True do you notice there are no Playing Dead last time... I miss Gregs voice so I can scream of hate WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!!! Man he know he isn't loved
True do you notice there are no Playing Dead last time... I miss Gregs voice so I can scream of hate WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!!! Man he know he isn't loved
Hmm.... I don't know if i've already posted this here, because I made this before I joined the forums, but here it is anyway! :P
(DISCLAIMER: I'm not posting this because the video is funny by being intentionally funny, i'm posting it because I fucking sucked and still suck at making videos)
Clementine is 2 years younger than me and I'm 10 inches taller.
Rick was kinda lame and Walter was realy well done
It was expected of rick to be shitty
True do you notice there are no Playing Dead last time... I miss Gregs voice so I can scream of hate WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE!!! Man he know he isn't loved
Me too
What do you think of playing Clementine?
It's cool to see things from a child's perspective.Although I enjoyed playing with Lee more
Me to and Clem well ''I AM CLEMENTINE'' it doesn't feel like that it feels like younger Lee but than a girl
Clementine: "This choice is blank!"
Troy: "The fuck're you talkin' 'bout...?"
Love it LOL
wait is it rick crouch or shane's ?
That awkward moment when Andrea's hand can pass for Shane's hand... if I were her, i'd be offended.
Kenny even calls him Big Al.
Big Al

Lee and Kenny are similiar in height, there is no way Kenny is 6'3 or even 6'2
Yeah i got that while playing with the app. I chose the choice is blank
So, you mean no?
Is it just me, or did Luke get sexier?
XD Clem in the last frame is just hilarious
Devils Pitchfork illusion?
Ah, Flimsii. c:
Lee just pulled a Leatherface. XD
Jesus. This is terrifying.
I love it.
This is so brutal. Its so brutal that i dont even know what to say anymore...
In the attic Kenny is clearly taller. Same with when they are both standing over Duck when he's bitten. It's only by a little bit, but still.
...I still feel awful for laughing at this, yet can't stop.
Looks like Lee has watched Silence of the Lambs
No Juiceboxes allowed in Becca's shop.
Hearing clem say "Fucking cooperation" is kinda... off.
Trying to have an opinion on this forum.
Hmm.... I don't know if i've already posted this here, because I made this before I joined the forums, but here it is anyway! :P
(DISCLAIMER: I'm not posting this because the video is funny by being intentionally funny, i'm posting it because I fucking sucked and still suck at making videos)
Now lets laugh at how badly made my first video was ._.
(EDIT: I feel fucking stupid for not knowing how to post a video... help?) (EDIT 2: Thanks rigtail, fixed!)
I know that feel... every time I try to say something I usually get kicked in my non-existing balls. Just something to get used to :P
That shitbird Ben...