I have one more pic later, before I'll be gone for a few days.
And just to tease you: Apart from the badass pic I'll post early next week I have another really disturbing Clem pic. I'm really anxious for your reactions on that one, I think it'll be the first picture that'll get a number of down-votes
Last picture of this series
First Picture
Second Picture
Third Picture
Fourth Picture
Little devil!
I have one more … morepic later, before I'll be gone for a few days.
And just to tease you: Apart from the badass pic I'll post early next week I have another really disturbing Clem pic. I'm really anxious for your reactions on that one, I think it'll be the first picture that'll get a number of down-votes
Last picture of this series
First Picture
Second Picture
Third Picture
Fourth Picture
Little devil!
I have one more … morepic later, before I'll be gone for a few days.
And just to tease you: Apart from the badass pic I'll post early next week I have another really disturbing Clem pic. I'm really anxious for your reactions on that one, I think it'll be the first picture that'll get a number of down-votes
I don't think Nick is going to make it. Like Gunab said, Nick's hat can't come off. I think in episode 4 there is going to be a weird ritual to join Eddie's group ( Just like you see int he episode 4 thumbnail ). Kenny, Clem, and Nick are the only ones with a hat, and since only Kenny and Clem can take it off for the event, I think Nick is going to die early in episode 4.
Last picture of this series
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Second Picture
Third Picture
Fourth Picture
Little devil!
I have one more … morepic later, before I'll be gone for a few days.
And just to tease you: Apart from the badass pic I'll post early next week I have another really disturbing Clem pic. I'm really anxious for your reactions on that one, I think it'll be the first picture that'll get a number of down-votes
Last picture of this series
First Picture
Second Picture
Third Picture
Fourth Picture
Little devil!
I have one more … morepic later, before I'll be gone for a few days.
And just to tease you: Apart from the badass pic I'll post early next week I have another really disturbing Clem pic. I'm really anxious for your reactions on that one, I think it'll be the first picture that'll get a number of down-votes
I don't think Nick is going to make it. Like Gunab said, Nick's hat can't come off. I think in episode 4 there is going to be a weird ritual… more to join Eddie's group ( Just like you see int he episode 4 thumbnail ). Kenny, Clem, and Nick are the only ones with a hat, and since only Kenny and Clem can take it off for the event, I think Nick is going to die early in episode 4.
Last picture of this series
First Picture
Second Picture
Third Picture
Fourth Picture
Little devil!
I have one more … morepic later, before I'll be gone for a few days.
And just to tease you: Apart from the badass pic I'll post early next week I have another really disturbing Clem pic. I'm really anxious for your reactions on that one, I think it'll be the first picture that'll get a number of down-votes
Last picture of this series
First Picture
Second Picture
Third Picture
Fourth Picture
Little devil!
I have one more … morepic later, before I'll be gone for a few days.
And just to tease you: Apart from the badass pic I'll post early next week I have another really disturbing Clem pic. I'm really anxious for your reactions on that one, I think it'll be the first picture that'll get a number of down-votes
Last picture of this series
First Picture
Second Picture
Third Picture
Fourth Picture
Little devil!
I have one more … morepic later, before I'll be gone for a few days.
And just to tease you: Apart from the badass pic I'll post early next week I have another really disturbing Clem pic. I'm really anxious for your reactions on that one, I think it'll be the first picture that'll get a number of down-votes
I knew that the option in episode 1 to burn Lee's picture, Kenny's drawing or just the log was foreshadowing smth - it's letting go of the past...
Maybe all of them'll have to burn smth special.
For Clem - the hat her father gave, for the others smth else...
I don't think Nick is going to make it. Like Gunab said, Nick's hat can't come off. I think in episode 4 there is going to be a weird ritual… more to join Eddie's group ( Just like you see int he episode 4 thumbnail ). Kenny, Clem, and Nick are the only ones with a hat, and since only Kenny and Clem can take it off for the event, I think Nick is going to die early in episode 4.
I knew that the option in episode 1 to burn Lee's picture, Kenny's drawing or just the log was foreshadowing smth - it's letting go of the p… moreast...
Maybe all of them'll have to burn smth special.
For Clem - the hat her father gave, for the others smth else...
I knew that the option in episode 1 to burn Lee's picture, Kenny's drawing or just the log was foreshadowing smth - it's letting go of the p… moreast...
Maybe all of them'll have to burn smth special.
For Clem - the hat her father gave, for the others smth else...
It means that his presence in the game is up to the players. Whether or not you save determinant characters in earlier episodes, they all die eventually.
Last picture of this series
First Picture
Second Picture
Third Picture
Fourth Picture
Little devil!
I have one more … morepic later, before I'll be gone for a few days.
And just to tease you: Apart from the badass pic I'll post early next week I have another really disturbing Clem pic. I'm really anxious for your reactions on that one, I think it'll be the first picture that'll get a number of down-votes
So... last post for a while... I'll be away for a few days!
Maybe one of you will find the template for the pic I teased I don't know if I'll be back on Montag or Tuesday, we'll see
Clem wanted to wave goodbye to you guys
So... last post for a while... I'll be away for a few days!
Maybe one of you will find the template for the pic I teased I don't know if I'll be back on Montag or Tuesday, we'll see
Clem wanted to wave goodbye to you guys
Hey guys. just look at this picture I did this afternoon (took me about 3 hours to do it all). it was the user's request: ArthurMatrix. "Lee and Kenny having a beer together. Bonus: Clem drinking a juicebox with Them."
I decided to share here on Gunab's thread, so you could also see.
I'm a PC player. but i'm thinking seriously about buying a PS4 in the future to be able to play this game, and other exclusives of Sony. plus i'll have a Blu-Ray.
I'm a PC player. but i'm thinking seriously about buying a PS4 in the future to be able to play this game, and other exclusives of Sony. plus i'll have a Blu-Ray.
Hmm.. that sounds a bit creepy. I wouldn't wanna be kissed there, I bet that would hurt like hell!
woow!! that would be kinda gross..
Last picture of this series
First Picture
Second Picture
Third Picture
Fourth Picture
Little devil!
I have one more pic later, before I'll be gone for a few days.
And just to tease you: Apart from the badass pic I'll post early next week I have another really disturbing Clem pic. I'm really anxious for your reactions on that one, I think it'll be the first picture that'll get a number of down-votes
Too adorable!
Stap! :,DDD The cuteness overload is to powerful! (don't really stop)
I don't think Nick is going to make it. Like Gunab said, Nick's hat can't come off. I think in episode 4 there is going to be a weird ritual to join Eddie's group ( Just like you see int he episode 4 thumbnail ). Kenny, Clem, and Nick are the only ones with a hat, and since only Kenny and Clem can take it off for the event, I think Nick is going to die early in episode 4.
Kenny: Huh? What the? Who's there?!
Clem: Boo!
Kenny jumps out of his seat and turns around to see Clem giggling while holding his hat behind her.
Kenny: Damn it Clem you scared me! [touches the top of his head] Hold on where's my hat?
Clem giggles more as Kenny looks at her and he smiles as he approaches.
Kenny: Alright, give it here you little devil.
Clem: Okay, okay...
Clem hands him his hat back, he puts it on and then takes hers.
Clem: Hey!
Kenny: What goes around comes around.
Both smile and laugh as they chase each other around the camp area.
You know they could just make a hatless Nick-model, if they need one, right?
He is determinant. I doubt he will survive episode 4.
soooo cute
Clem! let the man have a little rest!
I'm glad you guys think that. I am actually not that happy with Clems expression, couldn't get it the way I wanted.
I knew that the option in episode 1 to burn Lee's picture, Kenny's drawing or just the log was foreshadowing smth - it's letting go of the past...
Maybe all of them'll have to burn smth special.
For Clem - the hat her father gave, for the others smth else...
If it comes to that, I would never let Clem to that!
Oh and Nick - his watch from Pete, if Clem stole it from the cabin...
It means that his presence in the game is up to the players. Whether or not you save determinant characters in earlier episodes, they all die eventually.
so soon that I already posted it
Just for the kicks of it I'm gonna tease the pic
I knew it. I freaking called it!
Oh gosh I can see it now. Clementine is about to hack a guys face up like Ellie did in The Last of Us
Never played The Last of Us. I only have a PC, so no, that's not it. I actually tried to recreate a very specific image from the comics.
Yep, it was quite obvious
I hope Clem threatens Jane with that thing for pointing a gun at my Sarah!
Really? I think it would be adorable. XD
Gunab, you should watch a playthrough of The Last Of us, it's a incredible game.
I'd rather not, because maybe someday I'll be able to play it on PC
Maybe it would. But right now in my head, it's not
So... last post for a while... I'll be away for a few days!
Maybe one of you will find the template for the pic I teased
I don't know if I'll be back on Montag or Tuesday, we'll see 
Clem wanted to wave goodbye to you guys
I highly doubt Sony will ever let that happen. Sorry
Edit: Honestly when has a Playstation exclusive ever come to PC?
Oh my gosh, cuteness overload!!
Lee voice: "That was cute"
Hey guys. just look at this picture I did this afternoon (took me about 3 hours to do it all). it was the user's request: ArthurMatrix. "Lee and Kenny having a beer together. Bonus: Clem drinking a juicebox with Them."
I decided to share here on Gunab's thread, so you could also see.
I'm a PC player. but i'm thinking seriously about buying a PS4 in the future to be able to play this game, and other exclusives of Sony. plus i'll have a Blu-Ray.
Its gonna be Clem hacking Lukes face isnt it !!!!
I found her expression very good.
Simple. but conveys what she was feeling.
If you have the money then go right ahead
http://youtu.be/3tR-TpmYjXM Just so you know this is this the scene I mentioned