This picture is THEE most adorable picture in mankind's history of all pictures. I hope you eventually get rewarded for your awesome work and I hope it brings you so much success!
This picture is THEE most adorable picture in mankind's history of all pictures. I hope you eventually get rewarded for your awesome work and I hope it brings you so much success!
You have top notch self control then, because I wouldn't be able to keep myself from posting that picture.
Clementine gives the word dorky a new meaning, it is now holy to be a dork!
Last picture of that series
First picture again
Second picture again
Thrist picture again
Don't expect as many pictures the nex… moret few days. I am pretty busy learning for my final exam But I still have an awesome picture with Clem wearing glasses. I'll post that tomorrow
But there are of Kenny and Clem right? Does this mean we will eventually see Kenny and Clem hatless in the game? Or is it just because they decided to make the hats props or whatever for Kenny and Clem, but not for Nick (for some strange reason)?
Sorry... I just really want to see hatless Clem and Kenny in the game ;~;
I don't know about that. Hatless Clem was in Ep1 files. The Kenny one is in EP3. Probably a scrapped scene from when Carlos is patching him up. I mean, why would Carlos work on his eye without moving the hat out of the way
But there are of Kenny and Clem right? Does this mean we will eventually see Kenny and Clem hatless in the game? Or is it just because they … moredecided to make the hats props or whatever for Kenny and Clem, but not for Nick (for some strange reason)?
Sorry... I just really want to see hatless Clem and Kenny in the game ;~;
Fun fact: It was mentioned in the Unused Season Two Stuff Thread that Sam was meant to find Clementine's hat and she finds him and the hat. My guess is this is when she washes up on shore and they had planned for her to lose her hat and have Sam to find it. That's probably why the model is there!
I don't know about that. Hatless Clem was in Ep1 files. The Kenny one is in EP3. Probably a scrapped scene from when Carlos is patching him up. I mean, why would Carlos work on his eye without moving the hat out of the way
Sarah: Clem, please, let's both of us stop trying to justify this whole thing and admit you're in danger!
Clem: Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much walkers I kill a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop killing walkers? Our group goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Sarah. I am the danger. A guy turns around and gets bit and you think that of me? No. I am the one who bites!
Hey! I really like your work. My personal favourite so far is of Clem with her arms crossed and the defiant look on her face (and where it looks like someone is holding a lighter below her face). Do you have a version of that picture without the lighting? And if so, is it ok with you if I use it as my avatar?
I'm not sure if I get what you mean. Those two pictures use the same pose. Her face is a little differend on the "candle"-picture. Is that what you want a version with normal lighting from?
Hey! I really like your work. My personal favourite so far is of Clem with her arms crossed and the defiant look on her face (and where it l… moreooks like someone is holding a lighter below her face). Do you have a version of that picture without the lighting? And if so, is it ok with you if I use it as my avatar?
I'm not sure if I get what you mean. Those two pictures use the same pose. Her face is a little differend on the "candle"-picture. Is that what you want a version with normal lighting from?
I don't know about that. Hatless Clem was in Ep1 files. The Kenny one is in EP3. Probably a scrapped scene from when Carlos is patching him up. I mean, why would Carlos work on his eye without moving the hat out of the way
oh ok
Me testing out my new lighting
Also, I'll post another cool Clem pic later today. It'll be my new avatar
Your not the only one, I haven't watched breaking bad either
sweat dreams sweat dreams.... (laughs evil) HAHAHAHA
Dude.......not cool
My new avatar
I love this so much 
So cute!
OMG..she looks so adorable with glasses ^_^
you made her look like a teacher..xD
I love your work alot
THAT is exactly what I wanted
Although she looks more like a crazy teacher 
This is so freaking cute!!!!!!
Cuteness overload!
LOL..What do you think Clem will teach??
History of course
In honor of Lee's memory 
yeah right...RIP Lee
This picture is THEE most adorable picture in mankind's history of all pictures. I hope you eventually get rewarded for your awesome work and I hope it brings you so much success!
Lee: that's my girl...
Now imagine holding this picture back for 5 days
omg... she looks so cute
It would be criminal if that adorable picture were held back!
Our little dork Clementine
Well I did, I made this last weekend
"ClementineDorkSquad" nice. I actually named the png "dorky"
You have top notch self control then, because I wouldn't be able to keep myself from posting that picture.
Clementine gives the word dorky a new meaning, it is now holy to be a dork!
Yep, that picture certainly turned out much better than what I imagined
First picture of my next series
Kenny closing his eyes for a few moments. That can't be a good idea!
More like just closing his single eye... too soon? This is a very peaceful image, I'm sure it won't last.
Please do this man!! If you really do. I volunteer to treat the image in PS, add some elements and effects to the image if you want!
Why Jane!?? maybe she's aiming at some walker near Sarah. 0_0
But there are of Kenny and Clem right? Does this mean we will eventually see Kenny and Clem hatless in the game? Or is it just because they decided to make the hats props or whatever for Kenny and Clem, but not for Nick (for some strange reason)?
Sorry... I just really want to see hatless Clem and Kenny in the game ;~;
Clem! stop being so cute! arghh!!
She is so nicer without her hat!
Hold on Kenny!
Nope. She's aiming at Sarah.
I don't know about that. Hatless Clem was in Ep1 files. The Kenny one is in EP3. Probably a scrapped scene from when Carlos is patching him up. I mean, why would Carlos work on his eye without moving the hat out of the way
We'll see, won't we?
Fun fact: It was mentioned in the Unused Season Two Stuff Thread that Sam was meant to find Clementine's hat and she finds him and the hat. My guess is this is when she washes up on shore and they had planned for her to lose her hat and have Sam to find it. That's probably why the model is there!
Sarah: Clem, please, let's both of us stop trying to justify this whole thing and admit you're in danger!
Clem: Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much walkers I kill a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it. Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop killing walkers? Our group goes belly up. Disappears! It ceases to exist without me. No, you clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Sarah. I am the danger. A guy turns around and gets bit and you think that of me? No. I am the one who bites!
Janee! don't you dare!!!
Hey! I really like your work. My personal favourite so far is of Clem with her arms crossed and the defiant look on her face (and where it looks like someone is holding a lighter below her face). Do you have a version of that picture without the lighting? And if so, is it ok with you if I use it as my avatar?
You really haven't forgotten...

But really you're awesome, keep doing that and some day TTG or another company will see your potential, I'm sure of it...
I'm not sure if I get what you mean. Those two pictures use the same pose. Her face is a little differend on the "candle"-picture. Is that what you want a version with normal lighting from?
Sorry for not being too clear.
Yeah, if that's possible that'd be great
Damn, I just really want a hatless Clem dammit!!!!! DX