Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • edited June 2014

    This better not bite me in the ass for being a nice guy >.>

    3) and 3)
    If I some people end up dying that's a real shame but it'll be better of in the long run

    Azlyn I hopped the fence, and crouched down on the grassy field. I turned to look back at Gary telling SweetPea and Awesomeo to leave. I

  • Plan C mother fuckers!

    That's the character the user named himself after, too. It's fucking hilarious to have her in the story. I would have died from laughter if

  • (I'm not even done, yo. ;3 )

    Shut up, Mark, you'll never be the man that i am. Er... Yeah, no, leave that. Your birth certificate must be an apology to the condom factory, brah, sorry. But all i saw until now is you yapping away, and no action. What bullet d'you wanna fire when there's no gun? Pssh. Amateur.

    (I'm just playing around, okay? :P )

    Markd4547 posted: »

    We will see NO you are on my team definitely O-O I never got challenged before like that your a perfect villain. Azlyn inferiority complex,

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    Does it look like I play games?

    You intimidate me with outdated and overused Jokes pshh I expected more. Lol you think I'd waste a bullet you offer no threat while you hide behind Gary in the shadows I let my actions do the talking. Azlyn join me I can make you more then cheesy puns and terrible jokes. I can make you the female Rambo

    (On this thread I'm always just like this the whole time lol say anything bring it)

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    Azlyn posted: »

    (I'm not even done, yo. ;3 ) Shut up, Mark, you'll never be the man that i am. Er... Yeah, no, leave that. Your birth certificate must be

  • 4) ???

    3) Gary, shoot the bearded man.

    Azlyn I hopped the fence, and crouched down on the grassy field. I turned to look back at Gary telling SweetPea and Awesomeo to leave. I

  • Yep!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Dr. Koks is one sarcastic bastard xD

  • Nah, you won't. 8)

    Heh, we'll see about that. I'll always have the last laugh. B]

  • 4) ???

    1) Nothing we can do. Come out from hiding and surrender.

    This reminds me of the Carver hostage situation. If we decide to shoot at anyone the consequences will be devastating.

    Azlyn I hopped the fence, and crouched down on the grassy field. I turned to look back at Gary telling SweetPea and Awesomeo to leave. I

  • I didn't think people would copy my move too, so in a way, we're both trendsetters !! :D

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    Honestly, when I put a basket on my head the first time, I never imagined people would actually start doing it too... but when people did, i

  • Hmm...looks like factions are finally clashing with each other, it shall be an all out war in the end....You did say I gave you an idea by telling you about Tobi's behavior during my sessions...I smell a lot of explosions and chaos for some reason...

    Markd's in a precarious situation, but I wonder if Tobi would really team up with him or dispatch him at the first chance he gets...I know that Markd's a bad guy but I kinda like his character for the sheer unpredictability of his persona. So I might try playing it safe with my vote on this one...although i'm strangely tempted to try the ??? option...Markd's inspired by the Joker, so coming up with something on a whims seems like something he would do, also for the thrill of the unpredictability factor.

    He also wouldn't kill Twistee, as they want to be villain bros again and I respect that choice, there are still chances that it might happen after all...

    Surrendering isn't an option in my opinion, would also be anticlimactic to just surrender to Tobi...i'd like to think that Markd's better than that...

    Using Twistee as an hostage and trying to escape MIGHT work, but I wouldn't count on it...not with all their guns being pointed at him...Tobi wouldn't care if the hostage died...

    So I vote for the unpredictability factor and hope that his character will live on to cause more chaos among both factions.

    4) ???

    Now unto Gary and Azlyn's point of view.

    So they see a man holding their friend hostage and another man interrogating them with his group. Shooting at Markd wouldn't be a good idea, we don't know if Gary's a good shot or not...For all we know he would kill Twistee instead and blame himself for the rest of the story while people look at him in disgust...

    Surrendering would once again be anticlimactic as they have the upper hand, no one knows that they are hiding there and if there's an opportunity to do something about it, they should do so and not hesitate.

    So I vote to take a shot at Tobi, I just hope Gary-Motherfucking-Oak won't miss this opportunity somehow...

    3) Gary, shoot the bearded man.

    Tobi's losing it and his becoming a complete psycho, maybe even worst than Carver...the fact that he has complete control over a community only complicates things...

    Azlyn I hopped the fence, and crouched down on the grassy field. I turned to look back at Gary telling SweetPea and Awesomeo to leave. I

  • Lol, damn it, SweetPea!

    Nah, you won't. 8)

  • "Plan C is to annihilate her."

    Plan C mother fuckers!

  • YOU changed your avatar.

    My God, the end is nigh! I can feel it!

    The baskethead resembles....... well..... I don't really know... o_O I guess I just felt like wearing a basket on my head that day. xD

  • edited June 2014

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    WHAT I wake up and no new story to read f**k my life :'(

  • I felt exactly the same ;____________;

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    WHAT I wake up and no new story to read f**k my life

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    WHAT I wake up and no new story to read f**k my life

  • Yeah... I was out all day, I was tired and when I came back, some stuff and thaaangs happened. Sorry guys.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    WHAT I wake up and no new story to read f**k my life




    CoolStoryBro (!) Maybe, we can all form a small group? Wanderer spoke up." Maybe, we can all form a small group?" "Hmm, I don't mi



    SweetPea (!) Let's go SweetPea. You heard what they said. No need to get involved. I was looking over at them, I was worried."Let's go


    MARK WILL...


    Azlyn I hopped the fence, and crouched down on the grassy field. I turned to look back at Gary telling SweetPea and Awesomeo to leave. I

  • Poor Tobi...................



  • Who is the bearded man?!?

  • Tobi.

    Who is the bearded man?!?

  • That would be your best friend Tobi, CiD. B]

    Who is the bearded man?!?

  • Figured. Best friend? I hate him -_____- (not in real life of course)

    That would be your best friend Tobi, CiD. B]

  • Lol, in the story you two were teachers and best friends. He helped you escape the school when the apocalypse hit. You're slowly starting to realize that he isn't the same person you knew before, though.

    Figured. Best friend? I hate him -_____- (not in real life of course)

  • I keep forgetting to read what happened already :( I'm so lazy

    Lol, in the story you two were teachers and best friends. He helped you escape the school when the apocalypse hit. You're slowly starting to realize that he isn't the same person you knew before, though.

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    WHAT FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK I like Tobi's his my favourite character his the bearded man NO NO NO!! his batman to my Joker. The perfect enemie AW HELL NAW

    That would be your best friend Tobi, CiD. B]

  • I'll be honest, I wanted you guys to choose the surrender options for both characters.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    WHAT FUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCK I like Tobi's his my favourite character his the bearded man NO NO NO!! his batman to my Joker. The perfect enemie AW HELL NAW

  • I know, it's a lot to read, bro. When I was putting it up on google docs, I re read it, and I was like damn... why did I type so many parts?! Lol, you'll just have to read it on a day where you're not doing anything, you don't even have to read all the chapters at once.

    I keep forgetting to read what happened already I'm so lazy

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    But I did that's it ??? means kill everyone >:'(

    I'll be honest, I wanted you guys to choose the surrender options for both characters.

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    But I did that's it ??? means kill everyone >:'(

  • edited June 2014

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    Oh F**K what are you going to do :'O

  • edited June 2014


    (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods.

    CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods."

    "Alright, then." I replied, and started moving forward.

    "Do you guys really think that the woods is the best option?" Wanderer asked.

    "Yeah, why not?" CSB replied.

    "Well, I've just never been through the woods before... will it be safe at night?" Wanderer asked him.

    "I can't say... I haven't stayed in the woods either, but from my experience, staying in towns or cities hasn't been a good idea." CSB explained.

    "I have to agree on that one. I was staying in the city before, I got my car stolen by a group of guys. I was just looking for some supplies at a random store. I looked out the display window for a quick second, and spotted them. The next thing I knew, I saw my car half way down the street, they had driven off with it. They hot wired it when the chaos was going on, I had my keys on me. Out of all the cars, they had to pick mine..." I said to them.

    "Well, at least you're still alive." Wanderer told me.

    "Yeah..." We made our way into the woods. It was still morning, and we were getting hungry. We stopped for a while and ate a few snacks. The first night in the woods was difficult. No one could sleep, so we just stayed up all night, talking about ourselves. After a few days, we got used to it. We took turns keeping watch, we never ran into any walkers. Seemed like this was the way to go, except for the part where we kept getting lost, and we had to share a small rabbit that barely filled any of us up. Weeks went by, and we got used to living out here. It was surprisingly peaceful, there was this one time, where we saw a large man with a trucker hat and jean vest running around with a gun, we avoided him, though. We had no idea where he was running off too, but it looked like he was in a hurry. We decided to follow the river, and see where it goes. I was hoping we would get out of the woods soon. This new life was getting annoying...


    We were all still working on building the greenhouse. Me, Valky, broken, AC and Sardines. Talimancer was keeping watch for the last three days. I was checking up on Guilty, informing him on everything. Today he was supposed to start working again. It was almost the afternoon, I was wondering why he hadn't shown up yet, maybe Tobi put him somewhere else, I wasn't sure."Alright, guys. You've been doing good so far. I like that, keep up the good work." Tali told us.

    "Thanks, Tali. You've explained to us, and taught us what we needed to know." I said to him.

    "No problem. You guys aren't too bad. As long as you get the work done, I don't care." Tali replied with a smile, and walked away.

    "What do you guys think about Tali?" Sardines asked us.

    "He's not such an asshole like the rest of the guards. He only gets annoyed when we slack around too much." Valky said to her.

    "Yeah... he's okay." Broken replied.

    "Maybe we can get him to help us escape?" I suggested.

    "What?! That's... that's risky." Valky told me.

    "I know it is, but think about it... with a guard on our side working as a double agent, we would know which guards are patrolling, and when to avoid them. Tali usually sits in the security room after guard duty, he checks the cameras, this could be very useful for us. He could even ask Tobi to rank one of us up, or tell him how good of a job we are doing."

    "I don't know, PAP. I agree with Valky, it seems risky." AC spoke up."We still need to wait for Guilty, and figure out a way to get to Rafoli."

    Broken looked down."Rafoli... damn. I wonder how he's doing." She said. I turned around, and watched as Tali was leaning on a wall.

    1) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community.

    2) Telling him our plan... what the fuck was I thinking?


    "That's right, get to fucking work, you piece of shit. Hahahaha!" Juice said to me as I was putting the wooden board up.

    "What an asshole." I mumbled. First I had to deal with Gustav's bullshit, and now this fucking guy? Three days in this hell hole, and I was ready to start killing all of these guards and blow this place up. It was driving me insane! I could see the group working on building a greenhouse in the distance. I was hoping that they could start planning something today, since Guilty was supposed to start working.

    "Three days, and you're not even half way done." Juice told me.

    "Well maybe if I had some help, we could get this shit done." I replied.

    "Heh, help? You want help?! Don't make me laugh, Rafoli. Tobi will make you work to the bone, or until you die. Either way, he doesn't give a shit."

    "How does he expect me to finish this wall if I'm doing this all by myself? This will take forever."

    "That's not my problem. I'm just guarding you, heh." He said with a smirk. I was starting to lose my patience. I was hoping I would get out of this place soon...


    After three weeks of searching for Sardines and Joe, me and the group were having no luck in finding them. I suggested that I leave on a search to find them myself. They were hesitant, but finally agreed to let me go on my own. Hell, I wasn't even sure if I was going to be able to find them anymore. I wasn't even sure if they were even alive out there. I just needed some closure. I needed to be sure. I was walking through the woods, somewhere we never checked before. I honestly had no idea where I was, or how I was going to find them. I sighed."Where are you guys?..." I said to myself. As I was walking, I noticed some tire tracks on the dirt road. I examined them, and realized that they went down a small hill. I walked over, and followed the tracks."Holy shit!" I said when I spotted a young lady who resembled Sardines.

    "Is that... it has to be her. Where's Joe?" I said while looking around. I saw a warehouse that had guards with machine gun rifles."What the hell is this place?" I was hiding behind a tree, I could see someone holding a gun, standing next to the female who looked like Sardines, and a few other people. I saw a man working by himself, building a fence. I could see several cars and trucks parked outside, with some guards walking around, and a few on the rooftop. I couldn't really see much more, but I was thinking that maybe Sardines might have been captured by these people."If that's Sardines, then Joe has to be in there somewhere..." I had the M4 that Pro gave me earlier, the guards had no idea I was out here. I had to do something, the female looked like Sardines from a distance. I was almost certain it was her.

    1) Start shooting and moving up.

    2) Wait until nighttime. Try to sneak in there.

    3) Go back to the group. Tell them what I found.

    4) Leave. Maybe I'm seeing things. I have to keep looking.


  • 2) Telling him our plan... what the fuck was I thinking?

    2) Wait until nighttime. Try to sneak in there.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • 1) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community.

    2) Wait until nighttime. Try to sneak in there.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014

    1) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community. ( We're not asking him if he let us escape )

    3) Go back to the group. Tell them what I found. ( Good thing the group is still there, maybe my character can finally meet TWDFan and WTW! )

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • 1) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community.

    3) Go back to the group. Tell them what I found.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • 1) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community.

    3) Go back to the group. Tell them what I found.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • 1) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community.

    Can't take any chances trust no one

    1) Start shooting and moving up.

    AW HELL YEAH let this shit go down you f**king cockaroach

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    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

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