@Tyler_Durant Man, that seems like the type of music you'd hear when your being hunted and you never know when some psycho will get the jump on you. In my opinion, that is.
@Dark_Star Yeah, I think I'll trust Daryl with Clementine rather than Merle. Even though a crossbow hardly makes any noise, he still covers her ears. How nice. ^.^
Something happened. Some douchy shitbird (me) combined two universe together. That two shadow figure turned out to be; DARYL AND MERLE!!!
… more Daryl tried his best to teach Clementine some survival skills following Lee's footsteps. (You better follow them! Dick!)
Merle, on the other hand... eh... well... he did it I guess?
Am I the only one who gets discusted when I see fan art of Clem and Luke? I dont think they will ever have a romantic interest, I mean c'mon she's 11 ffs.. Luke is in his 20s. They're like brother and sister, nothing more. Luke will find someone his age and Clem will find someone her age. Its kinda like Daryl and Beth.
Back from my trip! ^-^ So that means more drawings on the way... but anywho here's this one:
In my extreme need to see Sarah alive again, I drew this. Just imagine her looking back at Clem, I will most likely cry of happiness when she returns despite my distaste for her after S2E1 came out :P
Am I the only one who gets discusted when I see fan art of Clem and Luke? I dont think they will ever have a romantic interest, I mean c'mon… more she's 11 ffs.. Luke is in his 20s. They're like brother and sister, nothing more. Luke will find someone his age and Clem will find someone her age. Its kinda like Daryl and Beth.
Fuck it. It's not going to show up for a few days, but I might as well post it any way.
Okay, I spent about 1h18m on it, I think it turned out semi-decent... i've been procrastinating for a month to make another speedart video and I finally committed 10pm-12pm for it, and i'm soooo tired now, but anywho, here ya go :P
--Posted 6/10/2014 and might not show up for a few days
Back from my trip! ^-^ So that means more drawings on the way... but anywho here's this one:
In my extreme need to see Sarah alive ag… moreain, I drew this. Just imagine her looking back at Clem, I will most likely cry of happiness when she returns despite my distaste for her after S2E1 came out :P
Everytime I post, it seems that it worked but when I refresh the page, my post vanish!And they post themselves alone some time later.
Is it normal? Am I being retarted? Can someone even see my post?
Might as well try to post a picture. Here you go:
Edit: Annnddd... It's not working, the hell?
I apologize in advance if I flood the thread with my posts appearing magically when they want.
Intense rage is going on in my head right now and it's not pretty.
But I think it was the last post I posted they won't magically appear now... At least I think.
Anyway, I really have issues. I see on my feed that some people answered my pointless comments ( ClementineWalker and WhatToWriteHere ) but I can't see their replies in the thread. So, uhhh... Yeah, weird.
I apologize again for all the fuss.
PS: I try one more time to post a picture
Edit: I am going to break something now, bye and sorry again.
Edit 2: By the way @clementinewalker, I am not the one who drew that comic but I am glad you liked it
And, @WhatToWriteHere, I posted pics and gifs all the time before and I never had a problem and then sudenly, that happens. So, the problem does not come from my part. I think I am bugging pretty bad
If someone wants to post those good comics ( because I can't obviously ), here are the links:
Wait a second... According the cutiemark, Lee gave Clementine Rainbow Dash's figure. But Dash is a pegasus... (don't even ask me how I know this) Where are her wings?
Something happened. Some douchy shitbird (me) combined two universe together. That two shadow figure turned out to be; DARYL AND MERLE!!!
Daryl tried his best to teach Clementine some survival skills following Lee's footsteps. (You better follow them! Dick!)
Merle, on the other hand... eh... well... he did it I guess?
Crossover anyone? Quick sketch of Bigby and Clem.
nate and molly kissing
I don't know how I feel about this..
Was gonna be my youtube banner but yea
That pic with Kenny and Kat is too damn adorable. I feel a feels rush coming....
My 2 favorite characters! If they are a couple in the game, I'd be mind blown.
@Tyler_Durant Man, that seems like the type of music you'd hear when your being hunted and you never know when some psycho will get the jump on you. In my opinion, that is.
@Dark_Star Yeah, I think I'll trust Daryl with Clementine rather than Merle. Even though a crossbow hardly makes any noise, he still covers her ears. How nice. ^.^
@JonGon That is my new background.
That's pretty awesome
Not sure if this is fanart but..
HEY JonGon, you were on the Blog page!
I'd like to request a fanart of Clementine as a Jedi, if anyone wants to do it.
Am I the only one who gets discusted when I see fan art of Clem and Luke? I dont think they will ever have a romantic interest, I mean c'mon she's 11 ffs.. Luke is in his 20s. They're like brother and sister, nothing more. Luke will find someone his age and Clem will find someone her age. Its kinda like Daryl and Beth.
I really like what you did with the shirt there. Water Colour?
Back from my trip! ^-^ So that means more drawings on the way... but anywho here's this one:
In my extreme need to see Sarah alive again, I drew this. Just imagine her looking back at Clem, I will most likely cry of happiness when she returns despite my distaste for her after S2E1 came out :P
Damn, it's still gonna be a while til' it posts again, huh?
someone posted it on my Facebook and I liked it a lot, just thought id share it here with you guys.
By me
I love this idea :O!!!
The entire forum hates Cluke, but they just don't seem to realize that some of these fan arts are intending it.
Fuck it. It's not going to show up for a few days, but I might as well post it any way.
Okay, I spent about 1h18m on it, I think it turned out semi-decent... i've been procrastinating for a month to make another speedart video and I finally committed 10pm-12pm for it, and i'm soooo tired now, but anywho, here ya go :P
--Posted 6/10/2014 and might not show up for a few days
Yay! You finally posted it!
I don't know if someone posted it already but anyway, feels are coming.
Glad it worked! It was a pain in the butt to post. I had to post every image one by one!
Double post.
I have huge issues to post things in this thread.
Everytime I post, it seems that it worked but when I refresh the page, my post vanish!And they post themselves alone some time later.
Is it normal? Am I being retarted? Can someone even see my post?
Might as well try to post a picture. Here you go:
Edit: Annnddd... It's not working, the hell?
I apologize in advance if I flood the thread with my posts appearing magically when they want.
I don't know how to fix this...
Edit: I am trying to post something again, cross your fingers with me.
Edit 2.0: ...I wish I could post a rage gif... If a mod sees this, please delete my useless post if you can please.
It seems that I just can post links:
Can someone confirm if they see that?
flips table
Not again!
I deeply apologize, please forgive me.
I really don't understand what is going on.
Intense rage is going on in my head right now and it's not pretty.
But I think it was the last post I posted they won't magically appear now... At least I think.
Anyway, I really have issues. I see on my feed that some people answered my pointless comments ( ClementineWalker and WhatToWriteHere ) but I can't see their replies in the thread. So, uhhh... Yeah, weird.
I apologize again for all the fuss.
PS: I try one more time to post a picture
Edit: I am going to break something now, bye and sorry again.
Edit 2: By the way @clementinewalker, I am not the one who drew that comic but I am glad you liked it
And, @WhatToWriteHere, I posted pics and gifs all the time before and I never had a problem and then sudenly, that happens. So, the problem does not come from my part. I think I am bugging pretty bad
If someone wants to post those good comics ( because I can't obviously ), here are the links:
http://jaemk2.tumblr.com/tagged/my art
http://jaemk2.tumblr.com/tagged/my comics
Nevermind, it wasn't the last one.
Edit: I have the impression that no one sees this apart from me. Am I talking alone?
If yes then, good job me! You talked to no one for nearly 2 hours! It's amazing, I am not even mad.
If not then, I am sorry for flooding the forum, it's not intentional.
Wait a second... According the cutiemark, Lee gave Clementine Rainbow Dash's figure. But Dash is a pegasus... (don't even ask me how I know this) Where are her wings?