There arent any dislike trolls. Those are people who disapprove of Cluke. Notice how all the dislikes are on anything regarding Cluke and ba… morerely any on the content that doesn't have Cluke involved. I dont see alot of dislikes on the other pics.
PS: You complain about dislikes, you get dislikes.
People are going to hate me for this but... I have a request if you ever want to do it. You know how you did a picture of Clem being stabbed… more? What about an 'after' picture to that, with her head resting in Luke's (or Kenny's) lap as he strokes her hair and sings to her as she dies? Or something like that? ;_;
Your request is completed! I hope you enjoy the result. This image also comes with a "Space-time Easter Egg". I will not say what it is, you will have to find on your own, but I think it is pretty easy to find. : D
Right now I can't do NOTHING -.- I updated my display-driver...
And suddenly the new displaydriver says that GLSL Version 150 does not support explicit locations. Which it should, because they are part of version 130... sigh So... no GLSL shaders, no programm. Need to fix this before i can do anything.
Hey Gunab I have one very cute idea with Clem and Sarah...
Can you make them chasing the moth from episode 3, outside the cabin, it'll be very cute scene....
Well, thanks for giving the the URL those posts. I'll report them to google and have them deleted.
Also, I am using this post so the google-employee, who is checking my complaint, can verify that I am the autor of those pictures and that it was me who sent the complaint
Hahahaha! I feel honored and I thank you for the request. was fun and interesting to do. and the "easter egg" was an unexpected surprise happened when I was searching for environments on the internet.
This... is this real? slaps himself Oh... my... god... OHOOOHOOOOHOOOOOHHIIIEEEEAAAAA... claps and cries Thank you so... so much! I'm so hap… morepy right now! You have no idea. I'm... speechless right now... seriously! Keep it up @Clem_Everett You have a fan right now.
Note: Yeah, I saw the "Space - Time" reference. Good one
It's better if we just ignore Lexi. If we "challenge" her then she'll come after us. I don't want the off chance that someone else will get the same messages I got from her...
It's better if we just ignore Lexi. If we "challenge" her then she'll come after us. I don't want the off chance that someone else will get the same messages I got from her...
One time someone will unlock the engine and make their own season and their own episodes with their own storyline I swear xD IT'S HAPPENING ALREADY LOOK AT DEM PICS PEOPLE!
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be on the run with Clem? Then this may be as close as you ever going to get
Keep your grip around her wrist, so you always know where she is and that you don't have to be concerned whether she is keeping up with you! I honestly believe this is how Christa would do it!
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be on the run with Clem? Then this may be as close as you ever going to get
Keep your grip … morearound her wrist, so you always know where she is and that you don't have to be concerned whether she is keeping up with you! I honestly believe this is how Christa would do it!
If Christa were to run though wouldn't she end up dragging Clem across the ground LOL, Clem's little legs wouldn't be able to keep up if Christa ran too fast, it would be like this:
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be on the run with Clem? Then this may be as close as you ever going to get
Keep your grip … morearound her wrist, so you always know where she is and that you don't have to be concerned whether she is keeping up with you! I honestly believe this is how Christa would do it!
If Christa were to run though wouldn't she end up dragging Clem across the ground LOL, Clem's little legs wouldn't be able to keep up if Christa ran too fast, it would be like this:
I have faith in you! No matter what all your pictures always look adorable, you're very talented, I don't think you could mess a picture up even if you tried!
I have faith in you! No matter what all your pictures always look adorable, you're very talented, I don't think you could mess a picture up even if you tried!
I wanted to continue working on the cabin. But Clem just wasn't there. Eventually I found her upstairs jumping on the bed.That girl sometimes... gonna have to talk with her about this...
This pic could really use some motion-blur
I don't think we ever saw the wall on the right in the game. Telltale even decorated it Now, try to find the correct texture for something you didn't even see!
I have THE most adorable pic about what would happen if you got angry with her for jumping on the bed... It'll melt your hearts! Gonna post it tomorrow.
I wanted to continue working on the cabin. But Clem just wasn't there. Eventually I found her upstairs jumping on the bed.That girl sometime… mores... gonna have to talk with her about this...
This pic could really use some motion-blur
I don't think we ever saw the wall on the right in the game. Telltale even decorated it Now, try to find the correct texture for something you didn't even see!
I have THE most adorable pic about what would happen if you got angry with her for jumping on the bed... It'll melt your hearts! Gonna post it tomorrow.
It's not fine with the mods. You can't insult trolls, apparently. Many good people are already gone for doing so.
Banned, I mean. They're still alive, I think.
what the hell is wrong with people. two people want some pedo shit??? the bitch in Spanish too
Hmm... I disapprove of Cluke, too, but that doesn't mean they can't be close as friends
I hope that's true!
You should go look in the FanArt-Thread. There is already something exactly like that
I soooo need an instagram-account... It is instagram, right?
Or I just get it deleted...
I can't find that picture anywhere. I need a link.
Somewhere on the last 5 pages.
You can just PM me
Ha ha dat easter egg! Good job bro!
Hey Gunab I have one very cute idea with Clem and Sarah...
Can you make them chasing the moth from episode 3, outside the cabin, it'll be very cute scene....
Right now I can't do NOTHING -.- I updated my display-driver...
And suddenly the new displaydriver says that GLSL Version 150 does not support explicit locations. Which it should, because they are part of version 130... sigh So... no GLSL shaders, no programm. Need to fix this before i can do anything.
But yea, I'll keep that in mind.
Well, thanks for giving the the URL those posts. I'll report them to google and have them deleted.
Also, I am using this post so the google-employee, who is checking my complaint, can verify that I am the autor of those pictures and that it was me who sent the complaint
Edit: Aaaand, the complaint is sent!
Hahahaha! I feel honored and I thank you for the request. was fun and interesting to do. and the "easter egg" was an unexpected surprise happened when I was searching for environments on the internet.
Glad you liked it dude! : D
Yeah, I got that too. Just block her on youtube or something.
Thanks! ^_^
It's better if we just ignore Lexi. If we "challenge" her then she'll come after us. I don't want the off chance that someone else will get the same messages I got from her...
I trust the Mods here completely to keep us save
Last angle of this scene
There will be pics that continue this scene!
One time someone will unlock the engine and make their own season and their own episodes with their own storyline I swear xD IT'S HAPPENING ALREADY LOOK AT DEM PICS PEOPLE!
Yeah, they did a fine job of keeping that cun...ning little skunk away.
Did you ever wonder what it would be like to be on the run with Clem? Then this may be as close as you ever going to get
Keep your grip around her wrist, so you always know where she is and that you don't have to be concerned whether she is keeping up with you! I honestly believe this is how Christa would do it!
I'm guessing that's Christa
Yeah, but none of us are safe on youtube. She harassed me for a while on that lovely site, but I admit I was wrong for responding as well.
If Christa were to run though wouldn't she end up dragging Clem across the ground LOL, Clem's little legs wouldn't be able to keep up if Christa ran too fast, it would be like this:
AS long as it keeps Clem save, I wouldn't mind if Christa dragged her around a bit
It would be cute wouldn't it! As long as Clem doesn't get rug burn on her tummy, more like ground burn.
Is that a challenge?
I have an idea, but I'm not sure, if I can make her look cute in that
I have faith in you! No matter what all your pictures always look adorable, you're very talented, I don't think you could mess a picture up even if you tried!
Its can call that cunt Lexi a cunt
It's not fine with the mods. You can't insult trolls, apparently. Many good people are already gone for doing so.
Banned, I mean. They're still alive, I think.
I'll do my best!
I wanted to continue working on the cabin. But Clem just wasn't there. Eventually I found her upstairs jumping on the bed.That girl sometimes... gonna have to talk with her about this...
This pic could really use some motion-blur
I don't think we ever saw the wall on the right in the game. Telltale even decorated it
Now, try to find the correct texture for something you didn't even see!
I have THE most adorable pic about what would happen if you got angry with her for jumping on the bed... It'll melt your hearts! Gonna post it tomorrow.
OH MY GOD, this is precious! this already melted my heart, the one you post tomorrow is going to turn my heart into soup!
Oops I commented on the double post of this, sorry XD
Yea, don't know that happended there. The forum told me that "post submission failed", but apparently it still posted it
For what i say its worth it really.