carley, Nate, Eddie, Rick, Philip, Shane, Daryl, Glenn, Michonne.
Thanks to the users Lee Evereet 333 and Hbh128 for requesting these characters.
Reminder: Feel free to request any characters you would like to see done from the TV Series or the game.
EDIT: Lizzie's card may be difficult to read, so to make it easier, right click on this photo. Then click "Open Image in New Tab". Then click on the image again to zoom in and it should be more clear. Sorry for that, I didn't intend for it to get that way.
Question: Does anybody know why the text in these pictures are always a little pixelated? Like it's readable, but you can easily see it's a little distorted. It isn't like this when I look at the image from my computer, the text is very clear. In case anybody knows, the quality just happens to decrease when I upload it online. Thanks.
This is Card Set 4 - Contains Carol, Lizzie, Tyreese, Carl, Larry and Mark.
Previous Card Sets - Contains Lee, Clem, Kenny, Carver, Luke,… more Lilly, Molly, Omid, Christa, Carley, Nate, Eddie, Rick, Philip, Shane, Daryl, Glenn, Michonne.
Thanks to the users Lee Evereet 333 and Hbh128 for requesting these characters.
Reminder: Feel free to request any characters you would like to see done from the TV Series or the game.
EDIT: Lizzie's card may be difficult to read, so to make it easier, right click on this photo. Then click "Open Image in New Tab". Then click on the image again to zoom in and it should be more clear. Sorry for that, I didn't intend for it to get that way.
Question: Does anybody know why the text in these pictures are always a little pixelated? Like it's readable, but you can easily see it's a little distorted. It isn't like this when I look at the image from my computer, the text is very clear. In case anybody knows, the quality just happens to decrease when I upload it online. Thanks.
Can you add Nick, Reggie, Merle, Pete, Sarita and Duck next?
One of Nick's abilities should be Vanilla Ice...
Vanilla Ice
Sing Vanilla Ice to distract your opponents for two hits, also restores 3HP can be used twice.
In my second play through, I did watch, but I think the overall reason I was like heartbroken to see that choice is because I have a niece around Clem's age and that would legit break my heart if she was in that situation, let alone if she actually chose to stat and watch
Hey, so...does anyone know when will Telltale Speech Extractor update with In Harm's Way shit? I mean, I can pull out these files right now, but they're not annotated, so it makes my parody job more difficult.
uncle pete PLS also give him the fuckin river as one of his abilities since ya know, uncle pete rules over all
Yes, in Season One, Andrea mentions that she misses her Vibrator. After that, Carol replies with "Me too".
It usually starts at 13 at the moustache area then the chin, I assume it spreads. I'm 15 in August also.
Can do, thought I'm gonna have to think of something real creative for that ability. I got this.
At first I thought Carver was his nickname because of his killing people or something.
I will always ask this question.
Ben: Yeah, I've been working out.
give your opponent instructions on where the fuckin' river is. enemy is distracted for 2 turns?
Ha, I love it!
Add Nick, Pete, Reggie, Alvin, Rebecca And Merle next...
One of Nick's abilities should be Vanilla Ice.
Vanilla Ice
Sing Ice Ice Baby, Heals 15HP
Can be used twice.
I tried to save your son but you kicked me off the farm.
Can you add Nick, Reggie, Merle, Pete, Sarita and Duck next?
One of Nick's abilities should be Vanilla Ice...
Vanilla Ice
Sing Vanilla Ice to distract your opponents for two hits, also restores 3HP can be used twice.
Well it just wouldn't be right to kick everyone else but not you off the farm, i thought you'd feel left out.
This caught me off guard xD I just laughed so loud that my whole family woke up and now my mom is mad at me xD
you know they did this twice?
Carver: Clementine! I am your mother!
You nailed, dude.
EDIT: You nailed it, dude.
Funny, that happened with that Rick guy in the comics, Right?
Good Guy Hershel!
They dig it when lee is fapping
In my second play through, I did watch, but I think the overall reason I was like heartbroken to see that choice is because I have a niece around Clem's age and that would legit break my heart if she was in that situation, let alone if she actually chose to stat and watch
Made me glad to watch his face getting smashed to a pulp
The Crooked Clem & her group of rejected personalities meet Bigby..
Omg Luke's head!
What's wrong with them?
This is Gold. It really is.
Yikes. Hellraiser Cenobites.
1:13 Who would threaten Clementine?!
"This isn't even my final form"
Mmm, so sexy.
Never not going to use this.
This thread is killing me.
Hey, so...does anyone know when will Telltale Speech Extractor update with In Harm's Way shit? I mean, I can pull out these files right now, but they're not annotated, so it makes my parody job more difficult.
Oh, right, i know this. You press Control and F simultaneously and then another key and it highlights the specific letter.
Umm, just wanted to share a photo of exercise in my English book.