Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • edited June 2014

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    Yeah poor Lee trying so hard to kill me and I keep on sneaking through the cracks one day Lee one day I promise you can kill me brutally xD

    Ha! you dodged a bullet on that one xD I didn't expect that decision to backfire that badly...although i did have that outcome in mind, but

  • You ain't seen nothing yet.

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    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Wow, that is A LOT of deaths!

  • edited June 2014

    But I want you to go out like a badass, lol. Not the brutal deaths. B]

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yeah poor Lee trying so hard to kill me and I keep on sneaking through the cracks one day Lee one day I promise you can kill me brutally xD

  • Alt text

    You ain't seen nothing yet.

  • edited June 2014

    lol Yeah I love it this my favorite thread to wind everyone up why so serious? I rather be killed in ways you mentioned it's even more badass I'm still alive

    Alt text

    With Joker decisions will never kill him I always have a trick up my sleeve ;)

    But I want you to go out like a badass, lol. Not the brutal deaths. B]

  • edited June 2014

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    Lol, alright I need to start this next part now, haha.

  • Dick, lol. Alright bro, I'll be waiting right here.

    Lol, alright I need to start this next part now, haha.

  • You would be willing to step on a LEGO?
    God bless your soul.

    Azlyn posted: »

    Awesome, thanks for inviting me to participate! 1.Me? I would say i hate myself quite a lot, but i am not blind to deny the simple fact t


    Fuck man, I'm going to read this whole thing in one sitting when school ends. I've never been this busy before.

    AllThatRemains (!) Have a house meeting. Confront RIch. Ask him what's going on. We were undecided on what we should do about the whol

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited June 2014

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    If your character lives. You really are jigsaw survive your game without being killed brutally and make it to ch 3 to win even when most decisions will kill me. BRING IT ON

  • Thank you for posting! I've been wondering,are there any choices where you were disappointed that we didn't choose something? Like you would have liked/thought it more interesting if we chose differently.

    Different Outcomes: First half of Ch.2 If you guys voted for Rafoli to kill CC in the beginning, they would have left the woods and conti

  • The tool store was such a hard decision for me, I didn't want you to die!. I feel better knowing that I chose a good option, but kinda bad because all three of you could have gotten out alive ;-;

    damn. i could have died like 50 times... dodged a crap load of bullets there.

  • No prob, ATR! B]

    The whole Rafoli,ATR and Valky part went as planned. I'll be honest about some of the new characters, like DLB, Kunny and CSB. I was sorta stumped on how to introduce them, since I'm really doing this from the top of my head. For certain characters, I already know what to do, but for others, I have to make something up and add some choices that hopefully, you guys choose the one I want you to choose. Some choices seem obvious, but then you get a completely different outcome, like the hunting shop scene. For that, I was actually hoping that everyone picked the department store. Also for the DLB part, I was hoping you guys chose to hop the gate in the beginning, lol. I had to change something and come up with the three shops scene. So yeah, there are some parts where you guys didn't pick what I wanted you guys to pick.

    Thank you for posting! I've been wondering,are there any choices where you were disappointed that we didn't choose something? Like you would have liked/thought it more interesting if we chose differently.

  • How dare Rich potentially have the chance to kill me.

    Different Outcomes: First half of Ch.2 If you guys voted for Rafoli to kill CC in the beginning, they would have left the woods and conti

  • Oh he dares, Noncy... he dares...

    How dare Rich potentially have the chance to kill me.

  • Anyone who touches my sun and stars is gonna wind up dead.

    How dare Rich potentially have the chance to kill me.

  • Well he's dead now, and hopefully Miss Noncy is on her way to meet her soulmate.

    Oh he dares, Noncy... he dares...

  • Why do you get to murder and I don't?

    Anyone who touches my sun and stars is gonna wind up dead.

  • Because Noncy....... I took a knight's vow to protect the innocent and defend the weak.

    Why do you get to murder and I don't?

  • Weak? Well, emotionally, I guess. Innocent? Sweetie, you know me better than that. ;)

    Because Noncy....... I took a knight's vow to protect the innocent and defend the weak.

  • edited June 2014

    Okay, okay... maybe not innocent. But you're a woman, and Welcome_to_Woodbury swears to protect women until the day she dies.

    Weak? Well, emotionally, I guess. Innocent? Sweetie, you know me better than that.

  • I am no woman. I am a bastard.

    Okay, okay... maybe not innocent. But you're a woman, and Welcome_to_Woodbury swears to protect women until the day she dies.

  • @Javoris767 You should join this story :D

  • I would love to, but this requires reading.. and I hate reading XD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @Javoris767 You should join this story

  • Just copy it and paste it on Google Translator and just click the sound button and you'll just hear it xD

    javoris767 posted: »

    I would love to, but this requires reading.. and I hate reading XD

  • Ah, I remember that now.

    Thanks dawg.

    Back on page 8 or something, I replied to WhatTheDuck with the different outcomes. If the students decided to leave early, they would have m

  • edited June 2014


    (!) Go check "The Spot."

    I was running through the woods. I remembered that Pro mentioned "The Spot." It was a certain location that we would all go to, just in case we got separated. It was where we usually went for fire arm practice, a big open field in the middle of the woods. I liked that place because WtW would let me run around with Angel and play fetch with a stick, while they practiced. If Bananas and my dad Randomz were somewhere out there, then it would have to be the spot. We all knew where it was and how to get there, I was running and making my way over to it. When I got there, I noticed quite a few walkers roaming the place. I was hiding behind a tree, peaking out. They were just standing there, I looked around, but I didn't see Bananas or Randomz. I figured they probably haven't arrived yet. I needed to get the walkers out of the area, so when they arrive, it will be clear and I'll be here waiting for them...

    1) Shoot a couple of them. Lead them my way and then run back, to the spot when I get some distance between them.

    2) Go up to them, start running around, dodging them. Lead them away and then come back.


    (!) The amusement park. There could be more places to hide, more items to find.

    "The amusement park. There could be more places to hide, more items to find." SweetPea told us.

    "Okay, let's go check it out, muthahumpas." WTD told us. We climbed down the pharmacy, and I helped WTD get down."Damn, my leg hurts like hell!." He yelled out while getting down.

    "Damn, bandits..." I said to him.

    I turned over to SweetPea who was looking sad. I walked over to her."Come on... we have to go."

    She started tearing up a bit."Why must we suffer like this?"

    "I don't know... it's how things are now." I said to her.

    She hugged me out of nowhere and started to cry more."Ah! Watch the shoulder."

    She moved back a bit and looked up at me."I'm sorry, I didn't mean it."

    I smiled at her."No, it's okay. Just caught me by surprise."

    "Aww yeah! You two are gonna bang, right? I'll join in on the fun." WTD said and came over to hug us both."Agh! My shoulder!" He yelled out as he did.

    Me and SweetPea started laughing."Did you forget that you were shot in the shoulder as well?" I asked him.

    WTD was walking around holding his shoulder."Damn... Ugh. Whatever, let's just go."

    We made our way over to the amusement park, once we reached it, the place was full of walkers. We ran behind a small tent, that had a baseball game set up.

    "So many of them..." SweetPea whispered to us.

    "We need to get around them. To the other side of the park." I replied.

    "We have two rifles, a crossbow and a shotgun." WTD said. He turned to us."You have the shotgun, AWESOMEO. I have the two rifles on my my back, and I'm holding the crossbow."

    "Which only has two bolts..." I told him.

    "Well, If we pick them off from a distance, I could make the bolts last. I'll just keep picking them up. With all those walkers out there, though. I'll need a distraction while I'm picking them up."

    SweetPea spoke up."Are you suggesting that we shoot our way over there?"

    "Yep... It's the only way. There's too many to try to go around." WTD told her.

    "I can sneak my way over there, distract them and you guys can head on to the back." I said to them.

    SweetPea looked over at me."No! After Mokonage and Raging... we can't have you risking your life. Plus, you were shot in the shoulder and were barely able to climb the pharmacy rooftop."

    I looked down and sighed."You're right... Damn it."

    "I can't run that far with my leg, either. We'll just shoot a few of them, and then go around them when we can." WTD told us.

    "Give me a rifle." SweetPea asked WTD.

    "What?! Are you serious?" He asked her.

    "Yes. PowerfulStache taught me how to shoot one. It's been a while, but I think I remember how to use it." SweetPea replied.

    WTD took a rifle out and handed it to her."Well, alright then. If you say so."

    "Okay, how should we do this?" I asked.

    "I'll shoot two of them first, with the crossbow. Then I'll start using the hunting rifle from this location. You run to the other side of us and use the shotgun on any of them that get too close." WTD told me.

    I checked the ammo."Shit... I only have two shots left."

    "Fuck!" WTD shouted.

    "Shh! Be quiet." SweetPea whispered.

    "Okay then. I'll take SweetPea with me to the other side. She can use the rifle from there. Hopefully the walkers won't know which direction to go to. I'll sneak around them and then cause a distraction." I told them.

    "Seems like it's the only choice we have right now." WTD agreed.

    "You don't have to." SweetPea told me.

    "No, I do. It's the only way we'll get past the walkers. We're only in the beginning of the amusement park. We have to get around them, and check the location for supplies before we leave."

    "Alright, you guys ready?" WTD asked.

    "Yes." SweetPea replied.

    "Let's do this." I said and cocked the shotgun.

    WTD turned and shot a bolt straight into a walkers head. As he was loading another one he turned to us."Remember, headshots only." He turned back around and shot another one."That's it. I'm going to use the rifle now, you two get your sweet little asses to the other side."

    Me and SweetPea nodded and started to run. The walkers took notice and started making their way towards us.

    BLAM! WTD fired the first shot. I looked over at SweetPea."Alright, shoot them!" BLAM! She fired and caught one in the head."Nice shot!" I told her.

    She smiled."It was nothing!" BLAM! She fired again.

    BLAM! WTD fired another shot."Start getting around them!" He yelled out to me.

    "Right. SweetPea hold them off, I'll start going around and try to kill the ones at the back."

    "Be careful." She told me.

    I got up and started running around the game tents. BLAM! BLAM! I kept hearing SweetPea and WTD firing their rifles. I climbed a tent and then jumped over a fence that was blocking the way. I got around and saw the walkers making their way towards the others. I ran up behind a walker and put the shotgun to it's head.POW! I ran up to another and did the same.POW! I blasted it's head off."That's all the ammo I have." I said to myself, I looked behind me and walkers in the distance were heading towards me. I looked in front of me and the walkers turned around and started making their way towards me as well."Now WTD and SweetPea!" I shouted to them, and started hitting the walkers with the butt of my shotgun.

    BLAM! BLAM! WTD and SweetPea were picking off the few walkers remaining and running towards me. Suddenly, a walker grabbed SweetPea by her ankle and she fell over. Her rifle slid into the small horde of walkers. "No!" I yelled out while looking back.

    WTD noticed and started to run towards her. A walker grabbed his back pack and started pulling him back. "Shit!" WTD yelled out and tried to shoot it."No ammo!" He yelled out. Another walker grabbed him and he was holding them back with the rifle.

    "AHH! Help me!" SweetPea yelled to us as more walkers were getting closer to her.

    I smashed a walkers head in, and then turned to look back at them. Suddenly time slowed down. I could hear my heart beating as the walkers were getting closer to my friends. I had a clear opening to either one of them. I looked behind me and more walkers were making their way towards us. I had to save them...

    1) Save SweetPeaClem.

    2) Save WhatTheDuck.

    3) Run away.


  • edited June 2014

    @LeeTheProfessional Can i join for Ch.3 ?

  • no




    Deceptio (!) Go check "The Spot." I was running through the woods. I remembered that Pro mentioned "The Spot." It was a certain locati

  • Jesus what even is this. What. I CAN'T DO THIS I CAN'T MAKE THIS CHOICE


    1) Shoot a couple of them. Lead them my way and then run back, to the spot when I get some distance between them.

    1) Save SweatPeaClem.


    Deceptio (!) Go check "The Spot." I was running through the woods. I remembered that Pro mentioned "The Spot." It was a certain locati

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014

    1) Shoot a couple of them. Lead them my way and then run back, to the spot when I get some distance between them.

    2) Save WhatTheDuck.

    I just want Shadow to meet WhatTheDuck SO BAD ;-; I'm sorry SweetPeaClem.

    Deceptio (!) Go check "The Spot." I was running through the woods. I remembered that Pro mentioned "The Spot." It was a certain locati

  • Deceptio: 2) Go up to them, start running around, dodging them. Lead them away and then come back.

    AWESOMEO: 1) Save SweetPeaClem. ... WTD, noo ;~; I bet this wouldn't have happened if we voted to go to the zoo instead, FUCK!

    Deceptio (!) Go check "The Spot." I was running through the woods. I remembered that Pro mentioned "The Spot." It was a certain locati

  • 1 and 1.

    Deceptio (!) Go check "The Spot." I was running through the woods. I remembered that Pro mentioned "The Spot." It was a certain locati

  • No man. You can't do this, it isn't fair........... I LOVE THEM BOTH, WHY DO YOU DO THIS???????

    sigh I'm so sorry WTD, but...... yeah.

    Deceptio: 1) Shoot a couple of them. Lead them my way and then run back, to the spot when I get some distance between them.
    AWESOMEO: 1) Save SweetPeaClem.

    Fuck, I hope he understands. SHIIIIIIITTTTT. y u do dis pro, now I'm too sad to sleep. T_T c r i e s

    Deceptio (!) Go check "The Spot." I was running through the woods. I remembered that Pro mentioned "The Spot." It was a certain locati

  • pats your head

    No man. You can't do this, it isn't fair........... I LOVE THEM BOTH, WHY DO YOU DO THIS??????? sigh I'm so sorry WTD, but...... yeah.

  • You've been waited for this, haven't you? >.>

    1 and 1.

  • I've been waiting for this moment for all my life. (oh looorrrddd)

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    You've been waited for this, haven't you? >.>


    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Deceptio: 2) Go up to them, start running around, dodging them. Lead them away and then come back. AWESOMEO: 1) Save SweetPeaClem. ... WTD, noo ;~; I bet this wouldn't have happened if we voted to go to the zoo instead, FUCK!

  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited June 2014

    1) Shoot a couple of them. Lead them my way and then run back, to the spot when I get some distance between them.

    1) Save SweatPeaClem.

    This one was hard :/

    Deceptio (!) Go check "The Spot." I was running through the woods. I remembered that Pro mentioned "The Spot." It was a certain locati

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