Marccosta said that was a preview of things to come. I suggest not opening this thread if the last post is by him, and just let the mods sort that shit out.
Okey dokey, this one is just for fun, but meh... took me roughly 20 minutes, it's just a rough little sketch, I might come back to it like a year later and fix up it, but for now, this'll have to do. It's supposed to be Clem-Clem playing hide and go seek, which is much different than my average drawing- since I never do anything happy... But yet again, meh.
@Marccosta While the first image was fine (it's interesting to see an evil Clem), the second image was her laying on top of Spy in a position that is reminiscent of a sexual position. Whether it was or wasn't rule 34, we have to be vigilant considering the messed-up fucks who do post shit like that.
@Marccosta While the first image was fine (it's interesting to see an evil Clem), the second image was her laying on top of Spy in a positio… moren that is reminiscent of a sexual position. Whether it was or wasn't rule 34, we have to be vigilant considering the messed-up fucks who do post shit like that.
Kurusu is the master of feels. That Clem and Kenny hug pic just did it for me. I swear if Clem had broken down and bawled her eyes out in the game, I would have had to pause it and take 5 from having a feels overload.
That pic with Clem in the dress is so cute!
@marccost3 Dat's some dark shit bro. lmao!
The thread finally works?!
ooohhh kaaaaaaaaaay lmaooo
thats going to stay in my dreams for a bit.
Clementine needs to be alive until she looks like this.
It's not much,but its okay I guess
It doesn't have to end like this...
Tumblr Deviantart
Why does Clementine have boobs in the second drawing?
I think it's because she's older. Even though it's the same clothes. :P
Nice, Egarshan!
This is .... interesting....
Evil Clem for President 2016?
what kind of serial killer shit is that??????
"Goddamit, where the fuck is Luke?"
Eddie should be the turtle. "Duuuuuuuuude"
@fallandir i laughed way harder then i should have
@marccosta this is some rule34 shit here. GTFO with that.
Marccosta said that was a preview of things to come. I suggest not opening this thread if the last post is by him, and just let the mods sort that shit out.
We all remember Stephanie, right?
I Forgive You
Matthew and Walter traveling together
Matty and Walt
What about this charming guy:
Okay, I'm done.
Okey dokey, this one is just for fun, but meh... took me roughly 20 minutes, it's just a rough little sketch, I might come back to it like a year later and fix up it, but for now, this'll have to do. It's supposed to be Clem-Clem playing hide and go seek, which is much different than my average drawing- since I never do anything happy... But yet again, meh.
My new pic for the day:

Also why was my last post deleted? I wasn't giving a preview of rule 34. I'm not a pedoshit.
Just made this quick little sketch...
@Marccosta While the first image was fine (it's interesting to see an evil Clem), the second image was her laying on top of Spy in a position that is reminiscent of a sexual position. Whether it was or wasn't rule 34, we have to be vigilant considering the messed-up fucks who do post shit like that.
I understand. I just wish the first image could've stayed.
Kurusu is the master of feels. That Clem and Kenny hug pic just did it for me. I swear if Clem had broken down and bawled her eyes out in the game, I would have had to pause it and take 5 from having a feels overload.
That pic with Clem in the dress is so cute!
Drawing with mouse is a pain!
It not just coming out of his ass
Those are some nice nick and luke pictures... But that Carl/Clem one... Damnnnnn
This is the image I was giving a preview of before:

You see? Nothing to worry about.
Her face. It is freaking. Me out.