Forum Of The Dead (Story Is Finished!)



  • 1) ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community

    3) tell the group what i found.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • Alt text

    Watch your step Gary :)

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    1) ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community 3) tell the group what i found.

  • PostApocalypticPaul: 1) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community. (allies are important).

    SaltLick305: 3) Go back to the group. Tell them what I found.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • edited June 2014

    I don't know if it's even possible to catch up on this. Work has killed my soul.

    All I know is that I'm dead lol

  • Belan... we miss you. Hey, man. The whole story is on google docs!

    It's a lot of parts, I know, lol. The story will always be there, though. So don't worry. B]

    Belan posted: »

    I don't know if it's even possible to catch up on this. Work has killed my soul. All I know is that I'm dead lol

  • Oh sweet, that's a lot easier than digging through this thread. Thanks man.

    Belan... we miss you. Hey, man. The whole story is on google docs! It's a lot of parts, I know, lol. The story will always be there, though. So don't worry. B]

  • 2) Telling him our plan... what the fuck was I thinking?

    No no no, I don't want to risk it ): Who's to say he won't just turn us in??

    3) Go back to the group. Tell them what I found.

    He can always sneak in later, it's best to see if the group wants to help out first.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • 1) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community.

    2) Wait until nighttime. Try to sneak in there.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • 2) Telling him our plan... what the fuck was I thinking?

    2) Wait until nighttime. Try to sneak in there

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • edited June 2014

    PostApocalypticPaul: 1) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community. ...I actually want to know what he thinks

    SaltLick305: 3) Go back to the group. Tell them what I found.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • 2) Telling him our plan... what the fuck was I thinking? - Technically, just asking him what he thought of Tobi and his community wouldn't be too risky, since it would be a subtle question without implying anything, but is not a given that he won't turn us in.

    3) Go back to the group. Tell them what I found. - Now that sounds more like it. An outside group helping the prisoners escape. That's far better than risking everything by involving too many people, who might turn out to be potential traitors.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • 1) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community.

    4) Leave. Maybe I'm seeing things. I have to keep looking.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • edited June 2014

    1) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community.

    2) Wait until nighttime. Try to sneak in there.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • ...Am I dead yet?
    Within the story I mean.

  • edited June 2014

    Off course I get my freaking car stolen in a zombie apocalypse...what is it with people and stealing my bloody cars !!? Can't even catch a break in a fictitious story !! XD

    Hopefully I can use my now useless keys to stab someone in the neck if I ever lose my trusty knife....I hope you'll also mention the fact that I always carry a multi-tool with me, that thing is useful as hell in real life :P

    Looks like going into the woods wasn't such a bad idea after all, I sure felt better when you told me my group wouldn't run into the horde again.
    Also, nicee nod to the guy in the trucker hat and jean vest that almost killed Noncy. Was he ever going to be a named character or just a random bandit ? He died without being given a proper name I do believe...

    Oh and I know where the fucking river is !! Lets just follow it , I just don't think we're completely out of the woods yet....literally and figuratively speaking...

    Alright unto the decisions.

    The first one isn't really too complicated, there's only two choices after all. The only thing that might complicate things is if asking him about his thought on the community and Tobi will lead to them telling him about their escape plans. It's not really clear, but if all they do is assure themselves that he's trustworthy I don't see why not, it could also give us more hindsight about the community as a whole.

    No-brainer for me, I vote:

    1) Let's ask him what he thinks about Tobi and his community.

    The next one isn't really complicated for me either, the smart decision would be to go back to his group and tell them about Tobi's community.

    Staying here by himself isn't safe and charging in and shooting randomly is the dumbest thing one could do, if you guys vote for that choice i'll be disappointed in your judgement....

    Sneaking in there is simply pointless, they're already planning to escape in there, why complicate things and take the risk to be captured also, without proper planning and without backup, Saltick's attempt is bound to fail miserably. What is he Solid Snake or something?

    The smartest thing to do is go back to Pro and his group and tell them about what he found so they can investigate it and come up with something better than a lonewolf mission, that's suicide.

    Another no-brainer for me :

    3) Go back to the group. Tell them what I found.

    They're all waiting for him at their hideout, if he were to be captured or killed, them waiting for him and risking their lives would've been pointless. Sneaking in there really isn't an option.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • You're very very dead, sorry buddy :/

    PaulKenneth posted: »

    ...Am I dead yet? Within the story I mean.

  • Am I dead yet?
    Within the story I mean.

  • Ah, that's alright.
    Peace everyone.

    You're very very dead, sorry buddy

  • 2) Telling him our plan... what the fuck was I thinking?

    Just because he isn't a dick doesn't make him trustworthy

    3) Go back to the group. Tell them what I found.

    PasswordSuck (!) Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods. CSB was looking around."Come on, guys. Let's head into the woods." "Alri

  • It's nice to be the only character that isn't always in mortal danger.

  • Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Watch your step Gary

  • edited June 2014


    After leaving Gary and Azlyn behind, I was wondering if they were okay. Me and Awesomeo kept walking down the road, to who knows where. I wishing I was just back at my farm, relaxing and taking care of Betsy, like in the good old days. Everything had gone to shit, and I realized that this world was full of evil people. The one time we found decent human beings, Awesomeo decides to leave them behind. He's been my friend for a long time, and I didn't want to abandon him, but we probably just missed a big opportunity. We avoided the city, and decided to try the woods this time."What do you think happened with Gary and Azlyn's group?" I asked.

    Awesomeo's eyes widened, and he looked down."I don't know. I hope they're okay."

    "Yeah... maybe." I replied.

    "Are you... mad? At me, I mean." He asked.

    "No. Why would I be mad?"

    "Hmm, just asking..." He told me. We found a spot to camp in, and decided to try to go to sleep. Awesomeo said he would keep a watch out for the night, so I gave him the rifle. It only had three shots left, and we had no more ammo. I was hoping we wouldn't have to use it."Night." He said as I was getting ready to go to sleep.

    "Night, Awesomeo. Wake me up if there's anything dangerous." It felt weird trying to go to sleep without WTD, Raging and Mokonage around. They usually made jokes before going to sleep, and everyone just had a good time. It was like we ignored the walkers and just focused on keeping each other happy. I took out the apple that Mokonage gave me, some people believe that an apple represents immortality, but with everything that has been happening lately, I was hoping that we would at least get through this...


    (!) Hmm, interesting. Well Shadow, I think we can get along. I'll do what Tobi says, for now.

    "Hmm, interesting. Well Shadow, I think we can get along. I'll do what Tobi says, for now." I said with a smirk.

    "Uh... okay." He said with a confused look.

    "I heard about your father. You do realize that Rafoli wouldn't have done that if he knew that ClementineCultist had a son, right?"

    "Fuck Rafoli..." Shadow looked angry, and then looked down at the table."How do you even know about that?"

    "You think Tobi is the only one that knows things around here? Get real, kid. If you were with me, you would know what's going on as well. Why don't you just give Rafoli a break? He feels really bad about what happened to CC."

    Shadow started getting teary eyed."It's not easy to forgive him..."

    "Trust me, man. He doesn't want you to hate him, he just wants you to accept his apology, and try to forget about what happened."

    Shadow wiped his eyes, and sighed."I...I'll--"

    He was interrupted when we heard the door open behind us."Lunch is over, guys. Get back in here." Ever said to us. We stood up, and cleared the table. We started walking over, and made our way inside the warehouse. Ever got back on the forklift."This time I'll show you how to pick up some pallets with this thing." She said to us.

    We practiced a bit, and got the hang of driving the forklift around. We were watching as Ever was placing a pallet filled with canned food up on the third shelf."So... do you really think Tobi is crazy?" I asked Shadow.

    "Three days ago, I was in his office. I watched as he killed a man, and bashed his face in with a hammer. It was brutal... I wish I never stumbled upon this place." Shadow replied. He looked at me."Now, I find out that he almost beat you to death... damn."

    "Yeah... but he put you with me for a reason. Don't worry about me, this is nothing. You have to learn to be tough. No matter what happens, just keep fighting back." I told him.

    "Tobi said that you and him have been arguing ever since you first got here. He also told me that you remind him of himself when he was younger. Maybe that's why he wanted me to go with you."

    "Heh, that psycho said that? He also said that you need to keep an eye on me." I said to him, and then crossed my arms."C'mon, Shadow. Is there anything else he told you?"

    "Nah, just to keep an eye on you. I asked him why, but he just said not to question him."

    I didn't trust this kid, nor was I willing to jeopardize our escape plan with a potential spy amongst us. I wasn't going to let him in on it. I was just going to play along, and act like his friend. I was going to try to get him to like the rest of the group, especially Rafoli. I needed to make use of Shadow, I needed him to trust us more than he did Tobi. Maybe he was our only chance on giving us any information on what Tobi might be planning."Are you afraid of what he might do, if he thinks you're lying to him?" I asked.

    "What do you mean?"

    "Like how you're supposed to keep an eye on me. What if he asks you something about me, and he thinks you're lying."

    "I'll just tell him that nothing happened. You were with me like he wanted, and that's the truth."

    "Hmm. No, Shadow. You have to look Tobi straight in the eyes. You have to convince him that you're telling the truth. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. Make sure Tobi knows who he's dealing with." I replied.

    "What if he tries to kill me? Tobi isn't the nicest guy out there..." Shadow said with a worried look.

    "just don't show any fear. Man the fuck up, Shadow. Tobi is an asshole, but he likes it when people aren't weak cowards. He'll respect you, and probably believe you. Just remember what I said." I told Shadow as Ever was making her way back.

    "Alright, you two. One of you needs to drive the forklift, while the other stands on the pallet and stacks the canned food boxes neatly beside each other." She told us.

    "I'll drive. Shadow can stand on the pallet."

    "Good. Now don't fuck up." She said.

    We made our way over, and I got in the forklift. Shadow stood on top of the pallet with the canned food boxes, and I started lifted him up with the forklift."Almost there... okay, stop!" He said as he was up. He started placing the boxes neatly next to each other. After a few minutes, we were finally done. I started to bring Shadow down."Okay. That wasn't so hard." He said to me.

    "Good job. I'll take the forklift, and bring some more pallets with food on them." Ever said and made her way over.

    She took the forklift and left with it."So what do we do now, besides waiting?" Shadow asked.

    "Hey, guys. I'm here to help." I heard an unfamiliar voice.

    I turned around and spotted a guy I've never seen before. He was wearing a white button up shirt, with suit pants."Who the hell are you?"

    "ShaleReeve. Tobi asked me to help you guys, once I was done cleaning the front.."

    So this was ShaleReeve."Oh, you must be the new guy." I said to him.

    "Yeah, I guess so. Tobi had me interviewing a few people when I got here."

    "Yeah... so you're just here to help us?"

    "Yep. You must be Guilty, correct?" He asked me.

    "Yeah, and this is Shadow. We're just waiting on Ever to return."

    "Ah, I see. Hey uh, is Tobi a good leader? I just got here, but I feel like a prisoner in this place." He said to me.

    "I've had my problems with him. See my face? He did that."

    "Oh... I see." He turned to Shadow."What do you think about Tobi?"

    "He's kinda crazy." Shadow replied.

    Shale turned to look around."I think he's kinda crazy as well... I'm still new here, but I can tell him and his guards aren't the nicest people. There's a few people here that seem trustworthy, I'm looking for a few people here that will have my back, if anything happens."

    "What do you mean, Shale?" Shadow asked.

    "I think I know of a way out of here. Tobi is gone at the moment, I saw them take a few vehicles with them, one that caught my attention was a cargo truck, we can fit some people in the back. I spotted an armory outside as well. It's locked down tight, and with the guards on the roof, and a few of them outside it'll be difficult to get to, but I just need some people to help me out."

    "Really?..." Shit. This guy was thinking of an escape as well, but with Shadow around, I didn't know if I should tell him about our plan. I just met the guy, and I didn't know whether to believe him. Not only that, but he just let Shadow know about his escape plan. Tobi asked him to come help us? Was this guy supposed to "keep an eye" on me as well? I needed to say something before Ever returned. I raised my eyebrow, and looked at him...

    1) I'm planning an escape, too. We could use an extra hand.

    2) Well, that's nice and all, but I don't care.

    3) Shadow, can you go check on Ever. She's talking too long. (Only tell Shale about our escape plan)


  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited June 2014

    2) That's nice and all, but I don't care

    Guys! Look at Guilty's comment!

    SweetPeaClem After leaving Gary and Azlyn behind, I was wondering if they were okay. Me and Awesomeo kept walking down the road, to who k

  • Like I said before, I still think Shadow is trustworthy.

    GuiltyKingOumaShu: 1) I'm planning an escape, too. We could use an extra hand.

    SweetPeaClem After leaving Gary and Azlyn behind, I was wondering if they were okay. Me and Awesomeo kept walking down the road, to who k

  • 3) Shadow, can you go check on Ever. She's taking too long.

    I trust shadow a little but we can't risk the escape plan getting discovered.

    SweetPeaClem After leaving Gary and Azlyn behind, I was wondering if they were okay. Me and Awesomeo kept walking down the road, to who k

  • edited June 2014

    1) I'm planning an escape, too. We could use an extra hand.

    PLEASE DON'T TURN US IN, SHALE (and TDM, if you turn us in, YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD D:< cocks shotgun)

    SweetPeaClem After leaving Gary and Azlyn behind, I was wondering if they were okay. Me and Awesomeo kept walking down the road, to who k

  • GuiltyKingOumaShu: 1) I'm planning an escape, too. We could use an extra hand.

    SweetPeaClem After leaving Gary and Azlyn behind, I was wondering if they were okay. Me and Awesomeo kept walking down the road, to who k

  • edited June 2014

    Lol, it replied to the wrong one. :c

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    GuiltyKingOumaShu: 1) I'm planning an escape, too. We could use an extra hand.

  • some people believe that an apple represents immortality

    Interesting... 8) Lol

    1) I'm planning an escape, too. We could use an extra hand.

    SweetPeaClem After leaving Gary and Azlyn behind, I was wondering if they were okay. Me and Awesomeo kept walking down the road, to who k

  • No faaair, I wanna be immortal too :c

    Lol. xD

    some people believe that an apple represents immortality Interesting... 8) Lol 1) I'm planning an escape, too. We could use an extra hand.

  • Haha, hai :P

    Lol, it replied to the wrong one. :c

  • Sorry. :c Lol.

    Btw, are you still awake? :o I'm supposed to be at school now.

    No faaair, I wanna be immortal too :c Lol. xD

  • No, I'm talking to you in my dreams......... Haha, of course I'm awake. :P

    "Supposed to be"? So, you're skipping? :o


    Sorry. :c Lol. Btw, are you still awake? I'm supposed to be at school now.

  • Lmao, you guys should go to sleep, I really wish I could now. :c

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Haha, hai :P

  • Lol, this is usually the time I go to sleep because of these guys.

    Lmao, you guys should go to sleep, I really wish I could now. :c

  • Lol, I'm too tired to think of an answer. :c

    I decided to miss the first class. It's not gonna make a lot of difference tho, that teacher never explains anything. :p

    No, I'm talking to you in my dreams......... Haha, of course I'm awake. :P "Supposed to be"? So, you're skipping? BadassSweetPea

  • That's not nice. You guys could be sleeping but no, you're here making me jealous. :p

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Lol, this is usually the time I go to sleep because of these guys.

  • HAHA! We have the entire morning and rest of the day to sleep and you don't!! Okay, I'm j/k, I'm not that mean x)

    That's not nice. You guys could be sleeping but no, you're here making me jealous.

  • The jk doesn't change anything, you already said it. :c

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    HAHA! We have the entire morning and rest of the day to sleep and you don't!! Okay, I'm j/k, I'm not that mean x)

  • But I WAS kidding :(

    The jk doesn't change anything, you already said it. :c

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